
The Bulgarian Part of Speech-annotated Corpus (BulPosCor) (in Bulgarian: Български Пос анотиран корпус (БулПосКор)) is a morphologically annotated general monolingual corpus of written language where each item in a text is assigned a grammatical tag. BulPosCor is created by the Department of Computational Linguistics at the Institute for Bulgarian Language of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and consists of 174 697 lexical items. BulPosCor has been compiled from the Structured "Brown" Corpus of Bulgarian by sampling 300+ word-excerpts (expanded to sentence boundary) from the original BCB files in such a way as to preserve the BCB overall structure. The annotation process consists of a primary stage of automatically assigning tags from the Bulgarian Grammar Dictionary and a stage of manual resolving of morphological ambiguities.The disambiguated corpus consists of 174,697 lexical units.


BulPOSCor Search Interface


Koeva, Sv. Gramatichen Rechnik na Balgarskiya ezik.Opisanie na koncepciyata za organizaciyata na lingvistichnite danni. (Grammatical Dictionary of Bulgarian.), в: Български език, 6, 1998, с. 49-58. Koeva, Sv., Sv. Leseva, I. Stoyanova, E. Tarpomanova, M. Todorova. Bulgarian Tagged Corpora, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan Languages, 18–20 October 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 78–86. Todorova, Maria, Rositsa Dekova. Balgarski POS anotiran korpus – osobenosti na gramatichnata anotaciya. (Bulgarian POS annoted corpus – specifics of the grammatical annotation) в: Езикови ресурси и технологии за български език. Състав. и научн. ред. Св. Коева, Д. Благоева, Т. Тинчев. София: Академично издателство „Марин Дринов“, 2014.

See also

External links

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