Alberto Vojtěch Frič

Alberto Vojtěch Frič (8 September 1882 Prague – 4 December 1944 Prague) was a famous Czech botanist, ethnographer, writer and explorer. He undertook 8 voyages to America, discovered, described and catalogued many species of cactus. South American Indians called him Karaí Pukú (engl. Long Hunter); in Europe he became known as Cactus Hunter.

- Lophophora fricii
- Stenocereus fricii
- Cleistocactus strausii var. fricii
- Notocactus fricii synonymum Malacocarpus fricii, Wigginsia fricii
- Airampoa
- Chaffeyopuntia
- Pseudotephrocactus
- Salmiopuntia
- Subulatopuntia
- Weberiopuntia

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