Ignacy Sachs

Ignacy Sachs (Warsaw, 1927) is a Polish, naturalized French economist. He is also said to be an ecosocioeconomist, due to his ideas about development as a combination of economic growth, equalitarian increase in social well-being and environmental preservation. The term ecosocioeconomy was created by Karl William Kapp, a German economist and one of the authors who inspired the so-called political economy during the 1970s.
Professor Sachs taught at Paris XII University. Now Sachs is an invited researcher in the Institut of Advanced Studies in University of São Paulo - he lived in Brazil between 1941 and 1953 as a war refugee. He was one of the rare Jews who have returned to Poland (before his move to France) after the World War II; he did it due to his communist convictions.[1]
Works published in Brazil and about Brazil
- Capitalismo de Estado e Subdesenvolvimento: Padrões de setor público em economias subdesenvolvidas. Petrópolis : Vozes. 1969.
- Ecodesenvolvimento : crescer sem destruir. Trans. E. Araujo. - São Paulo: Vértice, 1981.
- Espaços, tempos e estratégias do desenvolvimento. São Paulo: Vértice. 1986.
- Histoire. culture et styles de développement : Brésil et Inde -esquisse de comparaison under the assessment of C. Comeliau and I. Sachs. L'Harmattan, UNESCO/CENTRAL, Paris.
- Extractivismo na Amazônia brasileira: perspectivas sobre o desenvolvimento regional. Ed. M. Cllisener-Godt and Ignacy Sachs. -Paris: UNESCO, 1994; -96 pp. (Compêndio MAB ; 18)
- Estratégias de transição para o século XXI: desenvolvimento e meio ambiente. Prologue: M. F. Strong ; trans. Magda Lopes. São Paulo: Studio Nobel : Fundação do desenvolvimento administrativo (FUNDAP), 1993.
- Brazilian Perspectives on Sustainable Development of the Amazon Region. Ed. M. Clüsener-Godt and I. Sachs. UNESCO/The Parthenon Publishing Group, Paris-New York, 1995.
- Rumo à Ecossocioeconomia - teoria e prática do desenvolvimento. São Paulo: Cortez Editora, 2007.
Works about Ignacy Sachs
- Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente no Brasil - A contribuição de Ignacy Sachs. Organizacão de Paulo Freire Vieira. Mauricio Andres Ribeiro. Roberto Messias Franco, Renato Caporali Cordeiro. Editora Palotti/APED. Florianópolis. 1998.
- Pour aborder le XXIème siècle avec le développement durable, textes édités par Solange Passaris et Krystyna Vinaver. Economies et Sociétés - Cahiers de l'ISMEA, tome xxxn. n° 1/1998. Serie "Développement, croissance et progrès", Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, Grenoble.
- La troisième rive. Editions Bourin : Paris. 2008.
Published in Brazil as A Terceira Margem by Companhia Das Letras in 2009.
This book is an autobiography of Ignacy Sachs and Viola Sachs. Its title is inspired on a short story written by Guimarães Rosa.
See also
- ↑ "Caminhos para o desenvolvimento sustentável", Ignacy Sachs, Rio de Janeiro, Garamond, 2002, p. 20-21
External links
- Institut d'urbanisme de paris, Paris 12 Val de Marne University: Pr Sachs' Interview
- Ignacy Sachs talks about the alternatives facing the third oil crisis
- Article by I. Sachs - "Brasil rural: da redescoberta à invenção"
- Interview with Ignacy Sachs, recorded in video
- Artigo: "Ecossocioeconomia? O que é isso, coleguinha?"
- Interview with Ignacy Sachs
- Articles and interviews
- United Nations Intellectual History Project
- A book written by Ignacy Sachs and published by Vedams Books, an Indian publisher