Ligurian (Romance language)
Ligurian | |
Lìgure, Zenéize | |
Pronunciation | [ˈliɡyre], [zeˈnejze] |
Native to | Italy, Monaco, France |
Region |
Italy: Liguria Piedmont (southern part of the Province of Cuneo and Province of Alessandria) Lombardy (southern part of the Province of Pavia) Emilia-Romagna (part of the Province of Piacenza and Province of Parma) Sardinia (part of the Province of Carbonia-Iglesias) Monaco France: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (part of Alpes Maritimes) Corsica (part of Haute-Corse and Corse-du-Sud) Argentina: Buenos Aires (in the neighborhood of La Boca) |
Native speakers | 500,000 (2002)[1] |
Dialects | |
Language codes | |
ISO 639-3 |
lij |
Glottolog |
ligu1248 [2] |
Linguasphere |
51-AAA-oh & 51-AAA-og |
Ligurian (lìgure or lengoa lìgûre) is a Gallo-Romance language spoken in Liguria in Northern Italy, parts of the Mediterranean coastal zone of France, Monaco and in the villages of Carloforte and Calasetta in Sardinia. It is part of the Western Romance language continuum. The Genoese (Zenéize), spoken in Genoa, the capital of Liguria, is the language's prestige dialect on which the standard is based.
Ligurian has almost 500,000 native speakers, and is still widely spoken by many in Genoa and in many of the small towns and villages in the region. There are also many groups dedicated to the preservation of the language such as Associazione Culturale O Castello in Chiavari, which offers Ligurian (Genovese) language courses. Notable native speakers of Ligurian include Niccolò Paganini, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Christopher Columbus, Eugenio Montale, Giulio Natta, Italo Calvino, and Fabrizio De André.There is also a popular musical group, Buio Pesto, who compose songs entirely in the Genoese dialect.
There is a long literary tradition of Ligurian poets and writers that goes from the 13th century to the present, such as Luchetto (the Genoese Anonym), Martin Piaggio and Gian Giacomo Cavalli.
Geographic extent

Besides Liguria (Ligurian Ligùria), the language is traditionally spoken in coastal, northern Tuscany, southern Piedmont (part of the province of Alessandria), western extremes of Emilia-Romagna (some areas in the province of Piacenza), in a small area of southern Sardinia (Italy), the Alpes-Maritimes of France (mostly the Côte d'Azur from the Italian border to and including Monaco), and in a township at the south of Corsica (France). It has been adopted formally in Monaco as the Monegasque language; or locally, Munegascu.
The Mentonasc dialect, spoken in the East of the County of Nice, is considered to be a transitional Occitan dialect to Ligurian; conversely, the Roiasc and Pignasc spoken further North in the Eastern margin of the County are Ligurian dialects with Occitan influences.
In Italy, the language has given way to Standard Italian and in France to French.
Ligurian exhibits distinct Italian features but also has features of other Romance languages. No link between Romance Ligurian and the Ligurian language of the ancient Ligurian populations, in the form of a substrate or otherwise, can be demonstrated by linguistic evidence. There are, however, toponomastic derivations from ancient Ligurian.
Variants of the Ligurian language are:
- Zeneize (meaning Genoese, main Ligurian variant, spoken in Genoa)
- Spezzino (in La Spezia)
- Monegasque (in Monaco)
- Mentonasque (in Menton (France))
- Intemelio (in Sanremo and Ventimiglia)
- Brigasc (in La Brigue and Briga Alta)
- Royasc (French: Royasque) (in Upper Roya Valley)
- Tabarchino (in Calasetta and Carloforte)
- Bonifacino (in Bonifacio)
- Noveize or Oltregiogo Ligurian (North of Genoa, mainly in Val Borbera and Novi Ligure)
The Ligurian alphabet has:
- 7 vowels: a, e, i, ò (IPA: [ɔ]), o [u], u [y], æ [ɛ], plus the group eu [ø].
- 18 consonants: b, c, ç, d, f, g, h, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, x, z.
- It uses the umlaut (¨), circumflex (ˆ), acute (´), and grave (`) accents on most vowels when the full pronunciation key is given in the official spelling. It also uses the c-cedilla (ç).
- a péia: pear (It. and Sp. pera, Pt. pêra, Ro. păr ), plural e péie (f.)
- o méi: apple (It. mela , Ro. măr), its plural is feminine: e méie
- o belìn or belàn (used as an exclamation, lit. 'penis' similar with)
- o çetrón: orange (cf. Fr. citron 'lemon'; replacing Gen. limón—cf. It. limone)
- o fîgo: fig (It. fico Ro. fig Fr. figue, Gl. and Pt. figo), plural e fighe (f.)
- o pèrsego: peach (It. pesca, Ro. piersică, Fr. pêche, Cat. préssec, Gl. pexego, Pt. pêssego)
- a franboâza: raspberry (Fr. framboise, Pt. framboesa)
- a çêxa: cherry (It. ciliegia Ro. cireaşa, Fr. cerise, Pt. cereja)
- o meréllo: strawberry
- a nôxe: walnut (It. noce)
- a nisêua: hazelnut (It. nocciola, Ro. nuc, Fr. noisette, Pt. noz)
- o bricòcalo: apricot (It. albicocca, Cat. albercoc, Pt. abricó)
- l'ûga: grape (It., Sp. and Pt. uva , Ro. uvă, auo)
- o pigneu: pine nut (It. pinolo, Ro. nucă de pin, Pt. pinho)
- arvî: to open (It. aprire, Fr. ouvrir, Sp. and Pt. abrir)
- serâ: to close (It. chiudere, Ro. închidere, Sp. cerrar)
- ciæo: light (cf. It. chiaro , Ro. clar)
- a cà or câza: home, house (It., Sp. and Pt. casa; Ro. casă, Cat. and Ven: 'Ca(sa))
- l'êuvo: egg (It. uovo, Fr. l'œuf, Ro. ou, Gl. and Pt. ovo)
- l'éuggio: eye (It. occhio, Ro. ochi, Fr. l'œil, Cat. ull, Gl. ollo, Pt. olho)
- a bócca: mouth (It. bocca, Sp. and Pt. boca)
- a tésta: head (It. testa , Ro. ţeastă)
- a schénn-a: back (It. schiena, Ro. spinare, Cat. esquena)
- o cû: arse (It., Sp. culo, Ro. cur, Fr. and Cat. cul, Gal. and Pt. cu)
- o bràsso: arm (It. braccio, Ro. braţ, Fr. bras, Pt. braço)
- a gànba: leg (It. gamba, Ro. gambă, Fr. jambe, Cat. cama)
- o cheu: heart (It. cuore, Ro. cor, Fr. cœur)
- l'articiòcca: artichoke (It. carciofo, De. Artischocke, Fr. artichaut)
- a tomâta: tomato (It. pomodoro, De. Tomate, Fr. tomate)
- ↑ Ligurian at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015)
- ↑ Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian, eds. (2016). "Ligurian". Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.
- Jean-Philippe Dalbera, Les parlers des Alpes Maritimes : étude comparative, essai de reconstruction [thèse], Toulouse: Université de Toulouse 2, 1984 [éd. 1994, Londres: Association Internationale d’Études Occitanes]
- Werner Forner, “Le mentonnais entre toutes les chaises ? Regards comparatifs sur quelques mécanismes morphologiques” [Caserio & al. 2001: 11–23]
- Intemelion (revue), n° 1, Sanremo, 1995.
External links
![]() |
Ligurian language edition of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
- Associazione O Castello (in Italian/ Ligurian)
- Official Orthography and Alphabet (in Ligurian)
- A Compagna (Italian)
- Audio samples of several Italian dialects
- GENOVÉ (English version) – Ligurian language & culture, literature, photos and resources to learn Ligurian (English)
- GENOVÉ (Homepage in Ligurian and Spanish) (Spanish)
- Ligurian poetry and prose
- Ligurian dictionaries in Spanish and English to download for free
- Ligurian basic lexicon at the Global Lexicostatistical Database
- Firefox, a web browser in Ligurian
- Opera, a web browser in Ligurian