1951 Pulitzer Prize
The following are the Pulitzer Prizes for 1951.
Journalism awards
- Public Service:
- The Miami Herald and the Brooklyn Eagle, for their crime reporting during the year.
- Local Reporting:
- Edward S. Montgomery of the San Francisco Examiner, for his series of articles on tax frauds which culminated in an expose within the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
- National Reporting:
- No award given.
- International Reporting:
- Keyes Beech (Chicago Daily News); Homer Bigart (New York Herald Tribune); Marguerite Higgins (New York Herald Tribune); Relman Morin (AP); Fred Sparks (Chicago Daily News); and Don Whitehead (AP) of Multiple Publications, for their reporting of the Korean War.
- Editorial Writing:
- William Harry Fitzpatrick of the New Orleans States, for his series of editorials analyzing and clarifying a very important constitutional issue, which is described by the general heading of the series, Government by Treaty.
- Editorial Cartooning:
- Reginald W. Manning of the Arizona Republic, for Hats.
- Photography:
- Max Desfor of Associated Press, for his photographic coverage of the Korean War, an outstanding example of which is, Flight of Refugees Across Wrecked Bridge in Korea.
Letters, Drama and Music Awards
- Fiction:
- The Town by Conrad Richter (Knopf).
- Drama:
- No award given.
- History:
- The Old Northwest, Pioneer Period 1815-1840 by R. Carlyle Buley (Indiana Univ. Press).
- Biography or Autobiography:
- John C. Calhoun: American Portrait by Margaret Louise Coit (Houghton).
- Poetry:
- Complete Poems by Carl Sandburg (Harcourt).
- Music:
- Music in Giants in the Earth by Douglas Stuart Moore (Circle Blue), produced by Columbia Opera Workshop, March 28, 1951.
Special Awards and Citations
- Journalism:
- Cyrus L. Sulzberger of The New York Times for his exclusive interview with Archbishop Aloysius Stepinac.
- Journalism:
- The Advisory Board on the Pulitzer Prizes as a policy does not make any award to an individual member of the Board. In 1951, the Board decided that the outstanding instance of National Reporting done in 1950 was the exclusive interview with President Truman obtained by Arthur Krock of The New York Times, while Mr. Krock was a Board member. The Board therefore made no award in the National Reporting category.
External links
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