José Rodríguez Pérez

José Rodríguez Pérez is a Chilean engineer and professor of electrical engineering. In 2015, he was appointed rector of the Universidad Andrés Bello.[1] He was previously professor of electrical engineering at at the Federico Santa María Technical University, as well as its rector for the periods 2005-2006 (Interim) and 2006-2010 (voted by the University community).

Personal background

Rodríguez was born in Valdivia, Chile. He received the degrees of Technician in Electronics and Electrical Engineer at the Federico Santa María Technical University (USM) in 1977 and his doctorate in electrical engineering at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in 1985. Since 1977 he is working at USM where he is currently Professor in the Department of Electronical Engineering.[2][3]

For several years, Dr. Rodríguez has been working giving lectures of electrical networks, electrical machines, energy conversion, power electronics, electrical drives and applications of power converters.[4]


  1. "Departamento de Electrónica - U.T.F.S.M". Retrieved 2013-08-19.
  2. "Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María - Ingeniería en Chile". Retrieved 2013-08-19.
  3. "José Rodriguez". Retrieved 2013-08-19.
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