Art, Technology, and Culture Lecture Series

The Art, Technology, and Culture (ATC) Lecture Series at UC Berkeley is an internationally respected forum for ideas that imagine the future — a window into creative minds that inspire the next generation of innovators. The ATC series, free of charge and open to the public, is coordinated by the Berkeley Center for New Media and has presented over 150 leading artists, thinkers, and writers who question assumptions and push boundaries at the forefront of art, technology, and culture.
Speakers are chosen from a diverse range of fields, artists, writers, curators, and scholars who consider contemporary issues at the intersection of aesthetic expression, emerging technologies, and cultural history, from a critical perspective. Since its founding in 1997, the series has presented more than 150 speakers, including Billy Kluver, Laurie Anderson, David Byrne, Miranda July, Gary Hill, and Bruno Latour.
Past speakers
- Aaron Betsky
- Charles Ray
- George Legrady
- Lynn Hershman
- Paul Haeberli
- Martin Jay
- Julia Scher
- Hubert Dreyfus
- Bruce Tomb
- John Randolph
- Billy Kluver
- Lev Manovich
- Carlo Sequin
- Luc Courchesne
- Margaret Morse
- Margaret Crane
- Jon Winet
- Woody Valsulka
- Michael Joaquin Grey
- David Ross
- Douglas Davis
- Erik Davis
- Barbara London
- Janet Cohen
- Keith Frank
- Jon Ippolito
- Mark Dery
- Gail Wight
- Valery Grancher
- Diana Thater
- Gary Hill
- Katherine Hayles
- Steve Dietz
- Alexander R. Galloway
- Jordan Crandall
- Amy Franceschini
- Jeffrey Shaw
- Eduardo Kac
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
- C5
- Natalie Bookchin
- Will Wright
- George Lewis
- Christiane Paul
- Debra Solomon
- Leonard Shlain
- Sara Diamond
- Steve Wilson
- Michael Naimark
- Paul D. Miller
- Victoria Vesna
- Paul Kaiser
- Oliver Grau
- Robert Atkins
- Anne M. Wagner
- Chip Lord
- Constance Lewallen
- Pamela Lee
- Mark Hansen
- Shawn Brixey
- Richard Rinehart
- Jim Campbell
- Nina Katchadourian
- Marie Sester
- Peter Selz
- Vivian Sobchack
- Jane McGonigal
- Sean Kelly
- Mimi Nguyen
- Rirkrit Tiravanija
- Sonya Rapoport
- Katie Salen
- Eric Zimmerman
- Rachel Green
- David Byrne
- Marko Peljhan
- Jaron Lanier
- Cobi van Tonder
- Bruno Latour
- Tom Marioni
- Miranda July
- Mark Pauline
- Stephen Beck
- Michael Rees
- Shirley Shor
- Marina Grzinic
- Okwui Enwezor
- Peter Lunenfeld
- Rich Gold
- Pamela Z
- Marianne Weems
- Cory Arcangel
- Jonathon Keats
- Rudolf Frieling
- Pierre Huyghe
- Matmos
- Kaja Silverman
- Doug Aitken
- Trevor Paglen
- Bill Fontana
- Geert Lovink
- Yael Kanarek
- Kristin Lucas
- Greg Lynn
- Naut Humon
- V. Vale
- Golan Levin
- Kota Ezawa
- Heidi Z. Jacobson
- Perry Hoberman
- Steve Kurtz
- Hasan Elahi
- Laurie Anderson
- R. Luke DuBois
- Anne Pasternak
- Joseph DeLappe
- Ray Beldner
- Marcia Tanner
- Jennifer and Kevin McCoy
- Neighborhood Public Radio
- Alexander Rose
- Scott Summit
- Meredith Tromble and Dawn Sumner
- Kate Hartman
- JoAnne Northrup
- McKenzie Wark
- Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viégas
- Ryan and Trevor Oakes
- Jonah Bokaer
- Sabine Breitwieser
- Stelarc
- Fernando Garcia Dory
- Bull.Miletic
- Marc Horowitz
- Christine Van Assche
- Kal Spelletich
- Shannon Jackson
- Christopher Alexander
- Raffaello D'Andrea
- Sophie Calle
- Nicholas de Monchaux
- Jose Alvarez
- Natalie Jeremijenko
- Matthew Passmore
- Jeffrey Inaba
- Mark Tribe
- Lisa Iwamoto
- Eugene Thacker
- Anne Walsh and Chris Kubick
- Leo Villareal
- Shari Frilot
- Joe McKay
- David Harrington
- Ben Rubin
- Candice Breitz
- Camille Utterback
- Mark Hosler
- Jennifer & Kevin McCoy
- Joseph Delappe
- Anne Pasternak
- R. Luke DuBois
- Laurie Anderson
- Hasan Elahi
- Steve Kurtz
- Heidi Z. Jacobson
Primary sponsors for the series include the Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM) and the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS). Additional Sponsors include
- Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
- College of Engineering Interdisciplinary Studies Program
- Intel Research
- Consortium for the Arts
- Townsend Center for the Humanities
External links
- ATC Lecture Series
- ATC Book
- ATC Audio-Video Archive on Brewster Kahle's Internet Archive
- The Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium Highlights - YouTube
- ATC on Facebook
- ATC on Twitter