Emirates Feline Federation

Emirates Feline Federation (EFF) is a non-profit organization and was established as an independent body in the winter of 2008 in United Arab Emirates.[1] It is the largest registry of pedigree cats in the Middle East. Today, EFF’s unique, genetically based registry has attracted worldwide participation. With established, scientifically-based principles, EFF has become the largest genetic registry in the Middle East. EFF has grown to a truly national organization, with several clubs and members all over the country. In addition to the Emirates Feline Federation, it is likely to find EFF cat shows in different parts of the country. The strength of EFF is in its members. Breeders, exhibitors and cat lovers are all invited to join EFF and participate in the most progressive cat registry in the Middle East.
EFF recognizes over 60 breeds of cats for championship competition, awarding both National and International awards to the top scoring cats, kittens and alters. EFF also is the largest registry of non pedigreed cats and kittens. Household pet cats and kittens adopted from shelters or rescued off the street, compete among each other for international and regional awards, just like pedigreed cats. The accent within EFF is on healthy and happy cats which is reflected in its rules with their emphasis on health and welfare. Federation is proud of its unique judging format, its well-trained and professional judging staff and its friendly show atmosphere. EFF encourages family participation, too, through a fun and educational Junior program.
EFF offers assistance to catteries, cat owners, future cat owners and general public, as well as:
• Promotes friendly relations between cat owners, cat lovers and breeders in the UAE and unites cat fanciers around the world.
• Sets up a foundation to encourage research on feline health issues.
• Registers pedigree and domestic cats.
• Promotes and inspects catteries around UAE.
• Provides breed rescue programs.
• Encourages its members to take active roles in their communities to foster responsible spay/neuter awareness and humane education.
• Provides resources on health issues to its members.
• Provides seminars, judge courses, and education in feline studies.
• Publishing books and magazines and informing the general public on topics relating to cats.
• Encourages its members to work together to promote the preservation of pedigree cats and the health and welfare of all domestic cats.
• Provides information concerning not only the breeding, exhibition, and improvement of breed, but also the care and welfare of all cats.
Other Activities
• In cooperation with Netconnection University, EFF offers animal assisted therapy.
• Provides a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program for thousands of feral and abandoned felines throughout United Arab Emirates.
Recognized breeds[2]
Listed in alphabetical order by breed:
Championship Breeds
- A - Abyssinian, American Bobtail, American Curl, American Shorthair, American Wirehair
- B - Balinese, Bambino, Bengal, Birman, Bombay, British Longhair, British Shorthair, Burmese, Burmilla
- C - Canadian Sphynx, Chartreux, Chausie, Cornish Rex, Cymric
- D - Devon Rex, Don Sphynx
- E - Egyptian Mau, Exotic Shorthair, European Burmese, European Shorthair
- H - Havana Brown, Himalayan
- J - Japanese Bobtail
- K - Korat, Kurilian Bobtail
- L - LaPerm
- M - Maine Coon, Manx, Mekong Bobtail, Munchkin,
- N - Nebelung, Norwegian Forest Cat
- O - Ocicat, Oriental Longhair, Oriental Shorthair
- P - Persian, Peterbald, Pixiebob
- R - Ragamuffin, Ragdoll, Russian Blue
- S - Savannah, Scottish Fold, Selkirk Rex, Siamese, Siberian, Singapura, Snowshoe, Somali,
- T - Thai, Tonkinese, Toyger, Turkish Angora, Turkish Van
Advanced New Breeds
- A - Arabian Mau, Australian Mist
- N - Napoleon
- S - Serengeti
- ↑ "Emirates Feline Federation". felinefederation.org. Retrieved 2014-03-20.
- ↑ "Emirates Feline Federation". felinefederation.org. Retrieved 2014-03-20.