
Logo of the rione
Map of the rione
Campitelli is the X rione of Rome, located in Municipio I. In the logo there is the black head of a dragon on a white background. This symbol comes from the legend that Pope Silvester I threw out a dragon staying in the Forum Romanum.
- Piazza del Campidoglio
- Piazza Campitelli
- Piazza Venezia
- Santa Maria in Aracoeli
- Basilica of Santa Francesca Romana
- San Bonaventura al Palatino
- San Sebastiano al Palatino
- Santi Cosma e Damiano
- San Lorenzo in Miranda
- Santa Maria Antiqua
- Santi Luca e Martina
- San Giuseppe dei Falegnami
- Santa Maria Annunziata a Tor de' Specchi
- Santa Maria della Consolazione, Rome
- San Teodoro al Palatino
- Basilica of Sant'Anastasia al Palatino
- San Biagio de Mercato (deconsecrated)
- Sant'Adriano al Foro Romano (deconsecrated)
- Santa Maria Liberatrice al Foro Romano (destroyed)
- Santi Venanzio e Ansovino (destroyed)
- Santi Sergio e Bacco al Foro Romano (destroyed)
- Musei Capitolini
- Museo centrale del Risorgimento
- Palazzo Nuovo (Rome)
- Palazzo Senatorio
- Palazzo dei Conservatori
Ancient Roman Sites
- Mamertine Prison
- Domus Augustana
- Domus Flavia
- Domus Severiana
- Insula Romana
- Curia, Roman Forum
- Palace of Domitian
- Temple of Antoninus and Faustina
- Temple of the Dioscuri
- Temple of Divine Julius
- Temple of Divine Romulus
- Temple of Venus and Rome
- Temple of Vesta, Rome
- Basilica of Maxentius
- Basilica Julia
- Arch of Septimus Severus
- Arch of Titus
- Column of Phocas
External links
Media related to Rione X - Campitelli at Wikimedia Commons
Coordinates: 41°53′17″N 12°29′11″E / 41.888030°N 12.486391°E
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