K. K. Y. W. Perera

Karannagoda Kankanamalage Yasaratne Wijayasundara Perera
Born 29 November 1932
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Nationality Sri Lankan
Education Ananda College
University of Moratuwa
University of Birmingham
University of British Columbia
Religion Theravada Buddhism
Awards Vidya Jyothi

Karannagoda Kankanamalage Yasaratne Wijayasundara Perera, is a pioneer in the field of electronic engineering in Sri Lanka. He was the former Professor of Engineering and former Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Moratuwa. He also held positions such as Chairman of the Sri Lankan branch of the Institution of Electrical Engineers UK, General President of the Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science and President of the Institution of Engineers. Furthermore, he served terms as the Chairman of the Ceylon Electricity Board and Chairman of Sri Lanka Telecom, among other institutions. He was also the Secretary of the Ministry of Power and Energy for around 10 years.


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