Dionisio Foianini

Dr. Dionisio Foianini, son of an Italian father and a Bolivian mother, grew up in central Bolivia not far from most of Standard Oil's Bolivian fields. After studying pharmacy in Italy, where he came to admire Benito Mussolini's fascism,[1] Foianini returned to Bolivia before the Chaco War broke out and was put in charge of munitions manufacture. During the war, he went on a secret mission to Argentina and organized Bolivian espionage behind Paraguayan lines. When the war ended, Foianini organized the nationalization of the Standard Oil fields and set up a State Petroleum Board.[2] After Germán Busch organized a coup in 1937, Foianini became Minister of Mines and Petroleum in Busch's Cabinet.[3]

As of 1995, Foianini was still alive, in the town of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.[4]

The area called Dionisio Foianini Triangle on the border with Paraguay and Brazil is named after him. Puerto Busch, which is named after Germán Busch, is located in the triangle.


  1. The Other Americas, Newsweek, volume 14, 1939
  2. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,761349,00.html BOLIVIA: Barter, TIME, 22 May 1939
  3. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,761219-1,00.html BOLIVIA: Busch Putsch, TIME, 8 May 1939
  4. Helmut Waszkis, https://books.google.com/books?id=uqFFAAAAYAAJ Dr. Moritz (Don Mauricio) Hochschild, 1881-1965: the man and his companies: a German Jewish mining entrepreneur in South America, 2001, ISBN 3-89354-164-0, page 112
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