Hill Park Secondary School

Hill Park Secondary School
465 East 16th
Hamilton, Ontario, L9A 4K6
School type High school
Motto Know The Reasons
Superintendent Sharon Stephanian
Area trustee Lillian Orban
School number 916722
Principal Angela Ferguson
Grades 9-12
Hours in school day Start: 8:40 AM - End: 3:00 PM
Mascot Black Ram
Website www.hwdsb.on.ca/hillpark/

Hill Park Secondary School is the oldest high school on the Hamilton Mountain and is a member of the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board. The school, located at 465 East 16th Street in Hamilton, was founded in 1955 as a fully composite high school, and was the first secondary school built on the Hamilton Mountain. The school was built as part of Hamilton's need for more secondary schools to match the increasing enrollment of baby boomers. Currently, the school has an enrollment of 941 students. The HWDSB announced on 24 May 2012 that Hill Park Secondary School will close, along with Barton Secondary School and Mountain Secondary School. The students will be consolidated into a new, $25 million school.[1]

Program Highlights

Student Support Programs

Drive to 85

Drive to 85 is a program that gives students more ways to accumulate credits to graduate while improving the quality of high school education in the province. The program's aim is for 85% of Ontario students to graduate from secondary school by the 2010-2011 school year.

Clubs & Sports

Hill Park Secondary School has the following clubs and sports:

Notable alumni

See also


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