Akif Jafar Hajiyev

Akif Jafar Hajiyev (Azerbaijani:Akif Cəfər oğlu Hacıyev, 8 December 1937 – 3 February 2015) was a mathematician, honored scientist, vice-president of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, ANAS Secretary of Department of Physics, Mathematics and Technical Sciences, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, academician of Azerbaijan Republic.


Akif Hajiyev was born in Baku on 8 December 1937. After graduating from high school, in 1955–1960 he studied at the faculty of mechanics and mathematics of Azerbaijan State University. He has started to his labor activity as a junior researcher in the department of theory of functions in Azerbaijan Republic the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics since 1960.[1]
At the invitation of the Turkish side, he worked as a professor at the University of Ankara during 1992–1999.
He continued his scientific activity as a branch manager in Azerbaijan Republic the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics in 1999. Akif Hajiyev was chosen Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, academician-secretary of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Technical Sciences in 2001. He had worked director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences from 2004 to 2013 and he has been Vice-President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences since 2013.
Akif Hajiyev got nomination in physics and mathematics in 1964, received a doctorate in 1982,the scientific name of a professor in mathematical analysis in 1985.He was chosen correspondent member of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan in 1989, active member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in 2001.
Akif Hajiyev made an immense contribution to the development of modern mathematics with scientific activities in our country. His actual problems of mathematics, including the operator theory, singular integrals, and other areas of research, which was highly appreciated by experts.
Akif Hajiyev's results of reseachs were displayed in our country, Azerbaijan and outside where is published four books and over 100 scientific work. In Azerbaijan and Turkey under the leadership of the scientist, hundreds of doctor of philosophy and doctor of physical and mathematical sciences were developed.
Akif Hajiyev was evaluated in accordance with the rich scientific and organizational activities. He has received several awards for his contribution to the development of Azerbaijani science.
Scientist was awarded the highest awards of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Order of "Glory" .
He died on 3 February 2015 in Baku.[2]
He is a prominent scientist, philologist Jafar Khandan's son.

Honours and awards


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