Adyghe verbs
In Adyghe, like all Northwest Caucasian languages, the verb is the most inflected part of speech. Verbs are typically head final and are conjugated for tense, person, number, etc.
In Adyghe there exist intransitive verbs, transitive verbs and ditransitive verbs. Verbs in Adyghe can be monovalent (e.g. I am sitting), bivalent (e.g. I am hitting an enemy), trivalent (e.g. I am giving a book to a friend), possibly also quadrivalent (e.g. I am telling the news to someone with my friend). In Adyghe there are some prefixes (like Causative) that adds an additional argument to the verb, thus monovalent intransitive verbs can become bivalent transitive and bivalent transitive verbs can become trivalent ditransitive.
Intransitive verbs
Intransitive verbs in Adyghe are monovalent having one argument, an absolutive case subject. With intransitive verbs in a sentence there is, usually, no direct objects, and the real subject is usually expressed by a noun in the absolutive case. There are two kinds of intransitive verbs in Adyghe : A steady-state intransitive verbs and dynamic intransitive verbs.
Steady-state intransitive verbs
Steady-state verbs express the condition, they express states or results of actions.
Examples :
- кӏалэр щыс /t͡ʃʼaːɮar ɕəs/ the boy is sitting.
- кӏалэр тет /t͡ʃʼaːɮar tajt/ the boy is standing on.
- кӏалэр илъ /t͡ʃʼaːɮar jəɬ/ the boy is laying inside.
- кӏалэр щыӏ /t͡ʃʼaːɮar ɕəʼ/ the boy exists.
Subject pronouns |
Affixes | Examples | ||
Cyrillic | IPA | |||
Singular | 1st person | сы~ | /sə~/ | сыщыс /səɕəs/ – I am sitting сычӏэлъ /sət͡ʂʼaɬ/ - I am laying under сытет /sətajt/ - I am standing on. |
2st person | у~ | /wə~/ | ущыс /wəɕəs/ – you are sitting учӏэлъ /wət͡ʂʼaɬ/ - you are laying under утет /wətajt/ - you are standing on. | |
3rd person | - | - | щыс /ɕəs/ – (s)he is sitting чӏэлъ /t͡ʂʼaɬ/ - (s)he is laying under тет /tajt/ - (s)he are standing on. | |
Plural | 1st person | ты~ | /tə~/ | тыщыс /təɕəs/ – we are sitting тычӏэлъ /tət͡ʂʼaɬ/ - we are laying under тытет /tətajt/ - we are standing on. |
2nd person | шъу~ | /ʃʷə~/ | шъущыс /ʃʷəɕəs/ – you are sitting шъучӏэлъ /ʃʷət͡ʂʼaɬ/ - you are laying under шъутет /ʃʷətajt/ - you are standing on. | |
3rd person | ~ых | /~əx/ | щысых /ɕəsəx/ – they are sitting чӏэлъых /t͡ʂʼaɬəx/ - they are laying under тетых /tajtəx/ - they are standing on. |
Кӏалэр чъыгым ӏулъ Кӏалэ-р чъыгы-м ӏу-лъ [t͡ʃʼaːɮar t͡ʂəɣəm ʔʷəɬ] boy (abs.) tree (erg.) (s)he is laying near "The boy is laying near the tree." Кӏалэр пхъэнтӏэкӏум тес Кӏалэ-р пхъэнтӏэкӏу-м те-с [t͡ʃʼaːɮar pχantʼakʷʼəm tajs] boy (abs.) chair (erg.) (s)he is sitting on "The boy is sitting on the chair." Кӏалэр унэм ис Кӏалэ-р унэ-м и-с [t͡ʃʼaːɮar wənam jəs] boy (abs.) house (erg.) (s)he is sitting inside "The boy is sitting inside the house."
Dynamic intransitive verbs
Dynamic verbs express (process of) actions that are taking place (natural role of verbs in English).
Examples :
- кӏалэр макӏо /t͡ʃʼaːɮar maːkʷʼa/ the boy is going.
- кӏалэр мачъэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮar maːt͡ʂa/ the boy is running.
- кӏалэр машхэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮar maːʃxa/ the boy is eating.
- кӏалэр маплъэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮar maːpɬa/ the boy is looking.
- кӏалэр мэгущаӏэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮar maɡʷəɕaːʔa/ the boy is speaking.
- кӏалэр малӏэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮar maːɬʼa/ the boy is dying.
Subject pronouns |
Affixes | Examples | ||
Cyrillic | IPA | |||
Singular | 1st person | сэ~ | /sa~/ | сэшхэ /saʃxa/ - I am eating сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ - I am going |
2nd person | о~ | /wa~/ | ошхэ /waʃxa/ - you are eating окӏо /wakʷʼa/ - you are going | |
3rd person | ма~ | /maː~/ | машхэ /maːʃxa/ - (s)he is eating макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ - (s)he is going | |
Plural | 1st person | тэ~ | /ta~/ | тэшхэ /taʃxa/ - we are eating тэкӏо /takʷʼa/ - we are going |
2nd person | шъо~ | /ʃʷa~/ | шъошхэ /ʃʷaʃxa/ - you are eating шъокӏо /ʃʷakʷʼa/ - you are going | |
3rd person | ма~ and ~эх | /maː~/ and /~ax/ | машхэх /maːʃxax/ - they are eating макӏох /maːkʷʼax/ - they are going |
Томэр машхэ тиунэкӏэ Том-эр машхэ ти-унэ-кӏэ [tomar maːʃxa tiwnat͡ʃʼa] Tom (abs.) he is eating house (ins.) "Tom is eating in our house" кӏалэр тиунэ къакӏо кӏалэ-эр ти-унэ къа-кӏо [t͡ʃʼaːɮar tiwna qaːkʷʼa] the boy (abs.) our house (s)he is coming "The boy is coming to our house" пшъашъэр маплъэ тиунэ пакӏэ пшъашъэ-эр маплъэ ти-унэ пакӏэ [pʂaːʂar maːpɬa tiwna paːt͡ʃʼa] the girl (abs.) (s)he is looking our house direction "The girl is looking at our house's direction"
Transitive verbs
Transitive verbs in Adyghe are usually bivalent, meaning they only require two arguments : a subject and a direct object. In Adyghe there are two types of transitive verbs : Transitive verbs with an absolutive subject and Transitive verbs with an ergative subject.
Transitive verbs with an absolutive subject

In a sentence with this type of verb :
- The subject is in absolutive case.
- The object is in ergative case.
This indicates that the subject's state is being changed due to the verb.
Examples :
- кӏалэр егупшысэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮar jaɡʷəpʃəsa/ the boy is thinking of.
- кӏалэр ео /t͡ʃʼaːɮar jawa/ the boy is playing a.
- кӏалэр еджэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮar jad͡ʒa/ the boy is reading a.
- кӏалэр еплъы /t͡ʃʼaːɮar maːpɬa/ the boy is looking at.
- кӏалэр еупчӏы /t͡ʃʼaːɮar jawt͡ʂʼə/ the boy is asking a.
- кӏалэр елӏыкӏы /t͡ʃʼaːɮar jaɬʼət͡ʃʼə/ the boy is dying of.
- кӏалэр ебэун /t͡ʃʼaːɮar jabawən/ the boy is kissing a.
Кӏалэр пщынэ ео Кӏалэ-р пщынэ ео [t͡ʃʼaːɮar pɕəna jawa] boy (abs.) accordion (s)he playing a "The boy is playing an accordion" лӏыр узым ылӏыкӏыгъ лӏы-р узы-м ылӏыкӏы-гъ [ɬʼər wəzəm əɬʼət͡ʃʼəʁ] the old man (abs.) disease (erg.) (s)he died of "the old man is drying from the disease" кӏалэм еплъы пшъашъэр кӏалэ-эр еплъы ти-унэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮam japɬə pʂaːʂar] the boy (erg.) (s)he is looking at the girl (abs.) "The girl is looking at the boy"
Being a bivalent verb, both the subject and the object can be indicated by adding the fitting prefixes to the verb. An example with the verb еплъын /japɬən/ "to look at" :

сэ о усэплъы сэ о у-сэ-плъы [sa wa wəsapɬə] I you I am looking at you "I am looking at you." кӏалэр сэ къысао кӏалэ-р сэ къы-са-о [t͡ʃʼaːɮar sa qəsaːwa] the boy (abs.) I (s)he is hitting me "The boy is hitting me."
Transitive verbs with an ergative subject

In a sentence with this type of verb :
- The subject is in ergative case.
- The object is in absolutive case.
This indicates that the object's state is being changed due to the verb.
Examples :
- кӏалэм елъэгъу /t͡ʃʼaːɮam jaɬaʁʷə/ the boy is seeing a.
- кӏалэм ешхы /t͡ʃʼaːɮam jaʃxə/ the boy is eating it.
- кӏалэм егъакӏо /t͡ʃʼaːɮam jaʁaːkʷʼa/ the boy is making someone go.
- кӏалэм егурыӏо /t͡ʃʼaːɮam jaɡʷərəʔʷa/ the boy is understanding the.
- кӏалэм еукӏы /t͡ʃʼaːɮam jawt͡ʃʼə/ the boy is killing a.
- кӏалэм едзы /t͡ʃʼaːɮam jad͡zə/ the boy is throwing a.
Томэм ешхы мые Том-эм ешхы мые [tomam jaʃxə məja] Tom (erg.) (s)he is eating a apple "Tom is eating an apple" Иусыфым кӏалэр тучаным егъакӏо Иусыф-ым кӏалэр тучан-ым егъакӏо [jəwsəfəm t͡ʃʼaːɮar tut͡ʃaːnəm jaʁaːkʷʼa] Joseph (erg.) the boy (abs.) shop (erg.) (s)he is making him go "Joseph is making the boy go to the shop" кӏалэм елъэгъу пшъашъэр кӏалэ-эр елъэгъу ти-унэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮam jaɬaʁʷə pʂaːʂar] the boy (erg.) (s)he is seeing the the girl (abs.) "The boy is seeing the girl"
Being a bivalent verb, both the subject and the object can be indicated by adding the fitting prefixes to the verb. An example with the verb ылъэгъун /əɬaʁʷən/ "to see it" :

о сэ сыкъэбэлъэгъу о сэ сы-къэ-бэ-лъэгъу [wa sa səqabaɬaʁʷə] you I you are seeing me "You are seeing me." кӏалэм сэ сеупчӏы упчӏэкӏэ кӏалэ-м сэ с-е-упчӏы упчӏэ-кӏэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮam sa sajwpt͡ʂʼə wəpt͡ʂʼat͡ʃʼa] boy (erg.) I I am asking him/her using a question (ins.) "I am asking the boy a question."
Ditransitive verbs

Ditransitive verbs in Adyghe are usually trivalent, meaning they require three arguments : a subject, a direct object and an indirect object. In a sentence with ditransitive verbs :
- The subject is in ergative case.
- The direct object is in absolutive case.
- The indirect object is also in ergative case.
In Adyghe there are two types of ditransitive verbs : Ditransitive verbs with an absolutive subject and ditransitive verbs with an ergative subject
Ditransitive verbs with an absolutive subject
Ditransitive absolutive verbs can be formed by adding specific prefixes (like Causative) to a bivalent absolutive transitive that adds an additional argument to the verb, making it into a ditransitive verbs with three arguments.
Examples :
- кӏалэм регъаджэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮam rajʁaːd͡ʒa/ the boy is making him read it.
- кӏалэм регъэплъы /t͡ʃʼaːɮam rajʁapɬə/ the boy is making him watch it.
- кӏалэм регъэджыджэхы /t͡ʃʼaːɮam rajʁad͡ʒəd͡ʒaxə/ the boy is making him roll down it.
In a sentence with ditransitive verbs :
- The subject is in ergative case.
- The direct object is in absolutive case.
- The indirect object is also in ergative case.
унэм уесэгъэплъы унэ-м у-е-сэ-гъэ-плъы [wənam wajsaʁapɬə] house (erg.) I am making you look at it "I am making you look at the house." "I (subject) am making you (direct object) look at the house (indirect object)." кӏалэм пшъэшъэр фылымым регъэплъы кӏалэ-м пшъэшъэ-р фылым-ым ре-гъэ-плъы [t͡ʃʼaːɮam pʂaːʂar fələməm rajʁapɬə] boy (erg.) girl (abs.) film (erg.) (s)he is making him watch it "The boy is making the girl watch the film." "The boy (subject) is making the girl (direct object) watch the film (indirect object)." кӏэлэегъаджэм кӏалэр арегъаджэ тхылъыхэмэ кӏэлэегъадж-эм кӏалэ-р а-ре-гъа-джэ тхылъы-хэ-мэ [t͡ʃʼaɮajaʁaːd͡ʒar t͡ʃʼaːɮar aːrajʁaːd͡ʒa txəɬəxama] teacher (erg.) boy (abs.) (s)he is making him read them books (erg.) "The teacher is making the boy read the books." "The teacher (subject) is making the boy (direct object) read the books (indirect object)."

In absolutive verbs usually, the first prefix indicates the direct object, the second prefix indicates the indirect object and the third prefix indicates the subject.
indirect object (me)
indirect object (you)
indirect object (him)
indirect object (us)
indirect object (you plural)
indirect object (them)
Ditransitive verbs with an ergative subject
Ditransitive ergative verbs can be formed by adding specific prefixes (like Causative) to a bivalent ergative transitive that adds an additional argument to the verb, making it into a ditransitive verbs with three arguments.
Examples :
- кӏалэм реӏо /t͡ʃʼaːɮam rajʔʷa/ the boy is saying it to him.
- кӏалэм реты /t͡ʃʼaːɮam rajʔʷa/ the boy is giving it to him.
- кӏалэм редзы /t͡ʃʼaːɮam rajd͡zə/ the boy is signing it on something.
- кӏалэм къыӏепхъуатэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮam qəʔajpχʷaːta/ the boy snatches it from him.
- уесэубытэ /wajsawbəta/ "I am holding you forcefully in it".
- уесэӏуатэ /wajsaʔʷaːta/ "I snitching you to him".
- уесэты /wajsatə/ "I am giving you to him".
- уесэгъэлъэгъу /wesaʁaɬaʁʷə/ "I am making him see you".
In a sentence with ditransitive verbs :
- The subject is in ergative case.
- The direct object is in ergative case.
- The indirect object is also in absolutive case.
унэр къыосэгъэлъэгъу унэ-р къыо-сэ-гъэ-лъэгъу [wənar qəwasaʁaɬaʁʷə] house (abs.) I am showing it to you "I am showing the house to you.." "I am (subject) making you (direct object) see the house (indirect object)." кӏалэм фылымыр пшъэшъэм регъэлъэгъу кӏалэ-м фылым-ыр пшъэшъэ-м ре-гъэ-плъы [t͡ʃʼaːɮam pʂaːʂar fələməm rajʁaɬaʁʷə] boy (erg.) film (abs.) girl (erg.) (s)he is showing it to him "The boy is showing the film to the girl." "The boy (subject) is making the girl (direct object) see the film (indirect object)." кӏалэм шхыныр пшъашъэм реты кӏалэ-м шхыны-р пшъашъэ-м реты [t͡ʃʼaːɮam ʃxənər pʂaːʂam rajtə] boy (erg.) food (abs.) girl (erg.) (s)he is giving it to him/her "The boy is giving the food to the girl." "The boy (subject) is giving the girl (direct object) the food (indirect object)."

In ergative verbs usually, the first prefix indicates the indirect object, the second prefix indicates the direct object and the third prefix indicates the subject.
direct object (me)
direct object (you)
direct object (him)
direct object (us)
direct object (you plural)
direct object (them)

In Adyghe, some certain prefixes (like sociative /дэ~/, benefactive /фэ~/ and causative /гъэ~/) can add an additional argument to the verb. Because of that some transitive and ditransitive verbs might have four or even five arguments. For example :
- уресэгъэты /wresaʁatə/ "I am making him to take you to someone".
- сыфрегъэплъы /sədrajʁapɬə/ "(S)he is making me watch it for someone.".
- сыдрегъэплъы /sədrajʁapɬə/ "(S)he is making me watch it with him.".
- сыдрегъаӏо /sədrajʁaːʔʷa/ "(S)he is making me say it to him with someone.".
- дрегъаӏо /drajʁaːʔʷa/ - (S)he is making him say it to someone with someone
кӏалэм лӏым мыер пшъашъэм ригъэтрэп кӏалэ-м лӏы-м мые-р пшъашъэ-м ри-гъэ-т-рэп [t͡ʃʼaːɮam ɬʼəm məjar pʂaːʂam rəjʁatrap] boy (erg.) man (erg.) the apple (abs.) girl (erg.) (s)he doesn't allow him to give it to him "The boy doesn't allow the man to give the girl the apple." кӏалэм сэ нысащэм сыдегъакӏо кӏалэ-м сэ нысащэ-м сы-д-е-гъа-кӏо [t͡ʃʼaːɮam sa nəsaːɕam sədəjʁaːkʷʼa] boy (erg.) I wedding (erg.) (s)he is allowing me to go with "(S)he is allowing me to go to the wedding with the boy."
Adyghe infinitives are created by suffixing -н to verbs. For example:
- кӏо /kʷʼa/ "go" → кӏон /kʷʼan/ "to go"
- ӏо /ʔʷa/ "say" → ӏон /ʔʷan/ "to say"
Along with roots, verbs already inflected can be conjugated, such as with person:
- ошхэ /waʃxa/ "you are eating" → ушхэн /wəʃxan/ "(for) you (to) eat"
Also, due to the interchangeability of nouns and verbs, infinitives can be constructed from nouns, resulting in verbs that describe the state of being the suffixed word.
- мафэ /maːfa/ - day → мэфэн /mafan/ - to be a day.
- кӏалэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮa/ - boy → кӏэлэн /t͡ʃʼaɮan/ - to be a boy.
- дахэ /daːxa/ - pretty → дэхэн /daxan/ - (for) he/she/it (to) be pretty.
- кӏэхьы /t͡ʃʼaħə/ - long → кӏэхьын /t͡ʃʼaħən/ - (for) he/she/it (to) be long.
пшъашъэр дэхэн фай [pʂaːʂar daxan faːj] the girl (abs.) to be pretty must/have to "the girl must be pretty" "the girl has to be pretty" тиунэ укъихьэн фэшӏыкӏэ укӏэлэн фай [tiwna wqiħan faʃʼət͡ʃʼa wt͡ʃʼalan faːj] our house (to) you come in for him (ins.) you (to) be boy must/have to "to come inside our house, you have to be a boy" "to come inside our house, you must be a boy"
Future Tense Suffix -ну (-nəw):
сэ къыосӏонэу сыфай [sa qəwasʔʷanəw səfaːj] i I (to) tell you I want "I want to tell you" цIыфым шъушхэнэу къышъуиӏуагъ [t͡sʼafəm ʃʷəʃxanəw qəʃʷiʔʷaːʁ] the person (erg.) you (plural) (to) eat (adv.) he told you (plural) "the person told you, to eat (plural)"
Verbal affixes
Imperative mood
The imperative mood of the second person singular has no additional affixes:
- штэ /ʃta/ "take"
- кӏо /kʷʼa/ "go"
- тхы /txə/ "write"
- шхэ /ʃxa/ "eat"
When addressing to several people, The prefix шъу- /ʃʷə-/ is added:
- шъушт /ʃʷəʃt/ "take (said to plural)"
- шъукӏу /ʃʷəkʷʼ/ "go (said to plural)"
- шъутх /ʃʷətx/ "write (said to plural)"
- шъушх /ʃʷəʃx/ "eat (said to plural)"
Past tense
Adyghe primary has two types of past tenses.
The verbs in past tense type 1 are formed by adding -aгъ /-aːʁ/. In intransitive verbs it indicate that the action took place, but with no indication as to the duration, instant nor completeness of the action. In transitive verbs it convey more specific information as regards to completeness of the action, and therefore they indicate some certainty as to the outcome of the action.
Examples :
- кӏо /kʷʼa/ go → мэкӏуагъ /makʷʼaːʁ/ (s)he went
- къакӏу /qaːkʷʼ/ come → къэкӏуагъ /qakʷʼaːʁ/ (s)he came
- шхэ /ʃxa/ eat! → шхагъ /ʃxaːʁ/ (s)he ate
- ӏо /ʔʷa/ say → ыӏуагъ /jəʔʷaːʁ/ (s)he said
- еплъ /japɬ/ look at → еплъыгъ /japɬəʁ/ (s)he looked at
- шхы /ʃxə/ eat it → ышхыгъ /jəʃxəʁ/ (s)he ate it
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | скӏуагъ, седжагъ | skʷʼaːʁ, sajd͡ʒaːʁ | I went, I [have] read |
Second-person | укӏуагъ, уеджагъ | wkʷʼaːʁ, wajd͡ʒaːʁ | You went, You [have] read | |
Third-person | мэкӏуагъ, еджагъ | makʷʼaːʁ, jad͡ʒaːʁ | He went, He [has] read | |
Plural | First-person | ткӏуагъ, теджагъ | tkʷʼaːʁ, tajd͡ʒaːʁ | We went, We [have] read |
Second-person | шъукӏуагъ, шъуеджагъ | ʃʷkʷʼaːʁ, ʃʷajd͡ʒaːʁ | You (pl.) went, You [have] read | |
Third-person | мэкӏуагъэх, еджагъэх | makʷʼaːʁax, jad͡ʒaːʁax | They went, They [have] read | |
Сэ шхынхэр къэсхьыгъэх Сэ шхын-хэ-р къэ-с-хьы-гъэ-х [sa ʃxənxar qasħəʁax] I foods (abs.) I brought them "I brought the foods (and they might still be here)." Кӏалэр тиунэ къэкӏуагъ Кӏалэ-р ти-унэ къэ-кӏу-агъ [t͡ʃʼaːɮar təjwəna qakʷʼaːʁ] the boy (abs.) our house (s)he came "The boy came to our house (and he might still be here)."
The verbs in past tense type 2 are formed with the additional suffix -эгъагъ /-aʁaːʁ/. It indicates that the action took place formerly at some certain time, putting emphasis only on the fact that the action took place (not the duration).
Examples :
- кӏо /kʷʼa/ go → кӏогъагъ /kʷʼaʁaːʁ/ (s)he went once upon a time, or formerly
- къакӏу /qaːkʷʼ/ come → къэкӏогъагъ /qakʷʼaʁaːʁ/ (s)he came (then)
- шхэ /ʃxa/ eat! → шхэгъагъ /maʃxaʁaːʁ/ (s)he ate (then)
- ӏо /ʔʷa/ say → ыӏогъагъ /jəʔʷaʁaːʁ/ (s)he said (then)
- еплъ /japɬ/ look at → еплъыгъагъ /japɬəʁaːʁ/ (s)he looked at (then)
- шхы /ʃxə/ eat it → ышхыгъагъ /jəʃxəʁaːʁ/ (s)he ate it (then)
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | скӏогъагъ, седжэгъагъ | skʷʼaʁaːʁ, sajd͡ʒaʁaːʁ | I went (then), I read (then) |
Second-person | укӏогъагъ, уеджэгъагъ | wkʷʼaʁaːʁ, wajd͡ʒaʁaːʁ | You went (then), You read (then) | |
Third-person | мэкӏогъагъ, еджэгъагъ | makʷʼaʁaːʁ, jad͡ʒaʁaːʁ | He went (then), He read (then) | |
Plural | First-person | ткӏогъагъ, теджэгъагъ | tkʷʼaʁaːʁ, tajd͡ʒaʁaːʁ | We went (then), We read (then) |
Second-person | шъукӏогъагъ, шъуеджэгъагъ | ʃʷkʷʼaʁaːʁ, ʃʷajd͡ʒaʁaːʁ | You (pl.) went (then), You (pl.) read (then) | |
Third-person | мэкӏогъагъэх, еджэгъагъэх | makʷʼaʁaːʁax, jad͡ʒaʁaːʁax | They went (then), They read (then) | |
Сэ шхынхэр къэсхьыгъагъэх Сэ шхын-хэ-р къэ-с-хьы-гъагъэ-х [sa ʃxənxar qasħəʁaːʁax] I foods (abs.) I brought them (then) "I brought the foods (back then)." Кӏалэр тиунэ къэкӏогъагъ Кӏалэ-р ти-унэ къэ-кӏу-эгъагъ [t͡ʃʼaːɮar təjwəna qakʷʼaʁaːʁ] the boy (abs.) our house (s)he came (then) "The boy came to our house (and he might have left)."
Present tense
Examples :
- кӏо /kʷʼa/ go → макӏо /makʷʼa/ (s)he goes
- къакӏу /qaːkʷʼ/ come → къакӏо /qakʷʼa/ (s)he comes
- шхэ /ʃxa/ eat! → машхэ /maʃxaʁ/ (s)he eats
- ӏо /ʔʷa/ say → еӏо /jəʔʷa/ (s)he says
- еплъ /japɬ/ look at → еплъы /japɬə/ (s)he looks at
- шхы /ʃxə/ eat it → ешхы /jəʃxə/ (s)he eats it
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | сэкӏо, седжэ | sakʷʼa, sajd͡ʒa | I go, I read |
Second-person | окӏо, уеджэ | wakʷʼa, wajd͡ʒa | You go, You read | |
Third-person | макӏо, еджэ | maːkʷʼa, jad͡ʒa | He goes, He read | |
Plural | First-person | тэкӏо, теджэ | takʷʼa, tajd͡ʒa | We go, We read |
Second-person | шъокӏо, шъуеджэ | ʃʷakʷʼa, ʃʷajd͡ʒa | You (pl.) go, You read | |
Third-person | макӏох, еджэх | maːkʷʼax, jad͡ʒax | They goes, They read | |
Сиунэ сшэшхэ [siwna sʃaʃxa] my house I eat in "I eat in my house" мые сэшэфы [məja saʃafə] an apple I am buying "I am buying an apple"
Future tense
The future tense is normally indicated by the suffix ~(э)щт /~(a)ɕt/ (close to future simple), reduced to ~т in some dialects, such as Hatukai, Bzhedug and Great Shapsug. This suffix usually expresses some certainty.
Examples :
- макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ (s)he is going → мэкӏощт /makʷʼaɕt/ (s)he will go
- къакӏо /qaːkʷʼa/ (s)he is coming → къэкӏощт /qakʷʼaɕt/ (s)he will come
- машхэ /maːʃxa/ (s)he is eating → мэшхэщт /maʃxaɕt/ (s)he will eat
- еӏо /jaʔʷa/ (s)he says → ыӏощт /jəʔʷaɕt/ (s)he will say
- еплъы /jajapɬə/ (s)he looks at → еплъыщт /japɬəɕt/ (s)he will look at
- ешхы /jaʃxə/ (s)he eats it → ышхыщт /jəʃxəaɕt/ (s)he will eat it
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | скӏощт, седжэщт | skʷʼaɕt, sajd͡ʒaɕt | I will go, I will read |
Second-person | укӏощт, уеджэщт | wkʷʼaɕt, wajd͡ʒaɕt | You will go, You will read | |
Third-person | мэкӏощт, еджэщт | makʷʼaɕt, jad͡ʒaɕt | He will go, He will read | |
Plural | First-person | ткӏощт, теджэщт | tkʷʼaɕt, tajd͡ʒaɕt | We will go, We will read |
Second-person | шъукӏощт, шъуеджэщт | ʃʷkʷʼaɕt, ʃʷajd͡ʒaɕt | You (pl.) will go, You will read | |
Third-person | мэкӏощтых, еджэщтых | makʷʼaɕtəx, jad͡ʒaɕtəx | They will go, They will read |
Сиунэ сшышхэщт [siwna sʃəʃxaɕt] my house I will eat in "I will eat in my house" мые сшэфыщт [məja sʃafəɕt] an apple I will buy "I will buy an apple"
To indicate some uncertainty the suffix ~н (~n) is added instead. for example :
Examples :
- макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ (s)he is going → мэкӏон /makʷʼan/ (s)he will go
- къакӏо /qaːkʷʼa/ (s)he is coming → къэкӏон /qakʷʼan/ (s)he will come
- машхэ /maːʃxa/ (s)he is eating → мэшхэн /maʃxan/ (s)he will eat
- еӏо /jaʔʷa/ (s)he says → ыӏон /jəʔʷan/ (s)he will say
- еплъы /jajapɬə/ (s)he looks at → еплъын /japɬən/ (s)he will look at
- ешхы /jaʃxə/ (s)he eats it → ышхын /jəʃxən/ (s)he will eat it
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | скӏон, седжэн | skʷʼan, sajd͡ʒan | I will go, I will read |
Second-person | укӏон, уеджэн | wkʷʼan, wajd͡ʒan | You will go, You will read | |
Third-person | мэкӏон, еджэн | makʷʼan, jad͡ʒan | He will go, He will read | |
Plural | First-person | ткӏон, теджэн | tkʷʼan, tajd͡ʒan | We will go, We will read |
Second-person | шъукӏон, шъуеджэн | ʃʷkʷʼan, ʃʷajd͡ʒan | You (pl.) will go, You will read | |
Third-person | мэкӏоных, еджэных | makʷʼanəx, jad͡ʒanəx | They will go, They will read |
Фылымым сеплъын [fələməm tajpɬən] film (erg.) I will see it "I will see the film." уахътэ сиӏэмэ седжэн [waːχta təjʔama sajd͡ʒan] time if I had I will study "If I have time I will study."
To indicate some probability the suffix ~нэ ит (~na jət) is added instead, for example :
- макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ (s)he is going → мэкӏонэ ит /makʷʼana jət/ (s)he might go
- къакӏо /qaːkʷʼa/ (s)he is coming → къэкӏонэ ит /qakʷʼana jət/ (s)he might come
- машхэ /maːʃxa/ (s)he is eating → мэшхэнэ ит /maʃxana jət/ (s)he might eat
- еӏо /jaʔʷa/ (s)he says → ыӏонэ ит /jəʔʷana jət/ (s)he might say
- еплъы /jajapɬə/ (s)he is looks at → еплъынэ ит /japɬəna jət/ (s)he might look at
- ешхы /jaʃxə/ (s)he eats it → ышхынэ ит /jəʃxəana jət/ (s)he might eat it
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | скӏонэ ит, седжэнэ ит | skʷʼana jət, sajd͡ʒana jət | I might go, I might read |
Second-person | укӏонэ ит, уеджэнэ ит | wkʷʼana jət, wajd͡ʒana jət | You might go, You might read | |
Third-person | мэкӏонэ ит, еджэнэ ит | makʷʼana jət, jad͡ʒana jət | He might go, He might read | |
Plural | First-person | ткӏонэ ит, теджэнэ ит | tkʷʼana jət, tajd͡ʒana jət | We might go, We might read |
Second-person | шъукӏонэ ит, шъуеджэнэ ит | ʃʷkʷʼana jət, ʃʷajd͡ʒana jət | You (pl.) might go, You might read | |
Third-person | мэкӏонэ итых, еджэнэ итых | makʷʼana jətəx, jad͡ʒana jətəx | They might go, They might read |
мыер матэм илъынэ ит мые-р матэ-м и-лъы-нэ ит [məja maːtam jəɬəna jət] apple (abs.) basket (erg.) It might be inside it "'The apple might be inside the basket." уиунэ непчыхьэ сыкъэкӏонэ ит уи-унэ непчыхьэ сы-къэ-кӏо-нэ ит [wəjwəna najpt͡ʃəħa səqakʷʼana jət] your house tonight I might come "I might come tonight to your house."
Future in the past
Future in the past tense is indicated by the suffix ~(э)щтэгъ /(a)ɕtaʁ/, reduced to ~тэгъ in some dialects, such as Bzhedug, Shapsug.
Examples :
- кӏо /kʷʼa/ go → мэкӏощтэгъ /makʷʼaɕtaʁ/ (s)he was going to go.
- къакӏу /qaːkʷʼ/ come → къэкӏощтэгъ /qakʷʼaɕtaʁ/ (s)he was going to come
- шхэ /ʃxa/ eat! → мэшхэщтэгъ /maʃxaɕtaʁ/ (s)he was going to eat
- ӏо /ʔʷa/ say → ыӏощтэгъ /jəʔʷaɕtaʁ/ (s)he was going to say
- еплъ /japɬ/ look at → еплъыщтэгъ /japɬəɕtaʁ/ (s)he was going to look at
- шхы /ʃxə/ eat it → ышхыщтэгъ /jəʃxəɕtaʁ/ (s)he was going to eat it
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | скӏощтэгъ, седжэщтэгъ | skʷʼaɕtaʁ, sajd͡ʒaɕtaʁ | I was going to go, I was going to read |
Second-person | укӏощтэгъ, уеджэщтэгъ | wkʷʼaɕtaʁ, wajd͡ʒaɕtaʁ | You were going to go, You was going to read | |
Third-person | мэкӏощтэгъ, еджэщтэгъ | makʷʼaɕtaʁ, jad͡ʒaɕtaʁ | (S)he was going to go, He was going to read | |
Plural | First-person | ткӏощтэгъ, теджэщтэгъ | tkʷʼaɕtaʁ, tajd͡ʒaɕtaʁ | We were going to go, We was going to read |
Second-person | шъукӏощтэгъ, шъуеджэщтэгъ | ʃʷkʷʼaɕtaʁ, ʃʷajd͡ʒaɕtaʁ | You (pl.) were going to go, You was going to read | |
Third-person | мэкӏощтэгъэх, еджэщтэгъэх | makʷʼaɕtaʁax, jad͡ʒaɕtaʁax | They were going to go, They was going to read | |
сыкӏощтэгъ еджапӏэм укъэмыкӏуагъэу сы-кӏо-щтыгъ еджапӏэ-м у-къэ-мы-кӏу-агъ-эу [səkʷʼaɕtəʁ jad͡ʒaːpʼam wqaməkʷʼaːʁae] I was going to the school (erg.) before you came "I was going to go to school before you came." сеощтыгъэп ау сигъэгуабжи сеожьыгъ аужьырым с-ео-щтыгъ-эп ау с-и-гъэ-гуабж-и с-ео-жьы-гъ аужьырым [sajwaɕtəʁap aːw sajʁaɡʷaːbʒəj sajwaʑʁa aːwʑərəm] I wasn't going to hit him but because (s)he is making me angry I hit him at the end "I wasn't going to hit him, but then he made me angry and I actually hit him in the end."
Conditional perfect
Conditional perfect can also be indicated by the suffix ~щтэгъ /ɕtaʁ/, reduced to ~тэгъ /taʁ/ in some dialects, such as Bzhedug, Shapsug.
Examples :
- кӏо /kʷʼa/ go → мэкӏощтэгъ /makʷʼaɕtaʁ/ (s)he would have gone.
- къакӏу /qaːkʷʼ/ come → къэкӏощтэгъ /qakʷʼaɕtaʁ/ (s)he would have come
- шхэ /ʃxa/ eat! → мэшхэщтэгъ /maʃxaɕtaʁ/ (s)he would have eaten.
- ӏо /ʔʷa/ say → ыӏощтэгъ /jəʔʷaɕtaʁ/ (s)he would have said.
- еплъ /japɬ/ look at → еплъыщтэгъ /japɬəɕtaʁ/ (s)he would have looked at
- шхы /ʃxə/ eat it → ышхыщтэгъ /jəʃxəɕtaʁ/ (s)he would have eaten it.
Plurality | Person | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning |
Singular | First-person | скӏощтэгъ, седжэщтэгъ | skʷʼaɕtaʁ, sajd͡ʒaɕtaʁ | I would have gone, I would have read |
Second-person | укӏощтэгъ, уеджэщтэгъ | wkʷʼaɕtaʁ, wajd͡ʒaɕtaʁ | You would have gone, You would have read | |
Third-person | мэкӏощтэгъ, еджэщтэгъ | makʷʼaɕtaʁ, jad͡ʒaɕtaʁ | (S)he would have gone, (S)he would have read | |
Plural | First-person | ткӏощтэгъ, теджэщтэгъ | tkʷʼaɕtaʁ, tajd͡ʒaɕtaʁ | We would have gone, We would have read |
Second-person | шъукӏощтэгъ, шъуеджэщтэгъ | ʃʷkʷʼaɕtaʁ, ʃʷajd͡ʒaɕtaʁ | You (pl.) would have gone, You would have read | |
Third-person | мэкӏощтэгъэх, еджэщтэгъэх | makʷʼaɕtaʁax, jad͡ʒaɕtaʁax | They would have gone, They would have read | |
экзамен зэрэтиӏэ сышӏэгъагъэмэ сфеджэщтэгъ экзамен зэрэ-ти-ӏэ сы-шӏэ-гъагъэ-мэ с-ф-еджэ-щтэгъ [akzaːmen zaratəjʔa səʃʼaʁaːʁna sfajd͡ʒaɕtaʁ] exam that we have if I knew I would have studied for it "If I knew we had an exam I would have studied for it." а пшъашъэр къэсгъотышъущтэгъ тичылэдэсгъагъэмэ а пшъашъэ-р къэ-с-гъоты-шъу-щтэгъ ти-чылэдэс-гъагъэ-мэ [aː pʂaːʂar qasʁʷatəʃʷɕtaʁ təjt͡ʃəɮadasʁaːʁami] that girl (abs.) I could have found it if (s)he was our villager "I could have found that girl if she was our villager."
Positional conjugation

In Adyghe, the positional prefixes are expressing being in different positions and places and can also express the direction of the verb. There are some Adyghe verbs that always have a certain positional prefix, and they can not take a form without it. Here is the positional conjugation of some steady-state verbs, showing how the root changes indicate position:
prefix | stands | sits | lies | |
Body position/Pose | щы~ (ɕə~) | щыт (ɕət) | щыс (ɕəs) | щылъ (ɕəɬ) |
On | те~ (taj~) | тет (tat) | тес (tas) | телъ (taɬ) |
Under | чӏэ~ (ʈ͡ʂʼa~) | чӏэт (ʈ͡ʂʼat) | чӏэс (ʈ͡ʂʼas) | чӏэлъ (ʈ͡ʂʼaɬ) |
Among | хэ~ (xa~) | хэт (xat) | хэс (xas) | хэлъ (xaɬ) |
Within some mass | ||||
Within some area | дэ~ (da~) | дэт (dat) | дэс (das) | дэлъ (daɬ) |
Inside an object | ||||
Near or around | ӏу~ (ʔʷə~) | ӏут (ʔʷət) | ӏyc (ʔʷəs) | ӏулъ (ʔʷəɬ) |
Inside | и~ (jə~) | ит (jət) | иc (jəs) | илъ (jəɬ) |
Hanged | пы~ (pə~) | пыт (pət) | пыc (pəs) | пылъ (pəɬ) |
Attached | ||||
Corner or behind | къо~ (qʷa~) | къот (qʷat) | къоc (qʷas) | къолъ (qʷaɬ) |
Side | бгъодэ~ (bʁʷada~) | бгъодэт (bʁʷadat) | бгъодэc (bʁʷadas) | бгъодэлъ (bʁʷadaɬ) |
In front of | пэӏу~ (paʔʷə~) | пэӏут (paʔʷət) | пэӏуc (paʔʷəs) | пэӏулъ (paʔʷəɬ) |
Inside within | кӏоцӏы~ (kʷʼat͡sʼə~) | кӏоцӏыт (kʷʼat͡sʼət) | кӏоцӏыc (kʷʼat͡sʼəs) | кӏоцӏылъ (kʷʼat͡sʼəɬ) |
Toward | кӏэлъы~ (kʲʼaɬə~) | кӏэлъыт (kʲʼaɬət) | кӏэлъыс (kʲʼaɬəs) | кӏэлъылъ (kʲʼaɬəɬ) |
Directly | жэхэ~ (ʒaxa~) | жэхэт (ʒaxat) | жэхэс (ʒaxas) | жэхэлъ (ʒaxaɬ) |
Mouth | жэдэ~ (ʒada~) | жэдэт (ʒadat) | жэдэс (ʒadas) | жэдэлъ (ʒadaɬ) |
Body position/Pose
- щ(ы)~ /ɕə-/ designates abode/residence somewhere. It also designates verbs related to clothes. For example :
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
щыдзын | ɕəd͡zən | to throw an object somewhere to throw off a cloth |
щыхьэн | ɕəħan | to fit clothes and foot-wears |
щыплъэн | ɕəpɬan | to look somewhere |
щыфэн | ɕəfan | to fit clothes and foot-wears |
щыхын | ɕəxəx | to take off clothes and foot-wears |
щыкӏын | ɕət͡ʃʼən | clothes or foot-wears to come off from the body |
щыуцун | ɕəwt͡sʷən | to stand somewhere |
щызын | ɕəzən | clothes or foot-wears to slip from the body |
щытӏэрын | ɕətʼarən | clothes or foot-wears to fall off from the body |
щытхъын | ɕətχən | to tear off clothes or foot-wears |
щытэкъун | ɕətaqʷən | clothes or foot-wears to fall off from the body quickly |
кӏалэр щыс егупшысэу кӏалэ-р щыс егупшысэ-эу [t͡ʃʼaːɮar ɕəs jaɡʷəpʃəsaw] the boy (abs.) (s)he is sitting while (s)he is thinking "the boy is sitting while thinking." мы цуакъэхэр къэсщыфэхэрэп мы цуакъэ-хэ-р къэ-с-щы-фэ-хэ-рэп [mə t͡sʷaːqaxar qasɕəfaxarap] this shoes (abs.) they are not fitting me "these shoes are not fitting me." моу мыжъохэр щымыдзых моу мыжъо-хэ-р щы-мы-дзы-х [maw məʒʷaxar ɕəməd͡zəx] here rocks (abs.) don't throw them "don't throw rocks here."
- те~ /taj-/ designates location/being on something. In the Shapsug dialect the prefix тэ~ /ta~/ is used instead. For example :
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
тедзэн | tajd͡zan | to throw an object on something |
техьэн | tajħan | to go on something, to assault somewhere |
теплъэн | tajpɬan | to look on something |
тефэн | tajfan | to fit an object on something an object to be hit above something |
техын | tajxən | to take an object from something |
текӏын | tajt͡ʃʼən | to come down from something |
телъхьэн | tajɬħan | to put an object on something or someone |
теуцон | tajwt͡sʷan | to stand on something |
тезын | tajzən | to fall from above something |
тетӏэрэн | tajtʼaran | to be dropped above something |
тетӏэрын | tajtʼarən | to be dropped from above something |
тетхъын | tajtχən | to tear something from above something |
тетэкъон | tajtaqʷən | to throw stuff above something |
тешъутын | tajʃʷtən | to run off from above something |
кӏалэр унашъхьэм тет кӏалэ-р унашъхьэ-м тет [t͡ʃʼaːɮar wənaːʂħam tajt] the boy (abs.) the roof (erg.) (s)he is on "the boy is on the roof." шхынэр ӏанэм бзылъфыгъэм трелъхьэ шхынэ-р ӏанэ-м бзылъфыгъэ-м тре-лъхьэ [ʃxənar ʔaːnam bzəɬfəʁam trajɬħa] the fiid (abs.) the table (erg.) the woman (abs.) (s)he is putting it on "the woman is putting the food on the table." джыдэдэм ӏанэм къытекӏ джыдэдэм ӏанэ-м къы-те-кӏ [d͡ʒədadam ʔaːnam qətajt͡ʃʼ] right now the table (erg.) go down from "go down from the table right now"
- чӏэ~ /t͡ʂʼa-/ designates being under something. In the Shapsug dialect it is кӏэ~ /t͡ʃʼa-/ and in the Abzakh dialect it is ӏьэ~ (ӏе~) /ʔʲa-/. For example :
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
чӏэдзэн | t͡ʂʼad͡zan | to throw an object under something |
чӏэхьэн | t͡ʂʼaħan | to go under something |
чӏэплъэн | t͡ʂʼapɬan | to look under something |
чӏэфэн | t͡ʂʼafan | to fit an object under something an object to be hit under something |
чӏэхын | t͡ʂʼaxən | to take an object under something |
чӏэкӏын | t͡ʂʼat͡ʃʼən | to come out under something |
чӏэлъхьэн | t͡ʂʼaɬħan | to put an object under something or someone |
чӏэуцон | t͡ʂʼawt͡sʷan | to stand under something |
чӏэзын | t͡ʂʼazən | to fall from under something |
чӏэтӏэрэн | t͡ʂʼatʼaran | to be dropped under something |
чӏэтӏэрын | t͡ʂʼatʼarən | to be dropped from under something |
чӏэтхъын | t͡ʂʼatχən | to tear something from under something |
чӏэтэкъон | t͡ʂʼataqʷən | to throw stuff under something |
чӏэшъутын | t͡ʂaʃʷtən | to run off from under something |
кӏэлэцӏыкӏор ӏанэм чӏэс кӏэлэцӏыкӏо-р ӏанэ-м чӏэс [t͡ʃʼaɮat͡sʼəkʷʼar ʔaːnam t͡ʂʼas] the little boy (abs.) the table (erg.) (s)he is sitting under "the little boy is sitting under the table." кӏалэр унэчӏэгъым чӏахьэ кӏалэ-р унэчӏэгъ-ым чӏа-хьэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮar wənat͡ʂʼaʁəm t͡ʂʼaːħa] the boy (abs.) under house (erg.) (s)he is entering under "the boy is entering under the house." сэ чъыгым тӏэкӏурэ сычӏэгъулъхьэщт сэ чъыгы-м тӏэкӏу-рэ сы-чӏэ-гъулъхьэ-щт [sa t͡ʂəɣəm tʼakʷʼəra sət͡ʂʼaʁʷəɬħaɕt] I the table (erg.) for a little while I will lay under "I will lay under the tree for a little while."
- хэ~ /xa-/ designates being among people, animals or plants. It also designates being in an organization, in a group, in a team and etc. For example :
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
хэдзэн | xad͡zan | to throw an object among some objects or people |
хэхьэн | xaħan | to go to an area with a lot people or plants to enter a group or an organization |
хэплъэн | xapɬan | to look among some people or objects |
хэфэн | xafan | to fit among some people or objects an object to fall among people or objectss |
хэхын | xaxən | to take an object among objects |
хэкӏын | xat͡ʃʼən | to get away from people or objects to leave a group or an organization |
хэлъхьэн | xaɬħan | to put an object among other objects |
хэуцон | xawt͡sʷan | to stand among objects or other people |
хэзын | xazən | to be dropped from a group of objects or people |
хэтӏэрэн | xatʼaran | to be dropped into a group of objects or people |
хэтӏэрын | xatʼarən | to be dropped from a group of objects or people to be dropped from a group or an organization |
хэтхъын | xatχən | to tear something from a group of objects or people |
хэтэкъон | xataqʷən | to throw stuff into a group of objects or people |
хэшъутын | xaʃʷtən | to run off from a group of objects or people |
кӏалэр цӏыфыхэмэ ахэт кӏалэ-р цӏыфы-хэ-мэ а-хэт [t͡ʃʼaːɮar t͡sʼəfəxama jaːxat] the boy (abs.) the people (erg.) (s)he is standing among "the boy is standing among the people." лӏыр мэзым ызакъоу хахьэ [ɬʼər mazəm jəzaːqʷaw xaːħa] the man (arg.) in the forest (erg.) lonely (s)he is entering "the man is entering the forest alone." джэгуалъэр адрэ джэгуалъэмэ ахалъхь джэгуалъэ-р адрэ джэгуалъэ-мэ а-ха-лъхь [d͡ʒaɡʷaːɬar aːdra d͡ʒaɡʷaːɬama jaːxaːɬħ] the toy (abs.) other (abs.) toys (erg.) put it among "put the toy among the other toys."
Within some mass
- хэ~ /xa-/ also designates being in some mass like for example in a liquid, fire, solid, gas and etc. It can also be used to indicate an action that was done through something. For example :
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
хэдзэн | xad͡zan | to throw an object into some mass |
хэхьэн | xaħan | to enter an area with some mass |
хэплъэн | xapɬan | to look into an area with some mass |
хэфэн | xafan | to fit inside an area with some mass an object to fall to an area with some mass |
хэхын | xaxən | to take an object form an area with some mass |
хэкӏын | xat͡ʃʼən | to get out from an area with some mass |
хэлъхьэн | xaɬħan | to put an object into an area with some mass |
хэуцон | xawt͡sʷan | to stand in an area with some mass to stand on a surface with some mass (like dirt or liquid) |
хэзын | xazən | to fall from an area with some mass |
хэтӏэрэн | xatʼaran | to be dropped to an area with some mass |
хэтӏэрын | xatʼarən | to be dropped from an area with some mass |
хэтхъын | xatχən | to tear a small part from a solid object |
хэтэкъон | xataqʷən | to throw stuff into an area with some mass |
хэшъутын | xaʃʷtən | to run off from an area with some mass |
машӏом пхъэхэ хамыдзэх машӏо-м пхъэ-хэ ха-мы-дзэ-х [maːʃʷʼam pχaxa xaːməd͡ʒax] the fire (erg.) woods don't throw them into "don't throw woods into the fire." кӏалэм мыжъор хым къыхехыжьы кӏалэ-м мыжъо-р хы-м къы-хе-хы-жьы [t͡ʃʼaːɮam məʒʷar xəm qəxajxəʑə] the boy (erg.) the rock (abs.) the sea (erg.) (s)he is taking it from "the boy is taking the rock out of the sea." мыджишыныр дэпкъым хэкӏышъущта? мыджишыны-р дэпкъы-м хэ-кӏы-шъу-щт-а? [mədʒɪʃənər dapqəːm xat͡ʃʼəʃʷəɕtaː] magician (arg.) wall (erg.) can (s)he go through "can the magician go through the wall?"
Within some area
- дэ~ /da-/ designates being of an object on a definite territory. For example :
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
дэдзэн | dad͡zan | to throw an object on a definite territory |
дэхьэн | daħan | to enter a definite territory |
дэплъэн | dapɬan | to look at a definite territory |
дэфэн | dafan | to be fit is a definite territory an object to fall into a definite territory |
дэхын | daxən | to take an object from a definite territory |
дэкӏын | dat͡ʃʼən | to get our from a definite territory |
дэлъхьэн | daɬħan | to put an object into a definite territory |
дэуцон | dawt͡sʷan | to stand in a definite territory |
дэтӏэрэн | datʼaran | to be dropped into a definite territory |
дэтӏэрын | datʼarən | to be dropped from a definite territory |
дэзын | dazən | to fall from a definite territory |
дэтэкъон | dataqʷən | to throw stuff into a definite territory |
дэшъутын | daʃʷtən | to run off from a definite territory |
кӏалэр щагум дахьэ кӏалэ-р щагу-м да-хьэ [t͡ʃʼaːɮar ɕaːɡʷəm daːħa] the boy (abs.) the yard (erg.) (s)he is entering "the boy is entering the yard." кӏалэр чылэм дэсыгу кӏалэ-р чылэ-м дэ-сы-гу [t͡ʃʼaːɮar t͡ʃəlam dasəɡʷ] the boy (abs.) the village (erg.) (s)he is sitting for now "the boy is in the village for now." шъуздэхьагъэм шъукъыдэкӏ псынкӏэу шъу-з-дэ-хьа-гъэ-м шъу-къы-дэ-кӏ псынкӏэу [ʃʷəzdaħaːʁam ʃʷəqədat͡ʃʼ psənt͡ʃʼaw] the place you (plural) entered get out from the place (said to plural) quickly "get away from the place you (plural) entered quickly."
Inside an object
- дэ~ /da-/ also designates being of an object inside another object. For example :
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
дэдзэн | dad͡zan | to throw an object inside another object |
дэхьэн | daħan | to enter inside another object |
дэплъэн | dapɬan | to look inside another object |
дэфэн | dafan | to fit inside another object an object to fall inside another object |
дэхын | daxən | to take an object from inside another object |
дэкӏын | dat͡ʃʼən | to get our from inside another object |
дэлъхьэн | daɬħan | to put an object inside another object |
дэуцон | dawt͡sʷan | to stand inside another object |
дэзын | dazən | to fall from inside another object |
дэтӏэрэн | datʼaran | to be dropped inside another object |
дэтӏэрын | datʼarən | to be dropped outside another object |
дэтхъын | datχən | to tear something from inside another object |
дэтэкъон | dataqʷən | to throw stuff inside another object |
дэшъутын | daʃʷtən | to run off from inside another object |
джанэхэр дэлъыпӏэм дэлъых джанэ-хэ-р дэлъыпӏэ-м дэ-лъы-х [d͡ʒaːnaxar daɬəpʼam daɬəx] the shirts (abs.) closet (erg.) they are laying inside "the shirts are inside the closet." компютэрым диск дэлъэп компютэры-м диск дэ-лъэ-п [kompjuːtarəm diːskʲ daɬap] the computer (erg.) a disk not laying inside "there is no disk inside the computer." кӏалэм тхылъыпӏэр тхылъым дретхъы кӏалэ-м тхылъыпӏэ-р тхылъы-м дре-тхъы [t͡ʃʼaːɮam txəɬəpʼar txəɬəm drajtχə] the boy (erg.) the paper (abs.) book (erg.) (s)he is tearing it from inside another object "the boy is tearing the paper from the book."
Near or around
- ӏу~ /ʔʷə-/ designates drawing near, approaching somebody or something, being of an object around or near something or someone else. For example :
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
ӏудзэн | ʔʷəd͡zan | to throw an object around or near something |
ӏухьэн | ʔʷəħan | to approach something or someone |
ӏуплъэн | ʔʷəpɬan | to look around or near something or someone |
ӏуфэн | ʔʷəfan | to fit around or near something an object to fall around or near something |
ӏухын | ʔʷəxən | to take an object from around something |
ӏукӏын | ʔʷət͡ʃʼən | to get away from |
ӏулъхьэн | ʔʷəɬħan | to put an object around or near something |
ӏууцон | ʔʷəwt͡sʷan | to stand near or around something |
ӏузын | ʔʷəzən | to fall from near or around something |
ӏутӏэрэн | ʔʷətʼaran | to be dropped near or around something |
ӏутӏэрын | ʔʷətʼarən | to be dropped from near or around something |
ӏутхъын | ʔʷətχən | to tear something from near or around something |
ӏутэкъон | ʔʷətaqʷən | to throw stuff near or around something |
ӏушъутын | ʔʷəʃʷtən | to run off from near or around something |
кӏалэр тучаным ӏухьагъ кӏалэ-р тучан-ым ӏу-хь-агъ [t͡ʃʼaːɮar təwt͡ʃaːnəm ʔʷəħaːʁ] the boy (abs.) shop (erg.) (s)he is approaching "the boy approached the shop." ӏэгуаоу чъыгым ӏулъэр къэсфэхь ӏэгуао-у чъыгы-м ӏу-лъ-эр къэ-с-фэ-хь [ʔaɡʷaːwaw t͡ʂəɣəm ʔʷəɬar qasfaħ] the ball (abs.) the tree (erg.) the thing near it (abs.) bring it for me "bring me the ball near the tree." мы джэгуалъэхэр ӏушъухыжьых мы джэгуалъэ-хэ-р ӏу-шъу-хы-жь-ых [mə d͡ʒaɡʷaːɬaxar ʔʷəʃʷxəʑəx] this toys (abs.) take these away (said to plural) "take theses toys away (said to plural)"
- и~ /jə-/ designates being inside/in something. For example :
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
идзэн | jəd͡zan | to throw an object inside something |
ихьэн | jəħan | to enter somewhere |
иплъэн | jəpɬan | to look inside something |
ифэн | jəfan | to fit inside something an object to fall inside something |
ихын | jəxən | to take an object from inside something |
икӏын | jət͡ʃʼən | to exit from somewhere |
илъхьэн | jəɬħan | to put an object inside something |
иуцон | jəwt͡sʷan | to stand inside something |
изын | jəzən | to fall from inside something |
итӏэрэн | jətʼaran | to be dropped into inside something |
итӏэрын | jətʼarən | to be dropped outside something |
итхъын | jətχən | to pull a plant from the ground |
итэкъон | jətaqʷən | to throw stuff inside something |
ишъутын | jəʃʷtən | to run off outside something |
ныор унэм ис ныо-р унэ-м и-с [nəwar wənam jəs] the old woman (abs.) house (erg.) (s)he is sitting inside "the old woman is sitting inside the house." мыер матэм илъхь мыер матэ-м и-лъхь [məjar maːtəm jəɬħ] the apple (abs.) basket (erg.) put it inside "put the apple inside the basket." мары, унэм сихьэни скъикӏыжьыщт мары унэ-м с-и-хьэн-и с-къ-и-кӏы-жьы-щт [maːrə wənam səjħanəj sqəjt͡ʃʼəʑəɕt] a moment house (erg.) I will enter then I will exit "A moment, I will enter the house and will exit it." къэгъагъэхэр имытхъых, къэцыхэр ары ибытхъын фаехэр къэгъагъэ-хэ-р и-мы-тхъы-х, къэцы-хэ-р ары и-бы-тхъын фае-хэ-р [qaʁaːʁaxar jəmətχəx qat͡səxar aːrə jəbətχən faːjaxar] flowers (abs.) don't pull them out it is the thorns you (to) pull them out must "don't pull the flowers out, it is the thorns you must pull out."
Hanged or attached
- пы~ /pə-/ designates addition or joining, adherence, attached, hanged (like fruits on a tree or clothes on a hanger). For example :
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
пыдзэн | pəd͡zan | to throw an object on a hanger |
пыхьэн | pəħan | to attache to somewhere |
пыплъэн | pəpɬan | to look inside a tree |
пыфэн | pəfan | to fit on a hanger an object to fall on a tree |
пыхын | pəxən | to take an object from a hanger or tree to unplug |
пыкӏын | pət͡ʃʼən | to get off a hanger or tree to pick a fruit from a tree to separate from |
пылъхьэн | pəɬħan | to put an object on a hanger or tree |
пыуцон | pəwt͡sʷan | to stand on a tree |
пызын | pəzən | to fall from a hanger or tree |
пытӏэрын | pətʼarən | to be dropped from a hanger or tree |
пытхъын | pətχən | to pick something from a hanger or tree |
пытэкъон | pətaqʷən | to throw stuff on a hanger or tree |
пышъутын | pəʃʷtən | to run off from a hanger or tree |
ныор унэм ис ныо-р унэ-м и-с [nəwar wənam jəs] old woman (abs.) house (erg.) (s)he is sitting inside "the old woman is sitting inside the house." сиджанэ джэнэпылъапӏэм пылъ си-джанэ джэнэпылъапӏэ-м пы-лъ [səjd͡ʒaːna d͡ʒanapəɬaːpʼam pəɬ] my shirt clothes hanger (erg.) it is handing on "my shirt is hanging on the clothes hanger." тиӏэгуаор чъыгы лъагэм къыпыпхышъущта? ти-ӏэгуао-р чъыгы лъагэ-м къы-пы-п-хы-шъу-щт-а? [təjʔaɡʷaːwar t͡ʂəɣə ɬaːɣam qəpəpxəʃʷəɕtaː] our ball (abs.) long tree (erg.) can you take it from "can you take the ball from the tree?" пхъэ унэ чъыгым пыфэщтэп пхъэ унэ чъыгы-м пы-фэ-щт-эп [pχa wəna t͡ʂəɣə pəfaɕtap] a tree house tree (erg.) it won't fit on "a tree house won't fit on the tree."
Corner or behind
- къо~ /qʷa-/ designates an object behind something or in the corner. it also designates motion directed to the back of something or someone.
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
къодзэн | qʷad͡zan | to throw an object behind something or to the corner |
къохьэн | qʷaħan | to approach behind something or to the corner |
къоплъэн | qʷapɬan | to look behind something or to the corner |
къофэн | qʷafan | to fit behind something or to the corner an object to fall behind something or to the corner |
къохын | qʷaxən | to take an object behind something or from the corner |
къокӏын | qʷat͡ʃʼən | to come out behind something or to get away from the corner |
къолъхьэн | qʷaɬħan | to put an object behind something or to the corner |
къоуцон | qʷawt͡sʷan | to stand on behind something or to the corner |
къотӏэрэн | qʷatʼarən | to be dropped behind something or to the corner |
къотӏэрын | qʷatʼarən | to be dropped from behind something or to the corner |
къозын | qʷazən | to fall from behind something or to the corner |
къотэкъон | qʷataqʷən | to throw stuff behind something or to the corner |
къошъутын | qʷaʃʷtən | to run off from behind something |
тыгъэр къокӏы тыгъэ-р къо-кӏы [təʁar qʷat͡ʃʼə] the sun (abs.) it is getting out "the sun is getting out." бзылъфыгъэм кӏалэр къурнэм къыуигъэхьагъ бзылъфыгъэ-м кӏалэ-р къурнэ-м къы-у-и-гъэ-хь-агъ [bzəɬfəʁam t͡ʃʼaːɮar qʷərnam qʷəjʁaħaːʁ] the woman (erg.) boy (abs.) corner (erg.) (s)he made him go to "the woman made the boy go to the corner." уцым кӏалэр къопкӏэгъ уцы-м кӏалэ-р къо-пкӏэ-гъ [wət͡səm t͡ʃʼaːɮar qʷapt͡ʃʼaʁ] grass (erg.) the boy (abs.) (s)he jumped from behind "the boy jumped from behind the bushes." дыу ӏанэм къуаплъи си къэлэм ӏулъмэ еплъ дыу ӏанэ-м къу-аплъ-и си къэлэ-м ӏу-лъ-мэ еплъ [dəw ʔaːnam qʷaːpɬəj səj qalam ʔʷəɬəma japɬ] that over there table (erg.) look behind it and my pencil if it is near it look "look behind that table and see if my pencil is there."
- бгъодэ~ /bʁʷada-/ designates an action directed towards the side of something or someone. In the Chemguy dialect it is го~ /ɡʷa-/. Examples :
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
бгъодэдзэн | bʁʷadad͡zan | to throw an object on the side of something or someone |
бгъодэхьэн | bʁʷadaħan | to approach by the side of something or someone |
бгъодэплъэн | bʁʷadapɬan | to look aside something or someone |
бгъодэфэн | bʁʷadafan | to fit aside something or someone an object to fall aside something or someone |
бгъодэхын | bʁʷadaxən | to take an object from aside something or someone |
бгъодэкӏын | bʁʷadat͡ʃʼən | to go away from aside something or someone |
бгъодэлъхьэн | bʁʷadaɬħan | to put an object aside something or someone |
бгъодэуцон | bʁʷadawt͡sʷan | to stand aside someone or something |
бгъодэзын | bʁʷadazən | to fall aside someone or something |
бгъодэтӏэрэн | bʁʷadatʼaran | to be dropped aside someone or something |
бгъодэтӏэрын | bʁʷadatʼarən | to be dropped from aside someone or something |
бгъодэтэкъон | bʁʷadataqʷən | to throw stuff aside something |
бгъодэшъутын | bʁʷadaʃʷtən | to run off from aside something |
кӏалэр шым бгъодэт кӏалэ-р шы-м бгъодэ-т [t͡ʃʼaːɮar ʃəm bʁʷadat] the boy (abs.) horse (erg.) (s)he is standing aside "the boy is standing aside the horse." кӏалэм бгъодэкӏ кӏалэ-м бгъодэ-кӏ [t͡ʃʼaːɮam bʁʷadat͡ʃʼ] the boy (abs.) go away from "go away from the boy."
- къыбгъодэ~ /qəbʁʷada-/ designates an action directed from the side of something or someone. for example :
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
къыбгъодэдзэн | qəbʁʷadad͡zan | to throw an object from the side of something or someone |
къыбгъодэхьэн | qəbʁʷadaħan | to approach from the side of something or someone |
къыбгъодэплъэн | qəbʁʷadapɬan | to look from the side of something or someone |
къыбгъодэфэн | qəbʁʷadafan | to fit from the side something or someone an object to fall from the side something or someone |
къыбгъодэхын | qəbʁʷadaxən | to take an object from the side of something or someone |
къыбгъодэкӏын | qəbʁʷadat͡ʃʼən | to go away from the side of something or someone |
къыбгъодэлъхьэн | qəbʁʷadaɬħan | to put an object to the side of something or someone |
къыбгъодэуцон | qəbʁʷadawt͡sʷan | to stand on the side of something or someone |
къыбгъодэзын | qəbʁʷadazən | to fall from the side of something or someone |
къыбгъодэшъутын | qəbʁʷadaʃʷtən | to run off from the side of something or someone |
мащинэм къыбгъодахь мащинэ-м къыбгъода-хь [maːɕinam qəbʁʷadaːħ] car (erg.) enter by the side of "enter by the side of the car." кӏалэр шым къыбгъодэт кӏалэ-р шы-м къыбгъодэ-т [t͡ʃʼaːɮar ʃəm qəbʁʷadat] the boy (abs.) horse (erg.) (s)he is standing by the side "the boy is standing by the side of the horse." мы гущыӏэм къыбгъодатх мы гущыӏэ-м къыбгъода-тх [mə ɡʷəɕəʔam qebʁʷadaːtx] this letter (erg.) write aside a "write aside this word."
In front of
- пэӏу~ /paʔʷə-/ designates being in front of someone or something usually for the purpose of opposition. for example :
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
пэӏудзэн | paʔʷəd͡zan | to throw an object in front of something or someone |
пэӏухьэн | paʔʷəħan | to approach in front of something or someone |
пэӏуплъэн | paʔʷəpɬan | to look in front of something or someone |
пэӏуфэн | paʔʷəfan | to fit in front of something or someone an object to fall in front of something or someone |
пэӏухын | paʔʷəxən | to take an object from front of something or someone |
пэӏукӏын | paʔʷət͡ʃʼən | to go away from the front of something or someone |
пэӏулъхьэн | paʔʷəɬħan | to put an object in front of something or someone |
пэӏууцон | paʔʷəwt͡sʷan | to stand against someone |
пэӏузын | paʔʷəzən | to fall in front of someone or something |
пэӏуэтэкъон | paʔʷataqʷən | to throw stuff in front of someone or something |
тхьэлӏыкӏум пхъэхэр пэӏуалъхьагъэх бламыгъэкӏын фэшӏкӏэ тхьэлӏыкӏу-м пхъэ-хэ-р пэӏу-а-лъхь-агъ-эх бла-мы-гъэ-кӏын фэшӏкӏэ [tħaɬʼəkʷʼəm pχaxar paʔʷaːɬħaːʁax bɮaːməʁat͡ʃʼən faʃʼt͡ʃʼa] prophet (erg.) woods (abs.) they put in front of to not let someone pass for "they put woods in front of the prophet to prevent him from passing." кӏалэр къэспэӏууцуи сыблигъэкӏыгъэп кӏалэр къэ-с-пэӏу-уцу-и сы-бли-гъэ-кӏы-гъэ-п [t͡ʃʼaːɮar qaspaʔʷəwt͡sʷəj səbɮəjʁat͡ʃʼəʁap] the boy (abs.) (s)he stood in front of me (s)he didn't let me pass "the boy stood if front of me and didn't let me pass."
Inside within
The prefix кӏоцӏ~ (kʷʼat͡sʼ~) designates motion directed inside something, or from within something, through something. In some Shapsug dialect, the prefix кӏосӏ~ (kʷʼasʼ~) is used. Examples :
Adyghe | Meaning | |
Cyrillic | IPA | |
кӏоцӏэхьан | kʷʼat͡sʼaħan | to consume; to penetrate |
кӏоцӏэфын | kʷʼat͡sʼafən | to fall out from inside something |
кӏоцӏэкӏын | kʷʼat͡sʼat͡ʃʼən | to come out within something |
кӏоцӏэхын | kʷʼat͡sʼaxən | to emit; to spew |
кӏоцӏэлъхьэн | kʷʼat͡sʼaɬħan | to put an object within something |
кӏоцӏэплъэн | kʷʼat͡sʼapɬan | to look inside within something |
пкӏантӏэ бэ къэскӏоцӏыкӏы [pt͡ʼaːntʼa ba qaskʷʼat͡sʼət͡ʃʼə] sweat a lot It is emitting from me "I am emitting a lot of sweat" булитэр пхъэм кӏоцӏахьэ [buːlitar pχam kʷʼat͡sʼaːħa] bullet (abs.) wood (erg.) it penetrates "The bullet penetrates the wood."
It also designates location of somebody or something inside something, or extraction of somebody from inside something. for example :
сабыим пӏэтехъор кӏоцӏылъхьэн [saːbəjəm pʼateχʷar kʷʼat͡sʼəɬħan] the child (erg.) blanket to put on "to wrap up the child in the blanket"
The verbal prefix кӏэлъ~ /kʲʼaɬa~/ designates action towards someone or something for example :
- кӏэлъытын /kʲʼaɬətən/ to stand toward something or someone.
- кӏэлъысын /kʲʼaɬəsən/ to sit toward something or someone.
- кӏэлъылъхьэн /kʲʼaɬəɬħan/ to put an object toward something or someone.
- кӏэлъыкӏын /kʲʼaɬəkʲʼən/ to move away from something.
кӏалэхэр машӏом кӏэлъысых кӏалэ-хэ-р машӏо-м кӏэлъы-сы-х [t͡ʃʼaːɮaxar [maːʃʷʼam kʲʼaɬəsəx] the boys (abs.) fire (erg.) they are sitting toward it "The boy are sitting toward the fire."
The verbal prefix жэхэ~ (ʒaxa~) designates action directed at something or someone forcefully, usually for assault. It also designates action directed at someone's face. In the Shapsug dialect the prefix джыхэ~ (d͡ʒəxa~) is used instead. for example :
- жэхэсын /ʒaxasən/ to sit compressed and squeezed together with someone or something.
- жэхэхьэн /ʒaxaħan/ to collide with someone or something.
- жэхэлъхьэн /ʒaxaħan/ to shove something at someone's face
- жэхэлъэдэн /ʒaxaɬadan/ to assault someone running.
- он /wan/ to hit → жэхэон /ʒaxawan/ to hit someone.
- дзын /d͡zən/ to throw → жэхэдзэн /ʒaxad͡zan/ to throw at someone
- плъэн /pɬən/ to look → жэхэплъэн /ʒaxapɬan/ to look steadily at; to gaze steadily at
- пкӏэн /pt͡ʃʼan/ to jump → жэхэпкӏын /ʒaxapapt͡ʃʼən/ to jump on someone for assault
- жъутхэн /ʒʷətxan/ to spit → жэхэжъутхэн /ʒaxaʒʷətxan/ to spit on someone.
- хъунэн /χʷanan/ to curse → жэхэхъонэн /ʒaxaχʷanan/ to curse someone directly.
- быбын /bəbən/ to fly → жэхэбыбэн /ʒaxabəban/ to assault someone flying.
сыкъэпгъэгуабжымэ иджы усжэхэощт сы-къэ-п-гъэгуабжы-мэ иджы у-с-жэхэ-о-щт [sqapʁaɡʷaːbʒəma jəd͡ʒə wəsʒaxawaɕt] if you make me angry now I gonna hit you "If you will make me angry now, I gonna hit you." кӏалэр псынкӏэу мачъэу дэпкъым жэхэхьагъ [t͡ʃʼaːɮar psənt͡ʃʼaw maːt͡ʂaw dapqəm ʒaxaħaːʁ] boy (abs.) quickly while s(he) was running wall (erg.) (s)he collide with "The boy while he was running quickly collided with the wall." кӏалэхэр зэжэхэсых кӏалэ-хэ-р зэ-жэхэ-сы-х [t͡ʃʼaːɮaxar zaʒaxasəx] the boys (abs.) they are sitting forcefully together "The boys are sitting forcefully together."
Designates action performed in or towards the mouth, for example :
- жэдэдзэн /ʒadad͡zan: to throw something in the mouth of someone else.
- жэдэплъэн /ʒadapɬan/ : to look into somebody's mouth.
- жэдэон /ʒadawan/ : to hit somebody's mouth.
- жэдэдзын /ʒadad͡zən/ : to throw something from mouth.
жъутхэныр ӏупсэр жэм къыжэдэдзынэ жъутхэныр ӏупс-эр жэ-м къы-жэдэ-дзы-нэ [ʒʷəbxanər ʔʷəpsar ʒam qəʒadad͡zən] to spit is (abs.) saliva (abs.) mouth (erg.) to throw it from the mouth "To spit is to throw the saliva from the mouth." кӏалэм сыжэдэуагъ кӏалэ-м сы-жэдэ-уа-гъ [t͡ʃʼaːɮam səʒadawaːʁ] boy (erg.) I hit him in the mouth "I hit the boy in the mouth."
In Adyghe verbs indicate the direction they are directed at. They can indicate the direction from different points of view by adding the fitting prefixes or changing the right vowels.
Towards and off
In Adyghe, the positional conjugation prefixes in the transitive verbs are indicating the direction of the verb. According to the verb's vowels, it can be described if the verb is done toward the indicated direction or off it. Usually high vowels (е /aj/ or э /a/) designates that the verb is done towards the indicated direction while low vowels (ы /ə/) designates that the verb is done off the indicated direction. For example :
- The word пкӏэн /pt͡ʃʼan/ "to jump" :
Position | Towards | Away | ||||
Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning | |
On | тепкӏэн | tajpt͡ʃʼan | to jump on something | тепкӏын | tajpt͡ʃʼən | to jump off from somewhere |
Under | чӏэпкӏэн | t͡ʂʼapt͡ʃʼan | to jump under something | чӏыпкӏын | t͡ʂʼəpt͡ʃʼən | to jump up from the bottom |
Among | хэпкӏэн | xapt͡ʃʼan | to jump into some mass | хэпкӏын | xapt͡ʃʼən | to jump off from some mass |
Inside | ипкӏэн | jəpt͡ʃʼan | to jump inside something | ипкӏын | jəpt͡ʃʼən | to jump outside something |
о унашъхьэм нэс укъычӏыпкӏышъущтэп о унашъхьэ-м нэс у-къы-чӏы-пкӏы-шъу-щт-эп [wa wənaːʂħam nas wqət͡ʂʼəpt͡ʃʼəʃʷəɕtap] you house roof (erg.) until you can't jump from the bottom to here "You cant jump up to the roof." ӏанэм укъытемыпкӏагъэу сыкъытегъэпкӏыжь ӏанэ-м у-къы-те-мы-пкӏ-агъ-эу сы-къы-те-гъэ-пкӏы-жь [ʔaːnam wqətajməpt͡ʃʼaːʁaw səqətajʁapt͡ʃʼəʑ] table (erg.) before you jump on it Let me jump down from it "Before you jump on the table, let me jump off it."
- The word дзын /d͡zən/ "to throw" :
Position | Towards | Away | ||||
Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning | |
On | тедзэн | tajd͡zan | to throw an object on something | тэдзын | tajt͡ʃʼən | to throw an object off somewhere |
Under | чӏэдзэн | t͡ʂʼad͡zan | to throw an object under something | чӏыдзын | t͡ʂʼəd͡zən | to throw an object up from the bottom |
Among | хэдзэн | xad͡zan | to throw an object into some mass | хэдзын | xad͡zən | to throw an object off from some mass to remove an object/participant from a group |
Inside | идзэн | jəd͡zan | to throw inside | идзын | jəd͡zən | to throw outside |
унашъхьэм пхъэхэр къытесэдзых унашъхьэ-м пхъэ-хэ-р къы-те-сэ-дзы-х [wənaːʂħam pχaxar qətajsad͡zax] house roof (erg.) woods (abs.) I am throwing them off it "I am throwing the woods off the house roof." мыӏэрысхэр шхыныхэмэ къахэдз мыӏэрыс-хэ-р шхыны-хэ-мэ къ-а-хэ-дз [məʔarəsxar ʃxənəxama qaːxad͡z] the apples (erg.) the foods (erg.) remove it from them "Remove the apples from the foods."
- The word плъэн /pɬan/ "to look at" :
Position | Towards | Away | ||||
Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning | |
On | теплъэн | tajpt͡ʃʼan | to look on something | теплъын | tajpt͡ʃʼən | to look off something |
Under | чӏэплъэн | t͡ʂʼapt͡ʃʼan | to look under something | чӏыплъын | t͡ʂʼəpt͡ʃʼən | to look above |
Among | хэплъэн | xapt͡ʃʼan | to look into some mass | хэплъын | xapɬən | to look from some mass to look through something |
Inside | иплъэн | jəpt͡ʃʼan | to look inside | иплъын | jəpt͡ʃʼən | to look outside |
сэ апчым скъыхэплъы сэ апч-ым с-къы-хэ-плъы [sa aːpt͡ʃəm sqəxapɬə] I glass (erg.) I am looking through it "I am looking through the glass." кӏалэр уцыхэмэ къахэплъы кӏалэ-р уцы-хэ-мэ къ-а-хэ-плъы [t͡ʃʼaːɮar wət͡səxama qaːxapɬə] boy (abs.) the grasses (erg.) (s)he is looking from behind them "The boy is looking from behind the grasses ."
- The word тӏэрэн /tʼaran/ "to drop" :
Position | Towards | Away | ||||
Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning | Cyrillic | IPA | Meaning | |
On | тетӏэрэн | tajtʼaran | to drop on something | тетӏэрын | tajtʼarən | to drop off from on something |
Under | чӏэтӏэрэн | t͡ʂʼatʼaran | to drop under something | чӏэтӏэрын | t͡ʂʼatʼarən | to drop off from under something |
Among | хэтӏэрэн | xatʼaran | to drop into an area with some mass | хэтӏэрын | xatʼarən | to drop out from an area with some mass to be dropped from an organization |
Inside | итӏэрэн | jətʼaran | to drop inside something | итӏэрын | jətʼarən | to drop outside something |
мыжъоу итӏэрагъхэр матэм къигъэтӏэржьых мыжъо-у и-тӏэр-агъ-хэ-р матэ-м къ-и-гъэ-тӏэр-жьы-х [məʒʷaw jətʼaraːʁxar maːtam qəjʁatʼarʑəx] rock (adv.) the things that were dropped inside it (abs.) basket (erg.) drop them out from it "Dispose the rocks that were dropped inside the basket." ӏэгуаор унашъхьэм тегъэтӏэрэн ӏо къытемытӏэржьэу ӏэгуао-р унашъхьэ-м те-гъэ-тӏэрэ-н ӏо къы-те-мы-тӏэр-жь-эу [ʔaɡʷaːwar wnaːʂħam tajʁatʼaran ʔʷa qətaimətʼarʑaw] ball (abs.) roof (erg.) to drop it on something try without having it dropped off from something "Try dropping the ball on the roof, without having it fall off of it."
Directional prefix
Adding the prefix къэ~ /qa~/ designates arrival, approach, movement directed towards the speaker. For example :
- макӏо /maːkʷ'a/ (s)he goes there → къакӏо /qaːkʷ'a/ (s)he comes
- мачъэ /maːt͡ʂa/ (s)he runs there → къачъэ /qaːt͡ʂa/ (s)he runs here
- маплъэ /maːpɬa/ (s)he looks there → къаплъэ /qaːpɬa/ (s)he looks here
- еӏо /jaʔʷa/ (s)he says → къеӏо /qajʔʷa/ (s)he says here
- ехьэ /jaħa/ (s)he enters there → къехьэ /qajħa/ (s)he enters here
- ехьы /jaħə/ (s)he takes to → къехьы /qajħə/ (s)he brings
- нэсы /nasən/ (s)he reaches → къэсы /qasə/ (s)he arrives
мэшӏокор къэсыгъ мэшӏоко-р къэ-сы-гъ [maʃʷʼakʷar qasəʁ] train (abs.) it arrived "The train arrived" сиунэ укъакӏо си-унэ у-къа-кӏо [Səjwəna wəqaːkʷʼa] my house you are coming "you are coming to my house"
In Adyghe, verbs by default express the subject's point of view, indicating that the action is happening toward someone or something else. For example :
- кӏалэм пшъашъэр елъэгъу - the boy is seeing the girl.
- кӏалэр ащ ео - the boy is hitting him.
Verbs with the directional prefix express the object's point of view, indicating that the action is happening toward them. For example :
- кӏалэм пшъашъэр къелъэгъу - the girl is being seen by the boy.
- кӏалэр ащ къео - (s)he is being hit by the boy.
удэ сыкӏони моу сыкъэплъыщт удэ сы-кӏо-н-и моу сы-къэ-плъы-щт [wəda wəda maw səqapɬəɕt] there I will go and here I will look here "I will go there and will look here" укъалъэгъоу хъущтэп мы джанэхэмкӏэ у-къ-а-лъэгъу-эу хъу-щт-эп мы джанэ-хэ-мкӏэ [wəqaːɬaʁʷə χʷəɕtap mə d͡ʒaːnaxamt͡ʃʼa] while you are being seen by them it is forbidden these clothes (ins.) "It is forbidden for you to be seen with this clothes."
When speaking to someone, the prefix къэ~ /qa~/ can be used to indicate that the verb is directed at him, for example :
- сэкӏо /sakʷ'a/ "I go" → сыкъакӏо /səqaːkʷ'a/ "I come"
- сэчъэ /sat͡ʂa/ "I run" → сыкъачъэ /səqaːt͡ʂa/ "I run toward you"
- сэплъэ /sapɬa/ "I look" → сыкъаплъэ /səqaːpɬa/ "I look toward you"
- техьэ /tajħa/ "we enter" → тыкъехьэ /təqajħa/ "we enter" (in case the listener is inside the house)
- тынэсы /tənasən/ "we reach" → тыкъэсы /təqasə/ "we arrive"
уиунэ тыкъакӏо уиунэ ты-къа-кӏо [wəjwəna təqaːkʷʼa] your house we are coming "we are coming to your house" мыжъор уадэжькӏэ къэcдзыщт мыжъор уа-дэжь-кӏэ къэ-c-дзы-щт [məʒʷar waːdaʑt͡ʃʼa qasd͡zəɕt] rock (abs.) your direction (ins.) I will throw it "I will throw the rock towards you."
It can also be used to exchange the subject and the object in a sentence, for example :
- сфэд /səfad/ "I am like him" → къэсфэд /qasfad/ "(s)he like me"
- сдакӏо /sədaːkʷʼa/ "I am going with him" → къысдакӏо /qasdaːkʷʼa/ "(s)he is coming with me"
- сфэлажьэ /sfaɮaːʑa/ "I am working for him" → къысфэлажьэ /qəsfaɮaːʑa/ "(s)he is working for me"
- удашхэ /wədaːʃxa/ "you are eating with him" → къыпдашхэ /qəpdaːʃxa/ "(s)he is eating with you"
- сфэлажьэ /sfaɮaːʑa/ "I am working for him" → къысфэлажьэ /qəsfaɮaːʑa/ "(s)he is working for me"
- усэплъы /wsapɬə/ "I am looking at you" → укъысэплъы /wəqəsapɬə/ "you are looking at me"
- уеплъы /wajpɬə/ "you are looking at him" → къыоплъы /qəwapɬə/ "(s)he is looking at you"
тэ кӏалэм тыдакӏо шъо пшъашъэр къышъудакӏо тэ кӏалэ-м ты-да-кӏо шъо пшъашъэ-р къы-шъу-да-кӏо [ta t͡ʃʼaːɮam tədaːkʷʼa ʃʷa pʂaːʂar qəʃʷdaːkʷʼa] we boy (erg.) we are going with you (plural) girl (abs.) (s)he is coming with you (plural) "We are going with the boy, the girl is coming with you (plural)." сэ ащ сыфэда ар сэ къэсфэда? сэ ащ сы-фэд-а ар сэ къэ-с-фэд-а [sa aːɕ səfadaː aːr sa qasfadaː] I (s)he (erg.) am I like him? (s)he (abs.) I is (s)he like me? "Am I like him or is he like me?" кӏалэр пшъашъэм еплъа е кӏалэм пшъашъэр къеплъа? кӏалэ-р пшъашъэ-м еплъ-а е кӏалэ-м пшъашъэ-р къ-еплъ-а? [t͡ʃʼaːɮam pʂaːʂar japɬaː ja t͡ʃʼaːɮam pʂaːʂar qajpɬaː] boy (abs.) girl (erg.) is (s)he looking at it? or boy (erg.) girl (abs.) is (s)he looking at it? "Is the boy looking at the girl or is the girl looking at the boy?"