Gabit Musirepov

Gabit Makhmutuli Musirepov (Kazakh: Ғабит Махмұтұлы Мүсірепов; Russian: Габит Махмутович Мусрепов) (1902–1985) was a Soviet Kazakh writer, playwright and author of libretto to Kazakh opera Kyz-Zhibek. People's Writer of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, President of the Kazakhstan Union of Writers and member of the Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences.
Gabit Musirepov was born on 22 March 1902 (9 March according to the Julian calendar) in a village located in Kostanay region, then belonging to the Russian Empire. Between 1923 and 1926, he studied at the Faculty of Workers in Orenburg, and then at the agroeconomic institute at Omsk. He started his literary career in 1925, writing his first story, To the abyss (В пучине) in 1928, about events that occurred during the Russian Civil War, 1918-1920. In 1928, he collaborated at the literary journal Jana-Adabiet (Жана-Адабиет). Among his works stand out Kyz-Zhibek (Қыз Жібек), first libretto to a Kazakh opera, with music by Yevgeny Brusilovsky, and The tragedy of the poet (Трагедия поэта), written in 1958 (first version titled Ақан сері Ақтоқты, 1942), that dealt with the tragedy of Ajani, a Kazakh singer and composer of the 19th century.
He was President to the Union of Kazakh Writers between 1956–1962 and 1964–1966, Secretary of the Union of Soviet Writers (1959) and member of the 5th Convocation of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. He died on 31 December 1985.
Short stories
- Pair of Lakes (Қос шалқар, 1929)
- Urgent (Шұғыла, 1933)
- Stubby nostril (Талпақ танау, 1933)
- Kazakh Soldier (Қазақ солдаты, 1949)
- The Awakening of the Region (Оянған өлке, 1953)
- Ulpan (Ұлпан, 1976)
- Kyz-Zhibek (Қыз Жібек, 1934), music by Yevgeny Brusilovsky
- Amangeldi (Амангелді, 1937)
- Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu (Қозы Көрпеш Баян сұлу, 1939)
- Poet's tragedy (Трагедия поэта, 1958)
- Тулаған-Толқында, Казгиз, Kyzylorda, 1928
- Журнал «Жаңа-Әдебиет», 1928—1931
- Красноармейский букварь, Almaty, 1929—1930
- Букварь для малограмотных, Almaty, 1930
- Шығармалар жинағы, 5 томдық, т. 1-2, Almaty, 1972—1973
- Однажды и на всю жизнь. Избраные повести и рассказы, Almaty, 1968.
External links
- The tale of the first woman, Novellas of Gabit Musirepov
- The Fifth Kind, Novellas of Gabit Musirepov
- About Gabit Musirepov (On Kazakh)