
Ahmed Sheikh Ali Ahmed (Somali: Axmed Sheekh Cali Axmed [Buraale] , (أحمد شيخ علي أحمد ( برالي (born 1937) Born in Luk Ganane, Upper Jubba Region, Somalia, is a Somali intellectual, author and politician who currently lives in Mogadishu, Somalia.
Personal Profile
He is well-experienced lawyer with deep knowledge in Islamic jurisprudence and Somali traditional customary laws, a historian, writer and trainer in the field of law and traditional customary.
Academic Qualifications
1986 Bachelor of Law (LL.B), Laurea in Giurisprudenza, Somali National University. 1966 Certificate of Judicial training, Mogadishu. 1965 Diploma, High institute of Teachers. 1964 Secondary school Certificate, Islamic institute, Mogadishu.
Work Experience
2013–present: Director, Hodan Public Notary, Mogadishu. 2011–present: Director, Somali Association of Jurists (SAJ), Nairobi. 2005–present: Trainer, Somali traditional customary laws. 2000- 2004 Legal Adviser to the president of Transitional National Government, HE Abdulkasim Salad Hassan. 1996 Legal trainer, Somali Reconciliation Council, Mogadishu. 1993-1995 Legal expert at the department of Somali Legal Reform, UNOSOM II, Mogadishu. 1989-1990 President of Court of Appeal, Somali Democratic Republic. 1987-1989 Legal Adviser to the president of Union of the Somali Cooperatives Movement, Mogadishu. 1976-1987 Court of appeal judge, Mogadishu. 1974-1975 Regional Court judge, Benadir, Mogadishu 1970-1974 District court judge, Benadir, Mogadishu 1968-1969 District court judge, Erigavo, North-west Somalia 1967-1968 District court judge, Dolow, South-west Somalia
Conferences, seminars & Workshops
Participated in many conferences, seminars and workshops held in Berlin, Riyadh, Baghdad, Djibouti, Addis Ababa, Tripoli, Nairobi and Mogadishu.
Political career
He became a member of Somali National Front in 1991, a member of its executive committee in 1997, and the chairman of one of the party's wings in 1999. in 2002 became the legal adviser to Abdiqasim Salad Hassan, the then-president of the Transitional National Government (TNG) Somalia.[1]
Writing career
Burale has written books concerning Somali traditional customs, although he has also written on other subjects. In addition to writing his own books, he translated the book of Abdalla Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ "Kalila Wa Dimna"[2] from Arabic to Somali. His book about Somali customary laws was translated in English by Mohamed Mohamed Sheikh.[3] Among his books are:
1- Xeerkii Soomaalidii Hore (The Somali customary laws), 1977, Mogadishu, 2002, Mogadishu, 2008 Addis Ababa, 2010 Nairobi.[4][5] 2- Ladnaantii baa Gumeysiga ii Loogtay, 1976, Mogadishu. 3- Guurka Shalay iyo Maanta, 1977, Mogadishu. 4- Taladii Goobbe Hawaa la Gadoontay, 1976 Mogadishu. 5- Lilaahi iyo Laqdabo. 1977, Mogadishu. 6- Al-Islam wa Thawratul 21 Oktoobar ( Islam and 21 October Revolution), 1975 Mogadishu. 7- Jookha Jookha " Dawladdii Jiniga ee Soomaaliya" , 2009 Nairobi.[6]
- ↑ Founding Memo. The Somali Peace Alliance (SPA). Somali Watch, 19 May 2007 Archived June 16, 2011, at the Wayback Machine.. Web. 27 May 2010.
- ↑ http://kitaabun.com/shopping3/product_info.php?products_id=996
- ↑ https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/7951502
- ↑ Xeerka Soomaalidii Hore iyo Qaanuunka Soomaaliya, http://www.shaaciye.com/site/?p=35022
- ↑ https://library.soas.ac.uk/Record/802900
- ↑ http://www.voasomali.com/a/barnaamijka-caweyska-washington-dowladdii-jinniga-102694954/1250080.html