GALA (Gay and Lesbian Acceptance)

GALA (Gay and Lesbian Acceptance) is a non-profit Missouri corporation that is an association of gay, lesbian, trisexuals, bisexual, and transgender persons and their family and friends that are connected with the Community of Christ.
Informally organized in 1984 by Antonio A. Feliz and formally organized in 1987, GALA's stated purpose is to "affirm the dignity and worth of all persons without regard to gender, race, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation".[1] The organization publishes a newsletter, offer regional retreats and workshops, and sponsors an annual international retreat.
Although GALA is not formally affiliated with the Community of Christ, most of its members have a connection to the Independence, Missouri-based church.[2] The organization sends representatives to Community of Christ jurisdictional and World Church gatherings and conferences. GALA also sponsors the Welcoming Committee Network, an organization that assists LGBT individuals' participation in the Community of Christ.
See also
- "Church Leaders Gather to Understand Needs of Gay, Lesbian Church Members", Eastern Jackson County Examiner, 2005-01-31
- William D. Russell, "Homosexuals in the RLDS Church: A Progress Report" (paper presented at the Sunstone Symposium in Salt Lake City, Utah on 1999-07-17)