Control Council Law No. 1 - Repealing of Nazi Laws

The Control Council Law No. 1 – Repealing of Nazi Laws (in German Kontrollratsgesetz Nr. 1 betreffend die Aufhebung von NS-Recht (short form: Kontrollratsgesetz Nr. 1) was a law passed by the Allied Control Council for post-World War II Germany on 20 September 1945. It repealed numerous pieces of legislation enacted by the Nazi regime. Also, it prohibited the application of any German enactment that could discriminate against any person based on their race, nationality, religious beliefs or opposition against the NSDAP.

By repealing the Enabling Act, theoretically the Weimar Constitution was reestablished, however the constitution stayed irrelevant on the grounds of the powers of the Allied Control Council acting as occupying forces.

The official text of the law was in the three languages of the occupying forces, a non-binding German translation was provided. Signatories for the occupying forces were Bernard L. Montgomery (British), Louis Koeltz (French), Vassily Sokolovsky (Soviet) and Dwight D. Eisenhower (American).

In the Federal Republic of Germany the law became invalid with the First Law for Repealing Occupying Forces Legislation (Erstes Gesetz zur Aufhebung des Besatzungsrechts) (BGBl. I p. 437) on 30 May 1955, with the previously repealed Nazi legislation staying invalid. For the German Democratic Republic, the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union repealed the law on 20 September 1955.

Explicitly repealed laws

Implicitly repealed laws

External links


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