
Paradigm Procedural
Developer Guilect
First appeared 2004 (2004)
Stable release
v1.8.7 / February 11, 2009 (2009-02-11)
OS Windows
Website at the Wayback Machine (archived February 13, 2007)
Influenced by

Brutus2D is a game programming language developed using Visual Basic, VBScript and DirectX.

It is aimed at the amateur programmer who is interested in learning more about programming & game development.

Simple 2D games can be developed in Brutus2D and with the aid of an additional plugin, 3D games can also be created.


Brutus2D was designed using Microsoft Visual Basic and runs on Windows 2000, Windows XP & Windows Vista.


Brutus2D has two distinctive syntaxes, the first is VBScript and is similar in style to traditional Basic. The second is JScript which is Microsoft's dialect of ECMAScript.

Functions & Procedures

Functions & procedures are supported in Brutus2D.

Sound & Music

Support for Sound Effects using Wav files & the following 2 types of music format, Ogg & MIDI can be found in Brutus2D.


option explicit

dim Font1

dim bRunning
bRunning = True

sub main()

	if (graphics.initialize <> True) then exit sub
	Font1 = graphics.createFont ("System", 14)
	do while bRunning = True
		if key.pressed(1) or key.pressed(0) = True then bRunning = False
		graphics.clear 255
		graphics.settext "Hello world", 10,10,Font1
end sub

Call Main

The code above will display a window on the screen & print "Hello world" in it.

Truevision3D Plugin

By using the Truevision3D plugin you can create 3D environments using Brutus2D.

Network Support

Brutus2D also has support for network programming, Meaning that you can write multiplayer games or multiuser applications

Object Based

The core programming engine is supplemented with hard-coded Visual Basic objects. Like JavaScript Brutus2D is object based. Almost all functions (methods) are part of a related object that does a specific task.


Brutus2D used to be available in two versions, one of them was Freeware but extra functions could be added if Brutus2D was registered for a small fee. However, since v1.8.5, Brutus2D has been available to download for free with complete functionality.

See also

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 11/27/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.