Communion table

A Communion table or Lord's Table and also occasionally ""Holy Table"" are terms used by many Protestant churches, particularly from Reformed, Baptist, Congregational, non-denominational and traditionalist low church Anglican bodies, for the table used for preparation of the Eucharist (or "Lord's Supper").
The use of a simple table, generally built of wood, instead of an altar made of stone reflects these churches' rejection of the suggestion of sacrifice in the Holy Communion: they believe that the Passion of Jesus Christ was a perfect sacrifice for sins made once for all (Hebrews 9:25-10:4).
The table may be very simple, adorned perhaps with only a linen cloth, or with an open Bible or some receptacle to collect an offering. In modern use many protestants adorn their tables with candles, though the use of candles was historically rejected among most protestants. Some Communion tables often bear the inscription Do This in Remembrance of Me from the Last Supper (Luke 22:19, 1 Corinthians 11:24), indicating the belief in Holy Communion being a memorial rather than a sacrifice or the words, ""Holy, Holy, Holy"" as a recollection of the union between the whole of creation in worship. Such a table may be temporary, being moved into place when there is a Communion Service, but generally holds a permanent (or semi-permanent) position of some prominence in the worship space.