
Country of origin Italy: Sicily: province of Palermo
Use Dual-purpose: milk and beef
Coat Black, sometimes with white dorsal and ventral stripe
Horn status Horned
Bos primigenius

The Cinisara is a cattle breed from the province of Palermo, in the Italian island of Sicily. It is one of the 16 minor Italian cattle breeds of limited diffusion. The breed is recognised and protected by the Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali, the Italian ministry of agriculture.[1]


  1. Norme Tecniche del Registro Anagrafico delle razze bovine autoctone a limitata diffusione (Appendix 2 to DM di approvazione del Disciplinare del 20/12/2011; in Italian). Associazione Italiana Allevatori. Accessed July 2013.
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