List of English words of Anglo-Saxon origin
Below is the list of English words of native origin, in other words, words inherited directly from the Anglo-Saxon, or Old English, stage of the language. This list also includes neologisms formed from Anglo-Saxon roots and/or particles in later forms of English, and words borrowed into other languages (e.g. French, Anglo-French, etc.) then borrowed back into English (e.g. bateau, chiffon, gourmet, nordic, etc.). Foreign words borrowed into Old English from Old Norse, Latin, and Greek are excluded, as are words borrowed into English from Ancient British languages.
- a
- a-
- A-1
- A-frame
- A-line
- A-OK
- a.k.a.
- a.s.a.p.
- aback
- abaft
- Abderian laughter
- abeam
- abed
- abide
- ablaze
- able-bodied
- aboard
- abode
- about
- above
- aboveboard
- abovementioned
- abreast
- abroad
- absentminded
- abuzz
- accursed
- ach
- ache
- ack
- acknowledge
- acorn
- acre
- adder
- addle
- ado
- adrift
- adware
- adze
- afar
- afeared
- afford
- affright
- afield
- afire
- afloat
- afoot
- afore
- aforementioned
- aforesaid
- aforethought
- afoul
- afresh
- aft
- after
- afterglow
- afterlife
- aftermath
- afterthought
- afterward
- afterwards
- afterword
- again
- against
- aghast
- aglow
- ago
- aground
- ah
- aha
- ahead
- ahem
- ail
- ain't
- air freshener
- air raid
- airborne
- aircraft
- airedale
- airhead
- airline
- airtight
- ait
- ajar
- akimbo
- akin
- alack
- albeit
- alder
- alderman
- ale
- alewife
- Alfred
- alight (v)
- alight (adj)
- alike
- alit
- alive
- all
- allay
- allright (all right)
- almighty
- almost
- almshouse
- alone
- along
- alongside
- aloud
- already
- alright
- also
- although
- altogether
- always
- am
- amain
- amaze
- amid
- amiss
- among
- amongst
- an
- and
- anent
- anew
- angle (v)
- Angle
- Anglo
- ankle
- anneal
- anon
- another
- answer
- antsy
- anvil
- any
- anybody
- anyhow
- anyone
- anything
- anyway
- anyways
- anywhere
- anywise
- ape
- apple
- aquiver
- archfiend
- are
- aren't
- aright
- arise
- arm (anatomical)
- armpit
- arms-length
- arm "poor, pitiful"
- arrow
- arse
- arsehole
- art (v)
- artwork
- as
- asap
- Ascot
- asea
- ash
- ash (Bot.)
- ashamed
- Ashley
- ashore
- ashtray
- aside
- ask
- asleep
- aspen
- astern
- astir
- astride
- asunder
- at
- at all
- at bay
- ate
- athel
- atheling
- atop
- attaboy
- attercop
- atwitter
- Audrey
- auger
- aught (something)
- aught (zero)
- auld
- autoharp
- automaker
- aw
- awake (v)
- awake (adj)
- awaken
- aware
- awash
- away
- awhile
- awl
- awry
- ax
- axe
- axle
- ay
- aye (yes)
- babble
- babe
- baby
- baby boom
- babysit
- back (n)
- back (v)
- back (adj)
- back down
- back off
- back up
- back-talk
- backbencher
- backbiting
- backbone
- backdoor
- backdrop
- backfill
- backfire
- backgammon
- background
- backhand
- backing
- backlash
- backside
- backslide
- backstab
- backstop
- backup
- backward
- backwards
- backwash
- backwater
- backyard
- bad
- bad-mouth
- badass
- bade
- badge
- badger (n)
- badger (v)
- baff
- baffle
- bairn
- bake
- bald
- bale
- balk
- ball
- ballast
- ballocks
- ballpark
- ballroom
- balls
- ballsy
- bally
- bam
- ban (v)
- ban (n)
- band (ties)
- bandwidth
- bane
- bank (mass, heap)
- bann
- banns
- bare
- barefoot
- barely
- bark (v)
- barley
- barm
- barmy
- barn
- barroom
- barrow (wheelbarrow)
- barrow (mound)
- baseball
- baseline
- bass (fish)
- bast
- batch
- bateau
- bated breath
- bath
- bathe
- bathroom
- bathtub
- batman
- battle-axe
- battlefield
- battleship
- baulk
- be
- be-
- beach
- beachhead
- beacon
- bead
- beadle
- beady
- beam
- bean
- bean bag
- beanery
- beanie
- beano
- bear (v)
- bear (n)
- beard
- bearing
- bearings
- bearish
- beat
- beat up
- beatnik
- beaver
- beck
- beckon
- becloud
- become
- bed
- bedbug
- bedding
- bedizen
- bedridden
- bedrock
- bedroom
- bedspread
- bedstead
- bedtime
- bee
- bee's knees
- beech
- beefeater
- beehive
- beek
- beeline
- been
- beer
- beeswax
- beetle (n)
- beetle (v)
- befall
- befit
- before
- beforehand
- befoul
- befriend
- befuddle
- beg
- beget
- begin
- begone
- begorra
- behalf
- behave
- behavior, behaviour
- behaviorism
- behead
- behest
- behind
- behold
- beholden
- behoof
- behoove, behove
- being (n)
- belated
- belay
- belch
- beleave
- belie
- belief
- believe
- belittle
- belive "to remain"
- bell
- bell bottoms
- bellboy
- bellhop
- bellow
- bellowing
- bellows
- bellwether
- belly (n)
- belly (v)
- belly button
- belly dance
- bellyache
- bellyful
- belong
- belongings
- beloved
- beltway
- bemoan
- bench
- bench-warmer
- benchmark
- bend
- bender
- beneath
- benight
- bent
- bent (bent-grass)
- benumb
- Beowulf
- bequeath
- bequest
- bereave
- bereavement
- Berkshire
- berry
- berth
- beseech
- beseeching
- beset
- beshrew
- beside
- besides
- besom
- bespeak
- bespeckled
- bespoke (made to order)
- best
- bestest
- bestir
- bestow
- bestride
- bet
- betide
- betimes
- betoken
- betroth
- betrothed
- better
- between
- betwixt
- beware
- bewilder
- bewitch
- beyond
- bid
- bidden
- bide
- bier
- Big Apple
- Big Brother
- Big Dipper
- bight
- bigot
- bill (beak)
- billboard
- billfold
- billingsgate
- bimonthly
- bind
- binder
- binding
- bindle
- bine
- binge
- bingo
- biofeedback
- bippy
- birch
- bird
- bird (young lady)
- birdie
- Birmingham
- birthday
- birthday suit
- birthright
- bishopric
- bit
- bitch
- bite
- bitter
- bitterness
- bittersweet
- bitsy
- bitty
- biweekly
- blab
- blabber
- black
- black box
- black code
- Black Death
- black dwarf
- Black English
- black eye
- Black Hand
- black hole
- black market
- Black Panther
- black sheep
- Black Shirt
- blackball
- blackberry
- blackbird
- blackboard
- blackguard
- blackjack
- blacklist
- blackmail
- blackout
- blacksmith
- bladder
- blade
- blain
- blanch (turn aside)
- blare
- blaring
- blast
- blasted
- blatant
- blaxploitation
- blaze (fire)
- blazer (jacket)
- blazing
- bleach
- bleacher
- blear
- bleat
- blee "colour"
- bleed
- bleeding (n)
- blench
- blend
- bless
- blessed, blest
- blessing
- blew
- blight
- blighter
- blimey
- blind
- blind date
- blind spot
- blinded
- blindfold
- blindness
- blinds
- blindside
- blink
- blinkered
- blinkers
- bliss
- blissful
- blithe
- blithesome
- blizzard
- blob
- blockbuster
- blockhead
- blood
- blood pressure
- blood type
- bloodcurdling
- bloodletting
- bloodlust
- bloodshed
- bloodshot
- bloodstream
- bloodsucker
- bloodthirsty
- bloody
- Bloomsbury
- blossom
- blow (move air)
- blow (bloom)
- blow (hard hit)
- blow job
- blow out
- blow up
- blowfish
- blowhard
- blowhole
- blown
- blowzy
- blubber
- blubbering
- blue blood
- blue chip
- blue moon
- blueberry
- bluebird
- bluegrass
- bluestocking
- blur
- blurry
- blurt
- blush
- bo tree
- boar
- board (plank)
- board (side of a ship)
- boarder
- boardroom
- boardwalk
- boat
- boatswain
- bob (v)
- bobble
- bobcat
- bod
- bodacious
- bode
- bodice
- bodily
- bodkin
- body
- bodyguard
- bogeyman
- boil (cyst, tumor)
- bold
- boll
- bollix
- bollock
- Bollywood
- bolster
- bolt
- bombshell
- bond
- bondage
- bondman
- bondsman
- bone (n)
- bone (v)
- bonehead
- boner
- bonfire
- book
- bookcase
- bookie
- bookish
- bookkeeper
- booklet
- bookmark
- bookstaff
- bookstave
- bookstore
- bookworm
- boom (v)
- boot (profit, use)
- bootless
- bore
- boredom
- born
- borne
- borough
- borrow
- bosom
- Boston
- Boston tea party
- bottleneck
- bottom
- bottom line
- bough
- bought
- boughten
- bound (tied, fastened)
- bourn (small stream)
- bout
- bow (v)
- bow (n)
- bower
- bowie knife
- bowl
- bowler (hat)
- bowtie
- box (strike blows)
- boxing
- boy
- boyfriend
- boyish
- boysenberry
- braid
- brain
- brain child
- brainiac
- brainstorm
- brainwashing
- brainy
- bramble
- brand
- brand new
- brash
- brass
- braze (to cover with brass)
- brazen
- brb
- breach
- bread
- bread-basket
- breadth
- breadwinner
- break
- break dancing
- breakage
- breakdown
- breaker (wave)
- breakeven
- breakfast
- breakneck
- breakout
- breakthrough
- breakup
- breakwater
- breast
- breastbone
- breastwork
- breath
- breathalyzer
- breathe
- breather
- breathless
- breathtaking
- breech
- breeches
- breed
- brew
- briar
- bridal
- bride
- bridegroom
- bridesmaid
- bridewell
- bridge
- bridle
- brier
- bright
- brighten
- brightness
- brim
- brimful
- brimming
- brimstone
- brinded
- brindle
- brine
- bring
- brinkmanship
- briny
- bristle
- bristly
- Bristol
- britches
- brite
- British
- brittle
- bro
- broad
- broad-minded
- broadband
- broadcast
- broaden
- broadside
- broadsword
- Broadway
- broke
- brood
- brook (small stream)
- brook (tolerate, endure)
- broom
- broth
- brothel
- brother
- brother in law
- brotherhood
- brought
- brow
- browbeat
- brown
- Brown Shirt
- brown-nose
- brownfield
- brownie
- bruise
- brunch
- brung
- BS
- btw
- bub
- bubba
- bubble
- bubbly
- buck
- buck-eye
- buckboard
- bucket
- Buckinghamshire
- bucko
- buckshot
- buckskin
- bucktooth
- bud
- buddy
- bug
- bugbear
- build
- buildup
- bulkhead
- bull
- bulldoze
- bulletin board
- bullfinch
- bullheaded
- bullish
- bullock
- bullpen
- bullseye
- bullshit
- bulrush
- bum (buttocks, bottom)
- bumble
- bumblebee
- bumf
- bunch
- bunghole
- Bunsen burner
- bunt
- burd
- burden
- burdensome
- burial
- Burke
- burly
- burn
- burnout
- burrow
- burst
- burthen
- bury
- busboy
- bush
- business
- businessman
- bust (burst)
- bustle
- busy
- busybody
- busyness
- but
- butt (end)
- butterfly
- buttermilk
- butternut
- butthead
- butthole
- buttock
- buttonhole
- buxom
- buy
- buy-in
- buyer
- buyout
- buzz
- buzz saw
- buzzer
- buzzword
- by
- bye (sporting)
- bye (good-bye)
- bygone
- bygones
- byline
- byre
- bystander
- byspel
- byword
- c/o
- cade
- cadge
- cadger
- cakewalk
- calf
- call
- call girl
- caller
- callow
- calve
- Cambridge
- campfire
- can (v)
- can (n)
- can't
- candlelight
- canebreak
- cannery
- cannot
- canny
- Canterbury
- care
- care package
- carefree
- careful
- caregiver
- careless
- caretaker
- careworn
- caring
- cartwheel
- carve
- cast iron
- castaway
- cat
- catbird
- catcall
- catchall
- catchword
- caterwaul
- cattail
- catwalk
- ceasefire
- centerfold
- cesspool
- chafer
- chaff
- chaffer
- chaffinch
- chain gang
- chairman
- chalkboard
- champ (v)
- chap (v)
- chapbook
- char (chore)
- char (burn)
- charcoal
- chare
- Charles's Wain
- Charleston
- charley horse
- charwoman
- chary
- chat
- chat room
- chatter
- chatterbox
- chatty
- chaw
- checkout
- checkup
- cheddar
- cheek
- cheep
- cheerleader
- Chelsea
- Cheshire
- Chesterfield
- chestnut
- chew
- chick
- chicken
- chicken lobster
- chicken pox
- chide
- chifferobe
- chiffon
- chiffonade
- chiffonier
- chifforobe
- chiffrobe
- chilblain
- child
- child abuse
- childbearing
- childcare
- childe
- childhood
- childish
- childlike
- chill
- chilly
- chime (rim of a barrel)
- chin
- chink (slit)
- chip
- chippy
- chirp
- chirpy
- chitchat
- chock-full
- chode
- choke
- chomp
- choose
- choosy
- chop (cut)
- chopper
- chops
- chopstick
- chore
- chose
- chuckle
- churl
- churlish
- churn
- cinder
- Cinderella
- clad
- clam
- clamber
- clammy
- clamp
- clap
- clapboard
- claptrap
- clash
- clasp
- classroom
- clatter
- claw
- clay
- clean
- cleanliness
- cleanse
- cleansing
- cleanup
- clearinghouse
- cleat
- cleavage
- cleave (split)
- cleave (stick to)
- cleaver
- cleft
- clench
- Cleveland
- clever
- clew
- cliff
- cliffhanger
- climb
- climber
- clinch
- clincher
- cling
- clingy
- clip (fasten)
- clip-on
- clipboard
- clockwise
- clockwork
- clod
- clodhopper
- clot
- cloth
- clothe
- clothes
- clothesline
- clothespin
- cloud
- Cloud Cuckoo Land
- cloud nine
- cloudburst
- cloudy
- clout
- clove (wedge of garlic)
- cloven
- clover
- clowder
- clubhouse
- cluck
- clue
- clueless
- cluster
- clutch (clench)
- clutter
- Clydesdale
- co-star
- coal
- coaming
- coastline
- coattails
- coax
- cob
- cobble (n)
- cobble (v)
- cobbler
- cobblestone
- cobweb
- cock (bird)
- cock (Mech.)
- cock (v)
- cock-a-doodle-doo
- cockerel
- cockeyed
- cockney
- cockpit
- cockscomb
- cocksucker
- cocksure
- cocktail
- cocky
- coconut
- cod
- codger
- codpiece
- codswallop
- coke
- cold
- cold blooded
- cold feet
- cold front
- cold turkey
- cold war
- collard
- collarbone
- collie
- collier
- colliery
- collywobbles
- color blindness
- colt
- coltish
- comb
- come
- comeback
- comely
- comer
- comeupance
- comeuppance
- comingle
- commingle
- common good
- commonwealth
- con (study)
- congressman
- Connor
- continental drift
- cookout
- cool
- coolant
- cooler
- coolness
- coolth
- coot
- cop (v)
- copper (v)
- cop (n)
- cop (mass of thread)
- cop out
- copout
- copperhead
- copycat
- copyright
- copywriter
- core
- corn (grain)
- corn row
- cornerstone
- cornhole
- cornmeal
- Cornwall
- corny
- cot (hut)
- cote
- cotquean
- cough
- could
- couldn't
- countdown
- counterclockwise
- countryside
- courthouse
- courtyard
- couth
- cove
- Coventry
- cow (n)
- cowboy
- cowlick
- coworker
- cowslip
- Cox
- coxcomb
- crab
- crabby
- crack
- crackdown
- cracker
- cracker-jack
- crackhead
- crackle
- crackpot
- cradle
- craft
- craftsman
- crafty
- cram
- cranberry
- crane
- crank
- crankshaft
- craps
- crash
- crave
- craw
- creak
- creep
- creeper
- creepy
- cress
- crestfallen
- crib
- cribbage
- crick
- crimp
- cringe
- crinkle
- Crip
- cripple
- croak
- crock
- crockery
- croft
- crop
- cross-eye
- cross-fire
- cross-stitch
- crossbow
- crossover
- crossroad
- crossroads
- crossword
- crow (n)
- crow (v)
- crowd
- crud
- crumb
- crumble
- crumby
- crummy
- crumpet
- crumple
- cruise
- crutch
- cubbyhole
- cucking stool
- cud
- cuddle
- cudgel
- cum
- Cumberland
- cun
- cunning
- cunt
- cupboard
- curd
- curdle
- curl
- curly
- curse
- cuss
- cut
- cutoff
- cutpurse
- cutter
- cutthroat
- cutting edge
- cuttlefish
- D-day
- dab
- dabble
- dad
- daffy
- daft
- daily
- dairy
- daisy
- dale
- Dallas
- Dalton
- dam
- damp
- dander (dandruff)
- dandruff
- dandy
- Dane
- dare
- daredevil
- dark
- Dark Ages
- dark horse
- darken
- darkling
- darkness
- darling
- darn (conceal a hole)
- Darwin
- dashboard
- dat
- dateline
- daughter
- davenport
- daw
- dawdle
- dawg
- dawn
- day
- day care
- Day-Glo
- daybreak
- daydream
- daylight
- daytime
- dead
- dead end
- dead man's hand
- dead reckoning
- Dead Sea
- deadbeat
- deaden
- Deadhead
- deadline
- deadlock
- deadly
- deadpan
- deadweight
- deadwood
- deaf
- deafen
- deal
- dear
- dearborn
- dearie
- dearth
- deary
- death
- death camp
- death wish
- deathbed
- deathly
- debug
- deed
- deem
- deep
- deep six
- deep-seated
- deepen
- deeply
- deer
- defilade
- defile
- defrost
- deft
- delf
- delftware
- dell
- delouse
- delve
- demean
- demigod
- den
- dene
- Denmark
- dent
- Denver
- depth
- derby
- derring-do
- derth
- desktop
- devil-may-care
- Devon
- Devonian
- dew
- dewlap
- dewy
- dey
- dibble
- dibs
- dickhead
- did
- diddle
- didn't
- didst
- die ( < AS *dīegan)
- diehard
- dig (ME diggen ?< AS dīcian)
- digs
- dike
- dill
- dim
- dimmer
- dimple
- dimwit
- din
- dingle
- dingy
- dinky
- dint
- dip
- disbelief
- disbelieve
- disembodied
- disgruntle
- dishearten
- dislike
- Disneyland
- disown
- distaff
- ditch
- dither
- dive
- dizzy
- do
- do-gooder
- docket
- dodder
- dodge
- doe
- doff
- dog (n)
- dog (v)
- dog days
- dog leg
- dogfight
- dogger
- doggerel
- doggone
- doghouse
- doldrums
- dole
- doleful
- dollop
- dolt
- Domesday book
- don
- doom
- Doomsday
- door
- dot
- dough
- doughboy
- doughnut
- doughty
- dove (n)
- dove (v)
- dow
- down (adv)
- down (n)
- downbeat
- downcast
- downer
- download
- downscale
- draft
- dragnet
- dragonfly
- drain
- drake (male duck)
- drat
- draught
- draw
- drawback
- drawbridge
- drawer
- drawers
- drawing room
- drawn
- dray
- dread
- Dreadnought
- dream
- dreamt
- dreary
- drench
- drew
- dribble
- drift
- drink
- drip
- drive
- drivel
- drizzle
- drone
- drool
- drop
- dross
- drought
- drove (n)
- drove (v)
- drown
- drowsy
- drudge
- Drummond light
- drunk
- drunkard
- druthers
- dry
- dub
- duck (bird)
- duck (v)
- ducky
- dud
- dugout
- dull
- dumb
- dumbbell
- dumbfound
- dumbfounded
- dumbledore
- dummy
- dun (v)
- dun (adj)
- dung
- Durham
- dusk
- dust
- dwarf
- dwell
- dwindle
- dye
- dying
- 'em
- -ed
- -er (agent suffux)
- -er (comparative suffix)
- e'en
- e'er
- e.t.a.
- ea
- each
- each other
- ear
- ear (of corn)
- earache
- eardrum
- earful
- earl
- earldom
- earlobe
- early
- earmark
- earn
- earnest
- earnings
- earring
- earshot
- earth
- Earth Day
- earth-mother
- earthen
- earthenware
- earthlight
- earthling
- earthly
- earthquake
- earthwork
- earthworm
- earthy
- earwax
- earwig
- east
- Easter
- Easter Island
- eastern
- Eastlake
- easy-going
- eat
- eatery
- eats (n)
- eave
- eavesdrop
- ebb
- eco-friendly
- eddy
- Edgar
- edge (n)
- edge (v)
- edgeways
- edgewise
- edging
- edgy
- Edinburgh
- Edith
- Edmund
- Edward
- Edwin
- eel
- eerie
- eff
- eft
- eftsoons
- egad
- Egbert
- egghead
- eh
- eight
- eighteen
- eighth
- eighty
- eighty-six
- either
- eke
- elbow
- eld
- elder (berry)
- elder
- elderly
- eldest
- eldritch
- eleven
- elf
- Eliot (< Æðelgeat)
- elk
- ell
- Ellis Island
- elm
- else
- elsewhere
- embankment
- embed
- ember
- ember days
- embitter
- embody
- embroider
- emmet
- empty
- end
- endear
- endearment
- endlong
- Enfield
- enfold
- England
- English
- enlighten
- enlist
- enliven
- enough
- entrapment
- entwine
- enwrap
- ere
- Erin
- Erl-king
- erne
- Ernest
- errand
- erst
- erstwhile
- ettin
- eve
- even
- evening
- ever
- every
- evil
- ewe
- eye
- eyesore
- eyetooth
- eyewash
- eyot
- -fold
- -ful
- fain
- fair (adj)
- fairing
- faith healer
- fall
- fallow (n)
- fallow (adj)
- fang
- far
- fare (n)
- fare (adj)
- farewell
- farm
- farrow
- fart
- farther
- farthing
- fast (adj)
- fast (v)
- fasten
- fastness
- fat (n)
- fat (adj)
- father
- fathom
- fawn (v)
- fay "to fit, join, unite"
- faze
- fear
- feather
- fed up
- feed
- feel
- feelings
- feet
- fell (v)
- fell (adj)
- felt (n)
- fen
- fere
- fern
- Ferris wheel
- ferry (n)
- ferry (v)
- fetch
- fetlock
- fetter
- fettle
- few
- fey
- fickle
- fiddle
- field
- fiend
- fifteen
- fifth
- fifty
- fight
- figurehead
- filch
- file ("metal tool")
- fill
- film
- filth
- fin
- finch
- find
- finger
- fir
- fire
- first
- fish
- fist
- fit (n)
- fit ("sudden attack")
- five
- fizzle
- flab
- flabbergasted
- flabby
- flagstone
- flap
- flapper
- flash
- flashback
- flasher
- flashlight
- flashy
- flask
- flat ("apartment, floor")
- flatter
- flax
- flay
- flea
- fledge
- fledgling
- flee
- fleece
- fleet (n)
- fleet ("swift")
- fleeting
- Fleming
- flesh
- fleshpot
- fleshy
- flew
- flibbertigibbet
- flick (n)
- flicker (n)
- flicker (v)
- flight ("act of flying")
- flight ("act of fleeing")
- flint
- flip (v)
- flip (n)
- flip-flop
- flippant
- flipper
- flirt
- flitch
- float
- flock
- flood
- floor
- flop
- floss
- flow
- flue
- fluke ("flatfish")
- flurry
- flush (v)
- flush (adj)
- flutter
- fly ("flying insect")
- fly ("fare through the air")
- fly ("flee")
- fly-by-night
- flyer
- foal
- foam
- fodder
- foe
- fold
- fold ("pen for animals")
- folk
- folklore
- follow
- fond
- fondle
- food
- foot
- footage
- football
- foothill
- footing
- footloose
- footpad
- footsie
- footstep
- for
- forbear
- forbear ("ancestor")
- forbid
- ford
- fore
- forebode
- forefather
- forego
- foreground
- forehand
- forehead
- foreman
- foremost
- foreplay
- forerunner
- foresee
- foreshadow
- foreshorten
- forestall
- foretell
- forethought
- forever
- foreword
- forget
- forgive
- forgo
- forlorn
- former
- forsake
- forsooth
- forswear
- forth
- fortnight
- forty
- forward
- foster
- fought
- foul
- foundling
- four
- fourth estate
- fowl
- fox
- fraidy-cat
- frame
- framework
- frazzle
- freak
- free
- free verse
- freedom
- freelance
- Freemason
- freewheeling
- freeze
- fremd (also fremmit, frempt) "strange, foreign, alien"
- French
- fresh
- freshman
- fret
- Friday
- friend
- friendship
- fright
- frog
- from
- frost
- frostbitten
- frosting
- froward
- frowzy
- frumpy
- fuck (informal)
- fudge
- Fulbright
- fulfill
- full
- fun
- furlong
- furrow
- further
- furze
- fuzz
- G-man
- G-string
- gad
- gadfly
- gadzooks
- gaffer
- gainsay
- gal
- gall ("bile")
- gall ("sore spot")
- gallows
- Gallup poll
- gamble
- game
- gammer
- gander
- gang
- gang-bang
- gangster
- gar
- garlic
- gat
- gate
- gather
- Gatling gun
- gavel
- gefilte fish
- geld
- ghost
- Gibson girl
- giddy
- gild
- gimcrack
- gimp
- gingerbread
- gird
- girdle
- girl
- girlfriend
- girlie
- git
- give
- glad
- glass
- Glastonbury
- glaze
- gleam
- glee
- glide
- glimmer
- glimpse
- glisten
- gloaming
- global warming
- gloom
- glory hole
- glove
- glow
- glum
- gnarled
- gnat
- gnaw
- go
- go-cart
- go-go
- goad
- goal
- goat
- goatee
- god
- goddess
- godhead
- Godiva
- godsend
- gofer
- goggle
- gold
- Goldilocks
- golliwog
- golly
- good
- Good Friday
- good-bye
- goody
- goof
- goon
- goose
- gooseberry
- Gordian knot
- gore (n)
- gore (v)
- gorse
- gory
- gosh
- goshawk
- gosling
- gospel
- gossamer
- gossip
- gotcha
- Gotham
- gourmet
- gourmet
- Graham
- grandfather
- grandstand
- grasp
- grass
- grave ("ditch, burial plot")
- grave ("to dig")
- gray
- graze ("to eat grass")
- graze ("to make contact")
- great
- greedy
- green
- greenback
- Greenland
- greens
- Greenwich
- greet ("to meet")
- greet ("to cry")
- gremlin
- grey
- greyhound
- grill "to anger, provoke"
- grill "harsh"
- grim
- grime
- grin
- grind
- grip
- gripe
- grisly
- grist
- gristle
- grit
- grits
- groan
- groats
- groin
- groom ("youth")
- groom ("bridegroom")
- groove
- grope
- ground
- grout
- grove
- grow
- grub
- grubstreet
- grump
- grunge
- grunt
- guild
- guilt
- Guinea pig
- gulch
- gum ("membranes of the mouth")
- gunwale
- gut
- -hood
- ha
- hack ("chop")
- hack ("hireling")
- hacker
- hackle
- hackney
- had
- haft
- hag
- hag-ridden
- haggaday
- haggle
- hail ("frozen rain")
- hair
- hake
- hale ("healthy")
- half
- half seas over
- half-assed
- half-life
- half-wit
- halibut
- hall
- hallmark
- hallow
- Halloween
- halt ("lame")
- halter
- halve
- ham
- hammer
- Hampshire
- hamstring
- hand
- hand of glory
- handbook
- handcuff
- handfast
- handicap
- handicraft
- handiwork
- handkerchief
- handle
- handmaid
- handout
- handsome
- handwriting
- hang
- hang-dog
- hanging
- hangnail
- hangover
- hansom
- harbor (also harbour)
- hard
- hardly
- hardtack
- hardware
- hardwood
- hare
- hark
- harlequin
- harm
- harp
- harrow ("rake")
- harrow ("to wound")
- harry
- hart
- Harvard
- harvest
- has-been
- hasp
- hassle
- hassock
- Hastings
- hat
- hat trick
- hatch ("emerge from an egg")
- hatch ("gate")
- hate
- hath
- hatred
- have
- haven
- hawse
- hay
- Hayward
- haywire
- haze
- hazel
- he
- he-he
- head
- headache
- headline
- headlong
- headway
- heady
- heal
- health
- heap
- hear
- hearken
- heart
- hearth
- heat
- heath
- heathen
- heather
- heave
- heaven
- heavy
- heck
- hedge
- heed
- heel
- heel ("of a ship")
- heel ("bad person")
- heft
- heifer
- heigh-ho
- height
- heinie ("buttocks")
- heirloom
- held
- hell
- Hell's Angels
- hellcat
- hellfire
- hellhole
- helm
- help
- helpmate
- helve
- hem
- hemlock
- hemp
- hen
- hence
- henchman
- henge
- Henley
- her ("object")
- her ("possessive")
- herd
- here
- Herefordshire
- heriot
- herring
- hers
- Hertfordshire
- hew
- hey
- heyday
- hi
- hi-fi
- hi-jinks
- hiccup
- hide ("to conceal")
- hide ("skin")
- hidebound
- hie
- higgledy-piggledy
- high
- high-falutin'
- high-five
- highball
- highboy
- highbrow
- highlight
- hight
- highway
- hijack
- hike
- hill
- hillbilly
- hilt
- him
- hind ("after")
- hind ("doe")
- hinder ("obstruct")
- hinder ("rear")
- hindmost
- hindrance
- hindsight
- hinge
- hint
- hip
- hip ("rose hip")
- hire
- his
- hiss
- hitch
- hither
- hitherto
- hive
- hives
- ho
- hoar
- hoard
- hoarse
- hoary
- hob
- hobble
- hobnail
- hobnob
- hobo
- hock ("leg joint")
- hog
- hogshead
- hogwash
- hogweed
- hoity-toity
- hold (v)
- hold ("lower part of a ship")
- hole
- holiday
- holiness
- hollow
- holly
- hollyhock
- Hollywood
- holster
- holt
- holy
- holystone
- home
- homeboy
- homecoming
- homely
- homesickness
- homestead
- homework
- hone
- honey
- honeydew
- honeymoon
- honeysuckle
- hood ("covering")
- hood ("neighborhood")
- hoodwink
- hoof
- hook
- hooker
- hoop
- Hoosier
- hoot
- Hoover
- hop
- hope
- hopped
- hopper
- hopscotch
- horn
- hornet
- hornswoggle
- horse
- hose
- hoss
- hot
- hound
- hourglass
- house
- housebreak
- housekeeper
- housing "lodging"
- hovel
- hover
- how
- howbeit
- howdy
- however
- howl
- hub
- huckleberry
- hue "blee, colour"
- hull "seed casing"
- hum
- hummock
- Humphrey
- hunch
- hundred
- hung
- hunger
- hunt
- Huntingdon
- hurdle
- hurl
- hurry
- hurst
- hush
- hussy
- hutch "storage chest"
- -in (as in "sit-in")
- -ing (gerund ending)
- -ing (pres. part. ending)
- -ish
- I
- I.O.U.
- ice
- iceberg (partial trans. of Dutch ijsberg)
- icicle
- Icknield Way
- icky
- idle
- if
- ilk
- impound
- in
- in-
- in like Flynn
- inasmuch
- inborn
- income
- indeed
- Indian summer
- indoor
- infare
- infield
- inflight
- infra-red
- ingot
- ingrown
- inhold
- inkhorn
- inkling
- inlaid
- inland
- inlead
- inlet
- inmate
- inn
- innards
- inner
- inning
- input
- inroad
- inset
- inside
- insight
- instead
- instep
- intake
- Internet
- interplay
- into
- inward
- inwit
- Irish
- iron
- Iron Age
- Iron Cross
- Iron Curtain
- ironclad
- Ironside
- Irwin
- is
- island
- it
- itch
- its
- itself
- itsy-bitsy
- ivy
- jab
- jabber
- jack-in-the-box
- jack-knife
- jackanapes
- jackdaw
- jackpot
- jag "sharp edge"
- jar (verb)
- jaw
- jeer
- jerk
- jerry-built
- jersey
- jigsaw
- jimson weed
- jitter
- job
- joe-pye weed
- jog
- jolt
- jowl
- jumble
- jump
- jumper
- Jute
- -less
- -ling
- -ly (adj)
- -ly (adv)
- lack
- lackadaisical
- lackluster ( also lacklustre)
- lad
- ladder
- lade
- ladies
- ladle
- lady
- ladybug
- laid
- laidly
- lain
- lair
- laird
- lake
- lamb
- lame
- lame duck
- Lammas
- land (n)
- land (v)
- land "hit home, make contact"
- landed "owning land"
- landfall
- landfill
- landform
- landing "stow for boats"
- landline
- landlock
- landlord
- landlubber
- landmark
- landslide
- lane
- lang syne
- lank
- lap (n)
- lap (v)
- lap "to fold (over)" (v)
- lapdog
- lapel
- Lapland
- lappet
- laptop
- lapwing
- larboard
- lark
- last (adj./adv.)
- last (v.)
- last "shoemaker's block"
- latch
- late
- lath
- lather
- latter
- latticework
- laugh
- laughter
- lave "the rest" (n.)
- lave "to pout water on" (v.)
- law-abiding
- lawn mower
- lay
- layman
- lea
- leach
- lead (n.)
- lead (v.)
- leaf
- lean (adj.)
- lean (v.)
- leap
- learn
- lease "to gather, collect"
- lease "false, deceptive"
- leasing
- least
- leather
- leave "permission" (n.)
- leave (v.)
- lech
- lede "people; tenements, possessions"
- lede "introductory paragraph"
- ledge
- ledger
- lee
- leech "worm"
- leech "physician"
- leek
- leer
- leery
- leeward
- leeway
- left (adj.)
- leftover
- leman
- lend
- length
- Lent
- less
- lest
- let "to allow"
- let "to delay"
- letch
- letterhead
- levelheaded
- lewd
- liar
- lich
- Lichfield
- lick
- lid
- lie "to recline" (v.)
- lie "to speak falsely" (v.)
- lie "an untruth" (n.)
- lief
- life
- liftoff
- light (adj.)
- light (n.)
- light (v.)
- like (adj.)
- like (v.)
- lilt
- lily-livered
- lima bean
- limb
- limber (adj.)
- limp (v.)
- limp (adj.)
- linch
- linchpin
- luscious
- lush (adj.)
- lust
- luv
- lye
- lying
- lynch
See also
- Lists of English loanwords by country or language of origin
- List of Germanic and Latinate equivalents in English
- Linguistic purism in English
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