Department of Records (record label)

Department of Records
Parent company Q Publishing LLC
Founded 2014
Genre Various
Country of origin USA
Location New York City
Official website

Department of Records is an independent record label founded in New York City by composer Dražen Bošnjak and producer Jacqueline Bošnjak in 2014.

DOR's first release was a spoken-word version of John Perry Barlow's A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, narrated by Barlow.[1] The release also included an original soundtrack by Dražen Bošnjak.[2][3] The record is available as a free download from The Internet Archive, and as a special collector's limited edition 180g vinyl record from Department of Records's website.[4][5] The recording was featured in the 2016 BBC documentary HyperNormalisation by British filmmaker Adam Curtis.




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