Daniel Riera

Daniel Riera (1970) is an artist and commercial photographer.[1][2]


Daniel Riera (Olot, Spain) studied fine arts and cinema at the University of Barcelona and EMAV (Escola De Mitjans Audiovisuals). Riera’s work has been featured at Les Rencontres d’Arles, Deichtorhallen/Haus of Photography in Hamburg, La Virreina Centre de la Imatge in Barcelona, Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam, Casa de Costa in New York and extensively in his native Spain since the year 2000. He lives in Barcelona.[3]


Riera’s portraits and fashion commissions have appeared in magazines including Fantastic Man, Vogue Hommes International, The Gentlewoman, Hercules, Kid's Wear, V, V Man, GQ international versions in the UK, Germany, Italy, Australia, China and Spain, Vamp, Butt (magazine), Les Cahiers Purple, Fanzine 137, EY!, Candy, El País Semanal and Das Magazin. He has realized commercial work for brands including Adidas, Canali, Dior, Mühlbauer and Spastor, among many others.[4]


Riera’s first book "Riera / Tengiz" was published by EY! Boy Collection in 2015. His work has been featured in "Fantastic Man" (Phaidon, 2015); "The Art Of Fashion Photography" by Patrick Remy (Prestel, 2014) "Fashion Photography Next" by Magdalene Keaney (Thames & Hudson, 2014); "Forever Butt" (Taschen, 2014); and "The A-Z of Spanish Photographers" (La Fábrica, 2013), among others.[5]


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