
Available in English

Israellycool is an English-language Israeli news blog. It has been described by The Jerusalem Post as a "pro-Israel activist web site".[1]


In 2007, Israellycool first uncovered and publicized a weather reporting feature on the CNN website that failed to identify Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which CNN subsequently corrected.[1]

In 2014, Israellycool obtained and published a letter by Holocaust Education Trust Ireland (HETI) board chairman Peter Cassells which stated that "it was decided in future, the MC of Holocaust Memorial Day will not refer to the Jewish state or the State of Israel during any part of the ceremony." As a result of consequent pressure brought by the story, HETI backtracked and reaffirmed that Israel would be mentioned during the January 2015 commemoration ceremony in Dublin.[2]


In 2005, Israellycool and The Jerusalem Post English-language newspaper joined together to host the second year of the Jewish Israeli Blogosphere awards.[3]


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