Central Beskids

Babia Góra, the highest peak of the Orava Beskids in Slovakia
The Central Beskids (in Slovak, Stredné Beskydy; in Polish considered part of the Western Beskids, Beskidy Zachodnie) are a set of mountain ranges spanning the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland.
Traditionally the Central Beskids are part of the Beskids, a set of terms that differ according to historical and linguistic heritage. Geologically the Central Beskids are part of the Outer Western Carpathians.
The Central Beskids consist of the following sets of mountain ranges:
- Orava Beskids (SK: Oravské Beskydy) + Żywiec Beskids (PL: Beskid Żywiecki) (the older SK equivalent of Beskid Zywiecki is "Slovenské Beskydy"- Slovak Beskids or "Kysucko-oravské Beskydy"- Kysuce-Orava Beskids)
- Kysuce Beskids (SK: Kysucké Beskydy) +Żywiec Beskids (PL: Beskid Żywiecki) (the older SK equivalent of Beskid Zywiecki is "Slovenské Beskydy" or "Kysucko-oravské Beskydy")
- Kysuce Highlands (SK: Kysucká vrchovina)
- Orava Magura (SK: Oravská Magura)
- Orava Highlands (SK: Oravská vrchovina)
- Sub-Beskidian Furrow (SK: Podbeskydská brázda)
- Sub-Beskidian Highlands (SK: Podbeskydská vrchovina)
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