Hammad al-Harrani
Hammad al-Harrani or Abu al-Thana' Hammad ibn Hibat Allah ibn Hammad ibn al-Fudayl al-Harrani al-Hanbali (Arabic: حماد الحراني ) was a Muslim scholar, poet, merchant and traveler who left his home town Harran to live in Alexandria under the reign of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi. Both towns were dominated by Hanbali school. However, he came back to Harran and died there in 598 AH/1202 AD.[1] He is the author of a lost history of Harran[2] and compiled poems.[3]
There were many scholars who listened and reported hadiths from Hammad al-Harrani during his stay in Alexandia and after he returned to Harran; among them were Ibn al-Hajib (570-646 AH) and Ahmad al-Harrani.[4]

Hammad al-Harrani's autograph, dated 1179 A.D., Adilnor Collection.
See also
- ↑ Ibn 'Imad , Shajarat IV, 335, Cairo 1350-01; Ibn Kathir, Bidayah, XIII, 33f, A manuscript of Ibn 'Abd al-Birr's Istidhkar was written for him in 573 AH/1177-08. Ref. Y. al-'Am, Fihris Makhtutat Dar al-Kutub al-Zahiriyah 274, Damascus 1366/1947.
- ↑ See Rosenthal, Histrography p. 466; David Morray, A Medieval Muslim scholars at work: Ibn Tawus and his library by Etan Kohlberg and An Ayyubid notable and his world: Ibn al-'Adim and Aleppo as portrayed in his Biographical dictionary of People associated with the city, p.8.
- ↑ 'Umar Rida Kahhalah, Mu'jam al-Mu'allifin.
- ↑ Ibn al-Sabuni, Takmilah Ikmal al-Ikmal.
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