395 Air Despatch Troop RLC

Dakota patch worn by all Air Despatchers

Air Despatch brevet awarded after completion of 20 sorties
395 Air Despatch Troop of the Royal Logistic Corps is the only Territorial Army Air Despatch Troop in the British Army. It functions in tandem with the tactical support aircraft of the Royal Air Force. It consists of seven air despatch crews who are responsible for the receipt of vital stores and combat supplies, their packaging for air drop, their loading and their despatch during flight. It is based at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire.
Under Army 2020, this unit will re-role to a Movement Control Troop under 280 Movement Control Squadron.[1]
- ↑ http://www.army.mod.uk/documents/general/20130703-SUMMARY_OF_ARMY_2020_RESERVE_STRUCTURE_AND_BASING.pdf
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