List of American comics creators

Some prominent cartoonists of the late 19th-century: Charles Nelan, Frederick Opper, R. F. Outcault, C. G. Bush, Louis Dalrymple, Homer Davenport, and W. A. Rogers
This is a list of American comics creators. Although comics have different formats, this list covers creators of comic books, graphic novels and comic strips, along with early innovators. The list presents authors with the United States as their country of origin, although they may have published or now be resident in other countries. For other countries, see List of comic creators.
Comics creators
- Jessica Abel
- Art Adams
- James S. Abrams - (Archaic)
- Forrest J. Ackerman - (Vampirella, editor and principal writer of the magazine Famous Monsters of Filmland)
- Eric Adams - (Lackluster World)
- Neal Adams
- Scott Adams - (Dilbert)
- Charles Addams - (The Addams Family)
- Gene Ahern - (Our Boarding House, Room and Board, The Squirrel Cage and The Nut Bros.)
- Bill Amend - (FoxTrot)
- Charles Andres - (CPU Wars)
- Sergio Aragonés - (Mad Magazine, Groo the Wanderer)
- Allred, Mike
- Almond, Bob
- Anderson, Brent
- Austin, Terry
- Azzarello, Brian
- Mark Bagley
- Carl Barks - ((Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck)
- Donna Barr, - (Stinz, The Desert Peach)
- Richard Bassford
- Alison Bechdel - (Dykes to Watch Out For)
- Brian Michael Bendis
- Christian Beranek
- Dave Berg - (The Lighter Side of...)
- Karen Berger -(Vertigo)
- Walter Berndt - (Smitty)
- Wally Bishop - (Muggs and Skeeter)
- Bud Blake - (Tiger)
- Merrill Blosser - (Freckles and His Friends)
- Brett Booth
- Troy Boyle
- Jeffrey Brown - ('Clumsy', 'Unlikely', Incredible Change-Bots' and more [1])
- Bradford, Aubrey
- Martin Branner - (Winnie Winkle)
- T. Casey Brennan
- Norm Breyfogle
- Clare Briggs - (A. Piker Clerk)
- Dik Browne - (Hägar the Horrible)
- Frank Brunner
- Cary Burkett
- Charles Burns - (El Borbah, Black Hole)
- Sal Buscema
- Ernie Bushmiller - (Nancy)
- Kurt Busiek
- Gene Byrnes - (Reg'lar Fellers)
- John Byrne
- Milton Caniff - (Terry and the Pirates and Steve Canyon)
- Max Cannon - (Red Meat)
- Al Capp - (Li'l Abner)
- Sergio Cariello
- Vic Carrabotta
- Bernard Chang
- Travis Charest
- Daniel Clowes - (Ghost World)
- Jack Cole - (Plastic Man)
- A.D. Condo - (The Outbursts of Everett True, Mr. Skygack, from Mars)
- Darby Conley
- Gerry Conway
- Richard Corben - (Den)
- Denys Cowan
- Roy Crane - (Captain Easy and Wash Tubbs)
- Jaime Crespo - (Life on the Edge of Hell)
- Robert Crumb - (Fritz the Cat, Mr. Natural, Keep on Truckin')
- Darlene Culkin
- Nick Cuti - (E-Man, Moonchild, Captain Cosmos, Moonie)
- Nicholas P. Dallis - (Rex Morgan, M.D., Judge Parker, Apartment 3-G))
- Geof Darrow - (Hard Boiled, Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot, Shaolin Cowboy)
- Peter David
- Jack Davis - (Mad Magazine)
- Jim Davis - (Garfield)
- Richard Dean Starr
- Billy DeBeck - (Barney Google and Snuffy Smith)
- Kim Deitch - (Waldo the Cat)
- Graham Francis Defries - (co-creator of Queens Counsel)
- J. M. DeMatteis
- Vince Deporter
- Derf - (My Friend Dahmer) [2]
- Tony DiGerolamo
- Walt Disney - (Disney comics)
- Steve Ditko
- Richard Dominguez
- Colleen Doran
- Evan Dorkin
- Mike Dringenberg
- Will Eisner - (The Spirit, A Contract with God)
- Christian Elbert - (Star Missions & I Hate Snakes, others)
- Elder, Bill - (Mad Magazine, Panic, Co-creator of Goodman Beaver)
- Harlan Ellison
- Randy Emberlin
- Steve Englehart
- Mark Evanier
- Kevin Fagan - (Drabble)
- Lee Falk - (The Phantom and Mandrake the Magician)
- Lyonel Feininger - (The Kin-der-Kids, Wee Willie Winkie's World. [3])
- Charles Fincher - (The Illustrated Daily Scribble and Thadeus & Weez)
- Bud Fisher - (Mutt and Jeff)
- Anthony Flamini
- John Forte
- Fontaine Fox - (Toonerville Folks)
- Ron Frenz
- Gary Friedrich, no relation to Mike Friedrich
- Mike Friedrich, no relation to Gary Friedrich
- Giella, Joe
- Giffen, Keith
- Gillis, Peter B.
- Rube Goldberg - (Boob McNutt, Mike and Ike (They Look Alike))
- Stan Goldberg
- Michael Golden
- Chester Gould - (Dick Tracy)
- Floyd Gottfredson - (Mickey Mouse)
- Harold Gray - (Little Orphan Annie)
- Justin Green (Binky Brown)
- Mike Grell
- Bill Griffith - (Zippy)
- Matt Groening - (Life in Hell)
- Dick Guindon - (The Carp Chronicles and Guindon)
- Cathy Guisewite - (Cathy)
- Jessica Hagy - (Indexed)
- Larry Hama
- Hamlin, V. T. - (Alley Oop)
- Cully Hamner
- Marc Hansen
- Jack C. Harris[4]
- Tony Harris
- Johnny Hart - (B.C., The Wizard of Id)
- George Herriman - (Krazy Kat)
- Sol Hess - (Wallace Carlson of The Nebbs)
- Walter Hoban - (Jerry on the Job)
- Hoberg, Rick
- Nicole Hollander - (Sylvia)
- Howell, Richard
- Kin Hubbard - (Abe Martin of Brown County)
- Reginald Hudlin
- James D. Hudnall
- Igle,Jamal
- Infantino, Carmine, DC Comics artist, later executive
- Isabella, Tony
- Lynn Johnston - (For Better or For Worse)
- Arvell Jones
- Bruce Jones
- Chuck Jones - (Crawford) [5]
- Kelley Jones
- Russ Jones
- Geoff Johns
- Crockett Johnson - (Barnaby)
- Tom Joyner
- Dan Jurgens
- Justiniano
- Michael Kaluta
- Bob Kane - (Batman)
- Bil Keane - (The Family Circus)
- Walt Kelly - (Pogo)
- Barbara Kesel
- Karl Kesel
- Sam Kieth
- Frank King - (Gasoline Alley)
- Jack Kirby - (Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk)
- Robert Kirkman
- Todd Klein
- Scott Kolins
- Wilhelm Heinrich Detlev Körner - (Hugo Hercules)
- Shin Koyamadan - (The Dreamhoppers)
- Teddy Kristiansen
- Charles Kuhn - (Grandma)
- Harvey Kurtzman - (Mad Magazine, Little Annie Fanny)
- Larsen, Erik
- Law, Rick
- Layton, Bob
- Lazarus, Leon
- Lee, Jae
- Lee, Jim
- Stan Lee - ( writer of Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk)
- Paul Levitz
- Rob Liefeld
- Mike Lilly
- Jason Little
- Marty Links - (Emmy Lou)
- Frank Lovece
- David Lynch - (The Angriest Dog in the World)
- Stan Lynde - (Rick O'Shay and Latigo)
- Mack, David
- Gus Mager - (Hawkshaw the Detective, Sherlocko the Monk)
- Maggin, Elliot S!
- Mantlo, Bill,
- Pablo Marcos
- Ron Marlett - (Ensign Bafflestir)
- William Moulton Marston - (Wonder Woman)
- Don Martin - (Mad Magazine, Captain Klutz, Fonebone)
- Edgar Martin - (Boots and Her Buddies)
- Harry B. Martin - (Weatherbird)
- Mark Martin
- Paul Mavrides
- Joe Matt - (Peepshow)
- Val Mayerik
- Clifford McBride - (Napoleon and Uncle Elby)
- Winsor McCay - (Little Nemo in Slumberland, Little Sammy Sneeze)
- Scott McCloud - (Zot!, Understanding Comics)
- Luke McDonnell
- Walt McDougall - (illustrator of Queer Visitors from the Marvelous Land of Oz and other early 20th-century strips.)
- Todd McFarlane - (Spawn)
- Don McGregor
- Roger Mckenzie
- Bob McLeod
- Shawn McManus
- John McPherson - (Close to Home)
- Frank Miller
- David Michelinie
- Mike Mignola
- Al Milgrom
- Wiley Miller
- Takeshi Miyazawa
- Christopher Moeller
- Arthur R. "Pop" Momand - (Keeping Up with the Joneses)
- Rags Morales
- Dean Motter
- Bob Montana - (Archie Comics)
- Zack Mosley - (The Adventures of Smilin' Jack)
- Michael Netzer
- Dennis O'Neil
- Mike Okamoto
- Frederick Burr Opper - (Happy Hooligan, Alphonse and Gaston, And Her Name Was Maud)
- Jerry Ordway
- John Ostrander
- Richard F. Outcault - (The Yellow Kid, Buster Brown)
- Tom Palmer
- Jimmy Palmiotti
- Stephan Pastis - (Pearls Before Swine)
- Chuck Patton[6]
- Harvey Pekar - (American Splendor)
- George Pérez
- Don Perlin
- David Perrin
- Rina Piccolo - (Tina's Groove)
- Mike Ploog
- Keith Pollard
- Whilce Portacio
- Carl Potts
- Howard Post - (The Dropouts)
- Greg Potter
- Brian Pulido
- Steve Purcell
- Quesada, Joe, 2000s editor-in-chief of Marvel Comics
- Race, Janice
- Randall, Ron
- Alex Raymond - (Flash Gordon)
- Reese, Ralph
- Spain Rodriguez - (Trashman)
- Stephen Slesinger - (Red Ryder and King of the Royal Mounted)
- Don Rosa - (Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge)
- Ross, Alex
- Rucka, Greg
- Clarence D. Russell - (Pete the Tramp)
- Russell, P. Craig
- Stan Sakai
- Carl E. Schultze - (Foxy Grandpa) [7]
- Charles M. Schulz - (Peanuts)
- David Schwartz
- Elzie Segar - (Thimble Theatre, Popeye)
- John Severin - (Mad Magazine, Cracked, Frontline Combat, Two-Fisted Tales, Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos, Two-Gun Kid)
- Severin, Marie
- Gilbert Shelton - (The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers)
- Jim Sherman
- Jim Shooter - (Marvel Comics editor-in-chief)
- Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster - (Superman)
- Gail Simone
- Joe Sinnott
- Bill Sienkiewicz
- Louise Simonson
- Walt Simonson
- Marc Silvestri
- Dan Slott
- Mark Andrew Smith
- Paul Smith
- Sidney Smith - (The Gumps)
- Art Spiegelman - (Maus, In the Shadow of No Towers)
- Jim Starlin
- Joe Staton - (E-Man)
- Brian Stelfreeze
- Jim Steranko - (Nick Fury)
- Roger Stern
- J. Michael Straczynski
- Jan Strnad
- Laurie S. Sutton
- Jimmy Swinnerton - (The Little Bears, Mr. Jack, Little Jimmy)
- Hilda Terry - (Teena)
- John Terry - (Scorchy Smith)
- Roy Thomas
- Craig Thompson
- John Totleben
- Garry Trudeau - (Doonesbury)
- Timothy Truman
- Rick Tulka - (Mad Magazine)
- George Tuska - (Hercule, Scorchy Smith)
- Carol Tyler
- Andrew Vachss
- Jim Valentino
- Brian K. Vaughan
- Gustave Verbeek - (The Upside Downs of Little Lady Lovekins and Old Man Muffaroo)
- Ed Verdier - (Little Annie Rooney)
- Charles Vess
- Charles Voight - (Betty)
- John Wagner
- Mark Waid
- Mort Walker - (Beetle Bailey, Boner's Ark)
- Adam Warren
- Bill Watterson - (Calvin and Hobbes)
- Gerard Way
- H. T. Webster - (Caspar Milquetoast)
- Craig Weich - (Beyond Comics)
- Len Wein
- Alan Weiss
- Morris Weiss
- Russ Westover - (Tillie the Toiler)
- Ogden Whitney - (Herbie Popnecker)
- Bill Willingham
- Ron Wilson
- Marv Wolfman
- Wally Wood - (EC Comics, Mad Magazine)
- Jim Woodring - (Frank)
- Bernie Wrightson
- Gene Luen Yang
- Chic Young - (Blondie)
Independent and underground
- Sophie Campbell, creator of Wet Moon
- Bob Burden, creator, Flaming Carrot
- Kody Chamberlain, artist on "30 Days of Night" and "Digital Webbing"
- Dame Darcy, creator of Meatcake
- Diane DiMassa, creator of Hothead Paisan
- Troy Dye, creator of Goblin Chronicles
- Kevin Eastman co-creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Chondra Echert, The Armory Wars
- Espinosa, Rod, creator of Neotopia and The Courageous Princess
- Andy Fish, creator of Adam Bomb
- Hart D. Fisher, creator of Jeffrey Dahmer: An Unauthorized Biography of a Serial Killer, publisher of Boneyard Press
- Mary Fleener
- Shary Flenniken, creator of Trots and Bonnie
- Brad W. Foster, creator of Mechthings and co-creator of The Adventures of Olivia
- Chandra Free
- David Gallaher, creator and writer of the comic version of Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
- Phoebe Gloeckner, author of A Child's Life and Other Stories and The Diary of a Teenage Girl: An Account in Words and Pictures
- Green, Justin, creator of Binky Brown
- Gregory, Roberta, creator of Naughty Bits
- Hernandez, Gilbert "Beto", co-creator of Love and Rockets
- Graeme Buchan, writer, Creepy Scarlett [8]
- Hernandez, Jaime, co-creator of Love and Rockets
- Hernandez, Javier, creator of El Muerto
- Hernandez, Mario, co-creator of Love and Rockets
- Don Hillsman II
- Kirby, Robert, creator of Curbside
- Knight,Dennis creator of CROSS
- Kominsky-Crumb, Aline, creator of The Bunch
- Peter Laird co-creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- David Lawrence
- Joseph Michael Linsner, creator of Dawn
- David Rees
- Matt Madden
- Carla Speed McNeil, creator of Finder
- Pop Mhan, creator of Blank and co-creator of Spyboy
- Russell Myers
- Richard Moore, creator of Far West and Boneyard
- Moore, Terry
- Josh Neufeld, artist for American Splendor and creator of A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge
- Dan O'Neill, founder, the Air Pirates
- William O'Neill, co-creator, Violent Messiahs, Chassis
- Schrag, Ariel
- Seda, Dori, 1980s underground satirist
- Seeley, Tim, creator, HACK/slash, Loaded Bible, Lovebunny & Mr. Hell
- Ottney, Ryan Scott, writer, The Legend of Isis, Bikini Bandits
- Perry, Fred, creator, Gold Digger and Legacy
- Pichon, Miller, creator of the Motor Mashup series
- Pini, Wendy, creator, Elfquest
- Randolph, Grace, creator, Grace Randolph's Supurbia
- Rice, Doug, creator of Dynamo Joe
- Roberson, John Linton, creator of Vitriol and Vladrushka.
- Robbins, Trina, artist/writer, Wonder Woman and underground comics
- Sanchez, Claudio Writer The Armory Wars
- Sanchez, Darren
- Sala, Richard, creator of Peculia
- Shipman, Gary, creator, Pakkins' Land
- Shipman, Rhoda, co-writer, Pakkins' Land
- Smith, Jeff, creator, Bone
- Smylie, Mark, creator Artesia
- Thompson, Bart
- Tomine, Adrian, creator of Optic Nerve
- Vasquez, Jhonen, creator, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Squee
- Veitch, Rick
- Wagner, Matt, creator of Mage and Grendel
- Ware, Chris, creator of The Acme Novelty Library and Jimmy Corrigan
- Waller, Reed, creator of Omaha the Cat Dancer
- White, Mack
- Weich, Graig, Beyond Comics Creator/Artist/WriterGekido, Code Name: Justice, Ravedactyl, Justice, and Gekido vs. Code Name: Justice
- Welz, Larry, creator of Cherry
- Joshua Workman, Co-Creator of Blamo Comics and Draws on Ferocity, The Mirage, The Unlimiteds, Lightning Bug, Rayman, Big-Man, X, Dusk, Blaze, and writes for The Unlimiteds and X
- Yune, Tommy, creator of Buster the Amazing Bear, writer/artist of Speed Racer
- Onstad, Chris, creator of Achewood
- Abel, Jack, DC and Marvel Comics inker
- Adkins, Dan
- Alascia, Vince Timely Comics and Charlton Comics artist
- Anderson, Murphy
- Andru, Ross, penciller best known as longtime artist on Wonder Woman and The Amazing Spider-Man. Co-creator of the Metal Men
- Aparo, Jim, DC Comics artist best known for 1970s Batman
- Arnold, Everett A. "Busy", publisher, Quality Comics
- Atkinson, Ruth
- Avison, Al, Golden Age Captain America artist
- Beck, C. C., creator of the original Captain Marvel
- Biro, Charles, 1911-1972, creator of Steel Sterling. Best known for work with publisher Lev Gleason Comic House
- Boring, Wayne, artist best known as Superman's primary artist in late 1940s to 1950s
- Burgos, Carl, Golden Age, creator of the Human Torch
- Buscema, John, longtime artist for Marvel Comics
- Cardy, Nick, artist on Aquaman and the Teen Titans in the 1960s. Co-creator of Bat Lash
- Chick, Jack T.
- Cockrum, Dave, co-creator of the "new X-Men"
- Louis Cazeneuve, Golden Age Aquaman artist
- Scott Clark, artist for the Martian Manhunter back-up in the new Justice League of America series
- Colan, Gene
- Colletta, Vince, inker noted for work on Jack Kirby's The Mighty Thor
- Craig, Johnny
- Crandall, Reed
- DeCarlo, Dan, longtime Archie Comics writer-artist, created Josie and the Pussycats
- Dillin, Dick, longtime artist of Justice League of America
- Drake, Arnold, co-creator of The Guardians of the Galaxy; co-created It Rhymes with Lust
- DuBois, Gaylord, creator of Brothers of the Spear, longtime writer of Tarzan, Roy Rogers, Turok, Space Family Robinson and more
- Evans, George, illustrator for EC
- Everett, Bill, creator of Namor the Sub-Mariner
- Feldstein, Al
- Fine, Lou, Golden Age great; creator, Black Condor
- Finger, Bill Co-creator of Batman
- Fisher, Seth artist best known for his work at Vertigo (DC Comics), and Marvel Comics
- Fox, Gardner, longtime writer of the Justice Society of America, Justice League of America, and many others
- Frazetta, Frank
- Gately, George
- Gerber, Steve, creator of Howard the Duck
- Giacoia, Frank, aka Frank Ray, Silver Age inker, known for work on Jack Kirby's Captain America
- Goodwin, Archie
- Graham, Billy
- Grainger, Sam
- Grant, Vernon, creator of The Love Rangers
- Gustavson, Paul, Golden Age creator of The Angel
- Harris, Lee, Harris Levey, DC Comics illustrator, creator of Air Wave
- Hartley, Al
- Heck, Don
- Iger, Jerry
- Infantino, Carmine, DC Comics artist, later executive
- Ingels, Graham
- Kamen, Jack
- Kane, Bob, creator of Batman
- Kane, Gil, artist of Green Lantern, The Atom, The Amazing Spider-Man and other Silver Age characters; early innovator in graphic novels
- Keller, Jack, longtime Kid Colt artist
- Kirby, Jack, co-creator of Captain America, co-creator of Marvel Comics characters including the Fantastic Four, the Hulk and the X-Men
- Klein, George, Silver Age inker
- Krigstein, Bernie
- Kubert, Joe
- Kweskin, Sam
- Leav, Mort
- LeRose, Bob
- Macnelly, Jeff
- Maneely, Joe, 1950s Atlas artist best known for comics The Black Knight, Yellow Claw, and The Ringo Kid
- Manning, Russ
- Mayer, Sheldon, Golden Age artist for DC Comics, creator of Sugar & Spike
- Meskin, Morton
- Moldoff, Sheldon
- Mooney, Jim, Supergirl
- Morisi, Pete
- Morrow, Gray
- Mortimer, Win
- Novick, Irv
- O'Neill, Rose, Creator of 1909 Kewpie Comics
- Orlando, Joe
- Parker, Brant
- Purcell, Howard
- Reinman, Paul, 1950s penciler and Silver Age inker best known for Jack Kirby work, including The Incredible Hulk #1
- Robison, Alex
- Robinson, Jerry
- Rogers, Marshall
- Roussos, George, aka George Bell, Marvel Comics inker best known for early issues of Jack Kirby's The Fantastic Four
- Rule, Christopher
- Ryan, Paul
- Saunders, Allen
- Schomburg, Alex
- Schwartz, Julius, editor for DC Comics often credited with launching the Silver Age of Comic Books
- Sekowsky, Mike
- Shores, Syd, Golden Age Captain America artist; active through 1970s
- Simon, Joe
- Slifer, Roger
- Stone, Chic, Silver Age inker best known for work with Jack Kirby
- Sutton, Tom
- Sprang, Dick co Creater Of the Riddler and long time batman artist.
- Swan, Curt, best known as Superman's primary 1960s artist
- Tartaglione, John
- Toth, Alex
- Trimpe, Herb
- Weisinger, Mort, Silver Age editor of the Superman titles
- Ogden Whitney
- Vaughn, Donald
- Williamson, Al
- Wright, Gregory
Flash cartoon creators
- Navarro, Kenn, creator of Happy Tree Friends
- Steve Duquette
See also
- ↑
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- ↑ Jack C. Harris
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- ↑ Chuck Patton
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- ↑ Creepy Scarlett: Official Face Book Page
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