List of University of Montana student organizations
Student Organizations at the University of Montana
Academic and Honors
- Alpha Lambda Delta - In addition to maintaining high academic standards, we strive to better ourselves and others through positive involvement both on campus and in the community.
- American Humanics Student Association - Dedicated to providing members with cultural and social co-curricular opportunities with the intent of enriching students’ professional leadership potential in the field of nonprofit administration.
- American Indian Business Leaders - Support and promote the education and development of future American Indian business leaders.
- Anthropology Student Association (Montana) - Further knowledge of field through travel assistance, scholarships and educational trips.
- Athletic Training Students’ Association (UM) - Prepare students for careers as allied health care professionals, provide opportunities for professional development and mentor pre-AT students.
- Beta Alpha Psi - Professional and personal development within the fields of accounting, finance, and information systems.
- Beta Phi Alpha - Provide professional development activities/opportunities and promote interest in business education.
- Delta Rho Tau - Organize fundraising opportunities for students attending national physical therapy meetings.
- Finance Club - Provide members with an opportunity to learn more about finance and financial careers through networking events and guest speakers.
- Geography Club - Encouraging exploration and research in the field of geography.
- Geology Club - Introduce students to Geosciences by highlighting local and regional geology, promoting social and professional interactions, and supporting student-led inquiry.
- Golden Key International Honour Society - Scholarship, leadership, and service organization.
- Graduate Student Association - Facilitate interdisciplinary interaction among graduate students and act as a conduit for information to improve the quality of education and enhance the quality of life for graduate students.
- Honors Students’ Association - Encourage fellowship among students to promote a standard of excellence in all areas of student life.
- Linguistics Club - Provide an organization where students with a common interest in linguistics may discuss issues, topics, and professional goals/opportunities related to linguistics.
- Model Arab League - Learn about Arab culture and history, as well as model the Arab League of Nations to learn about its inner workings and political realities.
- Model United Nations (Montana) - Teach students about the UN, diplomacy, parliamentary procedure, and international relations through simulation.
- Mortar Board - A national honor society recognizing college seniors for their exemplary scholarship, leadership, service, and distinguished academic achievement.
- Petroleum Geologists - Facilitating student relations, understanding, and career-options with oil and gas industry; fostering knowledge of all geological aspects (including environmental issues of oil and gas exploration and productions).
- Pi Sigma Alpha Epsilon Mu - To recognize academic achievement and, with the Political Science department, promote extracurricular activities related to public policy.
Environmental Interest
- Air and Waste Management Association - Offers students an opportunity to attend environmental seminars, participate in conferences, and network with the environmental field.
- American Fisheries Society - Increase fisheries involvement, interest, and understanding.
- Climate Action Now (UM CAN!) - Build bridges between faculty, students and community through active public engagement to work towards a sustainable carbon neutral campus.
- Forestry Students Association - Individual and team competition in parliamentary debate at a national level.
- Forum for Living with Appropriate Technology (UM FLAT) - Demonstrate sustainable living practices.
- Garden Club - Assist students at The University of Montana and College of Technology in their diverse interests in gardening.
- Society and Conservation Grad Students - Represent the graduate students in the Society and Conservation department for Forestry and offer social, networking, volunteer, and professional development opportunities for members.
- Society for Ecological Restoration - Connect students and faculty involved and interested in ecological restoration.
- Society of American Foresters - Student members of SAF gather to share ideas and further our knowledge of the scientific properties of forestry.
- Students for Real Food - Educate, inspire, and take action for a just and sustainable food system.
- Wildlife Society (Student Chapter) - To learn about wildlife and management practices while making connections for a professional career.
Language and Culture
- African Student Association - Provide a support network for African students, promote awareness, and build a bridge with the community.
- Black Student Union - Provide services and programs that address the needs and concerns of all students of African and African-American descent.
- Central Asian Association - Share Central Asian culture with the Missoula community.
- China Chat Party - Establish a connection between students studying Chinese language and culture with students from Chinese speaking countries who seek to share cross-cultural knowledge and language information.
- Chinese Students and Scholars Association - Organize Chinese students and scholars to socialize and help them emerge into the Missoula local community.
- European Student Group - To represent European students at The University.
- German Club - Promote and experience German culture on campus.
- International Food and Culture Festival - Promote cultural diversity on campus and in the community.
- International Student Association - Promoting diversity across campus and among the people of Missoula.
- Italian Club - Provide students and interested community members a forum to speak Italian socially, and explore Italian culture.
- Japanese Student Association - Strives to promote positive cultural exchange between Japan, The University of Montana, and surrounding communities.
- Kyi-Yo Native American Student Association - Bring native people and the community of Missoula together.
- LISTEN - To facilitate dialogue between students and raise awareness of Native American issues.
- Le Cercle Francophone (French Club) - Educate and provide exposure to the culture of the French-speaking world to students.
- Mount Of Olives - Provide a fun and accessible way for students and the community to learn about Arabic culture and language.
- Persian Student Association - Bring Persian speaking students together and represent/share Persian culture with UM campus.
- Russian Club - Promote and enhance exposure to Russian language and culture at The University of Montana.
- Saudi Student Association - To represent our country in a good way, offer fun activities, and share Arabic dancing and music.
- South & Southeast Asian Cultural Organization - Celebrating religious and cultural events along with discussion about the problems or issues of Southeast Asian students at UM.
- Taiwanese Student Association - To welcome incoming Taiwanese students and to educate the community and UM campus.
- Wa Ya Wa American Indian Education Student Association - Bring awareness of American Indian education issues and concerns; promote education opportunities and share knowledge.
- Chamber Chorale - Music ensemble that performs for the public.
- Clarinet Choir (The University Of Montana) - Meet other teachers, professors, performers, and students that share the same aspect of clarinet teaching, playing, and performing.
- Collegiate Music Educators’ National Conference (CMENC)- Bring music educators together in a learning environment.
- Composers’ Club (UM) - Raise funds for the Composers Showcase each spring and for other events which further the opportunities for and education of its members.
- Flute Choir (The University of Montana) - Performs music we prepare in Missoula and on tour in the state.
- Jazz Band (University)- Education of students in jazz studies through performance.
- Keyboard Society - To build camaraderie between keyboard players and offer learning opportunities through conferences and festivals.
- Opera Theatre - Develop dramatic and musical operatic skills through the preparation and performance of opera scenes.
- Percussion Club (UM) - Educate and perform lab ensemble for percussionists.
- Symphonic Wind Ensemble (UM) - Provide musical enrichment for its members as well as the citizens of Montana.
- Symphony Orchestra - Teach and apply skills for orchestral involvement by providing students with the opportunity to learn and perform symphonic repertoire.
- University Choir - Music ensemble that performs for the public.
- Vocal Practicum (UM)- To learn and gain skills in vocal performance by performing in front of voice faculty and guest artists.
- Advocates (UM) - Provide leadership opportunities for members, assist Admissions/New Student Services in recruitment efforts on and off campus, promote UM, and assist campus organizations and departments.
- Circle K International - Provide students with the opportunity to volunteer on campus and throughout the community while also engaging with other students.
- Colleges Against Cancer - Support initiation of American Cancer Society programs and hold Campus Relay for Life.
- Druids - An honor society with the College of Forestry and Conservation that provides services to the college and the surrounding community.
- Exercise Science Student Association - Engages in community service and promotes fitness in the community.
- Griz for UNICEF - Engage in community service that benefits children.
- Peer Advising - Advise, refer, retain students.
- Peers Reaching Out (PROS) - To create, present, and facilitate health programs, and provide health resources at campus events.
- Rotary Club at The University of Montana - A community service organization that works on several local, national, and international service-oriented projects.
- Volunteers in Action - Engage students in their community through volunteering.
Special Interest
- Anime Club - Watch Anime in a friendly and relaxed environment.
- Artists’ Collective - Peer-promoting student organization whose focus is to sponsor events for art students, showcase their work, and inspire interest in the arts within the Missoula community.
- Backcountry Club, UM - Promote backcountry skiing and snowboarding by UM students via activities, networking, and events.
- Big Sky Student Speech Language Hearing Association (BSSSLHA) - Promote Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) benefits within Montana and support SLP student academics.
- Business Careers in Entertainment (BCEC) - Provide hands-on experience for students in the entertainment industry.
- Camas - Provide venue for aspiring writers and artists to be published alongside established talent.
- Campus Sangha - To introduce and practice the basic concepts of meditation.
- Classics Club - Gather and participate in activities of interest to Classics students, such as those related to Greek, Latin, Mythology, etc.
- Corps of Cadets - Provide students with the tools, training, and experiences to become officers in the U.S. Army.
- Criminology Club (UM) - Inform and educate interested students regarding opportunities in the field of criminology.
- Cutbank - National journal of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction.
- Djebe Bara Drum and Dance - Research, practice, and preservation of traditional African drum, dance, and song.
- Emerging Ceramics Association (UM) - Expand student involvement and awareness in Missoula, and to give students more opportunities to be involved in the ceramic community.
- Environmental Law Group - Raise environmental consciousness within the legal community.
- Forensics Team (UM) - Individual and team competition in parliamentary debate at a national level.
- GenOne (College Church) - To bring people into a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and to help them grow in that relationship.
- Global Grizzlies - Provide humanitarian aid in third world countries every summer.
- Good Health Whole Food Group - To educate, discuss, and promote the benefits of plant-based diet, and to look at our food on a holistic level; to come to understand our food’s impact in areas of health, ethics and the environment.
- Hang Gliding & Paragliding Club (Missoula) - Facilitate safe foot-launched soaring flights from Mount Sentinel.
- Indigenous Filmmakers Club - Student network for filmmakers to work on and share film projects, and organize screenings for public viewing.
- Interfraternity Council (IFC) - Oversees, organizes, and encourages the fraternities on campus.
- International Food and Culture Festival - Promote cultural diversity on campus and in the community.
- Missoula Folklore Society (Student Chapter) - Sharing, promoting, preserving, and enjoying the music, dance, arts, crafts, and skills of traditional and contemporary cultures.
- Magic Club - To have fun playing Magic: The Gathering in a friendly atmosphere. To teach players the fundamentals of the game.
- Marketing Club - To provide students with hands on marketing experience. To prepare students entering the job market in the area of marketing.
- Missoula Film Society - Host film screenings and bring in film-related guest speakers for all UM students and the greater Missoula community. Facilitate greater communication between The University and greater Missoula film communities.
- Montana Equality Now (UM) - To provide the opportunity to get involved in their community around L.G.B.T.Q.Q.I. Equality in Montana.
- Neuro Networking Club - A social club for adults with Aspergers/Autism and friends.
- On The Two - Provide UM students the opportunity to explore swing dancing, hone their skills as dancers, and to meet friends within Missoula’s dancing community.
- Oval Magazine (The) - Undergraduate literary magazine with artwork, short stories, and poetry written and created by students.
- Panhellenic Council - Helps to govern and assist all of the sororities on the campus and works with the IFC to plan all Greek activities.
- Random Activity Club - Engage group members in a wide variety of sports and activities.
- Role-Players Club Missoula - Bring together role-players within the Missoula and UM campus communities for fun and gaming.
- Society for Creative Anachronism - Educational group seeking to learn by re-creating the Middle Ages through living history.
- Society for Ecological Restoration - Connect students and faculty interested in ecological restoration.
- Student Advocates for Healthy Living - Increase awareness of nutrition issues in local schools and help students to make informed choices for healthier living.
- Student Recreation Association - Provide educational activities, community service, fundraisers, and social extracurricular activities for all UM students.
- Student Sculpture Association (SSA) - Provide sculpture-based art students an opportunity to expand their working knowledge of materials and techniques.
- Student Dance Club - To support and enhance the dance experience of University students, as well as to promote dance on campus and the community.
- Students For Peace and Justice - Inform the public about current issues and provide a supportive forum for students who are interested in peace and justice issues.
- Theater Collective - To enhance the theatre community on the campus and create a venue to perform as a group.
- Tour of the Swan River Valley Bike Club - Provide training and community for those interested in TOSRV in May
- University Crafters - To practice and learn new crafts in a relaxing environment.
- Wildlife Society (Student Chapter) - To learn about wildlife and management practices while making connections for a professional career.
- Alpine Ski Club - Provide and teach competitive alpine ski racing at the UM.
- Baseball Club - UM Club Baseball is a competitive baseball team that competes in the Northern Pacific Conference sanctioned by the NCBA.
- Climbing Club - Connect climbers at UM to have fun and teach climbing skills
- Club Ultimate-River Rats - Play the sport of ultimate Frisbee at a competitive, but fun, level.
- Club Ultimate-Women’s - Promote and play Women’s Ultimate at the college level.
- Cycling (UM) - Promote and engage in bicycle riding and racing.
- Equestrian Team (UM )- Provide opportunity to college students of any ability to learn to ride, care for horses, and compete.
- Fencing Club (U of M) - Teach, practice and promote sport of fencing
- Hockey (UM Men) - Hockey competition with other collegiate teams.
- Hockey (UM Women) - Allow female university students to participate in hockey at a competitive (but club) level.
- Lacrosse Club (Men’s)- To win a national championship, again, and have fun.
- Nordic Ski Club (UM) - To give students the opportunity to cross country ski.
- Rowing Club - Promote leadership and good lifestyle choice through the experience of rowing as a team.
- Rugby (Men’s UM Jesters) - Teach students the fundamentals of rugby and play in league matches.
- Rugby (Women’s Betterside) - Represent and perform for the U of M in rugby matches and tournaments across the region.
- Taekwondo Club (UM) - To teach Taekwondo to students and locals; build kicking, punching, and self-defense skills.
- Triathlon Club (U of M) - Promote the sport of triathlon and provide a forum for student athletes to train and compete in regional and national events.
- Water Polo - To learn, practice, and play waterpolo.
- Whitewater Club (UM) - Provide a positive environment in which students can learn or improve their kayaking skills.
- Woodsman Team (UM) - Compete in collegiate timber sports competitions and learn about traditional and modern professional forestry.
- Active Minds - To de-stigmatize mental health disorders by promoting open and enlightened discussion of mental health, and to create a better life for all who suffer.
- Alliance For Disability And Students At UM (ADSUM) - Advocate for equal access, civil rights and employment
- Lambda Alliance - Increase visibility and acceptance of the LGBTQIA community on campus as well as provide support and education for that community and its Allies.
- Women’s Resource Center - Provide educational information and awareness of women’s issues as well as LGBTQQI issues.
Spirituality and Faith
- Baptist Collegiate Ministries - Provide a ministry and service to UM students by leading them toward faith in God through Jesus Christ.
- Buddhist Club - To introduce Buddhism to new student members and continue with on-going members.
- Cru - Interdenominational Christian group offering a place for students to explore and grow in the Christian faith.
- Catholic Campus Ministry (Christ the King) - To provide activities and support to Catholic students at UM.
- Chi Alpha Campus Ministries - To promote, encourage, and facilitate interpersonal relations among Christian and seeking students.
- Emmaus Campus Ministry - Provide spiritual growth, learning, and service opportunities for Lutheran, Episcopal, and United Church of Christ students and be welcoming of all.
- Grizzly Christian Fellowship - to engage the University of Montana with the treasure of Jesus; a ministry of Sovereign Hope Church in Missoula, MT.
- Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life - To provide a welcoming environment and networking opportunities for incoming and returning Jewish students.
- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship - To grow in love for God, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity, and God’s purposes.
- LDSSA (Latter Day Saint Student Association) - Help all LDS university students stay closely affiliated with the Church, succeed in their studies and achieve a balanced life; encourage LDS students to remain/become influences for good and provide activities consistent with LDS standards.
- Muslim Students' Association - Raise awareness of Islam and Islamic culture.
- SOZO - Dedicated to serving the UM and Missoula by sharing and demonstrating Jesus Christ.
Health Professions Organizations
- American Pharmacist Association - Participate in regional and national meetings as well as patient care project.
- Physical Therapy Student Association - Promote profession and improve student health knowledge.
- Pre-Medical Student Association - Support for pre-medical students seeking careers in medicine.
- Pre-Veterinary Sciences Club - Inform and disseminate information about career options in the field.
- Psychology Club - Gather psychology students for discussion about the field and to become acquainted with each other.
- Psychology Graduate Student Association - Provide training and research opportunities for professional development.
- Psychology (School) Student Organization - Increase communication among school psychologists at UM and reach out to the Missoula community through community involvement.
- University of Montana Athletic Training Student Association (UMATSA) - Promote profession and attend the regional meeting.
Politics and Activism
- College Democrats - Educate and inform students about Democratic values and candidates.
- College Republicans - Promote conservative principles and elect Republican candidates.
- Conservation Voters (MT) - To activate students in political organizing and action to help elect pro-conservation candidates to all levels of government.
- Organizing for America - Provide UM students with the opportunity to have an effect on legislation being passed in congress.
- Planned Parenthood Leaders and Advocates - Inform students and community members of issues facing women’s reproductive rights by specifically focusing on PPMT and the services it provides the community and the larger political issues it faces.
- Students for Choice - Educate students about reproductive issues and protect reproductive rights.
- Students For Economic And Social Justice - Raise awareness of, and take action on social justice causes on college campus, in the community, and abroad.
- Students for MontPIRG - To reestablish a student funded MontPIRG.
- Students for Peace and Justice - Inform the public about current issues and provide a supportive forum for students who are interested in peace and justice issues.
Law School Organizations
- American Association for Justice (UM Chapter) - Promote education and the practice of legal justice in an effort to make the trial by jury system more accessible to all Americans.
- Environmental Law Group - Raise environmental consciousness within the legal community.
- Native American Law Student Association - An educational law student association that strives to promote unity and cooperation, advance Indian people, foster communication between Indian and non-Indian law students, general public, Indian people, lawyers and Indian lawyers.
- Rural Advocacy League - To increase awareness of rural issues and improve communication between rural citizens and public policy makers.
- Women’s Law Caucus - Promote women’s issues in the law and interact with members of the Bar through mentorship and community volunteering.
External links
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