DC Focus

DC Focus was a short-lived imprint of DC Comics. The titles published under this imprint featured super-powered characters who didn't follow the trappings and traditions of classic superhero adventures. Most titles failed to generate significant sales, forcing DC Comics to cancel them. Hard Time lasted the longest. It maintained a DC Focus label during the initial run. "Season 2" debuted under a DC label, confirming that DC Focus imprint was truly defunct.
A high-school shooting costs four students their lives, and 15-year-old Ethan Harrow, who participated in the incident although not with the murders, his future. Now he's got 50 years of hard time to look forward to even while his latent psionic powers are coming to the surface. By Steve Gerber and an originally uncredited Mary Skrenes, art by Brian Hurtt, later with inking by Steve Bird, with covers by Tomer Hanuka. 12 issues under the DC Focus banner; 7 issues under the DC banner.
Tom Morell, a sickly, disabled, ultra-loser facing the daily hell of high school. Worse yet, his sole means of emotional support is his loving but smothering mother who fears he'll drop dead at any moment. And the worst part is, she's right.
Tom's only escape is the super-heroic exploits of Kinetic, his favorite comic-book hero. But unbeknownst to Tom, he's got some powers of his own, and they're going to change his life — assuming they manifest themselves before Tom reaches the end of his rope and decides that life isn't worth living! By Kelley Puckett and Warren Pleece. Canceled after eight issues.
- Fraction
Four high-school pals who reunite years later and pull off a petty theft for old times' sake. But what they end up stealing is a power suit with incredible abilities — and it could prove to be the very thing that tears them apart! By David Tischman and Timothy Green II. Canceled after six issues.
- Touch
A Vegas huckster makes his living as an agent for people with super-human abilities. Few know that he is actually the source of his heroes' powers: he can grant a random super power to any person, but only one person at a time. Can he find the right partner and make it big? By John Francis Moore and Wesley Craig. Canceled after six issues.
External links
- DC FOCUS Web Page (now dead)