11th Division (Iraq)

The 11th Infantry Division is a formation (military) of the Iraqi Army. Its headquarters is located in the former Ministry of Defence building in Baghdad.
Division units:
- 42nd Infantry Brigade ('Tigers') - Adhamiyah (NE Baghdad) (former 2nd Brigade, 6th Division)
- 43rd Infantry Brigade - Western Baghdad
- 44th Infantry Brigade - Sadr City
- 45th Infantry Brigade - Eastern Baghdad (planned to be operational in 2008)
The 11th Division was put in place at the end of 2007 as part of the Iraq War troop surge of 2007 and the Baghdad Security Plan. It was formed from an experienced brigade, the 2nd Brigade, 6th Division (which became its 1st Brigade) and received the help of the 4th Brigade of the 1st Division (which is still operating in Baghdad au côté de la 11th Division), to which were added two newly formed brigades and one still forming at the time. It played a significant role in the Siege of Sadr City from April 2008. The division's area of responsibility is the east of Baghdad. Its soldier numbers are low compared to a standard infantry division and it may become an armoured division.
First Gulf War (1990-1991): The Iraqi 11th infantry division occupied Kuwait City during the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait from 1990 to 1991.
- DJ Elliott, Iraqi Order of Battle, Montrose Toast