List of compositions by Olivier Messiaen

Messiaen in 1930
This is a list of compositions by Olivier Messiaen.
Published during his lifetime
- Le banquet céleste, organ (1928, a recomposition of a section from his unpublished orchestral piece Le banquet eucharistique[1])
- Préludes, piano (1928–29)
- Diptyque, organ (1930)
- La mort du nombre ("Number's death"), soprano, tenor, violin and piano (1930)
- Les offrandes oubliées ("The forgotten offerings"), orchestra (1930)
- Trois mélodies, song cycle (1930)
- Le tombeau resplendissant, orchestra (1931)
- Apparition de l'église éternelle ("Apparition of the eternal church"), organ (1932)
- Fantaisie burlesque, piano (1932)
- Hymne au Saint Sacrament ("Hymn to the Holy Sacrament"), orchestra (1932, lost 1943, reconstructed from memory 1946[2])
- Thème et variations, violin and piano (1932)
- L'ascension ("The Ascension"), orchestra (1932–33; organ version including replacement movement, 1933–34)
- La Nativité du Seigneur ("The Lord's nativity"), organ (1935)
- Pièce pour le tombeau de Paul Dukas, piano, (1935)
- Vocalise, voice and piano (1935)
- Poèmes pour Mi, song cycle (1936, orchestral version 1937)
- O sacrum convivium!, choral motet (1937)
- Chants de terre et de ciel ("Songs of earth and heaven"), song cycle (1938)
- Les corps glorieux ("Glorious bodies"), organ (1939)
- Quatuor pour la fin du temps ("Quartet for the end of time"), violin, cello, clarinet, piano (1940–41)
- Rondeau, piano (1943)
- Visions de l'Amen ("Visions of the Amen"), two pianos (1943)
- Trois petites Liturgies de la Présence Divine ("Three small liturgies of the Divine Presence"), women's voices, piano solo, ondes Martenot solo, orchestra (1943–44)
- Vingt regards sur l'enfant-Jésus ("Twenty gazes on the Christ-child"), piano (1944)
- Harawi: Chants d'amour et de mort, ("Harawi: Songs of love and death") song cycle (1944)
- Turangalîla-Symphonie, piano solo, ondes Martenot solo, orchestra (1946–48)
- Cinq réchants, 12 singers (1948)
- Cantéyodjayâ, piano (1949)
- Messe de la Pentecôte ("Pentecost mass"), organ (1949–50)
- Quatre études de rythme ("Four studies in rhythm"), piano (1949–50)
- Île de feu 1
- Mode de valeurs et d'intensités
- Neumes rhythmiques
- Île de feu 2
- Le merle noir ("Blackbird"), flute and piano (1952[3])
- Livre d'orgue, organ (1951–52)
- Réveil des oiseaux ("Dawn chorus"), solo piano and orchestra (1953)
- Oiseaux exotiques ("Exotic birds"), solo piano and orchestra (1955–56)
- Catalogue d'oiseaux ("Bird catalogue"), piano (1956–58)
- Book 1
- i Le chocard des alpes ("Alpine chough")
- ii Le loriot ("Golden oriole") (loriot and Loriod are homophones)
- iii Le merle bleu ("Blue rock thrush")
- Book 2
- iv Le traquet stapazin ("Black-eared wheatear")
- Book 3
- Book 4
- vii La rousserolle effarvatte ("Reed warbler")
- Book 5
- viii L'alouette calandrelle ("Short-toed lark")
- ix La bouscarle ("Cetti's warbler")
- Book 6
- x Le merle de roche ("Rock thrush")
- Book 7
- xi La buse variable ("Buzzard")
- xii Le traquet rieur ("Black wheatear")
- xiii Le courlis cendré ("Curlew")
- Book 1
- Chronochromie ("Time-colour"), orchestra (1959–60)
- Verset pour la fête de la dédicace, organ (1960)
- Sept haïkaï ("Seven haikus"), solo piano and orchestra (1962)
- Couleurs de la cité céleste ("Colours of the Celestial City"), solo piano and ensemble (1963)
- Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum ("And I await the resurrection of the dead"), wind, brass and percussion (1964)
- La Transfiguration de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ ("The Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ"), large 10-part chorus, piano solo, cello solo, flute solo, clarinet solo, xylorimba solo, vibraphone solo, large orchestra (1965–69)
- Méditations sur le mystère de la Sainte Trinité ("Meditations on the mystery of the Holy Trinity"), organ (1969)
- La fauvette des jardins ("Garden warbler"), piano (1970)
- Des Canyons aux étoiles… ("From the canyons to the stars…"), solo piano, solo horn, solo glockenspiel, solo xylorimba, small orchestra with 13 string players (1971–74)
- Saint-François d'Assise ("St. Francis of Assisi"), opera (1975–83)
- Livre du Saint Sacrament ("Book of the Holy Sacrament"), organ (1984)
- Petites esquisses d'oiseaux ("Small sketches of birds"), piano (1985)
- Un vitrail et des oiseaux ("Stained-glass window and birds"), piano solo, brass, wind and percussion (1986)
- La ville d'En-haut ("The city on high"), piano solo, brass, wind and percussion (1987)
- Un sourire ("A smile"), orchestra (1989)
- Concert à quatre ("Quadruple concerto"), piano, flute, oboe, cello and orchestra (1990–91, unfinished – completed by Loriod and Benjamin)
- Pièce pour piano et quatuor à cordes ("Piece for piano and string quartet") (1991)
- Eclairs sur l'au-delà ("Flashes on the beyond"), orchestra (1988–92)
Published posthumously
A number of works exist which were not published in Messiaen's lifetime, including the following, some of which have been published posthumously, and some of which are lost.
- La dame de Shallott, for piano (1917)
- La banquet eucharistique, for orchestra (1928)
- Variations écossaises, for organ (1928)
- Fantaisie, for violin and piano (1933, published 2007 – see this note on errors in the score)
- Mass, 8 sopranos and 4 violins (1933)
- Fête des belles eaux, for six ondes Martenots (1937)
- Musique de scène pour un Œdipe, electronic (1942)
- Chant des déportés, chorus and orchestra (1946)
- Timbres-durées, musique concrète (1952), realised by Pierre Henry in the radiophonic workshop of French radio, an experiment which Messiaen later deemed a failure[4]
- Feuillets inedits, for piano and ondes Martenot (unknown, published in 2001)
- Peter Hill and Nigel Simeone (2005). Messiaen. Yale University Press, New Haven and London. ISBN 0-300-10907-5.
- Olivier Messiaen and Claude Samuel (tr. E. Thomas Glasgow) (1994). Conversations with Claude Samuel. Amadeus Press, Portland, Oregon. ISBN 0-931340-67-5.
External links
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