Camp Auxilium

The Auxilium school is a year-round learning camp facility located in the town of Newton in Sussex County New Jersey.

Their mission statement is:

The Auxilium School fosters the growth of the whole child: physical, social, emotional, and spiritual according to the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Salesian spirit of St.John Bosco.

From September through June, Camp Auxilium operates during the Daytime hours, as both a learning center and day care facility for children ages 3 to Kindergarten. During the summer months, it's turned into an equal opportunity day camp for children in grades 1-8. Camp Auxilium is run by the Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco.

A program of well-rounded educational possibilities is offered leading children to their highest individual potential. Learn More Here Preschoolers bubbling with new ideas and articulating thoughtful questions; Kindergarteners reading and writing at a level that is a year or more ahead of friends and neighbors at other schools; boys and girls of all ages speaking in front of the entire school during morning assembly in the Big Hall. At Auxilium, your child simply learns more - more about their world and more about themselves.

Believe in Yourself Thanks to expert teachers who engage them, exciting classrooms that enable them, and a dynamic curriculum that encourages them to explore what really makes them them, Auxilium inspires children from the earliest ages to believe they are capable of anything. Here, we see your child's blossoming self-confidence and stoke their young imagination.

Make the World Your Classroom With a one-of-a-kind campus encompassing 30 acres of trees, trails, ponds, and picturesque countryside, Auxilium makes the world your child's classroom. Incorporating outdoor and experiential education into the school day as often as Mother Nature allows, your child lives learning here, opening his or her mind in a way that textbooks and technology never can. Thrive in Elementary School Our graduates consistently thrive in 1st Grade at area public and private elementary schools. Once there - imaginative, independent, empathetic, and academically sound - Auxilium boys and girls are successful students in the classroom and well-rounded kids beyond it.

Experience a School That Truly Knows You. The continuity of the Auxilium experience - from our Infant Care through our Toddler Program, from our Preschool through our Kindergarten - empowers our teachers and staff to truly know your family and your child, so that day-to-day and year-to-year, we can continuously calibrate his or her cognitive and emotional development during this critical phase in their life. Become a Better Human Being Led by the Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco who dedicate their lives to educating young people, Auxilium gently but methodically embeds Christian values into your child's heart until acting with loving kindness is second nature. Ultimately, long after they leave Auxilium, your child will make better life decisions because of the sacrifices your family made to enroll them here.

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