
Statue of Coresi, next to St. Nicholas Church, Brașov
Coresi (also known as Diaconul Coresi) (d. 1583, Brașov) was a Romanian printer of the sixteenth century. He was the editor of some of the earliest printed books in the Romanian language.
Coresi first became active at Târgovişte, but then moved to Braşov, where he started printing books not only in Church Slavonic, but also in Romanian. He first learned the art of printing from Dimitrije Ljubavić, who was himself working for the Metropolitanate of Wallachia.
List of books printed by Coresi
- Tetraevanghelul (1561)
- Întrebare creştinească (Catehismul) (1561–1562)
- Liturghierul (1570)
- Psaltirea (1570)
- (Romanian) P. P. Panaitescu, Începuturile şi biruinţa scrisului în limba română, Bucharest, Editura Academiei, 1965, pp. 133–163.
- (Romanian) Ion Gheţie, Al. Mareş, Originile scrisului în limba română, Bucharest, Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, 1985.
- (Romanian) Ion Gheţie, Al. Mareş, Diaconul Coresi şi izbânda scrisului în limba română, Bucharest, Editura Minerva, 1994.
- (Romanian) Istoria limbii române literare. Epoca veche (1532-1780) (coordonator Ion Gheţie), Bucharest, Editura Academiei Române, 1997.
- (Romanian) Ion Gheţie, Al. Mareş, De când se scrie româneşte?, Bucharest, Editura Univers Enciclopedic, 2001.
See also
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