Jones Gulch

Jones Gulch is a Valley in the state of Colorado (county of Summit), located at latitude - longitude coordinates (also known as lat-long or GPS coordinates) of N 39.60443 and W -105.93001. Jones Gulch is shown in the center of the topographic (topo) map, which is sourced from the United States Geographical Survey map USGS Keystone quad. The nearest major town is Dillon, CO.[1]

Jones Gulch is a valley located between Independence and Dercum mountain, directly south east from the resort town of Keystone Colorado. At the bottom of the valley lies an abandoned mining settlement consisting of a few (still standing) homes and mining equipment. The settlement can be accessed by trails that approach from the north side of Dercum mountain. To the east, the western face of Independence mountain trailed by a mining road connecting the settlement with old mine shafts.


  1. "Jones gulch". Retrieved 28 August 2012.

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