Student Union at the Royal Institute of Technology

The Student Union at the Royal Institute of Technology (Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår or THS) is the students' union at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. It is affiliated with the Stockholm Federation of Student Unions.
The student union was founded on 26 November 1901. The union building Nymble was designed by leading Swedish modernists Uno Åhrén and Sven Markelius in 1928 and inaugurated in 1930; it is significant as one of the first examples of modernist architecture in Sweden and has status as a listed building.
The student union has a governing chamber of delegates elected by the students at the Institute and a board and other officials elected by the delegates. The union appoints student representatives to various boards of the Institute.
The members of THS are divided into chapters or "sections" of the union. Each chapter corresponds to a number of programs (bachelor, master or doctoral) at the Royal Institute of Technology. Each chapter has its own management and arranges a reception for new students. The chapters or sections of THS are:
Chapter/Section | Program |
Arkitektursektionen | Architecture |
Bergssektionen | Material Engineering |
Sektionen för Civilingenjör och Lärare | Master of Science Teachers |
Datasektionen | Computer Engineering |
Doktorandsektionen | Ph.D Studies |
Elektrosektionen | Electrical Engineering |
Fysiksektionen | Physics |
Sektionen för Industriell Ekonomi | Industrial engineering and management |
Sektionen för Informations- och Nanoteknik | ICT and Micro electronics |
Ingenjörsektionen Haninge | |
Ingenjörsektionen Telge | |
Kemisektionen | Chemical Engineering |
Kungliga Maskinsektionen | Mechanical Engineering |
Sektionen för Medieteknik | Media Technology |
Samhällsbyggnadssektionen | Built Environment Engineering |
Flygsektionen | Vehicle Engineering |
Sektionen för Energi och miljö | Energy and Environment |
See also
External links
- Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår - Official site