Golden Book of Italian nobility

The Golden Book of Italian nobility is an official register kept in the State Central State in Rome[1][2] compiled by consult heraldry of the Kingdom of Italy, a government body established in 1869 at the Ministry of the Interior.[3] The same contains all the families that had the inscription measures of grace and justice, every family has one or more pages, in which are noted: the country of origin, usual residence of the family, noble titles and responsibilities with indications of provenance and transferability, royal and government measures, description of the shield and part of the genealogy documented, for the record the names of direct descendants was simply the presentation of acts of civil status of the collateral, provided the connection to the founder had occurred after the finishing of the family, had to provide documentation of marital status, but was also required the consent of the person (or its assignees, if deceased) who had received the first entry of the family. Otherwise, he was also the most frequent case for tax reasons, you must ask anew the decree of recognition. It follows that enrollment in the "Golden Book" was a simple administrative act and against the related measures could appeal to the council of state on legal grounds.[4]

To gain entry in the "Golden Book", in addition to submitting the application, you must have paid their administrative fees, obtaining registration with the Court of Auditors, after which the relevant decree was sent to law. The mere fact of belonging to a noble family was not only necessary, but it also required the positive opinions of the prefectural authorities who had approached the police, and many other things.[5]

RD on September 7, 1933, n. 1990 dictated rules about filling out the Golden Book, and ordered his citizens indicated Official List noble request, subject to specific recognition, registration for this book.

It is structured in volumes divided into two series:[6]

This gazette should not be confused, as often happens, with the homonymous repertoire regularly, also called the Golden Book of the Italian nobility, which is printed in Rome by the College of arms - arms Institute in Rome.

The official lists of nobility of the Kingdom of Italy

Before Italian unification, the official lists of families with noble title existed in many states and cities and often took the name of "Golden Book".[7]

The heraldic consultation was intended to avoid abuses and usurpations in the maintenance of existing titles in the pre-unification states and was responsible for keeping a "record of noble titles" in which membership was compulsory for the right to public attribution of the title. In 1889[8] was set up a list of families who had obtained decrees granting or recognition of titles of nobility after the ' unification of Italy were drawn simultaneously and 14 regional lists, where families were recorded already recorded in the official lists of states pre-unification.

In 1896 was established at the heraldic consult the "Golden Book of Italian nobility",[9] in which members were families who had obtained decrees granting, renewal or confirmation of a title of nobility by the king or royal decrees or ministerial recognition of his noble title.

In 1921 it was approved '"Official list of noble and titled families of the Kingdom of Italy":[10] the list included all family members already in the regional registers, but It marked with an asterisk those who, having obtained the royal decree or ministerial, were included in the Golden Book of Italian nobility.

In 1933 it was approved a second '"Official List of the Italian nobility",[11] to which was attached a list of predicates of nobility.

Students enrolled in the Italian Official lists of nobility (1921–1933 and SUPL. 1934-36) if within three years did not have the documentation for inclusion in the Golden Book was canceled by them: List of 1933 disappeared many families do not become extinct listed in the one published in 1921.[12]

The consultation heraldry, although it was never enacted the law that would regulate the removal, in 1948 ceased its functions, following the entry into force of the fourteenth and final transitional provision of the Italian Constitution, with which the Republican State sanctioned not the legal recognition of titles of nobility. The official list of heraldry see if he has lost all legal effect with regard to titles of nobility, however, remains as evidence of recognition of the title in the past, ordering, which is a prerequisite for the right to enter their name in the predicate.[13]

See also


  1. Riconoscimenti di predicati italiani e di titoli nobiliari pontifici nella Repubblica Italiana / repertorio a cura di Walter Pagnotta, Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali - Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Archivistici, Roma : Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1997, serie: Pubblicazioni degli Archivi di Stato. Sussidi ; 9 ISBN 88-7125-123-7
  2. Jocteau Gian Carlo: Nobili e nobiltà nell'Italia unita, Laterza (collana Quadrante Laterza) 1997
  3. Regio decreto n. 5318 del 10 ottobre 1869; il regolamento fu approvato con un secondo regio decreto dell'8 maggio 1870.
  4. AA.VV. "Nobiltà" pubblicazione bimestrale Milano anno XVII Gennaio-Febbraio 2010 numero 94 pag. 61
  5. AA.VV. "Nobiltà" pubblicazione bimestrale Milano anno XVII Gennaio-Febbraio 2010 numero 94 pag. 78
  6. Guida ai fondi dell'Archivio Centrale dello Stato
  7. Tra gli esempi il "Libro d'oro delle Isole Ionie", compilato dalle autorità veneziane, probabilmente come aiuto nella raccolta delle tasse piuttosto che come libro di promozione od ordinamento sociale, o il "Libro d'oro di Corfù", pubblicato la prima volta nel 1572.
  8. Regio decreto del 15 giugno 1889.
  9. Regi decreti n.313 del 2 luglio e n.314 del 5 luglio 1896. Furono istituiti contemporaneamente anche il "Libro araldico dei titolati stranieri" (famiglie straniere in possesso di titoli nobiliari italiani), il "Libro araldico della cittadinanza" (famiglie non nobili con stemma) e il "Libro araldico degli enti morali" (stemmi e altri simboli per enti pubblici o associazioni).
  10. Regio decreto n.972 del 3 luglio 1921.
  11. Regio decreto n. 1990 del 7 settembre 1933, con supplemento relativo al 1934-1936 approvato con regio decreto n.173 del 1 febbraio 1937.
  12. AA.VV. "Nobiltà" pubblicazione bimestrale Milano anno XVII Gennaio-Febbraio 2010 numero 94 pag. 77-78.
  13. Sentenza della Corte costituzionale n.101 del 1967.
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