Élie-Abel Carrière

Élie-Abel Carrière (1818-1896)
Élie-Abel Carrière (4 June 1818 – 17 August 1896) was a French botanist, based in Paris. He was a leading authority on conifers in the period 1850-1870, describing many new species, and the new genera Tsuga, Keteleeria and Pseudotsuga. His most important work was the Traité Général des Conifères, published in 1855, with a second, extensively-revised edition in 1867.
In addition to his studies of conifers, he published a number of works in the field of horticulture:
- Guide pratique du jardinier multiplicateur: ou art de propager les végétaux par semis, boutures, greffes, etc. (1856)-- book on propagation of plants by seeds, cuttings, grafts.
- Flore des jardins de l'Europe: manuel général des plantes, arbres et arbustes, comprenant leur origine, description, culture : leur application aux jardins d'agrément, à l'agriculture, aux forêts, aux usages domestiques, aux arts et à l'industrie. Et classés selon la méthode de Decandolle par Jacques et Hérincq, (Flora of the gardens of Europe: general handbook of plants, trees and shrubs, including their origin, description, culture: their application to ornamental gardens, to agriculture, forests, domestic, arts and industry. And classified according to the method by Jacques de Candolle and Hérincq) / Paris: Librairie agricole de la Maison rustique, (1857)
- Entretiens familiers sur l'horticulture (1860)
- Encyclopédie horticole (1862) -- Horticulture encyclopedia
- Production et fixation des variétés dans les végétaux (1865)
- Origine des plantes domestiques démontrée par la culture du radis sauvage (1869) -- Origin of domesticated plants demonstrated by culture of wild radish.[1]
- Semis et mise à fruit des arbres fruitiers (1881).[2]
In 1880, he described Iris orchioides.[4]
- ↑ IDREF.fr (publications)
- ↑ Gallica.bnf
- ↑ IPNI. Carrière.
- ↑ Anna PavordThe Naming of Names: The Search for Order in the World of Plants at Google Books
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