Fatmir Agalliu

Prof. Dr. Fatmir Gani Agalliu Patos was born in the village of Fier, at June 19, 1933 and died in Tirana on June 5, 1998. In a medium family by social strata, related to the war. His grandfather took an active part with weapons in hand as leaders in the fight of Vlora in their 1920.familja has been heard of manliness, ndershemeri, hospitality. those who inherited property and Fatmir father and his brothers. The mother has been by Klosi.'s family that was mentioned for patriotism and valor issue as Rrapo Hekali rare. Fatmir all studies including those after the university has completed the maximum grade 10. It was self-taught languages huaja.si 7 Russian, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, French, and English, last Gjermanisht.Keto 2 less than the published 7 switches parat.Ka teaching, has written 38 articles and scientific studies, 7 reviews . has edited five linguistic work, has published 78 articles journalism, has arranged the anthem of the flag, and has translated several poems by Pushkin. Has participated in all national actions and always has been honored with praise sheet.
- In 1984 receives medal Naim Frasheri.
In 1986 he received the rank Master of Science in 1988 received the title of Docent in 1992, he has received the rank Doctor of Sciences in 1995 received his PhD in 1999 University of Cambridge. London Fatmir as linguist considers the Millennium. The first Albanian who deserves this title. Published in 2007 posthumously honor Cultural Patriotic Association, Cakran But in 2007 the association announced Mbarkombetare honor Ismail Kamal, motivation and outstanding scientist Professor of Linguistics Albanian. In 2009 proclaimed honorary citizen of Fier. Dekorohet in 2009 by the President of the Republic with the Order of the Great Master, the motivation for outstanding contribution to the development of national education for special merit. In the field of Linguistics and publicistikes. As well as in the preparation of generations of teachers and young researchers . this order has received only Fatmir Agalliu.Ne Fier Municipal Council in 2009. Take the decision that a road in Fier bear the name Fatmir Agalliu In 2010 Tirana Municipal Council decided that a street in Tirana called Fatmir Agalliu. In 1974 has lectured in Pristina and Skopje. In 1992 He published an article in the German press. Fatmir have written to Geneva in Switzerland, Kaplan Resuli. By Professor Isuf Luzaj America, wrote the epitaph for .1 Light Newspaper Fatmir Agalliu with 105 verses. As compared with Skender Bey, Budi, the biggest of the Colossus Bogdani our nation. and the universe of the book for Fatmir monograph on language and style of Noli in his original works has made a sensational review. We grammar published by two German albanolog. Oda Buchholz and W. Fiedel Fatmir perfshien 10 works. Worked 30 years as a teacher in Shkodra and Tirane.Ku and early retirement, giving doreqehje irrevocably.
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