List of MAJCOM wings of the United States Air Force

This is a list of Major Air Command (MAJCOM) Wings of the United States Air Force (USAF), a designation system in use from the summer of 1948 to the mid-1990s. From 1948 to 1991 MAJCOMs had the authority to form wings using manpower authorizations under their control. Each MAJCOM or other organization reporting directly to USAF was assigned a block of four digit numbers to use for units it organized. The system terminated in 1991 when USAF assumed control of all units except for provisional ones.
While the majority of the wings on the list were support units, combat commands could (and did) create combat units on their own as shown below.
Army Air Force Base Units
In 1944, The Army Air Forces (AAF) faced a problem with its units in the United States. At the time, most AAF units were involved with training and preparing individuals and units for deployment to combat theaters or with meeting the logistics requirements of overseas units. Standard military units, based on relatively inflexible tables of organization, were proving to be poorly adapted to this mission. Accordingly, the AAF adopted a more functional system in which each base was organized into a separate numbered unit.[1] Under this system, each command reporting to the AAF was given a bulk allotment of manpower and then received the flexibility to form units to carry out its mission by "customizing" the units on each station. AAF commands then organized their manpower into numbered "AAF Base Units." To prevent duplication, commands were allotted blocks of numbers to use when organizing their units,[2] ranging from 100-199 for First Air Force to 4000-4999 for Air Technical Service Command. When the United States Air Force (USAF) became a separate service, the AAF Base Units became AF Base Units.
Wing Base Organization
In August 1947, the AAF began a service test of the wing base organization model.[3] This test was limited to combat wings, and unified the combat group and all support elements on a base under a single wing, which carried the same number as the combat group.[4] The test proved the wing base plan to the satisfaction of the new USAF and was implemented in all combat commands in the summer of 1948.[3] The success of the plan also led to its implementation in support commands and the support units of combat commands as well. Beginning in the late spring of 1948 AF Base Units were replaced by wings, groups, and squadrons.[5] By July 1948 Headquarters, USAF began to allot blocks of numbers to its major subordinate formations, the Major Commands (MAJCOMs), in the same way that it had allotted blocks for AF Base Units. Because the new units controlled by MAJCOMs would be wings, groups, and squadrons, just like those controlled by Headquarters, USAF, the allotted blocks began at 1100, and numbers below 1000 were reserved for USAF use. Numbers originally ranged from 1100-1199 for Bolling Field Command to 4900-4999[6][note 1] for Special Weapons Command. Eventually, the numbers were expanded as high as 9999 for Continental Air Command Air Force Reserve units.[6][note 2]
MAJCOM wings
The term used by USAF to denote wings (and other units) controlled by MAJCOMs varied during the first decade the system was used. Originally, they were called Table of Distribution (T/D) Units.[7] [note 3] Later they were referred to as Designated Units.[8][note 4] From the late 1950s the accepted term was MAJCON (from Major Command Controlled) Units, while units controlled by Hq USAF were called AFCON (Air Force Controlled) Units.[7] All provisional units were MAJCON units.[8] Although Headquarters, USAF occasionally authorized MAJCOMs to number provisional wings outside the blocks of numbers allotted to the commands, only four digit provisional wings are included in this list. Provisional wings numbered outside the four digit system, such as the Strategic Wing, Provisional 72d at Andersen AFB during the Viet Nam War or the Bombardment Wing, Provisional, 806th at RAF Fairford during Operation Desert Storm are not included in the list.
Under the USAF organization and lineage system MAJCON units' lineages (histories, awards, and battle honors) ended when the units were discontinued and could never be revived.[9] USAF considered MAJCON wings "temporary", though many stayed in existence for a very long time.[note 5] Some MAJCON wings appear to have been revived, but even when they have the same number and name, USAF regards them as two entirely separate units, as shown in the two entries for the 1500th Air Base Wing in the list.
Although USAF policy during this era stated MAJCON units could not be reactivated, when the MAJCON system was being ended in 1991-1992, numerous MAJCON units were converted to AFCON units and assigned two or three digit numbers.[10] Also, since 1991 discontinued MAJCON units have been reestablished and "consolidated" (merged) with AFCON units.[11] Other former MAJCON units have been revived as AFCON units.[12]
Conversion of MAJCON Wings to AFCON Wings
During the period covered by this list, there were several occasions when Major Commands received approval from the Department of the Air Force to replace MAJCON Wings under their control with AFCON Wings. One reason for these changes was to retain the lineage of existing combat units or to revive and perpetuate the lineage of inactive units with illustrious combat records. In 1963 SAC discontinued its Air Refueling Wings and Strategic Wings equipped with combat aircraft and replaced them with AFCON units.[13] ADC had acted similarly in 1955 with Project Arrow, which was designed to bring back on the active list fighter units which had compiled memorable records in the two world wars, although Project Arrow involved groups and squadrons, not wings.[14]
On occasion, Hq, USAF provided that an AFCON Wing replacing a MAJCON Wing inherited the honors, but not the history, of the wing being replaced. For example, when the 320th Bombardment Wing and the 456th Strategic Aerospace Wing replaced the 4134th Strategic Wing and the 4126th Strategic Wing in 1963, they inherited honors (not lineage) from the MAJCON wings they replaced.[15] This inheritance occurred because SAC was aware of the historical significance of the accomplishments of the Strategic Wings and the need to perpetuate this lineage as well as the lineage of illustrious units that were no longer active.[13] In practice, this inheritance of honors has been limited to the adoption of emblems. While the 320th decided to use the emblem approved for it earlier, the 456th chose to replace the emblem approved for it when it was a Troop Carrier Wing with the emblem of the 4126th.
FEAF Tactical Support Wings

In July 1950, USAF planners did not foresee that the Korean War would be of long duration. Consequently, when it came time for Far East Air Forces to deploy tactical units to Korea, it retained its permanent wings in Japan since they were heavily committed to the air defense of Japan.[16] However, by the following month, it became apparent that the Air Base Squadrons originally deployed to Korea to support tactical units did not have sufficient personnel and equipment. Therefore, five Tactical Support Wings were organized for operational control of the tactical groups in Korea.[16] This proved a temporary expedient, and at the start of December 1950 the permanent wings were deployed to Korea to control their tactical groups already located there, replacing the existing Tactical Support Wings.[16]
SAC Strategic and Air Refueling Wings

When the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress dispersal program began in the late 1950s,[17] the new SAC units created to support this program were MAJCON Strategic Wings and given four-digit designations. Although these wings were MAJCON units, typically each included a Bombardment Squadron, an Air Refueling Squadron, and a Munitions Maintenance Squadron, all of which were AFCON units. Some also included an AFCON Strategic Missile Squadron.[note 6] SAC also used the Strategic Wing concept for the command of forward-deployed (REFLEX) Boeing B-47 Stratojet and Boeing KC-97 Stratofreighter units. SAC also had several MAJCON Air Refueling Wings whose flying squadrons were AFCON units.
The reorganization process, which took place between January and September 1963, applied to 22 B-52 Strategic Wings, three Air Refueling Wings, and the 4321st Strategic Wing at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, which had a Strategic Missile Squadron assigned. "These units were discontinued and two and three-digit AFCON units were activated. In most cases, the bombardment squadron[s] that had been assigned to the strategic wings were inactivated and bombardment squadrons that had previously been assigned to the newly-activated wings were activated. While these actions were almost tantamount to redesignation, they were not official redesignations."[13] Overseas Strategic Wings, which had AFCON units attached for operational control, but not assigned, did not convert to AFCON wings until 1966.[18]
MATS Air Transport Wings

When the MAJCON system was established in 1948 strategic airlift and tactical airlift were treated differently. Tactical airlift (called Troop Carrier) units operated within a theater of operations and were considered AFCON combat units. Strategic airlift (called Air Transport) units operated mostly outside theaters of operations and were considered support units. As support units, they were MAJCON units. All Air Transport Wings were assigned to Military Air Transport Service (MATS) and numbered within the block of 1250 to 1750. In 1952, however, MATS MAJCON Air Transport Squadrons were replaced by AFCON Squadrons,.[19] By being MAJCON wings with AFCON squadrons assigned, MATS Air Transport Wings resembled SAC Strategic Wings. In January 1966, MATS was replaced by Military Airlift Command and its seven existing MAJCON Air Transport Wings were replaced by AFCON Military Airlift Wings.[20]
Flying Training Wings

The Air Force considered all training units support units. Although they were assigned the mission of advanced training, Combat Crew Training Wings operated the same kinds of aircraft as combat wings and retained a capability to augment combat forces.[21][22] SAC's 93d Bombardment Wing and MAC's 443d Military Airlift Wing were AFCON units conducting the same crew training mission for bombardment, air refueling, and airlift.[21][22] In October 1969, Tactical Air Command (TAC) joined them and replaced its MAJCON Combat Crew Training Wings for fighters with AFCON fighter training wings.[23]
The final conversion of MAJCON to AFCON wings occurred between 1972 and 1973. The remaining MAJCON flying training units in the Air Force were assigned to Air Training Command (ATC). ATC followed TAC's example and replaced its MAJCON Pilot Training Wings and Navigator Training Wing with AFCON Flying Training Wings.[24]
End of the MAJCOM system
During the Gulf War of 1990-91 MAJCON wings, such as the 7440th Composite Wing (Provisional) at Incirlik AB, Turkey, and the 801st Bomb Wing (Provisional)[25] at Morón Air Base served alongside AFCON wings. The MAJCON system was in existence up until 30 April 1991, when all units became AFCON units. A number of MAJCOM wings were converted to AFCON status while retaining their four digit designation or redesignated with one to three digits.
"At the same time, the Air Force withdrew the authorization for major commands to create MAJCON organizations. Those four digit organizations active on 30 April 1991, changed to organizations under the direct control of Headquarters USAF for organizational actions, eliminating all MAJCON organizations. Among the former MAJCON organizations were about twenty active four-digit wings. Within a few years, however all those wings were inactivated, consolidated with, or replaced by lower numbered wings."[26] An example is the 4404th Wing in Saudi Arabia, which was only replaced by a three-digit AFCON wing, the 363d Air Expeditionary Wing on 1 December 1998.[27]
Four digit wings are still permitted if they are provisional organizations, although the wing number is based on the unit's area of responsibility, not the command it is assigned to.[28] However, most USAF provisional units are now expeditionary units. Although expeditionary wings are activated as needed by MAJCOMs, their numbers are controlled by Hq, USAF and their lineage and honors can be inherited.[29]
List of MAJCOM Wings
Wing | Location | MAJCOM | Organized | Discontinued /Moved |
Remarks | Ref | |
1001st Air Base Wing 1001st Composite Wing | Andrews AFB, MD | HQC | 1 October 1957 1 July 1968 | 1 July 1968 1 July 1969 | Was 1401st ABW. Replaced by 1st Composite Wing. | [30][31] | |
Medical Services Wing, Provisional, 1010th | Andrews AFB, MD | HQC | 15 October 1962 | Unknown | [31] | ||
1020th USAF Special Activities Wing | Bolling AFB, DC Fort Myer, VA | HQC | 26 May 1949 30 July 1949 | 30 July 1949 c. 30 June 1963 | Mission Absorbed by 1100th ABW. | [32][33] | |
1050th Air Base Wing | Andrews AFB, MD | HQC | 1 April 1949 | 26 August 1952 | Redesignated 1401st ABW. | [31] | |
1090th USAF Special Reporting Wing | Sandia Base, NM | USAF | c. May 1951 | c. 2 November 1964 | Was USAF Special Reporting Agency. | ||
1100th Air Base Wing | Bolling AFB, DC | HQC | 16 March 1949 | 30 September 1977 | Replaced by 1100th ABG. | [33] | |
1100th Air Base Wing | Bolling AFB, DC | MAC | 15 December 1980 | 1 October 1985 | Transferred to Air Force District of Washington as 1100th ABG. | [33] | |
1140th USAF Special Reporting Wing | Sandia Base, NM | USAFSRA | c. 28 August 1948 | Unknown | Redesignated 1100th USAF Special Reporting Group. | ||
1254th Air Transport Wing | Washington Natl Apt, VA Andrews AFB. MD | MATS | 1 December 1960 10 July 1961 | 10 July 1961 8 January 1966 | Was 1254th Air Transport Group. Replaced by 89th Military Airlift Wing | [31][34] | |
1300th Air Base Wing | Great Falls AFB, MT | MATS | 1 May 53 | 1 February 1954 | Replaced 1701st ABG. Replaced by 407th ABG. | [35] | |
1370th Photographic Mapping Wing | Turner AFB, GA Forbes AFB, KS | MATS | 1 January 1960 May 1967 | May 1967 Oct 1968 | Was 1370th Photo Mapping Group. Replaced by Aerospace Cartographic and Geodetic Service. | [36][37] | |
1400th Air Base Wing | Scott AFB, IL | MATS | 8 September 1968 | 1 June 1973 | Replaced 375th ABG. Replaced by 375th ABG. | [38] | |
1401st Air Base Wing | Andrews AFB, MD | MATS | 26 August 1952 | 1 October 57 | Was 1050th ABW. Redesignated 1001st ABW. | [31] | |
1405th Air Base Wing | Scott AFB, IL | MATS | 1 October 1957 | 12 January 1966 | Was 3310th Technical Training Wing. Replaced by 375th ABG. | [38] | |
1500th Air Base Wing | Hickam AFB, HI | MATS | 13 June 1949 | 20 July 1949 | Redesignated 1506th ABW. | [39] | |
1500th Air Transport Wing 1500th Air Base Wing | Hickam AFB, HI | MATS | 1 June 1949 27 May 1952 | 27 May 1952 15 October 1954 | Transferred to FEAF as 6486th ABW. | [39] | |
Strategic Wing, Provisional, 1500th | Andersen AFB, Guam | SAC | 21 September 1990 | c. 11 December 1990 | |||
1501st Air Transport Wing | Travis AFB, CA | MATS | 1 October 1948 1 July 1952 | 1 January 1950 8 January 1966 | Was 530th Air Transport Wing. 1704th Air Transport Wing 1950-1952. Replaced by 60th Military Airlift Wing | [40][41] | |
1502d Air Transport Wing | Hickam AFB, HI | MATS | 1 July 1955 | 8 January 1966 | Replaced by 61st Military Airlift Wing. | [39][42] | |
1503d Air Transport Wing | Haneda Airport, Japan Tachikawa AB, Japan | MATS | 1 October 1948 15 July 1957 | 15 July 1957 22 June 1964 | Was 540th Air Transport Wing. Replaced by 1503d Air Transport Group. | [43] | |
1506th Air Base Wing | Hickam AFB, HI | MATS | 20 July 1949 | 2 August 1949 | Was 1500th Air Base Wing | [39] | |
1550th Aircrew Training and Test Wing 1550th Combat Crew Training Wing | Hill AFB, UT Kirtland AFB, NM | MAC | 1 April 1971 15 March 1976 | 15 March 1976 1 October 1991 | Redesignated 1985. Consolidated with 92d Combat Bombardment Wing as 542d Crew Training Wing | [44] | |
1600th Air Transport Wing 1600th Air Base Wing | Westover AFB, MA | MATS | 1 October 1948 1 July 1953 | 1 July 1953 1 April 1955 | Was 520th Air Transport Wing. Support units transferred to 4050th ABG when base transferred to SAC. | [45] | |
1602d Air Transport Wing | Wiesbaden AB Furstenfeldbruck AB Chateauroux AS | MATS | 1 October 1948 c. 25 June 1953 1956 | c. 25 June 1953 1956 1 July 1964 | Was 525th Air Transport Wing. Units transferred to 322d Air Division. | [46][47] | |
1603d Air Transport Wing | Wheelus Field, Libya | MATS | 16 October 1951 | 1 January 1953 | Was 1603d ABG. Transferred to USAFE and redesignated 7272 ABW. | [46] | |
1604th Air Base Wing | Kindley AFB, Bermuda | MATS | c. 1 July 1955 | 1 November 1964 | Was 1604th ABG. Redesignated 1604th Air Base Group. | [48] | |
1605th Air Base Wing | Lajes Field, Azores | MATS | 1 February 1953 1 January 1975 | 1 November 1967 1 January 1982 | Was 1605th ABG. 1605th ABG, Nov 1967-Jan 1975. Replaced by 1605th ABG. | [49] | |
1605th Military Airlift Support Wing | Lajes Field, Azores | MAC | 1 January 1982 | 27 January 1992 | Replaced 1605th Air Base Wing. Redesignated 65th Support Wing | [49][50] | |
1606th Air Base Wing | Kirtland AFB, NM | MAC | 1 July 1977 | 1 October 1991 | Was 4900th Air Base Wing. Consolidated with 542d Air Service Group as 542d Support Group. | [51] | |
1607th Air Transport Wing | Dover AFB, DE | MATS | 1 January 1954 | 8 January 1966 | Replaced by 436th Military Airlift Wing | [52][53] | |
1608th Air Transport Wing | Charleston AFB, SC | MATS | 1 March 1955 | 8 January 1966 | Replaced by 437th Military Airlift Wing. | [54][55] | |
1611th Air Transport Wing | McGuire AFB, NJ | MATS | 1 May 1954 | 8 January 1966 | Support units replaced 568th Air Defense Group. Replaced by 438th Military Airlift Wing | [56][57] | |
Tactical Airlift Wing, Provisional, 1620th | Bateen Airport, UAE | MAC | c. 16 August 1990 | c. 31 March 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. | [58] | |
Tactical Airlift Wing, Provisional, 1630th | Al Ain IAP, UAE | MAC | 1 November 1990 | c. 11 April 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. Replaced 435th Tactical Airlift Wing, Deployed. | [59] | |
1640th Air Base Wing | Ramey AFB, Puerto Rico | MAC | 1 July 1971 | 31 July 1973 | Replaced 72d Air Base Group. Base closed. | [60] | |
Tactical Airlift Wing, Provisional, 1640th | Marsirah AB, Oman | MAC | c. 1 December 1990 | c. 12 April 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. | ||
Tactical Airlift Wing, Provisional, 1650th | Al Dhafra AB, UAE | MATS | c. 9 October 1990 | c. 7 April 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. | [61] | |
Tactical Airlift Wing, Provisional, 1660th | RAFO Thumrait, Oman | MATS | c. 26 December 1990 | c. 5 May 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. Replaced 317th Tactical Airlift Wing, Deployed(?). | [62] | |
Air Refueling Wing, Provisional, 1700th | Taif AB, Saudi Arabia | MAC | 1990 | c. 31 March 1991 | Operation Desert Storm | ||
1700th Air Transport Wing | Kelly AFB, TX | MATS | 1 October 1948 | 18 December 1957 | Discontinued. | [63] | |
1701st Air Transport Wing | Great Falls AFB, MT | MATS | 1 October 1948 | 1 May 1953 | Was 517th Air Transport Wing. Support units transferred to 1300th ABW. | [35] | |
Air Refueling Wing, Provisional, 1702d | Seeb AB, Oman | MAC | 21 September 1990 | c. 8 March 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. | ||
Air Refueling Wing, Provisional, 1703d | King Khalid IAP, Saudi Arabia | MAC | 1990 | c. 10 March 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. | ||
1704th Air Transport Wing | Travis AFB, CA | MATS | 24 August 1950 | 1 July 1952 | Was 1501st Air Transport Wing. Redesignated 1501st Air Transport Wing | [40] | |
1705th Air Transport Wing | McChord AFB, WA | MATS | 1 January 1950 | 1 July 1952 | Operational units transferred to Continental Division, MATS | [64] | |
Air Refueling Wing, Provisional, 1706th | Cairo West Apt, Egypt | MAC | 1990 | c. 24 May 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. | ||
1707 Air Base Wing 1707th Air Transport Wing (Training) | Palm Beach AFB, FL Tinker AFB, OK | MATS | 1 September 1951 1 June 1959 | 1 June 1959 8 January 1966 | Redesignated 1 May 1954. Replaced by 443d Military Airlift Wing | [22][65] | |
Air Refueling Wing, Provisional, 1707th | Masirah AB, Oman | MAC | 1990 | 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. | ||
1708th Ferrying Wing | Kelly AFB, TX | MATS | 20 October 1955 | 1 March 1958 | Was 1708th Ferrying Group. Discontinued. | [63] | |
Air Refueling Wing, Provisional, 1709th | King Abdulaziz Apt, Saudi Arabia | MAC | 1990 | c. 14 March 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. | ||
Air Refueling Wing, Provisional, 1711th | King Khalid IAP, Saudi Arabia | MAC | 1990 | Mar 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. | ||
Air Refueling Wing, Provisional, 1712th | Al Minhad AB, UAE | MAC | c. 20 December 1990 | c. 14 March 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. | ||
Air Refueling Wing, Provisional, 1713th | Dubai IAP, UAE | MAC | 1990 | Mar 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. | ||
1776th Air Base Wing | Andrews AFB, MD | MAC | 15 December 1980 | 12 July 1991 | Replaced 76th Air Base Group. Replaced by 89th Support Group | [31] | |
1800th AACS Wing | Langley AFB, VA Tinker AFB, OK | MATS | 1 October 1948 10 March 49 | 10 March 49 1 November 1957 | Was 1st AACS Wing. Redesignated Continental AACS Area | [66][67] | |
1800th Information Systems Wing 1800th Communications Wing | Fort Myer, VA The Pentagon, VA | AFCC | 1 February 1986 8 July 1989 | 8 July 1989 c. 1992 | Redesignated 1 November 1986. | [68] | |
1804th AACS Wing | Elmendorf AFB, AK | MATS | 1 October 1953 | 1 November 1957 | Was 1804th AACS Group. Redesignated Alaskan AACS Region. | [66][69] | |
1805th AACS Wing | Pepperell AFB, Canada | MATS | 1 October 1953 | 1 November 1957 | Was 1805th AACS Group. Redesignated North Atlantic AACS Region. | [66][70] | |
1807th AACS Wing | Wiesbaden Mil Post Furstenfeldbruck AB Bitburg AB, Germany | MATS | 1 October 1948 26 June 1953 15 November 55 | 26 June 1953 15 November 55 1 November 1957 | Was 5th AACS Wing. Redesignated Europe Africa Middle East AACS Area. | [66][71] | |
1808th AACS Wing | Tokyo Fuchu AS, Japan Wheeler AFB, HI | MATS | 1 October 1948 15 May 1956 19 January 1957 | 15 May 1956 19 January 1957 1 November 1957 | Was 7th AACS Wing. Redesignated Pacific AACS Area. | [66][72] | |
1840th Air Base Wing | Richards-Gebaur AFB, MO | AFCS | 1 July 1970 | 1 October 1977 | Replaced 4676th ABG when base transferred from ADC. Transferred to MAC as 1607th ABG. | [73] | |
1931st Information Systems Wing 1931st Communications Wing | Elmendorf AFB, AK | AFCC | 1 July 1984 1 November 1986 | 1 November 1986 1 October 1990 | Was 1931st Communications Group. Redesignated 1931st Communications Group. | [12] | |
1989th Information Systems Wing 1989th Communications Wing | Torrejon AB, Spain | AFCC | 4 January 1985 1 November 1986 | 1 November 1986 16 August 1989 | Discontinued. | [74] | |
2005th Information Systems Wing 2005th Communications Wing | Sembach AB, Germany | AFCC | 4 January 1985 1 November 1986 | 1 November 1986 c. 31 March 1993 | Was 2005th Information Systems Group. Redesignated 601st Communications Group. | [75] | |
2043d Air Weather Wing | Tokyo, Japan | MATS | 1 October 1948 | 1 January 1949 | Was 43d Weather Wing. Redesignated 2143d Air Weather Wing. | [76] | |
2058th Air Weather Wing | Wiesbaden AB, Germany Furstenfeldbruck AB, Germany | MATS | 12 October 1951 25 June 1953 | 25 June 1953 8 February 1954 | Was 2105th Air Weather Group. Replaced by 2d Weather Wing. | [77] | |
2059th Air Weather Wing | Tinker AFB, OK | MATS | 1 October 1948 | 1 June 1952 | Was 59th Weather Wing. Discontinued. | [65] | |
2143d Air Weather Wing | Tokyo, Japan | MATS | 1 January 1949 | 8 February 1954 | Was 2043d Air Weather Wing. Replaced by 1st Weather Wing. | [76] | |
2147th Information Systems Wing 2147th Communications Wing | RAF Mildenhall, UK | AFCC | 4 January 1985 1 November 1986 | 1 November 1986 c. 1 February 1992 | Was 2147th Information Systems Group. Redesignated 100th Communications Group. | [78] | |
2349th Air Base Wing | Parks AFB, CA | CONAC | 1 January 1957 | c. 1 January 1958 | Was 3275 Basic Military Training Wing. Redesignated 2349 ABG. | [79] | |
2477th Air Reserve Training Wing | Vancouver Barracks, WA | CONAC | c. 1 July 1958 | 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2477th Air Force Reserve Sector. | [80] | |
2478th Air Reserve Training Wing | Long Beach IAP, CA | CONAC | c. 5 May 1958 | 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2478th Air Force Reserve Sector. | [81] | |
2479th Air Reserve Training Wing | Fort Miley, CA | CONAC | c. 8 May 1958 | 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2479th Air Force Reserve Sector. | [82] | |
2480th Air Reserve Training Wing | Detroit, MI O'Hare IAP, IL | CONAC | 14 May 1958 c. 1 July 1959 | c. 1 July 1959 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2480th Air Force Reserve Sector. | [83] | |
2481st Air Reserve Training Wing | Minneapolis-St Paul IAP, MN | CONAC | Unknown | 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2481st Air Force Reserve Sector. | [84] | |
Air Reserve Training Wing, Provisional, 2482d | Denver, CO | CONAC | 14 May 1958 | 8 July 1958 | Replaced by 2482d Air Reserve Training Wing. | [85] | |
2482d Air Reserve Training Wing | Denver, CO | CONAC | c. 8 July 1958 | 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2482d Air Force Reserve Sector. | [85] | |
Air Reserve Training Wing, Provisional, 2483d | Saint Louis, MO | CONAC | c 8 May 1958 | 8 July 1959 | Replaced by 2383d Air Reserve Training Wing. | [86] | |
2483d Air Reserve Training Wing | Saint Louis, MO Scott AFB, IL | CONAC | 8 July 1958 Fall 1958 | Fall 1958 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2483d Air Force Reserve Sector. | [38] | |
Air Reserve Training Wing, Provisional, 2484th | Hensley Field, TX | CONAC | c. 8 May 1958 | 8 July 1959 | Replaced by 2384th Air Reserve Training Wing. | [87] | |
2484th Air Reserve Training Wing | Hensley Field, TX | CONAC | 8 July 1958 | 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2484th Air Force Reserve Sector. | [87] | |
Air Reserve Training Wing, Provisional, 2485th | Ellington AFB, TX | CONAC | c. 8 May 1958 | 8 July 1959 | Replaced by 2385th Air Reserve Training Wing. | [88] | |
2485th Air Reserve Training Wing | Ellington AFB, TX | CONAC | 8 July 1958 | 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2485th Air Force Reserve Sector. | [88] | |
Air Reserve Training Wing, Provisional, 2490th | Mitchel AFB, NY | CONAC | 8 May 1958 | 8 July 1959 | Replaced by 2390th Air Reserve Training Wing. | [89] | |
2490th Air Reserve Training Wing | Mitchel AFB, NY | CONAC | 8 July 1958 | 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2490th Air Force Reserve Sector. | [89] | |
2491st Air Reserve Training Wing | Grenier Field, NH | CONAC | c. 1 July 1958 | 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2491st Air Force Reserve Sector. | [90] | |
2492d Air Reserve Training Wing | Greater Pittsburgh IAP, PA | CONAC | 1 July 1958 | 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2492d Air Force Reserve Sector. | [91] | |
2493d Air Reserve Training Wing | Andrews AFB, MD | CONAC | 1 July 1958 | 1 July 1960 | Replaced by 2493d Air Force Reserve Sector. | [92] | |
2494th Air Reserve Training Wing | Clinton County AFB, OH | CONAC | 1 July 1958 | 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2494th Air Force Reserve Sector. | [93] | |
2495th Air Reserve Training Wing | Atlanta, GA | CONAC | 1 July 1958 | 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2495th Air Force Reserve Sector. | [94] | |
2496th Air Reserve Training Wing | Tampa, FL | CONAC | 1 July 1958 | 1 September 1960 | Replaced by 2496th Air Force Reserve Sector. | [95] | |
2500th Air Base Wing | Mitchel AFB, NY | CONAC | 1 June 1952 | 25 June 1961 | Was 2500 ABG. 2500 ABG Mar 1958-Jul 1959. Base closed. | [96] | |
2705 Air Munitions Wing | Hill AFB, UT | AFLC | 8 January 1960 | 1 November 1969 | Discontinued. | [44] | |
2710th Air Base Wing | Tachikawa AB, Japan | AMC | c. 1 July 1957 | 1 January 1961 | Replaced 375 ABG when base transferred from PACAF. Replaced by 6100 ABW. | [97][98] | |
2750th Air Base Wing | Wright-Patterson AFB, OH | AMC/AFLC | 28 August 1948 | 1 October 1992 | Was 4000th AF Base Unit (Air Base). Redesignated 645th Air Base Wing | [99] | |
2751st Experimental Wing | Griffiss AFB, NY | AMC | c. 20 September 1949 | 12 June 1951 | Was 2751st Air Force Base. | [100] | |
2754th Experimental Wing | Holloman AFB, NM | AMC | 20 September 1949 | c. 30 June 1951 | Was 2754th Air Force Base. Transferred to ARDC as 6540th Missile Test Wing. | [101] | |
2758th Experimental Wing | Kirtland AFB, NM | AMC | c. 1948 | c. 1949 | Was 2758th Air Force Base. Transferred to SWC as 4901st Special Weapons Wing. | [51] | |
2759th Experimental Wing | Edwards AFB, CA | AMC | c. 20 May 1949 | 25 June 1951 | Was 2759th Air Force Base. Replaced by AF Test Center | [102] | |
2842d Transportation Control Wing | McClellan AFB, CA | AMC | 26 February 1952 | 1 June 1953 | Discontinued. | [103] | |
2845th Air Depot Wing | Griffiss AFB, NY | AMC | 28 July 1952 | 3 January 1955 | Was 2905th Specialized Depot Group. Discontinued along with Rome Air Depot | [100] | |
2848th Air Base Wing | Norton AFB, CA | AMC, AFLC | 1 May 1953 | 8 July 1964 | Replaced 2950th ABW. Redesignated 2848th ABG. | [104] | |
2849th Air Base Wing | Hill AFB, UT | AMC, AFLC | 1 May 1953 | 8 July 1964 | Replaced 25th ABG. Redesignated 2849th ABG. | [44] | |
2850th Air Base Wing | Brookley AFB, AL | AMC, AFLC | 1 May 1953 | c. 8 July 1964 | Redesignated 2850th ABG. | [105] | |
2851st Air Base Wing | Kelly AFB, TX | AMC, AFLC | 1 August 1953 | 16 October 64 | Replaced 3048th ABG. Redesignated 2851st ABG, | [63] | |
2852d Air Base Wing | McClellan AFB, CA | AMC, AFLC | 1 August 53 | 16 October 64 | Replaced 3083d Air Base Gp. Redesignated 2852d Air Base Group | [103] | |
2853d Air Base Wing | Robins AFB, GA | AMC, AFLC | 1 August 1953 | 16 October 1964 | Redesignated 2853d ABG. | [106] | |
2854th Air Base Wing | Tinker AFB, OK | AMC, AFLC | 1 August 1953 | 16 October 1964 | Redesignated 2854th ABG. | [65] | |
2855th Air Base Wing | Olmsted AFB, PA | AMC, AFLC | c. 1 August 1953 | c. 16 October 1964 | Redesignated 2855th ABG. | [107] | |
2856th Air Base Wing | Griffiss AFB, NY | AMC, AFLC | 16 February 1958 | 1 July 1970 | Replaced by 416th CSG when base transferred to SAC. | [100] | |
2899th Depot Training Wing | Kelly AFB, TX | AMC | 11 February 1952 | 4 April 55 | Replaced 2949th Depot Training Wing. | ||
2900th Air Depot Wing (Mobile) | Kelly AFB, TX | AMC | 16 August 1954 | 1 March 1956 | Discontinued. | [63] | |
2940th Depot Training Wing | Kelly AFB, TX | AMC | 16 March 1951 | 11 February 1952 | Replaced by 2899th Depot Training Wing. | [63] | |
2941st Depot Training Wing | Brookley AFB, AL | AMC | 15 March 1951 | 19 November 1952 | Discontinued. | [108] | |
2942d Depot Training Wing | McClellan AFB, CA | AMC | 16 March 1951 | 3 January 1955 | Discontinued. | [103] | |
2943d Depot Training Wing | Robins AFB, GA | AMC | 15 March 1951 | 19 November 1952 | Discontinued. | [106] | |
2944th Depot Training Wing | Tinker AFB, OK | AMC | 15 March 1951 | 19 November 1952 | Discontinued. | [65] | |
2949th Depot Training Wing | Hill AFB, UT | AMC | 12 October 1951 | 27 November 1952 | Discontinued. | [44] | |
2950th Depot Training Wing | Norton AFB, CA | AMC | 7 November 1951 | 19 November 1952 | Discontinued. | [104] | |
3079th Aviation Depot Wing | Wright-Patterson AFB, OH | AMC | 6 February 1955 | 1 July 1962 | Flying units transferred to 39th Logistics Support Group. Special weapons storage units transferred to SAC or Air Materiel Areas. | [109][110] | |
3090th Air Depot Wing | Wright-Patterson AFB, OH | AMC | 5 December 1953 | 1 June 1954 | Unknown. | [109] | |
3090th Support Wing | Madrid, Spain | AMC | c. 1 January 1955 | 1 January 1957 | Transferred to USAFE as 7602d Support Wing. | [111][note 7] | |
3130th Air Base Wing | Chateauroux AS, France | AMC | c. 1 January 1956 | c. 1958 | Replaced 7373d Air Depot Wing when base transferred from USAFE. Redesignated 3130th ABG. | [100] | |
3153d Air Base Wing | Nouasseur AB, Morocco | AMC | 1 March 1954 | c. 1 July 1958 | Replaced 7280th Air Depot Wing when base transferred from USAFE. Redesignated 3922d ABG when base transferred to SAC. | ||
3200th Maintenance Wing 3200th Test Wing (Maintenance) | Eglin AFB, FL | APGC | 1 July 1953 1 October 1954 | 1 October 1954 24 October 1955 | Replaced by 3241st Test Group. | [112][113] | |
3200th Proof Test Wing | Eglin AFB, FL | APGC | 1 April 1951 | 1 July 1952 | Functions split among 3200th Maintenance Wing, 3202d Installations Wing and 3206th Support Wing. | [112] | |
3200th Support Wing | Eglin AFB, FL | AFSC | 10 June 88 | 1 October 1992 | Replaced 3201st ABG. Redesignated 646th Air Base Wing | [112][114] | |
3201st Air Base Wing | Eglin AFB, FL | APGC, AFSC | 1 April 1951 | 16 September 1964 | Replaced by 3201 ABG | [112] | |
3202d Installations Wing | Eglin AFB, FL | APGC | 1 July 1953 | 1 August 1955 | Redesignated 3201st Installations Group | [112][115] | |
3206th Support Wing 3206th Test Wing | Eglin AFB, FL | APGC | 1 July 1953 c. 1 October 1954 | c. 1 October 1954 1 August 1957 | Redesignated 3206th Test Group | [112] | |
3245th Air Base Wing | L G Hanscom Field, MA | ARDC, AFSC | 1 April 1960 | 1 July 1964 | Replaced 6520th ABG. Redesignated 3245th ABG. | [116] | |
3246th Test Wing | Eglin AFB, FL | AFSC | 1 July 1970 | 1 October 1992 | Replaced by 46th Test Wing | [112][117] | |
3250th Technical Training Wing | Lackland AFB, TX | ATC | 1 April 1977 | 1 January 1978 | Discontinued. | [118] | |
3250th Technical Training Wing | Lackland AFB, TX | ATC | 1 November 1979 | 1 February 1992 | Redesignated 3250th TTG. | [118] | |
3275th AF Indoctrination Wing 3275th Basic Military Training Wing | Parks AFB, CA | ATC | 16 August 1951 16 January 1953 | 16 January 1953 1 January 1957 | Transferred to CONAC as 2349 ABW. | [79] | |
3300th Technical Training Wing | Keesler AFB, MS | ATC | 1 April 1977 | 1 January 1978 | Discontinued. | [119] | |
3300th Technical Training Wing | Keesler AFB, MS | ATC | 1 October 1979 | 1 February 1992 | Redesignated 3300th Technical Training Group. | [119] | |
3310th Technical Training Wing | Scott AFB, IL | ATC | 28 August 1948 | 1 October 1957 | Replaced 3505th AF Base Unit. Redesignated 1405th ABW when base transferred to MATS. | [38] | |
3320th Technical Training Wing | Amarillo AFB, TX | ATC | 12 March 1951 | c. 1 January 1959 | Redesignated Amarillo Technical Training Center. | [120] | |
3330th Technical Training Wing | Chanute AFB, IL | ATC | 1 November 1979 | c. 30 September 1993 | Base closed. | [121] | |
3345th Technical Training Wing | Chanute AFB, IL | ATC | 26 August 1948 | c. 1 January 1959 | Replaced 3502d AF Base Unit. Redesignated Chanute Technical Training Center, | [121] | |
3350th Technical Training Wing | Chanute AFB, IL | ATC | 1 April 1977 | 1 January 1978 | [121] | ||
3380th Technical Training Wing | Keesler AFB, MS | ATC | 26 August 1948 | 1 January 1959 | Replaced 3704th AF Base Unit. Redesignated Keesler Technical Training Center. | [119] | |
3400th Technical Training Wing | Lowry AFB, CO | ATC | 1 April 1977 | 1 January 1978 | Discontinued. | [122] | |
3415th Technical Training Wing | Lowry AFB, CO | ATC | 26 August 1948 | after 31 December 1968 | Replaced 3705th AF Base Unit. | [122] | |
3450th Technical Training Wing | Francis E. Warren AFB, WY | ATC | 26 August 1948 | 1 February 1958 | Replaced 463d AF Base Unit. Support units replaced by SAC 389th ABG. | [123] | |
3480th Technical Training Wing | Goodfellow AFB, TX | ATC | 1 July 1978 | 1 February 1992 | Redesignated 3480th TTG | [124] | |
3499th Training Aids Wing | Chanute AFB, IL | ATC | 1 October 1949 | 14 July 1951 | Discontinued. | [121] | |
3499th Mobile Training Wing 3499th Field Training Wing | Chanute AFB, IL | ATC | 14 July 1951 30 Jun 1957 | 30 Jun 1957 1 Sep 1959 | Was 3499th Mobile Training Group. Discontinued. | [121][125][126] | |
3500th Pilot Training Wing | Barksdale AFB, LA Reese AFB, TX | ATC | 26 August 1948 14 October 1949 | 14 October 1949 1 October 1972 | Replaced 2621 AF Base Unit. Replaced by 64th Flying Training Wing. | [127][128][129] | |
3500th Recruiting Wing | Waco AFB, TX Wright-Patterson AFB, OH | ATC | 10 April 1954 May 1954 | May 1954 8 July 1959 | Was 3500th Personnel Processing Group. Replaced by USAF Recruiting Service. | [109] | |
3505th Pilot Training Wing | Greenville AFB, MS | ATC | 1 February 1953 | May 1961 | Replaced by 3505th Technical Training Group | [109] | |
3510th Flying Training Wing | Randolph AFB, TX | ATC | 26 August 1948 | 1 May 1972 | Replaced 2532 AF Base Unit. Also 3510th Basic Flying Training Wg, Pilot Training Wg, CCTW. Replaced by 12th Flying Training Wing | [130][131] | |
3520th Combat Crew Training Wing 3520th Flying Training Wing 3520th Combat Crew Training Wing | McConnell AFB, KS | ATC | 1 June 1951 c. 1 June 1952 25 September 1954 | c. 1 June 1952 25 September 1954 1 July 1958 | Transferred to SAC as 4347th CCTW. | [132] | |
3525th Pilot Training Wing 3525th Combat Crew Training Wing | Williams AFB, AZ | ATC | 26 August 1948 1 January 1956 | 1 January 1956 1 July 1958 | Replaced 3010 AF Base Unit. Transferred to TAC as 4530 CCTW. | [133] | |
3525th Pilot Training Wing | Williams AFB, AZ | ATC | 1 October 1960 | 1 February 1973 | Was 4530th CCTW Replaced by 82d Flying Training Wing | [133][134] | |
3535th Navigator Training Wing | Mather AFB, CA | ATC | 26 August 1948 | 1 April 1973 | Replaced 2622d AF Base Unit. Earlier 3535th Bombardier Training Wg, Observer Training Wing, Aircraft Observer Training Wing. Replaced by 323d Flying Training Wing. | [135][136] | |
3540th Combat Crew Training Wing 3540th Flying Training Wing | Pinecastle AFB, FL | ATC | c. 14 June 1951 c. 1 June 1952 | c. 1 June 1952 1 January 1954 | Transferred to SAC as 4042d Flying Training Wing. | [132] | |
3545th Basic Pilot Training Wing 3545th Pilot Training Wing | Goodfellow AFB, TX | ATC | 26 August 1948 | 1 October 1958 | Replaced 2533d AF Base Unit. Replaced by 6940th ABW when base transferred to USAFSS | [124] | |
3550th Pilot Training Wing | Moody AFB, GA | ATC | 1 September 1951 | 1 December 1973 | Also 3550th Training Wg, Flying Training Wg, CCTW. Replaced by 38th Flying Training Wing. | [137][138] | |
3555th Pilot Training Wing | Perrin AFB, TX | ATC | 26 August 1948 | 1 July 1962 | Also 3555th Flying Training Wg, CCTW. Replaced by 4780th Air Defense Wing. | [139] | |
3560th Pilot Training Wing | Webb AFB, TX | ATC | 1 October 1951 | 1 December 1972 | Replaced by 78th Flying Training Wing. | [140] | |
3565th Navigator Training Wing | James Connally AFB, TX | ATC | c. 1 January 1949 | c. 31 December 1965 | Earlier 3565 Basic Pilot Tng Wg, 3565 Pilot Tng Wg, 3565 Training Wg, 3565 Observer Tng Wg, 3565 Aircraft Observer Tng Wg. Base closed. | [141] | |
3575th Pilot Training Wing | Vance AFB, OK | ATC | 26 August 1948 | 1 November 1972 | Replaced 2518 AF Base Unit. Replaced by 71st Flying Training Wing. | [142][143] | |
3595th Combat Crew Training Wing | Nellis AFB, NV | ATC | 22 December 1948 | 1 July 1958 | Also 3595th Training Wing, Pilot Training Wing, Flying Training Wing. Transferred to TAC as 4520th CCTW. | [144] | |
3600th Flying Training Wing 3600th Combat Crew Training Wing | Luke AFB, AZ | ATC | 1 November 1952 30 November 1952 | 30 November 1952 1 July 1958 | Transferred to TAC as 4510th CCTW. | [145] | |
3610th Observer Training Wing 3610th Navigator Training Wing | Harlingen AFB, TX | ATC | 1 April 1952 unknown | 30 unknown 1 July 1962 | Base reopened to base closed | [126][146] | |
3615th Pilot Training Wing | Craig AFB, AL | ATC | 1 September 1950 | 1 July 1972 | Was 3840th Air University Wing. 3615 Flying Training Wing 1954-1958. Replaced by 29th Flying Training Wing. | [24][147] | |
3625 Training Wing 3625th Flying Training Wing (Interceptor) 3625th Combat Crew Training Wing | Tyndall AFB, FL | ATC | 1 September 1950 c. 31 March 1952 c. 1 July 1954 | c. 31 March 1952 c. 1 July 1954 1 July 1957 | Was 3820th Air University Wing Replaced by 4756th Air Defense Wing. | [148] | |
3630 Flying Training Wing | Sheppard AFB, FL | ATC | 10 Dec 1965 | 1 Jan 1973 | Replaced by 80th Flying Training Wing. | [149] | |
3635th Combat Crew Training Wing (Survival) 3635th Flying Training Wing (Advanced) | Stead AFB, NV | ATC | 1 September 1954 15 July 1958 | 15 July 1958 c. 1 April 1966 | Transferred from SAC, was 3904th Composite Wing. Base closed. | [150] | |
3636th Combat Crew Training Wing | Fairchild AFB, WA | ATC | 1 April 1971 | 28 January 1992 | Was 3636th CCTG. Consolidated with 336th Bombardment Group as 336th Crew Training Group. | [151] | |
3640th Pilot Training Wing | Laredo AFB, TX | ATC | c. 1 April 1952 | 1 August 1972 | Replaced by 38th Flying Training Wing. | [137] | |
3645th Pilot Training Wing | Laughlin AFB, TX | ATC | 1 May 1953 | 1 September 1957 | Also 3645th Flying Training Wing, 3645th CCTW, Replaced by 4080th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing | [152] | |
3646th Pilot Training Wing | Laughlin AFB, TX | ATC | 16 October 1961 | 1 August 1972 | Support elements transferred from 4080th CSG. Replaced by 47th Flying Training Wing. | [152][153] | |
3650th AF Indoctrination Wing 3650th Military Training Wing | Sampson AFB, NY | ATC | 1 December 50 c. 1 January 1953 | c. 1 January 1952 c. 30 June 1956 | Base closed. | [154][155] | |
3650th Pilot Training Wing | Columbus AFB, MS | ATC | 1 July 1969 | 1 August 1972 | Replaced 454th Bombardment Wing. Replaced by 14th Flying Training Wing. | [156][157][158] | |
3700th AF Indoctrination Wing 3700th Military Training Wing | Lackland AFB, TX | ATC | 28 October 1949 c. 1 April 1952 | c. 1 April 1952 1 January 1959 | Was Indoctrination Division, ATC. Redesignated Lackland Military Training Center. | [118] | |
3700th Basic Training Wing | Lackland AFB, TX | ATC | 26 August 1948 | 22 April 1949 | Discontinued. | [118] | |
3700th Technical Training Wing | Sheppard AFB, TX | ATC | 1 April 1977 | 1 January 1978 | Discontinued. | [149] | |
3700th Technical Training Wing | Sheppard AFB, TX | ATC | 1 November 1979 | 1 February 1992 | Redesignated 3700th TTG | [149] | |
3750th Basic Training Wing 3750th Technical Training Wing | Sheppard AFB, TX | ATC | 26 August 1948 c. Jun 1949 | c. Jun 1949 1 January 1959 | Redesignated Sheppard Technical Training Center. | [149] | |
3785th Field Training Wing | Sheppard AFB, TX | ATC | 1 July 1984 | 1 February 1992 | Was 3785th Field Training Group. Redesignated 396th Field Training Group | [159] | |
3790th Medical Service Training Wing | Sheppard AFB, TX | ATC | 1 April 1988 | 1 February 1992 | Replaced School of Health Care Sciences. Redesignated 3790th Medical Service Training Group | [160] | |
3800th Air University Wing 3800th Air Base Wing | Maxwell AFB, AL | AU, ATC | 28 July 1948 1 September 1954 21 July 1983 | 1 September 1954 2 January 1979 1 October 1992 | Replaced 502d Air University Wing 3800 ABG, Jan 1979-Jul 1983. Consolidated with 502d Air University Wing as 502d Air Base Wing. | [161] | |
3820th Air University Wing | Tyndall AFB, FL | AU | 28 July 1948 | 1 September 1950 | Replaced 500th AU Wing. Transferred to ATC as 3625th Training Wing. | [162] | |
3840th Air University Wing | Craig AFB, FL | AU | 28 July 1948 | 1 September 1950 | Replaced 501st AU Wing. Transferred to ATC as 3615th Pilot Training Wing. | [147] | |
3902d Air Base Wing | Offutt AFB, NE | SAC | 16 August 1949 | 1 March 1986 | Replaced 3902 ABG. Replaced by 55th CSG | [163] | |
3904th Composite Wing | Camp Carson, CO Stead AFB, NV | SAC | 21 October 1950 1 September 1951 | 1 September 1951 1 September 1954 | Replaced 3904 Training Squadron, Transferred to ATC as 3635th Combat Crew Training Wing. | [164] | |
3918th Strategic Wing | RAF Upper Heyford, UK | SAC | 1 May 1964 | 31 March 1965 | Was 3918 CSG. Support units transferred to 7514 CSG. | [165] | |
3920th Strategic Wing | RAF Brize Norton, UK | SAC | 1 July 1957 | 31 March 1965 | Discontinued. | [166] | |
3960th Air Base Wing 3960th Strategic Wing | Andersen AFB, Guam | SAC | 1 April 1955 1 November 1963 1 April 1965 | 1 July 1956 1 August 1964 1 April 1970 | 3960th ABG Jul 1956-Jul 1959. 3960th CSG, Jul 1959-Nov 1963, Aug 64-Apr 1965. Replaced by 43d Strategic Wing. | [167][168] | |
3970th Strategic Wing | Torrejon AB, Spain | SAC | 1 February 1964 | 25 June 1966 | 98th Strategic Wing | [169] | |
3973d Strategic Wing | Moron AB, Spain | SAC | 1 February 1964 | l Apr 1966 | Was 3973d CSG. Replaced by 7473d CSG when base transferred to USAFE. | [170] | |
3977th Support Wing | Madrid, Spain | SAC | 1957 | 1 April 1958 | Was 7602d Support Wing. Redesignated 3977th Support Group. | [111] | |
4008th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Wing | Barksdale AFB, LA | SAC | 1 July 1975 | 30 June 1977 | Discontinued. | [128] | |
4026th Strategic Wing | Wurtsmith AFB, MI | SAC | 1 August 1958 | 9 January 1961 | Replaced by 379th Bombardment Wing. | [171][172] | |
4038th Strategic Wing | Dow AFB, ME | SAC | 1 August 1958 | 1 February 1963 | Nonoperational until Feb 61. Replaced by 397th Bombardment Wing. | [173][174] | |
4039th Strategic Wing | Griffiss AFB, NY | SAC | 1 August 1958 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 416th Bombardment Wing. | [100][175] | |
4042d Strategic Wing | K.I. Sawyer AFB, MI | SAC | 1 August 1958 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 410th Bombardment Wing | [176][177] | |
4043d Strategic Wing | Wright-Patterson AFB, OH | SAC | 1 August 1958 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 17th Bombardment Wing. | [109][178] | |
4045th Air Refueling Wing | Selfridge AFB, MI | SAC | 1 July 1959 | 1 January 1963 | Replaced by 500th Air Refueling Wing. | [179] | |
4047th Strategic Wing | McCoy AFB, FL | SAC | 1 July 1961 | 1 April 1963 | Replaced by 306th Bombardment Wing. | [180] | |
4050th Air Refueling Wing | Westover AFB, MA | SAC | 1 April 1955 | 1 January 1963 | Replaced by 499th Air Refueling Wing. | [45][179] | |
4060th Air Refueling Wing | Dow AFB, ME | SAC | 8 March 1955 | 1 February 1960 | Discontinued. Support units transferred to 4038th Strategic Wing. | [174] | |
4061st Air Refueling Wing | Malmstrom AFB, MT | SAC | 1 July 1957 | 15 July 1961 | Discontinued. Support units transferred to 341st Strategic Missile Wing. | [35][181] | |
4062d Strategic Missile Wing (Minuteman) | Hill AFB, UT | SAC | 1 December 1960 | 20 February 1962 | Discontinued. | [44] | |
4070th Support Wing | March AFB, CA | SAC | 20 December 1955 | 15 June 1957 | Discontinued. | [182] | |
4080th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, Light 4080th Strategic Wing | Turner AFB, GA Laughlin AFB, TX Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ | SAC | 1 May 1956 1 April 1957 1 July 1963 | 1 April 1957 1 July 1963 25 June 1966 | Redesignated 15 June 1960. Replaced by 100th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing. | [152][183][184] | |
4081st Strategic Wing | Ernest Harmon AFB, Canada | SAC | 1 April 1957 | 25 June 1966 | Replaced 6605th ABW when base transferred from NEAC. Replaced by 4081st Air Base Squadron. | [185] | |
4082d Strategic Wing | RCAF Goose Bay, Canada | SAC | 1 June 1963 | 2 October 1966 | Replaced 6606 ABW. Replaced by 95th Strategic Wing. | [186] | |
4083d Air Base Wing | Thule AB, Greenland | SAC | 1 July 1949 | 1 July 1960 | Was 4083d ABG. Replaced by 4683d ABG when base transferred to ADC. | [187][188] | |
4083d Strategic Wing | Thule AB, Greenland | SAC | 1 April 1957 | 1 July 1959 | Discontinued. Replaced by 4683d Air Defense Wing. | [188] | |
4090th Air Refueling Wing | Clinton County AFB, OH | SAC | 1 August 1958 | 1 July 1960 | Discontinued. Base transferred to AF Reserve before wing received aircraft. | [189] | |
4108th Air Refueling Wing | Plattsburgh AFB, NY | SAC | 1 January 1961 | 1 January 1963 | Replaced by 497th Air Refueling Wing. | [179][190] | |
4123d Strategic Wing | Carswell AFB, TX Clinton-Sherman AFB, OK | SAC | 10 December 1957 25 February 1959 | 25 February 1959 1 February 1963 | Relocated after completion of construction. Replaced by 70th Bombardment Wing. | [191][192] | |
4126th Strategic Wing | Beale AFB, CA | SAC | 8 February 1959 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 456th Strategic Aerospace Wing. | [193][194] | |
4128th Strategic Wing | Amarillo AFB, TX | SAC | 5 January 1959 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 461st Bombardment Wing. | [195] | |
4130th Strategic Wing | Bergstrom AFB, TX | SAC | 1 October 1958 | 1 September 1963 | Replaced by 340th Bombardment Wing. | [196][197] | |
4133d Strategic Wing | Grand Forks AFB, SD | SAC | 1 September 1958 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 319th Bombardment Wing. | [198][199] | |
Bombardment Wing, Provisional, 4133d | Andersen AFB, Guam | SAC | 1 February 1966 | 1 July 1970 | Operational headquarters for B-52 units deployed for Operation Arc Light | [167] | |
4134th Strategic Wing | Mather AFB, CA | SAC | 1 May 1958 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 320th Bombardment Wing. | [136][200] | |
4135th Strategic Wing | Eglin AFB, FL | SAC | 1 December 1958 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 39th Bombardment Wing. | [112][201] | |
4136th Strategic Wing | Minot AFB, ND | SAC | 1 September 1958 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 450th Bombardment Wing. | [202][203] | |
4137th Strategic Wing | Robins AFB, GA | SAC | 1 July 1959 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 465th Bombardment Wing. | [106][204] | |
4138th Strategic Wing | Turner AFB. GA | SAC | 1 January 1959 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 484th Bombardment Wing. | [205] | |
4141st Strategic Wing | Glasgow AFB, MT | SAC | 1 September 1958 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 91st Bombardment Wing. | [206] | |
4157th Strategic Wing | Eielson AFB, AK | SAC | c. 1 November 1963 | 25 March 1967 | Was 4157th CSG. Replaced by 6th Strategic Aerospace Wing. | [207][208] | |
4158th Strategic Wing | Elmendorf AFB, AK | SAC | 1 November 1963 | 25 June 1966 | Was 4158th CSG. Discontinued. | [209] | |
4170th Strategic Wing | Larson AFB, WA | SAC | 1 July 1959 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 462d Strategic Aerospace Wing. | [210] | |
4190th Wing (Provisional) | Aviano AB, Italy | USAFE | 11 March 1996 | 1 July 1997 | Replaced 7490th Wing (P). Replaced by 16th Air Expeditionary Wing. | [211] | |
4200th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing | Beale AFB, CA | SAC | 1 April 1965 | 25 June 1966 | Replaced by 9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing. | [193][212] | |
4228th Strategic Wing | Columbus AFB, MS | SAC | 1 July 1958 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 454th Bombardment Wing. | [156][158] | |
4238th Strategic Wing | Barksdale AFB, LA | SAC | 15 March 1958 | 1 April 1963 | Replaced by 2d Bombardment Wing. | [128][213] | |
4239th Strategic Wing | Kincheloe AFB, MI | SAC | 1 July 1959 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 449th Bombardment Wing. | [214] | |
4240d Flying Training Wing | Pinecastle AFB, FL | SAC | 1 January 1954 | 25 May 1954 | Was 3540 Flying Training Wing. Replaced by 321st Bombardment Wing. | [132] | |
4241st Strategic Wing | Seymour Johnson AFB, NC | SAC | 1 October 58 | 15 April 1963 | Replaced by 68th Bombardment Wing. | [215][216] | |
4245th Strategic Wing | Sheppard AFB, TX | SAC | 5 January 1959 | 1 February 1963 | Replaced by 494th Bombardment Wing. | [149] | |
4252d Strategic Wing | Kadena AB, Okinawa | SAC | 8 January 1965 | 1 April 1970 | Replaced by 376th Strategic Wing | [217][218] | |
4258th Strategic Wing | U-Tapao AB, Thailand | SAC | 2 June 1966 | 31 March 1970 | Replaced by 307th Strategic Wing. | [219] | |
Bombardment Wing, Provisional, 4300th | Diego Garcia, BIOT | SAC | 17 January 1991 | c. 28 February 1991 | Operational headquarters for B-52s deployed for Operation Desert Storm. | [220] | |
4320th Strategic Wing (Missile) | F. E. Warren AFB, WY | SAC | 1 February 1958 | 12 February 1958 | Replaced Strategic Missile Wing, Provisional. Replaced by 706th Strategic Missile Wing, Atlas | [123][221] | |
4321st Strategic Wing | Offutt AFB, NE | SAC | 1 October 1959 | 1 January 1963 | Replaced by 385th Strategic Missile Wing. | [163][222] | |
4347th Combat Crew Training Wing | McConnell AFB, KS | SAC | 1 July 1958 | 15 June 1963 | Was 3520th CCTW. Discontinued | [132] | |
4392d Aerospace Support Wing | Vandenberg AFB, CA | SAC | 21 July 1961 | c. 19 November 1991 | 4392 Aerospace Support Group Dec 61-Jul 87. Consolidated with 30th ABG as 30th Support Group | [223] | |
4397th Air Refueling Wing (Training) | Randolph AFB, TX | SAC | 1 July 1958 | 15 June 1963 | Discontinued. Support units transferred to 388th CSG. | [131] | |
4403rd Tactical Fighter Wing | England AFB | TAC | 15 September 1970 | 1 July 1972 | Replaced by 23rd TFW. | [224][225] | |
4404th Tactical Fighter Wing, Provisional 4404th Composite Wing, Provisional | Al Kharj, Saudi Arabia King Abdul Azziz AB, Saudi Arabia | AFCENT | 13 March 1991 17 June 1991 | 17 June 1991 1 June 1992 | Operation Southern Watch Replaced by 4404th Wing, P. | [226] | |
4404th Wing, Provisional | King Abdul Azziz AB, Saudi Arabia Prince Sultan AB, Saudi Arabia | AFCENT | 1 June 1993 c. 26 June 1996 | c. 26 June 1996 1 October 1998 | Operation Southern Watch Replaced by 363d Air Expeditionary Wing. | [227] | |
Operations Support Wing, Provisional 4409th | King Khalid IAP, Saudi Arabia | AFCENT | c. Oct 1990 | c. Mar 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. | [228] | |
4410th Combat Crew Training Wing | Hurlburt Field, FL England AFB, LA | TAC | 1 December 1965 15 July 1969 | 15 July 1969 15 September 1970 | Redesignated 4410th Special Operations Training Group. | [225][229][note 8] | |
Operations Support Wing, Provisional, 4410th | King Khalid Mil City, Saudi Arabia | AFCENT | 10 January 1991 | c. 20 April 1991 | Operation Desert Storm. | [230] | |
Troop Carrier Wing, Provisional 4413th | Sewart AFB, TN | TAC | 1 December 1965 | 1 July 1966 | Replaced by 64th Tactical Airlift Wing. | [127] | |
4430th Air Base Wing | Langley AFB, VA | TAC | 12 February 1952 | 20 April 53 | Replaced 47th ABG, Replaced by 405 ABG | [231] | |
4453rd Combat Crew Training Wing | MacDill AFB, FL Davis-Monthan AFB | TAC | 1 April 1964 1 July 1964 | 1 July 1964 30 September 1971 | Was 4453d CCTG. Replaced by 355th TFW | [184][232] | |
Tactical Fighter Wing, Provisional, 4474th | Nellis AFB, NV | TAC | 1 March 1977 | 6 August 1977 | Discontinued. | [144] | |
Tactical Training Wing, Provisional, 4479th | Holloman AFB, NM | TAC | 28 October 1976 | 1 January 1977 | Replaced by 479th Tactical Training Wing | [101][233] | |
4480th Tactical Fighter Wing | Nellis AFB, NV | TAC | 15 July 1967 | 20 January 1967 | Replaced by 474th TFW | [144] | |
Composite Test Wing, Provisional, 4485th | Eglin AFB, FL | TAC | 1 February 1964 | 16 March 1964 | Replaced by 4485th Test Wing. | [112] | |
4485th Test Wing | Eglin AFB, FL | TAC | 16 March 1964 | 30 June 1965 | Replaced Composite Test Wing,P, 4485th. | [112] | |
4500th Air Base Wing | Langley AFB, VA | TAC | 22 March 1960 | 15 April 1977 | Replaced 836th ABG. Replaced by 1st CSG | [231] | |
4504th Missile Training Wing (Tactical) 4504th Tactical Missile Wing (Training) | Orlando AFB, FL | TAC | c. 1 September 1954 18 October 1956 | 18 October 1956 c. 25 March 1967 | Discontinued when base closed. | [234] | |
4505th Air Refueling Wing | Langley AFB, VA | TAC | 1 July 1958 | 8 October 1963 | Discontinued. Squadrons assigned to host base wings. | [231] | |
4510th Combat Crew Training Wing | Luke AFB, AZ | TAC | 1 July 1958 | 16 October 1969 | Was 3600th CCTW. Replaced by 58th Tactical Fighter Training Wing. | [145][235] | |
4520th Combat Crew Training Wing | Nellis AFB, NV | TAC | 1 July 1958 | 20 January 1968 | Was 3595th CCTW. Replaced by 474th TFW. | [144][236] | |
4525th Fighter Weapons Wing | Nellis AFB, NV | TAC | 1 September 1966 | 15 October 1969 | Replaced USAF Fighter Weapons School. Replaced by 57th Fighter Weapons Wing. | [144][237] | |
4530th Combat Crew Training Wing | Williams AFB, AZ | TAC | 1 September 1966 | 15 October 1969 | Was 3535th CCTW. Transferred to ATC as 3535th Pilot Training Wing | [133] | |
4531st Tactical Fighter Wing | Homestead AFB, FL | TAC | 1 November 1966 | 15 October 1970 | Replaced by 31st TFW | [238] | |
4554th Combat Crew Training Wing 4454th Tactical Fighter Wing | Myrtle Beach AFB, SC | TAC | 27 May 1969 1 April 1970 | 1 April 1970 15 June 1970 | Replaced 113th TFW. Replaced by 354th TFW. | [239][240] | |
4600th Air Base Wing | Peterson AFB, CO | ADC | 8 April 1958 | 15 March 1975 | Was 4600th ABG. Replaced by 46th Aerospace Defense Wing | [117][188] | |
4601st Support Wing | Paramus, NJ Stewart AFB, NY | ADC | 1 October 1959 | 1 October 1963 | Discontinued. | [188] | |
4602d Support Wing | Ottawa, Canada | ADC | 1 July 1959 | 1 July 1963 | 4602d Support Group redesignated. Discontinued. | [188] | |
4620th Air Defense Wing, SAGE Experimental | Lexington MA Santa Monica CA | ADC | 1 June 1955 | 1 February 1961 | Discontinued. | [188] | |
4621st Air Defense Wing, SAGE | McGuire AFB, NJ | ADC | 1 April 1956 | 1 October 1956 | Redesignated New York Air Defense Sector. | [188] | |
4622d Air Defense Wing, SAGE | Otis AFB, MA | ADC | 1 April 1956 | 1 October 1956 | Redesignated Boston Air Defense Sector. | [188] | |
4624th Air Defense Wing, SAGE | Syracuse AFS, NY | ADC | 1 October 1956 | 15 August 1958 | Redesignated Syracuse Air Defense Sector. | [188] | |
4625th Air Defense Wing, SAGE | Fort Lee AFS, VA | ADC | 1 December 1956 | 1 September 1958 | Redesignated Washington Air Defense Sector. | [188] | |
4627th Air Defense Wing, SAGE | Custer AFS, MI | ADC | Not active | Redesignated Detroit Air Defense Sector before activation. | |||
4628th Air Defense Wing, SAGE | Truax Field, WI | ADC | Not active | Redesignated Chicago Air Defense Sector before activation. | |||
4683d Air Defense Wing | Thule AB, Greenland | ADC | 1 July 1960 | 1 July 1965 | Replaced 4083d Air Base Wing. Discontinued. | [187][188] | |
4700th Air Defense Wing | Geiger Field, WA | ADC | 1 September 1958 | 30 June 1960 | Inactivated and mission merged into Spokane Air Defense Sector | [241] | |
4702d Defense Wing | Hamilton AFB, CA Geiger Field, WA | ADC | 1 February 1952 | 8 October 1954 | Moved on 7 November 1952. Discontinued. | [241] | |
4703d Defense Wing | Larson AFB, WA | ADC | 1 February 1952 | 7 April 1952 | Support elements replaced by 62d ABG when base transferred to TAC. | [241] | |
4704th Air Defense Wing | McChord AFB, WA | ADC | 1 February 1952 | 8 October 1954 | Discontinued. | [241] | |
4705th Defense Wing | Norton AFB, CA | ADC | 1 February 1952 | 1 March 1952 | Replaced elements of 1st Fighter-Interceptor Wing in California. Operational components reassigned to 94th FIS at George AFB. | [241] | |
4706th Defense Wing 4706th Air Defense Wing | O'Hare IAP, IL | ADC | 1 February 1952 1 September 1954 | 1 September 1954 8 July 1956 | Discontinued. | [241] | |
4707th Defense Wing 4707th Air Defense Wing | Otis AFB, MA | ADC | 1 February 1952 1 September 1954 | 1 September 1954 18 October 1956 | Replaced by 33d Fighter Wing (Air Defense). | [241][242] | |
4708th Defense Wing 4708th Air Defense Wing | Selfridge AFB, MI | ADC | 1 February 1952 1 September 1954 | 1 September 1954 8 July 1956 | Discontinued. | [241] | |
4709th Defense Wing 4709th Air Defense Wing | McGuire AFB, NJ | ADC | 1 February 1952 1 September 1954 | 1 September 1954 18 October 1956 | Operational elements transferred to 4621st Air Defense Wing in July 1956. | [188][241] | |
4710th Defense Wing 4710th Air Defense Wing | New Castle Airport, DE O'Hare International Airport | ADC | 1 February 1952 1 March 1956 | 1 March 1956 8 July 1956 | Redesignated 1 September 1954. Discontinued. | [243] | |
4711th Defense Wing 4711th Air Defense Wing | Presque Isle AFB, ME Selfridge AFB | ADC | 1 February 1952 1 March 1956 | 1 March 1956 8 July 1956 | Redesignated 1 September 1954. Discontinued. | [243] | |
4737th Air Base Wing | Pepperell AFB, Canada | ADC | 1 April 1957 | 1 May 1958 | Was 6604th ABW. Subordinate units transferred to 64th Air Division. | [243] | |
4750th Training Wing (Air Defense) 4750th Air Defense Wing | Vincent AFB, AZ | ADC | 1 September 1953 1 September 1954 | 1 September 1954 25 June 1950 | Discontinued when Vincent AFB closed. | [243] | |
4751st Air Defense Missile Wing 4751st Air Defense Wing (Missile) | Hurlburt Field, FL | ADC | 1 October 1957 15 January 1958 | 15 January 1958 1 July 1962 | Support units transferred to 4420th CSG when base transferred to TAC | [243][244] | |
4752d Air Defense Wing | Oklahoma City AFS, OK | ADC | 1 September 1961 | 25 June 1963 | Replaced and replaced by Oklahoma City Air Defense Sector | [243][245] | |
4756th Air Defense Wing (Weapons) | Tyndall AFB, FL | ADC | 1 July 1957 | 1 July 1960 | Operational units transferred to 73d Air Division | [243] | |
4756th Air Defense Wing (Training) | Tyndall AFB, FL | ADC | 1 July 1957 | 30 September 1967 | Replaced 3625th CCTW. Operational units transferred to Air Defense Weapons Center. | [243] | |
4780th Air Defense Wing (Training) | Perrin AFB, TX | ADC | 1 July 1962 | 30 June 1971 | Replaced 3555th Pilot Training Wg. Base closed. | [246] | |
4800th Guided Missiles Wing | Patrick AFB, FL | LRPG | 29 December 1950 | 14 May 1951 | Redesigated 6555th Guided Missiles Wing and transferred to ARDC | [247] | |
4900th Air Base Wing | Kirtland AFB, NM | SWC, ARDC, AFSC | 1 April 1976 | 1 July 1977 | Was 4900th ABG. Redesignated 1606th ABW and transferred to MAC. | [51] | |
4901st Special Weapons Wing | Kirtland AFB, NM | SWC | c. 1949 | 1 December 1949 | Was 2758th Experimental Wing. Merged with Special Weapons Command | [51] | |
4901st Support Wing (Atomic) Air Base Wing | Kirtland AFB, NM | SWC, ARDC | 1 February 1951 | 1 September 1954 | Redesignated 4900 Support Group. | [51] | |
4950th Test Wing | Wright-Patterson AFB, OH | AFSC | 1 March 1971 | c. 1 October 1992 | Mission moved to Edwards AFB | [109] | |
5001st Air Base Wing | Ladd AFB, AK | AAC | 8 April 1953 | 20 September 1954 | Replaced 5001st ABG. Replaced by 5001st ABG. | [248] | |
5001st Composite Wing | Ladd AFB, AK | AAC | 20 September 1948 | 8 April 1953 | Replaced Yukon Composite Wing. 5001 Composite Group c. May-Jul 1949 Replaced by 5001st ABW. | [249] | |
5010th Wing 5010th Composite Wing 5010th Air Base Wing | Eielson AFB, AK | AAC | 1948 4 June 1949 8 October 1954 | 4 June 1949 8 October 1954 1 January 1965 | Was Eielson AFB Bombardment Wing. Redesignated 5010th CSG. | [207] | |
5020th Wing | Davis AFB, AK | AAC | 20 September 1948 | c. 27 May 1949 | Replaced Aleutian Composite Wing. Redesignated 5020th ABG | [250] | |
5039th Air Depot Wing | Elmendorf AFB, AK | AAC | 1 December 1949 | 1 January 1951 | Replaced Alaska Air Depot. Replaced by 39th Air Depot Wing. | [251] | |
5039th Air Base Wing | Elmendorf AFB, AK | AAC | 13 April 1953 | 1 June 1957 | Replaced 39th ABG. Replaced by 5039 ABG. | [209] | |
5040th Air Base Wing | Elmendorf AFB, AK | AAC | 1 October 1957 | 8 July 1966 | Replaced 5039 ABG. Replaced by 21st Composite Wing | [209] | |
5060th Air Base Wing | Ladd AFB, AK | AAC | 1 November 1957 | 10 July 1958 | Replaced 5001st ABG. Replaced by 5060th Support Group. | [252] | |
5070th Air Defense Wing | Elmendorf AFB, AK | AAC | 1 August 1960 | 1 October 1961 | Replaced 11th Air Division. Provided air defense of South Alaska | [209] | |
5600th Wing 5600th Composite Wing | Howard AFB, Panama Canal Zone | CAirC | 26 July 1948 30 September 1948 | 30 September 1948 25 April 1949 | Replaced 582d Air Service Group. Base closed as primary installation | [253] | |
5620th Composite Wing | France AFB, Panama Canal Zone | CAirC | c. 26 July 1948 | c. 13 June 1949 | Was 5620th Group. Base closed. | ||
5700th Composite Wing 5700th Air Base Wing | Albrook AFB, Panama Canal Zone | CAirC | 28 July 1948 c. 1 May 1949 | c. 1 May 1949 8 November 1967 | Replaced elements of 6th Fighter Wing and 3d Base Complement Squadron Replaced by 24th Composite Wing | [254] | |
5900th Wing 5900th Composite Wing | Ramey AFB, Puerto Rico | CAirC | 26 July 1948 1 October 1948 | 1 October 1948 1 November 1950 | Replaced 24th Composite Wing Replaced by 55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing | [255][256][257] | |
6000th Support Wing | Tokyo, Japan Fuchu AS, Japan | FEAF, PACAF | 8 February 1956 1 May 1956 | 1 May 1956 30 June 1961 | Was 6000th Support Group. Replaced by 6100 Support Wing | [258] | |
6002d Tactical Support Wing | Taegu AB, Korea Ashiya AB Japan Pusan East (K-9) Air Base, Korea Pyongyang PRK Suwon Air Base, Korea | FEAF | 1 August 1950 8 August 1950 5 September 1950 22 November 1950 30 November 1950 | 8 August 1950 5 September 1950 22 November 1950 30 November 1950 1 December 1950 | Forward Headquarters for 18th Fighter-Bomber Group. Replaced by 18th Fighter-Bomber Wing | [16] | |
6013th Operations Wing (Northern Area) | Misawa AB, Japan | FEAF | c. 2 November 1951 | 1 May 1952 | Replaced by 39th Air Division. | [259][260] | |
6014th Operations Wing (Central Area) | Johnson AB, Japan(?) | FEAF | c. 2 November 1951 | 1 May 1952 | Replaced by 40th Air Division. | [261] | |
6015th Operations Wing (Southern Area) | Itazuke AB, Japan | FEAF | c. 2 November 1951 | 1 May 1952 | Replaced by 43d Air Division. | [262] | |
6016th Air Base Wing | Misawa AB, Japan | FEAF | 10 July 1952 | 7 November 1953 | Was 6016th Air Base Sq. Replaced by 49th ABG. | [259] | |
6048th Air Base Wing | Haneda Airport, Japan | FEAF | 1 October 1955 | c. 30 June 1957 | Replaced 1503d ABG. Redesignated 6048 ABG. | [263] | |
6100th Air Base Wing 6100th Support Wing | Tachikawa AB, Japan | FEAF, PACAF | c. 1 January 1961 1 July 1961 | 1 July 1961 31 July 1970 | Replaced 2710 ABW and 6000 Support Wing. Redesignated 6100 ABG. in 1971. Replaced by 475th ABW. | [258][264] | |
6100th Air Base Wing | Yokota AB, Japan | PACAF | 15 May 1971 | 1 November 1971 | Replaced 347th CSG. Replaced by 475th ABW. | [265] | |
6101st Air Base Wing | Nagoya AB, Japan Komaki AB, Japan | FEAF | c. 20 August 1948 30 January 1956 | 30 January 1956 c. 15 March 1958 | Replaced 29th Air Service Group. Both bases closed. | [266] | |
6102d Air Base Wing | Yokota AB, Japan | PACAF | 1 July 1957 | 8 January 1964 | Replaced 35th ABG. Replaced by 441st CSG. | [267] | |
6112th Air Base Wing | Misawa AB, Japan | PACAF | 1 October 1978 | 1 July 1984 | Replaced 6920th ABG. Replaced by 432d CSG. | [259] | |
6122d Air Base Wing | Ashiya AB, Japan | FEAF | c. 1 November 1951 | 1 May 1952 | Was 6122d ABG. Replaced by 403d ABG. | [268][269] | |
6131st Tactical Support Wing | Pohang, Korea Suwon Air Base, Korea Kimpo AB, Korea Pyongyang, PRK | FEAF | 8 August 1950 7 October 1950 28 October 1950 25 November 1950 | 7 October 1950 28 October 1950 25 November 1950 1 December 1950 | Forward Headquarters for 8th Fighter-Bomber Group. Replaced by 8th Fighter-Bomber Wing. | [16] | |
6133d Tactical Support Wing | Iwakuni AB, Japan | FEAF | 12 August 1950 | 1 December 1950 | Forward Headquarters for 3d Bombardment Group. Replaced by 3d Bombardment Wing. | [16] | |
6149th Tactical Support Wing | Iwakuni AB, Japan | FEAF | 12 August 1950 | 1 December 1950 | Forward Headquarters for 49th Fighter-Bomber Group, Replaced by 49th Fighter-Bomber Wing. | [16] | |
6150th Tactical Support Wing | Tsuiki AB, Japan Pohang, Korea Yonpo Airfield, North Korea | FEAF | 5 September 1950 5 October 1950 27 November 1950 | 5 October 50 27 November 1950 1 December 1950 | Forward Headquarters for 35th Fighter-Interceptor Group. Replaced by 35th Fighter-Interceptor Wing. | [16] | |
6160th Air Base Wing | Itazuke AB, Japan | FEAF | 1 December 1950 | 20 October 1954 | Replaced 8th ABG. Replaced by 8th ABG. | [270] | |
6161st Air Base Wing | Yokota AB, Japan | FEAF | 1 December 1950 | 1 October 1954 | Replaced 3d ABG. Replaced by 35th ABG. | [267] | |
6162d Air Base Wing | Johnson AB, Japan | FEAF | 1 December 1950 | c. 25 May 1951 | Replaced 35th ABG. Replaced by 35th ABG. | [271] | |
6163d Air Base Wing | Misawa AB, Japan | FEAF | 1 December 1950 | 2 November 1951 | Replaced 49th ABG. Replaced by 116th ABG. | [259] | |
6171st Air Base Wing | Osan AB, Korea | FEAF | 1 November 1954 | 18 March 1955 | Replaced 18th ABG. Replaced by 58th ABG. | [272] | |
6200th Air Base Wing | Clark AB, Philippines | FEAF | 1 December 1950 | 1 February 1953 | Replaced 18th ABG. Replaced by 6200th ABG. | [273] | |
6200th Air Base Wing | Clark AB, Philippines | FEAF | 5 January 1955 | 9 April 1959 | Replaced 6200th ABG. Replaced by 405th ABG. | [273] | |
6200th Materiel Wing 6200th Air Base Wing | Clark AB, Philippines | PACAF | 1 April 1965 1 August 1968 | 1 August 1968 31 December 1971 | Replaced by 405th CSG. | [273] | |
6208th Air Depot Wing | Clark AB, Philippines | PACAF | 17 December 1949 | 1 September 1952 | Replaced 24th Air Depot Wing. Replaced by 24th Air Depot Wing. | [273] | |
Tactical Fighter Wing, Provisional, 6234th | Korat RTAFB, Thailand | PACAF | 5 April 1965 | 8 July 1965 | Replaced by 6234th TFW. | [274] | |
6234th Tactical Fighter Wing | Korat RTAFB, Thailand | PACAF | 8 July 1965 | 8 April 1966 | Replaced TFW, P, 6234. Replaced by 388th TFW. | [275] | |
6235th Tactical Fighter Wing | Takhli RTAFB, Thailand | PACAF | 8 July 1965 | 8 November 1965 | Replaced by 355th TFW. | [276] | |
6251st Combat Support Wing 6251st Tactical Fighter Wing | Bien Hoa AB, Viet Nam | PACAF | c. 8 April 1965 c. 8 July 1965 | c. 8 July 1965 8 November 1965 | Replaced by 3d TFW. | [277] | |
6252d Tactical Fighter Wing | Da Nang AB, Viet Nam | PACAF | 8 July 1965 | 8 April 1966 | Replaced by 35th TFW. | [278] | |
6313d Air Base Wing | Kadena AFB, Okinawa | PACAF | 1 October 1957 | 8 December 1964 | Replaced 18th ABG. Replaced by 824th CSG. | [217] | |
6314th Air Base Wing 6314th Support Wing | Osan AB, South Korea | PACAF | 25 March 1959 1 July 1964 | 20 July 1961 1 November 1971 | Was 6314th ABG. 6314th ABG Jul 1961-Jul 1964. Replaced by 51st ABW. | [272][279] | |
6319th Air Base Wing | Andersen AFB, Guam | FEAF | 1 June 1953 | 1 April 1955 | Replaced 19th ABG. Replaced by 3960 ABW when base transferred to SAC. | [167] | |
6332d Station Wing 6332d Air Base Wing | Kadena AB, Okinawa | FEAF | 1 April 1949 25 January 1950 | 25 January 1950 1 May 1955 | Replaced 32d ABG. Replaced by 18th ABG. | [217] | |
6351st Air Base Wing | Naha AB, Okinawa | FEAF | 26 June 1951 | 1 August 1954 | Replaced 6302d ABG. Replaced by 51st ABG. | [280] | |
6400th Air Depot Wing | Tachikawa AB, Japan | FEAF | 1 February 1952 | c. 1 October 1955 | Replaced 13th Supply Group. Discontinued. | [281] | |
6405th Air Support Wing (Materiel) | Taegu AB, Korea | FEAF | 15 March 1952 | 1 February 1954 | Was 6405th Korea Air Materiel Unit. Discontinued. | [282] | |
6418th Air Depot Wing | Iwakuni AB, Japan | FEAF | 1 February 1952 | 1 September 1953 | Discontinued. | [283][284] | |
6424th Air Depot Wing | Clark AB, Philippines | AAC | 16 February 1954 | 25 November 1954 | Replaced 24th Air Depot Wing. Discontinued. | [273] | |
6441st Tactical Fighter Wing | Yokota AB, Japan | PACAF | 1 April 1965 | 15 November 1966 | Replaced by 347th TFW. | [285] | |
6486th Air Base Wing | Hickam AFB, HI | FEAF | 15 October 1954 | 1 November 1971 | Was 1500th ABW. Replaced by 15th ABW. | [39][286] | |
6498th Air Base Wing | Da Nang AB, Viet Nam | PACAF | 27 June 1972 | 30 January 1973 | Replaced 366th CSG. Base closed. | [39] | |
6500th Air Base Wing 6500th Support Wing | Edwards AFB, CA | AFSC, AFMC | by Oct 1988 1 August 1991 | 1 August 1991 1 October 1992 | Redesignated 650th ABW. | [287] | |
6502d Composite Wing | Hickam AFB, HI | Pacific Air Command | c. 1 September 1948 | 27 January 1949 | Was Hickam Composite Wing. Replaced by 6506th Air Base Group. | [39] | |
6510th Air Base Wing | Edwards AFB, CA | ARDC | 25 June 1951 | 4 October 1954 | Replaced 3079 ABG when base transferred from AMC. Replaced by 6510th ABG. | [102] | |
6510th Test Wing | Edwards AFB, CA | AFSC | 1 March 1978 | 2 October 1992 | Redesignated 412th Test Wing | [288] | |
6512th Test Wing | Edwards AFB, CA | AFSC | 1 October 1969 | 1 January 1973 | Was 6512th Test Group | [102][289] | |
6520th Test Support Wing 6520th Support Wing | L G Hanscom Field, MA | ARDC | 1 April 1952 c. 1 September 1954 | c. 1 September 1954 1 July 1955 | Discontinued. | [290] | |
6530th Air Base Wing | Griffiss AFB, NY | ARDC | 12 June 1951 | 1 August 1952 | Replaced 3087th ABG. Replaced by 6530th ABG. | [100] | |
6540th Missile Test Wing | Holloman AFB, NM | ARDC | c. 30 June 1951 | 1 September 1952 | Was 2754th Experimental Wing. Redesignated 6580th Missile Test Wing. | [101] | |
6541st Missile Test Wing | Patrick AFB, FL | ARDC | 4 September 1951 | c. 1 March 1953 | Redesignated 6541st Operations Group (Range) | [247] | |
6550th Air Base Wing | Patrick AFB, FL | ARDC | 4 September 1951 | 1 March 1953 | Replaced 6550th Air Base Squadron. Replaced by 6550th ABG. | [247] | |
6550th Air Base Wing | Patrick AFB, FL | AFSC | 1 February 1977 | 1 March 1981 | Was 6550th ABG. Redesignated 6550th ABG. | [247] | |
6550th Support Wing (Range) | Patrick AFB, FL | AFSC | 1 April 1962 | 1 March 1964 | Replaced by Air Force Eastern Test Range. | [247] | |
6555th Guided Missile Wing | Patrick AFB, FL | ARDC | May 1951 | 1954 | Was 4800th Guided Missiles Wing. Redesignated 6555th Guided Missile Group | [247][291] | |
6555th Test Wing (Development) 6555th Aerospace Test Wing | Patrick AFB, FL | ARDC, AFSC | 21 December 1959 by 15 October 1962 | by 15 October 1962 1 April 1970 | Was 6555th Guided Missile Group. Redesignated 6555th Aerospace Test Group | [247] | |
6565th Test Wing (Development) 6565th Aerospace Test Wing | Vandenberg AFB, CA | ARDC | 20 October 1960 1 November 1961 | 1 November 1961 1 November 1970 | Redesignated 6565th Aerospace Test Group | [292] | |
6580th Missile Test Wing | Holloman AFB, NM | ARDC | 1 September 1952 | 10 October 1952 | Was 6540th Missile Test Wing. Redesignated Holloman Air Development Center | [101] | |
6580th Test Support Wing 6580th Air Base Wing | Holloman AFB, NM | ARDC | 1 October 1953 1 September 1954 | 1 September 1954 1 February 1955 | Replaced by 6580th ABG. | [101] | |
6592d Support Wing | Los Angeles AFS, CA | ARDC, AFSC | 15 July 1961 | 27 September 1962 | Was 6592d Support Group. Redesignated 6592d Support Group | ||
6594th Test Wing (Satellite) 6594th Aerospace Test Wing | Sunnyvale AFS, CA | ARDC, AFSC | 6 April 1959 1 November 1961 | 1 November 1961 1 July 1965 | Replaced by the Air Force Satellite Control Facility | [293] | |
6595th Aerospace Test Wing | Vandenberg AFB, CA | ARDC, AFSC | 1 November 1961 | 1 October 1979 | Replaced by Western Space and Missile Test Center. | [294] | |
6600th Air Depot Wing | Pepperrell AFB, Canada | NEAC | c. 1 November 1950 | c. 5 June 1952 | Replaced 1225th ABG when base transferred from MATS. Redesignated 6600th ABG. | [295] | |
6602d Air Base Wing | Ernest Harmon AFB, Canada | NEAC | c. 1 October 1950 | 1 August 1952 | Replaced 1226th ABG when base transferred from MATS. Redesignated 6602d ABG. | [296] | |
6603d Air Base Wing | RCAF Goose Bay, Canada | NEAC | c. 19 October 1950 | 1 August 1952 | Replaced 1227th ABG when base transferred from MATS. Redesignated 6603d Air Base Group. | [297] | |
6604th Air Base Wing | Pepperrell AFB, Canada | NEAC | 1 June 1954 | 1 April 1957 | Was 6600th ABG. Transferred to ADC as 4737th ABW. | [243] | |
6605th Air Base Wing | Ernest Harmon AFB, Canada | NEAC | 1 June 1954 | 1 April 1957 | Replaced 6602d ABG. Replaced by 4081st Strategic Wing when base transferred to SAC. | [185] | |
6606th Air Base Wing | RCAF Goose Bay, Canada | NEAC | 1 June 1954 | 1 April 1957 | Replaced 6603d Air Base Group. Replaced by 4082d Air Base Group when base transferred to SAC. | [298] | |
6607th Air Base Wing | Thule AB, Greenland | NEAC | 1 June 1954 | 1 April 1957 | Replaced by 4083d ABG when base transferred to SAC. | [187] | |
6900th Security Wing | Landsberg AB, Germany Frankfurt, Germany | USAFSS | 1 August 1954 | Unknown | Moved before July 1956 | [299] | |
6910th Electronic Security Wing | Lindsey AS, Germany | ESC | 1 July 1981 | 15 July 1988 | Replaced by 691st Electronic Security Wing. | [300] | |
6910th Security Wing | Darmstadt, Germany | USAFSS | Unknown | 1 February 1970 | Redesignated 6910th Security Group. | ||
6920th Security Wing | Shiroi AS, Japan Wheeler AFB, HI | USAFSS | Unknown 1 November 1958 | 1 November 1958 Unknown | Replaced by Electronic Security Pacific. | [301] | |
6920th Security Wing | Misawa AB, Japan | USAFSS | 1 February 1976 | 1 October 1978 | Replaced 6921st Security Wing. Support units replaced by 6112th Air Base Wing when base transferred to PACAF. | [302] | |
6921st Security Wing | Misawa AB, Japan | USAFSS | 1 September 1962 | 1 February 1976 | Was 6921st Radio Group, Mobile. 6921st Security Group 1971-1972. Replaced by 6920th Security Wing. | [259] | |
6922d Security Wing | Kadena AB, Okinawa Clark AB, Philippines | USAFSS | c. 1 July 1963 1 July 1965 | 1 July 1965 c. 28 January 1973 | Was 6922d Radio Group, Mobile. | [217][303] | |
6933d Security Wing | Karamursel AS, Turkey | USAFSS | c. 1 July 1963 | c. 1 April 1970 | Was 6933d Radio Group, Mobile. Redesignated 6933d Security Group. | [304] | |
6940th Air Base Wing 6940th Technical Training Wing 6940th Security Wing | Goodfellow AFB, TX | USAFSS | 1 October 1958 c. 1 April 1960 c.1 January 1964 | c. 1 April 1960 c. 1 January 1964 1 July 1978 | Replaced 3545th ABG when base transferred from ATC. | [124] | |
6940th Electronic Security Wing | Fort Meade, MD | ESC | 1 February 1980 | 1 October 1991 | Replaced by 694th Electronic Security Wing. | [305] | |
6944th Security Wing | Offutt AFB, NE | USAFSS | 1 April 1974 | 1 March 1979 | Replaced by 6949th Security Squadron. | [163] | |
6950th Security Wing | RAF Chicksands, UK | USAFSS | c. 1 July 1963 | c. 1 April 1970 | Was 6950th Radio Group, Mobile. Redesignated 6950th Security Group. | [306] | |
6960th Electronic Security Wing | Kelly AFB, TX | ESC | 1 January 1980 | 1 October 1986 | Replaced by Continental Electronic Security Division. | [307] | |
7000th Support Wing | Rhein-Main AB, Germany | USAFE | c. 19 May 1958 | c. 1 July 1964 | Was 7050th Air Intelligence Support Wing. Redesignated 7113th Special Activities Group. | [308] | |
7020th Air Base Wing | RAF Fairford, UK | USAFE | 1988 | 7 February 1990 | Was 7020th ABG. Redesignated 7020th ABG | [309] | |
7030th Air Base Wing 7030th Combat Support Wing | Ramstein AB, Germany | USAFE | c. 1 July 1958 15 July 1962 | 15 July 1962 5 October 1966 | Was 7030th Support Group Replaced by 26th CSG. | [310] | |
7050th Air Intelligence Service Wing | Wiesbaden Military Post, Germany Rhein-Main AB, Germany | USAFE | 16 June 1952 3 April 1953 | 3 April 1953 c. 19 May 1958 | Was 7050th Air Intelligence Service Squadron. Redesignated 7000th Support Wing. | [308] | |
7100th Air Base Wing | Lindsey AS, Germany | USAFE | 15 November 1959 | 24 November 1964 | Replaced 7100 Support Group. Replaced by 7101st Air Base Wing. | [300] | |
7100th Combat Support Wing | Lindsey AS, Germany | USAFE | 15 April 1985 | 1 June 1993 | Was 7100th ABG. Base transferred to US Army. | [311] | |
7100th Headquarters Command Wing 7100th Headquarters Support Wing 7100th Support Wing | Lindsey AS, Germany | USAFE | 1 July 1948 26 June 1949 c. 1953 | 26 June 1949 c. 1953 15 November 1959 | Replaced Hq Command, USAFE. | [312] | |
7101st Air Base Wing (USAFE Base Command) | Wiesbaden AB, Germany | USAFE | by 1 July 1958 | 1 June 1973 | Replaced 7100 Support Group. Replaced by 601st CSG. | [313] | |
7108th Tactical Wing | Chaumont AB, France | USAFE | 11 November 1961 | 15 August 1962 | Headquarters for elements of ANG 108th TFW mobilized for the Berlin Crisis. Replaced by 366th TFW. | [314][315] | |
7117th Tactical Wing | Dreux AB, France | USAFE | 11 November 1961 | 15 August 1962 | Headquarters for elements of ANG 117th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing mobilized for the Berlin Crisis. | [316] | |
7121st Tactical Wing | Etain AB, France | USAFE | 24 November 1961 | 15 August 1962 | Headquarters for elements of ANG 121st TFW mobilized for the Berlin Crisis. | [315][317] | |
7122d Tactical Wing | Chambley AB, France | USAFE | 7 November 1961 | 15 August 1962 | Headquarters for elements of ANG 122d TFW mobilized for the Berlin Crisis. | [315][318] | |
7131st Tactical Wing | Toul-Rosieres AB, France | USAFE | 24 November 1961 | 15 August 1962 | Headquarters for elements of ANG 131st TFW mobilized for the Berlin Crisis. | [319] | |
7149th Tactical Fighter Wing | Spangdahlem AB, Germany | USAFE | 1 July 1968 | 15 September 1969 | Replaced 49th TFW. | [320] | |
7150th AF Composite Wing | Wiesbaden Air Base, Germany | USAFE | 1 July 1948 | 1 October 1949 | Replaced 501st Air Service Group and 47th Station Complement Squadron. Replaced by 60th Troop Carrier Wing. | [41] | |
7200th Air Force Depot Wing | Erding AB, Germany | USAFE | 1 July 1948 | 25 July 1949 | Replaced 43d Air Depot. Replaced by 85th Air Depot Wing. | [321] | |
7272d Air Base Wing 7272d Flying Training Wing | Wheelus Air Base, Libya | USAFE | 1 January 1953 1 July 1964 | 1 July 1964 11 June 1970 | Was 1603d Air Transport Wing. Discontinued when new Libyan government directed US forces to leave. | [322] | |
7280th Air Depot Wing | Nouasseur AB, Morocco | USAFE | 8 June 1953 | 1 March 1954 | Replaced 80th Air Depot Wing. Replaced by 3153 ABW when base transferred to AMC. | [323] | |
7300th AF Composite Wing | Furstenfeldbruck AB, Germany | USAFE | 1 July 1948 | 13 August 1948 | Replaced 501st Air Service Group. Replaced by 36th Fighter Wing. | [324] | |
7310th Air Base Wing 7310th Tactical Airlift Wing | Rhein-Main AB, Germany | USAFE | 15 May 1960 23 December 1968 | 26 December 1964 1 January 1970 | Was 7310th ABG. 7310th ABG 1964-1958 Replaced by 322d Tactical Airlift Wing. | [308][325] | |
7322d Air Base Wing | Chateauroux AS, France | USAFE | 1 July 1962 | 26 December 1964 | Replaced 3130 ABG when base transferred from AMC. Redesignated 7322d ABG. | [326] | |
7330th Training Wing 7330th Flying Training Wing | Furstenfeldbruck AB, Germany | USAFE | 1 June 1954 15 October 1954 | 15 Oct1954 1 February 1958 | Split into 7330 FTW, 7330 TTW, 7331 TTW. Base Transferred to German AF | [327] | |
7330th Technical Training Wing | Furstenfeldbruck AB, Germany | USAFE | 15 October 1954 | c. 15 April 1955 | Base transferred to German AF. | [328] | |
7331st Technical Training Wing | Kaufbeuren AB, Germany | USAFE | 31 December 1954 | c. 31 December 1956 | Was 7331 Tech Training Group. Base transferred to German AF. | [329] | |
7351st Flying Training Wing | Landsberg AB, Germany | USAFE | 1 October 1955 | c. 1 June 1957 | Base transferred to German AF. | ||
7373d Air Depot Wing | Chateauroux AS, France | USAFE | c. 15 November 1953 | c. 1 January 1956 | Replaced 73d Air Depot Wing. Replaced by 3130th ABW when base transferred to AMC. | [330] | |
Composite Wing, Provisional, 7440th Wing, Provisional 7440th | Incirlik AB, Turkey | USAFE | 16 January 1991 8 August 1996 | 8 August 1996 15 September 1997 | Operation Desert Storm and later operations. Replaced by 39th Air and Space Expeditionary Wing | ||
7445th Tactical Intelligence Wing | Ramstein AB, Germany | USAFE | 1 September 1985 | 30 September 1994 | Discontinued. | [331] | |
7485th Air Depot Wing 7485th Support Wing (Training) | Erding AB, Germany | USAFE | 1 December 1953 1 April 1956 | 1 April 1956 15 May 1958 | Replaced 85th Air Depot Wing. Discontinued and base transferred to German AF. | [332] | |
7490th Wing (Provisional) | Aviano AB, Italy | USAFE | 1 July 1995 | 11 March 1996 | Replaced by 4190th Wing (P). | [211] | |
7493d Special Investigations Wing | Wiesbaden AB, Germany | USAFE | by 1 November 1951 | 1 January 1963 | Was 7493d IG Special Investigations Unit. Discontinued. | [333][note 9] | |
Tactical Fighter Wing, Provisional, 7499th | RAF Wethersfield, UK | USAFE | 1 April 1970 | 1 July 1970 | Replaced 20th TFW | ||
7502d Air Support Wing | RAF Sculthorpe, UK | USAFE | 26 September 1950 | 16 May 51 | Replaced by 3911th ABG when base transferred to SAC. | [334] | |
7503d Air Support Wing | RAF Brize Norton, UK Colliers End, UK | USAFE | 25 May 1951 1 December 52 | 1 December 52 1 March 52 | Redesignated 7503d Air Support Group | [335] | |
7504th Air Support Wing | RAF Lakenheath, UK | USAFE | 26 September 1950 | 16 May 51 | Replaced by 3909th ABG when base transferred to SAC. | [336] | |
7511th Air Support Wing | RAF Mildenhall, UK | USAFE | 26 September 1950 | 16 May 51 | Replaced by 3910th ABG when base transferred to SAC. | [337] | |
7601st Air Base Wing | San Pablo AS, Spain | USAFE | c. 1 January 1956 | 1 January 1957 | Replaced 3090th ABG when base transferred from AMC. Replaced by 7601 ABG. | [111] | |
7602d Support Wing | Madrid, Spain | USAFE | 1 January 1957 | 1 July 1957 | Was 3090 Support Wing. Transferred to SAC as 3977th Support Wing. | [111] | |
8500th Air Weather Wing | Andrews AFB, MD | CONAC | 1 September 1949 | 23 June 1951 | Called to active duty and personnel used as fillers. | [31] | |
8600th Pilot Training Wing | Vance AFB, OK | CONAC | 27 June 1949 | 28 May 1951 | Called to active duty and personnel used as fillers. | [142] | |
8601st Basic Pilot Training Wing 8601st Pilot Training Wing | Randolph AFB, TX | CONAC | 27 June 1949 | 28 May 1951 | Called to active duty and personnel used as fillers. | [131] | |
8602d Technical Training Wing | Scott AFB, IL | CONAC | 10 June 1949 | 26 April 1951 | Called to active duty and personnel used as fillers. | [38] | |
8605th Technical Training Wing | Keesler AFB, MS | CONAC | 26 June 1949 | unknown | Redesignated 8635th Technical Training Wing. | [119] | |
8635th Technical Training Wing | Keesler AFB, MS | CONAC | 26 June 1949 | unknown | Was 8605th Technical Training Wing. Called to active duty and personnel used as fillers. | [119] | |
8706th Pilot Training Wing | Ellington AFB, TX | CONAC | 15 June 1952 | 18 May 1955 | Replaced 903d Reserve Training Wing. Replaced by 446th Troop Carrier Wing. | [338] | |
8707th Pilot Training Wing | Brooks AFB, TX | CONAC | 15 June 1952 | 18 May 1955 | Replaced 907th Reserve Training Wing. Replaced by 433d Troop Carrier Wing. | [22] | |
8708th Pilot Training Wing | Hensley Field, TX | CONAC | 15 June 1952 | 18 May 1955 | Replaced 904th Reserve Training Wing. Replaced by 448th Fighter-Bomber Wing.[339] | ||
8710th Pilot Training Wing | Memphis MAP, TN | CONAC | 13 June 1952 | 18 May 1955 | Replaced 905th Reserve Training Wing. Replaced by 319th Fighter-Bomber Wing. | [199] | |
8711th Pilot Training Wing | Scott AFB, IL | CONAC | 15 June 1952 | 18 May 1955 | Replaced 928th Reserve Training Wing. Replaced by 94th Bombardment Wing. | [38][340] | |
9006th Volunteer Air Reserve Training Wing | Mitchel AFB(?) | CONAC | c. 1 June 1949 | c. 30 September 1949 | First AF unit. | [341] | |
9007th Volunteer Air Reserve Training Wing | Mitchel AFB(?) | CONAC | c. 1 June 1949 | c. 30 September 1949 | First AF unit. Redesignated 9007th VART Group. | [341] | |
9044th Volunteer Air Reserve Training Wing | Dobbins AFB, GA | CONAC | 1 November 1949 | 27 December 1949 | [342] |
Abbreviations: ABG=Air Base Group, ABW=Air Base Wing, CCTW=Combat Crew Training Wing, CSG=Combat Support Group, TFW=Tactical Fighter Wing, TTG=Technical Training Group
See also
- List of USAF Provisional Wings assigned to Strategic Air Command
- List of USAF Strategic Wings assigned to the Strategic Air Command
Explanatory notes
- ↑ This may be a typo in Ravenstein, because overseas commands used numbers between 5000 and 7599 as early as July 1948 as shown in Fletcher, p. 151.
- ↑ The highest numbered unit was the 9999th Air Reserve Squadron, which was composed of members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives who were also members of the Air Force Reserve.
- ↑ This term contrasted them with Table of Organization Units controlled by Hq, USAF.
- ↑ This term contrasted them with Constituted Units controlled by Hq, USAF.
- ↑ e.g. The 88th ABW (the 2750th ABW when it was a MAJCON wing) has been active continuously since 1944.
- ↑ For example, the 4126th Strategic Wing included the 31st Bombardment Squadron, 63d Munitions Maintenance Squadron, 851st Strategic Missile Squadron, and 903d Air Refueling Squadron in addition to MAJCON support units.
- ↑ This source erroneously uses the unit's post-July 1957 number for its pre-January 1957 number.
- ↑ In 1969, the 4410th moved to England AFB and replaced the 1st Special Operations Wing, while the 1st moved to Hurlburt and replaced the 4410th
- ↑ Prior to 1955, apparently 7493d Inspector General Special Investigations Wing
- ↑ Goss, William A (1955). "The Organization and its Responsibilities, Chapter 2 The AAF". In Craven, Wesley F; Cate, James L. The Army Air Forces in World War II. Vol. VI, Men & Planes. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. p. 75. LCCN 48003657.
- ↑ Ravenstein, Lineage and Honors, p. 9
- 1 2 Ravenstein. Combat Wings, p. 10
- ↑ Goss, p. 59
- ↑ Ravenstein, Lineage and Honors, p. 10
- 1 2 Ravenstein, Lineage and Honors, p. 11
- 1 2 Ravenstein, Lineage and Honors, p. 4
- 1 2 Ravenstein, Lineage and Honors, p. 6
- ↑ Ravenstein, Lineage and Honors, p. 12
- ↑ 88 ABW Factsheet
- ↑ e.g. AFHRA Factsheet, 11th Mission Support Group. Retrieved August 14, 2012
- 1 2 AFHRA Factsheet, 689th Combat Communications Wing. Retrieved August 15, 2012
- 1 2 3 The Development of the Strategic Air Command 1946-1986, Office of the Historian, Headquarters Strategic Air Command, Offutt AFB, NE, pp. 117-118.
- ↑ Buss, et al., p.6
- ↑ Department of the Air Force Letter, AFOMO 929m, 15 November 1962, Subject: Organization of the Headquarters, 320th Bombardment Wing, Heavy, and Certain Other USAF Unit Actions
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Endicott, pp. 89-91
- ↑ "Abstract (Unclassified), Vol 1, History of Strategic Air Command, Jan-Jun 1957 (Secret)". Air Force History Index. Retrieved March 4, 2014.
- ↑ e.g. the 95th Strategic Wing replaced the 4082d Strategic Wing. Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 134
- ↑ e.g. The 3d Air Transport Squadron replaced the 1258th Air Transport Squadron AFHRA Factsheet, 3d Airlift Squadron. Retrieved 17 September 2012
- ↑ e.g. The 436th Military Airlift Wing replaced the 1607th Air Transport Wing and adopted its emblem, Ravenstein, pp. 232-233
- 1 2 Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 131
- 1 2 3 4 Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 240
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 94
- 1 2 Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 54
- ↑ During both the Viet Nam War and Desert Storm, SAC obtained permission to number some of its MAJCON provisional units with three digits
- ↑ A Guide to USAF Lineage and Honors, Organization History Branch, Air Force Historical Research Agency. Retrieved October 2009
- ↑ See AFHRA Factsheet, 363d Flying Training Group. Retrieved 30 August 2012
- ↑ AF Instruction 38-101, Air Force Organization, paragraph, 30 April 2006, Department of the Air Force, Washington, DC
- ↑ AF Instruction 84-105,Organizational Lineage, Honors and Heraldry, Chapter 2, 12 May 2008, Department of the Air Force, Washington, DC
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 1
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 See Mueller, pp. 5-12
- ↑ Abstract, History of 1020 USAF Special Activities Wing Jan-Jun 1963. Retrieved 4 September 2012
- 1 2 3 See Mueller, pp. 39-48
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 123
- 1 2 3 See Mueller, pp. 355-362
- ↑ Abstract, History of 1370th Photographic Mapping Wing Jan-Jun 1960. Retrieved 5 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 1370th Photographic Mapping Wing, Jan-Jun 1967. Retrieved 5 September 2012
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 See Mueller, pp. 509-519
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 See Mueller, pp. 227-236
- 1 2 See Mueller, pp. 553-559
- 1 2 Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 96
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 98
- ↑ Abstract, History of 1503 Air Transport Wing, Jan-Jun 1964. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- 1 2 3 4 5 See Mueller, pp. 237-244
- 1 2 See Mueller, pp. 577-582
- 1 2 Abstract, History of 1602 Air Transport Wing, Jan-Jun 1953. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 1602 ATW, Jan-Jun 1964. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 1604 ABW, Jan-Jun 1955. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- 1 2 Fletcher, pp. 77-80 (list on p. 80 omits MATS units organized in 1948)
- ↑ AFHRA Factsheet, 65th Air Base Wing. Retrieved 16 August 2012
- 1 2 3 4 5 See Mueller, pp. 287-293
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 232
- ↑ See Mueller, p. 114
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 234
- ↑ See Mueller, p. 90
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 235
- ↑ See Mueller, p. 414
- ↑ Abstract (Unclassified), Contingency Historical Report Tactical Airlift Wing, P, 1630th 11-17 Nov 1990 (Secret). Retrieved 13 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract (Unclassified), Special Study of 1630th Tactical Airlift Wing (P) for Desert Shield/Desert Storm Operations (Secret). Retrieved 13 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 1640th ABG, Jul-Dec 1971. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract (Unclassified), 1640th Tactical Airlift Wing (P) After Action Report for Operation Desert Storm (Secret). Retrieved 13 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract (Unclassified), Contingency Historical Report 1660th Tactical Airlift Wing Jan 1991 (Secret). Retrieved 14 September 2012
- 1 2 3 4 5 Mueller, pp. 267-285
- ↑ See Mueller, pp. 391-396
- 1 2 3 4 See Mueller, pp. 545-551
- 1 2 3 4 5 Airways and Air Communications Service units were designated with only the abbreviation "AACS"
- ↑ Miller, p. 121
- ↑ Miller, p. 42
- ↑ See Abstract, History of Airways & Air Communications Service, Jul-Dec 1953. Retrieved 12 September 2012
- ↑ Miller, pp. 78-79
- ↑ Miller, p. 170
- ↑ Miller, pp. 304-305
- ↑ See Mueller, p. 502
- ↑ Miller, p. 190
- ↑ Miller, p. 196
- 1 2 Abstract, History of 2143d Air Weather Wing Jan-Mar 1949. Retrieved 12 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 2d Weather Wing Jan-Jun 1954. Retrieved 12 September 2012
- ↑ Miller, p. 228
- 1 2 Abstract, History of 2349th ABW Jan-Jun 1957. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 2477th Air Reserve Training Wing, Jan-Aug 1960. Retrieved 12 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, Initial History of 2478th Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 12 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, Initial History of 2479th Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 12 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, Initial History of 2480th Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 12 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, Initial History of 2481st Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 12 September 2012
- 1 2 Abstract, Initial History of 2482d Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 12 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, Initial History of 2483d Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 12 September 2012
- 1 2 Abstract, Initial History of 2484th Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 12 September 2012
- 1 2 Abstract, Initial History of 2485th Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 13 September 2012
- 1 2 Abstract, Initial History of 2490th Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 13 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, Initial History of 2491st Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 13 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, Initial History of 2492d Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 13 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, Initial History of 2493d Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 13 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, Initial History of 2494th Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 13 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, Initial History of 2495th Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 13 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, Initial History of 2496th Air Reserve Training Wing. Retrieved 13 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 2500th ABG, Apr-May 1952. Retrieved 12 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 315th AD, Jan-Jun 1956. Retrieved 10 June 2013
- ↑ Abstract, History of 6100th ABW, Jan-Jun 1961. Retrieved 14 September 2012
- ↑ AFHRA Factsheet, 88th Air Base Wing. Retrieved 21 August 2012
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 see Mueller, pp. 205-210
- 1 2 3 4 5 See Mueller, pp. 245-251
- 1 2 3 See Mueller, pp. 123-127
- 1 2 3 See Mueller, pp. 397-403
- 1 2 See Mueller, pp. 447-452
- ↑ Abstract, History of 2850th ABW, Jul-Dec 1953. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- 1 2 3 See Mueller, pp. 503-508
- ↑ Abstract, History of AFLC, FY 1968. Retrieved 22 August 2013
- ↑ Abstract, History 2941th Depot Training Wing, activation to Jun 51. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 See Mueller, pp. 597-610
- ↑ Abstract, History of AFLC, FY 1962. Retrieved 30 August 2012
- 1 2 3 4 Abstract, History of 7602d Support Wing Jan-Jun 1957. Retrieved 7 September 2012
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 See Mueller, pp. 133-141
- ↑ Abstract, History of 3200th Test Wing Jul-Dec 1954. Retrieved 30 August 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of Armament Div FY 1988. Retrieved 4 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 3201st Ins Gp, Aug-Dec 1955. Retrieved 30 August 2012
- ↑ AFHRA Factsheet, 647th ABG. Retrieved 22 August 2012
- 1 2 AFHRA Factsheet, 46th Test Wing. Retrieved 3 September 2012
- 1 2 3 4 See Mueller, pp. 299-305
- 1 2 3 4 5 See Mueller, pp. 259-266
- ↑ Abstract, History of Amarillo AFB through 1968. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- 1 2 3 4 5 See Mueller, pp. 77-85
- 1 2 See Mueller, pp. 331-337
- 1 2 See Mueller, pp. 179-185
- 1 2 3 See Mueller, pp. 193-198
- ↑ Abstract, History Tech Tng AF Jan-Jul 1957 (retrieved Jan 11, 2013)
- 1 2 AFHRA Factsheet Air Education & Training Command 7/24/08 (retrieved Jan 11, 2013)
- 1 2 Ravenstein, Combat Wings, pp. 102-103
- 1 2 3 See Mueller, pp. 15-23
- ↑ See Mueller, pp. 495-498
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 28
- 1 2 3 See Mueller, pp. 487-493
- 1 2 3 4 See Mueller, pp. 405-409
- 1 2 3 See Mueller, pp. 591-595
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 118
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 175
- 1 2 See Mueller, pp. 375-381
- 1 2 Ravenstein, Combat Wings pp. 66-67
- ↑ See Mueller, pp. 423-426
- ↑ Cornett & Johnson, p. 64
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 115
- ↑ Abstract, History of 3565th Navigator Training Wing Jan-Jun 1965. Retrieved 14 September 2012
- 1 2 See Mueller, pp. 567-568
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 111
- 1 2 3 4 5 See Mueller, pp. 439-445
- 1 2 See Mueller, pp. 339-344
- ↑ Abstract, Plan For Activation, Harlingen AFB, 1 April 1952 (retrieved Jan 11, 2013)
- 1 2 Abstract, History of 3840th Air Univ Wing, Sep-Dec 1950. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- ↑ See Mueller, pp. 561-565
- 1 2 3 4 5 See Mueller, pp. 537-544
- ↑ Abstract, History of 3635th CCTW, Jul-Dec 1958. Retrieved 7 September 2012
- ↑ AFHRA Factsheet, 336th Training Group. Retrieved 4 September 2012
- 1 2 3 See Mueller, pp. 319-321
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, pp. 76-77
- ↑ Abstract, History of Tech Training AF, Jan-Jun 1956. Retrieved 3 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 3650th AF Indoctrination Wing to Mar 1951. Retrieved 3 September 2012
- 1 2 Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 249
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 30
- 1 2 See Mueller, pp. 91-95
- ↑ See Abstract, History of Sheppard Technical Training Center, CY 1986. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of Sheppard Technical Training Center, CY 1988. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- ↑ AFHRA Factsheet, 502d ABW. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- ↑ See Abstract, History of Tyndall Field. Jul-Sep 1949. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- 1 2 3 See Mueller, pp. 453-458
- ↑ Abstract, History of 3904th Composite Wing, Jul 1954. Retrieved 6 September 2012
- ↑ See Willard, p. 59
- ↑ See Willard, p. 8
- 1 2 3 See Fletcher, pp. 1-5
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p.72
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 140
- ↑ Abstract, History of 3973d Strategic Wing, Feb 1964. Retrieved 7 September 2012
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, pp. 204-205
- ↑ See Mueller, p. 611
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 213
- 1 2 Abstract, History of 820th Air Div, Feb 1961. Retrieved 7 September 2012
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 224
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 222
- ↑ See Mueller, p. 296
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 33
- 1 2 3 See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, pp. 272-273
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, pp. 151-153
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 181
- ↑ See Mueller, pp. 363-373
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 143
- 1 2 Mueller, pp. 97-104
- 1 2 Abstract, History of 6605th ABW, Jan-Mar 1957. Retrieved 7 September 2012
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 134
- 1 2 3 Fletcher, pp.183-185
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cornett & Johnson, p. 65
- ↑ Abstract, History of 4090th Air Refueling Wing, Aug 1958-Jul 1960. Retrieved 7 September 2012
- ↑ See Mueller, pp. 475-478
- ↑ Mueller, p. 68
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 110
- 1 2 See Mueller, pp. 25-27
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 252
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 255
- ↑ Mueller, pp. 29-34
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 180
- ↑ Mueller, pp. 199-203
- 1 2 Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 170
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 171
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 68
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 246
- ↑ See Mueller, p. 421
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 261
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 270
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 127
- 1 2 See Mueller, pp. 143-147
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 17
- 1 2 3 4 See Mueller, pp. 157-164
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings p. 256
- 1 2 Abstract, History of 31st Fighter Wing Jan-Jul 1996. Retrieved 7 September 2012
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 24
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 9
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 245
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 108
- ↑ See Mueller, p. 525
- 1 2 3 4 See Fletcher, pp. 59-66
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 201
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 156
- ↑ Abstract (Unclassified), Contingency Historical Report Bombardment Wing, Provisional, 4300th Nov-Dec 1990 (Secret). Retrieved 14 September 2012
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 295
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 208
- ↑ See Mueller pp. 571-576
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 44
- 1 2 See Mueller, pp. 165-170
- ↑ Abstract (Unclassified), History of 4404th Tactical Fighter Wing 13-23 Mar 1991 (Secret). Retrieved 17 September 2012
- ↑ Script, Redesignation Ceremony 1 Dec 1998 (Unclassified), Title of Supporting Document for History of 363d Air Expeditionary Wing (Secret). Retrieved 17 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract (Unclassified), Contingency Historical Report, Operational Support Wing, 4409 (P) Dec 1990 (Secret). Retrieved 14 September 2012
- ↑ See Mueller, pp. 129-131
- ↑ Abstract (Unclassified) Contingency Historical Report Data and Events Log Operations Support Wing, P, 4410th (Secret). Retrieved 17 September 2012
- 1 2 3 See Mueller, pp. 307-317
- ↑ 4453d Combat Crew Training Wing
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 267
- ↑ Abstract, History of 4504th Missile Training Wing, Jul-Dec 1958. Retrieved 8 September 2012
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, pp. 93-95
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, pp. 261-264
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, pp. 92-93
- ↑ See Mueller, pp. 253-257
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 188
- ↑ See Mueller, pp. 435-438
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cornett & Johnson, p. 66
- ↑ Cornett & Johnson, p. 61
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cornett & Johnson, p. 67
- ↑ Mueller, pp.129-131
- ↑ Cornett & Johnson, p. 58
- ↑ Cornett & Johnson, p. 68
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 See Mueller, pp. 459-466
- ↑ Abstract, History of 5001st ABW, activation -30 Jun 1953. Retrieved 7 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of Ladd AFB, Jul-Sep 1948. Retrieved 8 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of Davis AB Jun-Sep 1949. Retrieved 3 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 5039th Air Depot Wing Jul 1950. Retrieved 9 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, Final History of 5060th ABW. Retrieved 8 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 5600 Composite Wing to 31 Mar 49. Retrieved 3 September 2012
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 46
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 46
- ↑ Abstract, History of Ramey AFB, Oct-Dec 1948. Retrieved 23 August 2012
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 89
- 1 2 Abstract, History of 6100th Support Wing Jul-Dec 1961. Retrieved 3 September 2012
- 1 2 3 4 5 See Fletcher, pp. 85-90
- ↑ Abstract, History of 6013th Operations Wing May 1952. Retrieved 9 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 6014th Operations Wing Nov 1951. Retrieved 9 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 6015th Operations Wing Jan-Feb 1952. Retrieved 9 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 6058th ABW, Jan-Jun 1957. Retrieved 8 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 6100th ABW, May-Oct 1957.Retrieved 14 June 2013
- ↑ Fletcher, p. 197
- ↑ Abstract, Final History of 6101st ABW. Retrieved 8 September 2012
- 1 2 See Fletcher, pp. 191-198
- ↑ Abstract, History of 6122d ABW, Nov 1951. Retrieved 23 August 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 6122d ABW, Apr 1952. Retrieved 23 August 2012
- ↑ Abstract, Final History of 6160th ABW. Retrieved 9 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 6162 ABW, Dec 1950. Retrieved 8 September 2012
- 1 2 See Fletcher, pp. 91-96
- 1 2 3 4 5 See Fletcher, pp. 21-29
- ↑ AF Pamphlet 900-2, p. 576
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 190
- ↑ See Ravenstein Combat Wings, p. 190
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 11
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 62
- ↑ Ravenstein Combat Wings, p. 84
- ↑ Abstract, History of 6351 ABW CY 1954. Retrieved 8 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 6400th Air Depot Wing, Jan 1952. Retrieved 8 September 2012
- ↑ See Endicott, p. 112
- ↑ Abstract, 6418th Air Depot Wing Initial History. Retrieved 3 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, 6418th Air Depot Wing Final History. Retrieved 3 September 2012
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 183
- ↑ See Ravenstein Combat Wings, p. 31
- ↑ Abstract, History of AF Flight Test Ctr FY 1988. Retrieved 5 September 2012
- ↑ AFHRA Factsheet, 412th Test Wing. Retrieved 31 August 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of AF Flight Test Ctr FY 1971. Retrieved 31 August 2012
- ↑ See Mueller, pp. 221-226
- ↑ From 1951-1953 was Guided Missiles Wing
- ↑ See Abstract, History of 6596 Instrumentation Sq, Jul-Dec 1961. Retrieved 8 September 2012
- ↑ Lineage of the 6594th Aerospace Test Wing. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, The Heritage of the 30th Space Wing and Vandenberg AFB. Retrieved 8 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 6600th Air Depot Wing, Oct-Dec 1950. Retrieved 8 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 6602d ABW. Oct 1950. Retrieved 8 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History or 6603d ABG Jan-Jun 1953. Retrieved 8 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 6606th ABW Jun-Dec 1954. Retrieved 8 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, Oral History Interview with Lt. Gen. Richard P. Klocko. Retrieved 28 August 2012
- 1 2 See Fletcher, pp. 81-83
- ↑ AFSS History. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ See Mission and Lineage and Honors of the 67th Network Warfare Group. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 313th Air Div, Jul-Dec 1965. Retrieved 28 August 2012
- ↑ American Military in Turkey. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Lineage & Honors History of 6940th Electronic Security Wing. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Willard, p. 17
- ↑ See Lineage and Honors History of 68th Network Warfare Squadron. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- 1 2 3 See Fletcher, pp. 147-153
- ↑ Abstract, History of Third AF CY 1987. Retrieved 12 September 2012
- ↑ See Fletcher, pp. 139-146
- ↑ Abstract, History of Seventeenth Air Force, CY 1985. Retrieved 9 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of Wiesbaden Military Post and All Units Assigned Jul 1948. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 7101st ABW, Jul-Dec 1959. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 7108th Tac Wing, Oct-Dec 1961. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- 1 2 3 When the ANG units federalized for the Berlin Crisis were returned to state control, the 366th TFW at Chaumont also assumed control of replacement fighter squadrons at Etain and Chambley
- ↑ Abstract, History of 7117th Tactical Wing, Oct-Dec 1961. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 7121st Tactical Wing, Oct-Dec 1961. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 7122d Tactical Wing, Jul-Dec 1961. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 7131d Tactical Wing, Oct-Dec 1961. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ See Fletcher, pp. 167-170
- ↑ Abstract, History of 85th Air Depot Wing. Jan 1953. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 7272d Flying Tng Wg Jul-Dec 1964. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 7280th Air Depot Wing, Jan-Mar 1954. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 64
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 174
- ↑ Abstract, History of 7322d ABW Jul-Dec 1962. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 7330 Training Wing Jul-Dec 1954. Retrieved 3 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 7330 Training Wing Jan-Jul 1954. Retrieved 3 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 7331 Tech Training Wg Jan-Jun 1956. Retrieved 3 September 2012
- ↑ See Abstract, Histories of 7373 Air Depot Wing component units, Jul-Dec 1953. Retrieved 12 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of United States Air Forces Europe CY 1994. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of 7485th Support Wing Jan-Jun 1954. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Abstract, History of Office of Special Investigations, United States Air Fprces Europe Jan-Jun 1956. Retrieved 10 September 2012
- ↑ Willard, p. 49
- ↑ Willard, pp. 6, 18
- ↑ Willard, p. 32
- ↑ Willard, p. 41
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 243
- ↑ Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 244
- ↑ See Ravenstein, Combat Wings, p. 133
- 1 2 Abstract, History of 9006th VARTW, Jun-Sep 1949. Retrieved 3 September 2012
- ↑ Mueller, p. 109
This article incorporates public domain material from the Air Force Historical Research Agency website
- Buss, Lydus H.(ed), Sturm, Thomas A., Volan, Denys, and McMullen, Richard F., History of Continental Air Defense Command and Air Defense Command July to December 1955, Directorate of Historical Services, Air Defense Command, Ent AFB, CO, (1956)
- Cornett, Lloyd H; Johnson, Mildred W (1980). A Handbook of Aerospace Defense Organization, 1946–1980 (PDF). Peterson AFB, CO: Office of History, Aerospace Defense Center.
- Endicott, Judy G., ed. (2001). The USAF in Korea, Campaigns, Units and Stations 1950-1953 (PDF). Maxwell AFB, AL: Air Force Historical Research Agency. ISBN 0-16-050901-7.
- Fletcher, Harry R. (1993). Air Force Bases , Vol. II, Air Bases Outside the United States of America (PDF). Washington, DC: Center for Air Force History. ISBN 0-912799-53-6.
- Miller, Linda G. (1990). A Salute to Air Force Communications Command, Leaders and Lineage (PDF). Scott AFB, IL: Office of AFCC History. OCLC 49946668.
- Mueller, Robert (1989). Air Force Bases, Vol. I, Active Air Force Bases Within the United States of America on 17 September 1982 (PDF). Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History. ISBN 0-912799-53-6.
- Ravenstein, Charles A. (1984). Air Force Combat Wings, Lineage & Honors Histories 1947-1977 (PDF). Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History. ISBN 0-912799-12-9.
- Ravenstein, Charles A. (1984). A Guide to Air Force Lineage and Honors (2d, Revised ed.). Maxwell AFB, AL: USAF Historical Research Center. (An updated, but abbreviated version of this work is available at A Guide to USAF Lineage and Honors)
- Willard, TSG Richard R. (1988) [1968]. Location of United States Military Units in the United Kingdom, 16 July 1948-31 December 1967. USAF Air Station, South Ruislip, United Kingdom: Historical Division, Office of Information, Third Air Force. LCCN 68061579.
- "The Four Digit Wings", article in a British aviation periodical, probably Aviation News, 1990-93 period (exact date not known)
- USAF Directories
- SS-OL1 Directory of United States Air Force Organizations 31 October 1962 (Declassified from Secret - 17 January 2006) Document is on file at the United States National Archives.
- Air Force Manual 10-4, Directory of Air Force Addresses, 1 November 1973, Vol. I (Unclassified), Department of the Air Force, Washington, DC
- Air Force Manual 10-4, Directory of Air Force Addresses, 15 May 1976, Vol. I (Unclassified), Department of the Air Force, Washington, DC
- Air Force Manual 10-4, Directory of Air Force Addresses, 1 September 1978, Vol. I (Unclassified), Department of the Air Force, Washington, DC
- Air Force Regulation 4-16, Air Force Address Directory, 1 March 1989, Department of the Air Force, Washington, DC
- Air Force Pamphlet 900-2, Unit Decorations, Awards and Campaign Participation Credits, 15 June 1971, Department of the Air Force Washington, DC
External links
- "Database of document holdings of Air Force Historical Research Agency". Air Force History Index. 2001. Retrieved Various. Check date values in:
(help) - "4-digit units". Strategic Air
- Gehrs-Pahl, Andreas (1996). "Four digit USAF Units". Schnars Aero.
- "USAF Gallery". USAF August 10, 2008. Archived from the original on 5 September 2008. Retrieved April 28, 2014. Access to this site has been limited due to attempted spamming
- "Four-Digit Organizations Belonging Directly Or Indirectly to Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Agency Or its Previous Designations" (PDF). Retrieved 25 February 2011.