Chrysis comparata

Chrysis comparata
Chrysis comparata. Museum specimen
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Chrysididae
Genus: Chrysis
Species: C. comparata
Binomial name
Chrysis comparata
Lepeletier, 1806

Chrysis comparata is a species of cuckoo wasp (the family Chrysididae). [1]



Head and thorax are bluish green. Eyes and antennae are black. The abdomen is golden red, while the basis of the first segment is bluish green. Wings are smoked. The pronotum may be longer than the scutellum. [2]


These wasps mainly parasitize hymenoptera belonging to the species Pemphredon unicolor, Hylaeus confusus, Paranthidiellum lituratum and Anthidium manicatum. [2]


This species can be found in Europe and in the Near East. [2][3]


External links

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