List of historical opera characters

This is a list of historical figures who have been characters in opera or operetta.
Historical accuracy in such works has often been subject to the imperatives of dramatic presentation. Consequently, in many cases:
- historical characters appear alongside fictional characters
- historical characters who never met, or whose lives did not even overlap, appear on stage together
- historical events depicted are transported to earlier or later times or to different places
- historical people are seen participating in entirely fictional events, or vice versa
- the actions of historical people are attributed to other persons
For the purposes of this list, Biblical characters are generally taken to be fictional, unless there is clear evidence of their historicity.
Operas appear in bold when the historical figure is also the title role.
Where a character appears in more than opera, the entries are sorted by composer.
List of historical figures
Abdisho IV Maron, Patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church
- Hans Pfitzner: Palestrina (as Abdisu)
Peter Abelard, French priest, scholar, theologian
- Peter Tahourdin: Héloise and Abelard
- Charles Wilson: Héloise and Abelard
John Quincy Adams, American President
- Anthony Davis, Amistad
- Virgil Thomson: The Mother of Us All
Gabriele Adorno, fifth Doge of Genoa
Flavius Aetius, Roman general
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, German alchemist, writer
- Sergei Prokofiev: The Fiery Angel (as Agrippa of Nettesheim)
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, Roman statesman and general
Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus, Roman consul (32 BC)
- Samuel Barber: Antony and Cleopatra (as Enobarbus)
Pharaoh Akhenaten of Egypt
3rd Duke of Alba, Governor of the Spanish Netherlands
- Gaetano Donizetti, completed by Matteo Salvi: Le duc d'Albe
- Ernst Krenek: Karl V
Albert of Mainz, Elector and Archbishop of Mainz
- Paul Hindemith: Mathis der Maler (as Albrecht von Brandenburg)
Buzz Aldrin, American astronaut
Alexander the Great, King of Macedon
- Girolamo Abos: Alessandro nelle Indie
- George Frideric Handel: Alessandro
- George Frideric Handel: Poro
- José de Nebra: No todo indicio es verdad y Alexandro en Asia
- Giovanni Pacini: Alessandro nelle Indie
(He appears in about 70 other operas set to the same text by Metastasio as used by Pacini, including one by Leonardo Vinci.)
Emperor Alexander Severus of Rome
- Sergei Prokofiev: War and Peace (silent role)
Brigadier General Edward Porter Alexander, American military commander
Tsarina Alexandra of Russia, consort of Tsar Nicholas II
- Deborah Drattell: Nicholas and Alexandra
Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich of Russia, son of Peter the Great
Saint Alexius of Rome
- Stefano Landi: Sant'Alessio (1631; the first opera written on an historical subject)
Alfonso I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara, husband of Lucrezia Borgia
Alfonso II d'Este, Duke of Ferrara
King Alfred the Great, legendary Anglo-Saxon king
- Thomas Arne: Alfred
- Gaetano Donizetti: Alfredo il grande
- Antonín Dvořák: Alfred
- Friedrich von Flotow: Alfred der Große
Dante Alighieri: see Dante
Almanzor (Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir), de facto ruler of al-Andalus
- Giacomo Meyerbeer: L'esule di Granata (as Almanzor)
Pedro de Alvarado, Spanish conquistador
Amalasuntha, Queen of the Ostrogoths
- André Messager: Isoline (as La Reine Amalasonthe)
Anacreon, Greek lyric poet
- Luigi Cherubini: Anacréon
- Jean-Philippe Rameau: Anacréon (1754 version)
- Jean-Philippe Rameau: Anacréon (1757 version)
Jacob Johan Anckarström, Swedish military officer, assassin of Gustav III
Tommaso Aniello: see Masaniello
Anne of Bavaria, Holy Roman Empress, Queen of Rome and Bavaria
- Friedrich von Flotow: Martha (silent role)
Queen Anne (Boleyn), second consort of Henry VIII of England
Queen Anne (Neville), consort of Richard III of England
- Giorgio Battistelli, Richard III (2004)[1]
Saint Anthony the Great
Susan B. Anthony, American women’s rights activist
Antiochus I Soter, King of the Seleucid Empire
Margaret Campbell, Duchess of Argyll, British socialite and sexual celebrity
Gustaf Mauritz Armfelt, Finnish-Swedish diplomat, possible lover of Gustav III of Sweden
Arminius, Germanic chieftain
Edwin H. Armstrong, American radio pioneer, inventor of FM radio transmission
- Evan Hause: The Birth and Theft of Television
Artabanus of Persia, political figure
- Girolamo Abos: Artaserse
- Thomas Arne: Artaxerxes
- Antonio Sacchini: Artaserse
(He appears in over 40 other operas set to the same text from Metastasio's libretto Artaserse)
King Arthur, legendary king of Britain
- Isaac Albéniz: Merlin
- Grażyna Bacewicz: The Adventure of King Arthur
- Ernest Chausson: Le roi Arthus
- Henry Purcell: King Arthur
- Amadeu Vives i Roig: Artús
- Max Vogrich: King Arthur
Chester A. Arthur, American President
Ulrica Arfvidsson, Swedish fortune-teller
Emanuele d'Astorga, Italian composer
- Johann Joseph Abert: Astorga
Atahualpa, Inca sovereign emperor
- Iain Hamilton: The Royal Hunt of the Sun
Atys, son of King Croesus of Lydia
Caesar Augustus, Roman Emperor
- Samuel Barber: Antony and Cleopatra (as Octavius Caesar)
Aurelian, Emperor of Rome
Pharaoh Ay of Egypt
Cardinal Maffeo Barberini: see Pope Urban VIII
Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly, Russian prince and general
Brigitte Bardot, French actress
- Igor Wakhévitch: Être Dieu: opéra-poème, audiovisuel et cathare en six parties (a creation of Salvador Dalí; the performer plays Bardot impersonating an artichoke)
Pyotr Fyodorovich Basmanov, Russian boyar
Daisy Bates, Irish-Australian indigenous welfare worker and anthropologist
Ottoman Sultan Bayezid I "The Thunderbolt"
- George Frideric Handel: Tamerlano (as Bajazet)
- Antonio Vivaldi: Bajazet
Pierre Beaumarchais, French playwright
Saint Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury
Belisarius, Byzantine general
Augustin Daniel Belliard, French general
Belshazzar, Prince of Babylon
- Gioachino Rossini: Ciro in Babilonia (as Baldassare, King of Assyria)
Olga Benário Prestes, German-Brazilian communist militant
Levin August, Count von Bennigsen, German general
Queen Berenice III of Egypt
Louis-Alexandre Berthier, Marshal of France
Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States
- Curtis K. Hughes: Say It Ain't So, Joe
Otto von Bismarck, first Chancellor of Germany
Harman Blennerhassett, Irish-American lawyer
Blondel de Nesle, French troubador
Boabdil: see Muhammad XII of Granada
Francisco de Bobadilla, Spanish colonial administrator
Giovanni Boccaccio, Italian writer, poet
Simone Boccanegra, first Doge of Genoa
George Boleyn, 2nd Viscount Rochford, brother of Anne Boleyn
- Gaetano Donizetti: Anna Bolena (as Rochefort)
Simón Bolívar, South American revolutionary
- Darius Milhaud: Bolivar
Caroline Bonaparte, Queen Consort of Naples and Sicily, sister of Napoleon
Pauline Bonaparte, Princess of France, sister of Napoleon
Lizzie Borden, American celebrity and possible axe-murderer
- Thomas Albert: Lizbeth
- Jack Beeson: Lizzie Borden
Jorge Luis Borges, Argentinian writer
- Juan María Solare: Veinticinco de agosto, 1983 (2 roles, Old Borges, baritone; and Young Borges, tenor)
Saint Francis Borgia, 4th Duke of Gandía, Spanish Superior-General of the Jesuits
Lucrezia Borgia, daughter of Pope Alexander VI
Saint Charles Borromeo, Italian cardinal
Đurađ Branković, Serbian despot
Prince Braslav of Pannonian Croatia
Ed Broadbent, Canadian politician
Gian Francesco Brogni, Italian cardinal
John Hobhouse, 1st Baron Broughton, British memoirist and politician
John Brown, Sergeant of the Second Battalion, Boston Light Infantry Volunteer Militia
- Walter Schumann: John Brown's Body
Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Flemish painter
- Jean Absil: Pierre Breughel l'Ancien
Antonín Brus z Mohelnice, Archbishop of Prague
- Hans Pfitzner: Palestrina (as Anton Brus von Müglitz)
Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger, Roman politician, co-assassin of Julius Caesar
William Jennings Bryan, American Secretary of State, presidential candidate
Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of Buckingham (1st creation)
- Giorgio Battistelli, Richard III (2004)[1]
George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham (2nd creation), English poet, statesman
- Max Vogrich: Buddha
Johannes Bureus, Swedish scholar
- Wilhelm Peterson-Berger: The Doomsday Prophets (as Johan Bure)
William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, English statesman, adviser to Elizabeth I
- Gaetano Donizetti: Maria Stuarda (as Lord Guglielmo Cecil)
Aaron Burr, third Vice President of the United States
Anne Isabella Byron, Baroness Byron, wife of Lord Byron
Lord Byron, English poet
- Agustí Charles: Lord Byron: un estiu sense estiu (Lord Byron: a summer without summer)
- Virgil Thomson: Lord Byron
Cacamatzin, Aztec king
Alessandro Cagliostro (Giuseppe Balsamo), Italian adventurer and imposter
Maria Callas, American-Greek opera singer
Luís de Camões, Portuguese poet
Kim Campbell, Prime Minister of Canada
Margaret Campbell, Duchess of Argyll, British socialite
Lorenzo Campeggio, Cardinal Protector of England
Canek, Aztec High Priest
Wolfgang Capito, German religious reformer
Carlos, Prince of Asturias, son of Philip II of Spain
Julian Carlton, American murderer of Mamah Cheney, mistress of Frank Lloyd Wright
Enrico Caruso, Italian tenor
- Edwin Penhorwood: Too Many Sopranos (spoofed as "Enrico Carouser")
Giacomo Casanova, Italian adventurer and libertine
- Dominick Argento: Casanova's Homecoming
- Albert Lortzing: Casanova
Servilius Casca, co-assassin of Julius Caesar
Gaius Cassius Longinus, Roman politician, co-assassin of Julius Caesar
Fidel Castro, Cuban leader
Inês de Castro, lover and lawful wife of King Peter I of Portugal
- Vicent Lleó i Balbastre: Inés de Castro
- James MacMillan: Ines de Castro
- Thomas Pasatieri: Ines de Castro
- Giuseppe Persiani: Ines de Castro
- Niccolò Antonio Zingarelli: Ines de Castro
- Sir William Catesby
- Giorgio Battistelli, Richard III (2004)[1]
Empress Catherine I of Russia
- Gaetano Donizetti: Il falegname di Livonia, o Pietro il grande, czar delle Russie
- André Grétry: Pierre le Grand
Empress Catherine II "The Great" of Russia
- César Cui: The Captain's Daughter
- Igor Wakhévitch: Être Dieu: opéra-poème, audiovisuel et cathare en six parties (a creation of Salvador Dalí; Catherine does a striptease with Marilyn Monroe)
Queen Catherine (of Aragon), first wife of Henry VIII of England
Queen Catherine (Parr), sixth and last wife of Henry VIII
- Anthony Collins: Catherine Parr
Pierre Cauchon, French bishop
Armand Augustin Louis de Caulaincourt, French general
- Sergei Prokofiev: War and Peace (silent role)
Guido Cavalcanti, Florentine poet
- Ezra Pound and George Antheil: Cavalcanti
Arthur Cecil, English actor, theatre manager
Cecily Neville, Duchess of York
- Giorgio Battistelli, Richard III (2004)[1]
Benvenuto Cellini, Italian sculptor, goldsmith, artisan
Beatrice Cenci, Italian noblewoman, protagonist of a famous murder trial
- Havergal Brian: The Cenci (1951–52)
- Alberto Ginastera: Beatrix Cenci
- Berthold Goldschmidt: Beatrice Cenci
- Alessandro Londei e Brunella Caronti: Beatrice Cenci (2006)
- James Rolfe: Beatrice Chancy
Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish writer
- Rafael Aceves y Lozano: El manco de Lepanto
- Jacinto Guerrero: El huésped del sevillano, zarzuela (Cervantes appears as "el huésped")
Lindy Chamberlain and Michael Chamberlain, Australian parents wrongly convicted of the murder of their daughter Azaria
Charles Chaplin, British actor
- Salvador Bacarisse: Charlot
Charlemagne, King of the Franks
- Vincenzo Manfredini: Carlo Magno
- Franz Schubert: Fierrabras
- Carl Maria von Weber: Oberon
- Sir George Alexander Macfarren: King Charles II
- Robert Planquette: Nell Gwynne
King Charles II of Spain
Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor
- Ignaz Holzbauer: Günther von Schwarzburg (as Karl, King of Bohemia)
King Charles VI of France
- César Cui: The Saracen
- Norman Dello Joio: The Triumph of St. Joan
- Fromental Halévy: Charles VI
- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: The Maid of Orleans
- Giuseppe Verdi: Giovanna d'Arco (as Carlo VII)
King Charles XI of Sweden
Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy
Charles Martel, Duke and Prince of the Franks
Charmian, servant to Cleopatra
Thomas Chatterton, English poet and forger
- Ruggero Leoncavallo: Chatterton
- Matthias Pintscher: Thomas Chatterton
- Gerard Victory: Chatterton
Geoffrey Chaucer, English author, poet, philosopher, courtier and diplomat
Edwin Cheney, American electrical engineer
Mamah Cheney, wife of Edwin Cheney, murdered mistress of Frank Lloyd Wright
André Chénier, French journalist
Sir Richard Cholmondeley, Lieutenant of the Tower of London
Frédéric Chopin, Polish-French composer
- Giacomo Orefice: Chopin (very loosely based on his life; all the other characters are fictional)
Chou En-lai: see Zhou Enlai
Jean Chrétien, Canadian Prime Minister
Saint Christopher, revered but legendary saint
- Vincent d'Indy: La légende de Saint-Christophe
Tillius Cimber, co-assassin of Julius Caesar
- Giselher Klebe: Die Ermordung Cäsars (as Metellus Cimber)
Helvius Cinna, Roman poet
Lucius Cornelius Cinna, Roman consul
Henri Coiffier de Ruzé, Marquis of Cinq-Mars, French royal favourite of Louis XIII
George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence
- Giorgio Battistelli, Richard III (2004)[1]
Emperor Claudius of Rome
Cleitus the Black, Macedonian soldier
- George Frideric Handel: Alessandro, (as Clito)
Cleopatra VII, Pharaoh of Egypt
- Samuel Barber: Antony and Cleopatra
- Domenico Cimarosa: La Cleopatra
- Carl Heinrich Graun: Cesare e Cleopatra
- Louis Gruenberg: Antony and Cleopatra
- Henry Kimball Hadley: Cleopatra's Night
- George Frideric Handel: Giulio Cesare (in Egitto)
- Jules Massenet: Cléopâtre
- Felip Pedrell: Cléopâtre
Henry Clifford, 10th Baron de Clifford, English military commander
Bill Clinton, US President
- Bonnie Montgomery: Billy Blythe
Hillary Clinton, American First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State
- Curtis K. Hughes: Say It Ain't So, Joe
Olivier de Clisson, Breton soldier
Cloelia, early Roman figure, possibly legendary
- Filippo Amadei, Giovanni Bononcini and George Frideric Handel: Muzio Scevola
Robert Coates, Canadian politician
Howell Cobb, American political figure
Walter Cocking, dean at the University of Georgia, the focus of the "Cocking affair"
- Michael Braz: A Scholar Under Siege
Horatius Cocles, Roman military officer
- Filippo Amadei, Giovanni Bononcini and George Frideric Handel: Muzio Scevola
Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus, Roman consul, husband of Lucretia
Stefano Colonna (1265–1348), Roman political figure
Christopher Columbus, Genoese explorer of the New World
- Leonardo Balada: Cristóbal Colón
- Leonardo Balada: Death of Columbus
- Ramon Carnicer: Cristoforo Colombo
- Manuel de Falla: Atlántida
- Alberto Franchetti: Cristoforo Colombo
- Philip Glass: The Voyage
- Darius Milhaud: Christophe Colomb
Anthony Comstock, American morals campaigner
Emperor Constantine I "The Great" of Rome
Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish scientist
- Claude Vivier: Kopernikus
Charlotte Corday, French Girondin revolutionary
Saint Corentin of Quimper, Breton patron saint of seafood
Gaius Marcius Coriolanus, legendary Roman leader
- Francesco Cavalli: Coriolano
Catherine Cornaro, consort of James II of Cyprus
- Gaetano Donizetti: Caterina Cornaro
- Fromental Halévy: La reine de Chypre
- Franz Lachner: Caterina Cornaro
Giorgio Cornaro, Italian nobleman, father of Catherine Cornaro
- Gaetano Donizetti: Caterina Cornaro (as Andrea Cornaro)
Jeronimus Cornelisz, Dutch apothecary and merchant
Hernán Cortés, Spanish conquistador
- Ruperto Chapí: Las naves de Cortés
- Lorenzo Ferrero: La Conquista
- Carl Heinrich Graun: Montezuma
- Henry Kimball Hadley: Azora, the Daughter of Montezuma
- Aniceto Ortega: Guatimotzin
- Wolfgang Rihm: Die Eroberung von Mexico
- Roger Sessions: Montezuma
- Gaspare Spontini: Fernand Cortez
- Antonio Vivaldi: Motezuma (as Fernando)
Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Sir Peter Maxwell Davies: Taverner (not identified as such)
- Camille Saint-Saëns: Henry VIII
Marcus Licinius Crassus, Roman general and politician
Flavius Julius Crispus, Caesar of the Roman Empire
Croesus, King of Lydia
Oliver Cromwell, English Puritan leader
- Salvatore Agnelli: Cromwell
Cuauhtémoc, Aztec king
Sir Henry Cuffe, English politician
Cyrano de Bergerac, French dramatist and duellist
- Franco Alfano: Cyrano de Bergerac
- Walter Damrosch: Cyrano
- David DiChiera, orch. Mark Flint: Cyrano
- Eino Tamberg: Cyrano de Bergerac
Cyrus the Great, King of Persia
Salvador Dalí, Spanish painter
- Xavier Benguerel: Jo, Dalí (I, Dalí)
- Igor Wakhévitch: Être Dieu: opéra-poème, audiovisuel et cathare en six parties (Dalí's creation; his character is in turn playing God)
Dalibor of Kozojed, Czech knight
Dante Alighieri, Italian poet
Georges Danton, French revolutionary figure
- John Eaton: Danton and Robespierre
- Gottfried von Einem: Dantons Tod
Jacques d'Arc, French farmer, father of Joan of Arc
- Giuseppe Verdi: Giovanna d'Arco (as Giacomo)
King Darius III of Persia
Sir William Davenant, English poet and playwright
Louis-Nicolas Davout, Marshal of France
Gotse Delchev, Macedonian revolutionary figure
Marion Delorme, French courtesan
Camille Desmoulins, French revolutionary journalist, politician
Bernal Díaz del Castillo, Spanish conquistador
Jimena Díaz, wife of El Cid, ruler of Valencia
- Claude Debussy: Rodrigue et Chimène
- Giuseppe Farinelli: Il Cid della Spagna (as Climene)
- Jules Massenet: Le Cid (as Chimene)
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, "El Cid"
- Johann Caspar Aiblinger: Rodrigo und Ximene
- Peter Cornelius: Der Cid
- Claude Debussy: Rodrigue et Chimène
- Giuseppe Farinelli: Il Cid della Spagna
- Jules Massenet: Le Cid
- Antonio Sacchini: Il Cid
Georgi Dimitrov, Bulgarian Communist leader
Emperor Diocletian of Rome
Tsar Dmitri Ioannovich of Russia, the so-called "False Dmitriy I"
Dmitry Donskoy, Prince of Moscow, Grand Prince of Vladimir
Dobrynya Nikitich, legendary Kievan bogatyr
Publius Cornelius Dolabella, Roman general
Saint Dominic, Domingo de Guzman, founder of the Dominicans
Lord Alfred "Bosie" Douglas, English writer, lover of Oscar Wilde
- Theodore Morrison: Oscar (non-singing role)
James Douglas, Lord of Douglas, Scots soldier, known as the "Black Douglas"
- Gioachino Rossini: Robert Bruce (pastiche)
Frederick Douglass, African-American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman
György Dózsa, Hungarian leader of peasant revolt
Sir Francis Drake, English adventurer, pirate, politician
John Dryden, English poet
King Duncan I of Scotland
Ana de Mendoza, Princess of Éboli, Spanish aristocrat
Nelson Eddy, American tenor, actor
- Edwin Penhorwood: Too Many Sopranos (spoofed as "Nelson Deadly")
King Edward II of England
- Gioachino Rossini: Robert Bruce (pastiche)
King Edward IV of England
King Edward V of England (as Prince Edward)
- Giorgio Battistelli, Richard III (2004)[1]
King Edward VI of England
- Priit Pajusaar: The Prince and the Pauper (2013)[2]
Adolf Eichmann, German Nazi SS Head
Albert Einstein, German-American scientist
- Paul Dessau: Einstein
- Philip Glass: Einstein on the Beach
Emperor Elagabalus of Rome (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus)
- Pietro Simone Agostini: Eliogabalo
- Francesco Cavalli: Eliogabalo
Eleanor of Austria, Queen Consort of Portugal and France
Eleanor of Guzman, mistress of King Alfonso XI of Castile and mother of Henry II
- Gaetano Donizetti: La favorite (as Leonor de Guzmán)
- Ignaz Holzbauer: Günther von Schwarzburg (as Asberta)
Elisabeth Farnese, Queen Consort to Philip V of Spain
Elisabeth of Valois, daughter of Henry II of France and Catherine de' Medici, wife of Philip II of Spain
Queen Elizabeth I of Castile: see Queen Isabella I of Castile
Queen Elizabeth I of England
- Thomas Arne: Eliza (she does not appear as a character as such, but the opera is named for her)
- Benjamin Britten: Gloriana
- Gaetano Donizetti: Il castello di Kenilworth
- Gaetano Donizetti: Maria Stuarda
- Gaetano Donizetti: Roberto Devereux
- Edward German: Merrie England
- Gioachino Rossini: Elisabetta, regina d'Inghilterra
Queen Elizabeth (Woodville), consort of King Edward IV of England
- Giorgio Battistelli, Richard III (2004)[1]
Fanny Elssler, Austrian ballerina
Ninon de l'Enclos, French courtesan
Enzio of Sardinia, king of Sardinia
- Johann Joseph Abert: König Enzio and Enzio von Hohenstaufen (2nd version)
Erasistratus, Greek anatomist, physician
King Eric V of Denmark
- Peter Arnold Heise: Drot og marsk (King and Marshall)
José de Espronceda, Spanish poet
- Federico Moreno Torroba: El poeta
Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, Elizabethan courtier and royal favourite
Frances, Countess of Essex, English noblewoman
Eufrosinia, daughter of Yaroslav Osmomysl, Prince of Halych
- Alexander Borodin: Prince Igor (as Yaroslavna)
Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice
Farinelli, Italian castrato singer
- Daniel Auber: La part du diable (or Carlo Broschi) (as Carlo Broschi)
- John Barnett: Farinelli
Philo Farnsworth, American television pioneer
- Evan Hause: The Birth and Theft of Television
Fausta Flavia Maxima, Empress of Rome, second wife of Constantine the Great
Charles Simon Favart, French dramatist
Marie Favart, French opera singer, actress
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor
King Ferdinand I of León and Castile
Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor
King Ferdinand II of Aragon (and Ferdinand V of Castile)
- Giuseppe Apolloni: L'ebreo
- Leonardo Balada: Cristóbal Colón
- Leonardo Balada: Death of Columbus
- Darius Milhaud: Christophe Colomb
Roger de Flor, German-born soldier serving Aragon kings
- Ruperto Chapí: Roger de Flor
James Forrestal, US Secretary of Defense
- Evan Hause: Nightingale: The Last Days of James Forrestal
Francesco Foscari, Doge of Venice
Joseph Fouché, Duke of Otranto
Francesca da Rimini, contemporary and literary subject of Dante
- Emil Ábrányi: Paola és Francesca
- Alfredo Aracil: Francesca o El infierno de los enamorados
- Emanuele Borgatta: Francesca da Rimini
- Paolo Carlini: Francesca da Rimini
- Fournier-Gorre: Francesca da Rimini
- Pietro Generali: Francesca da Rimini
- Hermann Goetz: Francesca da Rimini
- Franco Leoni: Francesca da Rimini
- Gioacchino Maglioni: Francesca da Rimini
- Luigi Mancinelli: Paolo e Francesca
- Saverio Mercadante: Francesca da Rimini
- Francesco Morlacchi: Francesca da Rimini
- Eugene Nordal: Francesca da Rimini
- Salvatore Papparlado: Francesca da Rimini
- Gaetano Quilici: Francesca da Rimini
- Sergei Rachmaninoff: Francesca da Rimini (as Francesca Malatesta)
- Giuseppe Staffa: Francesca da Rimini
- Feliciano Strepponi: Francesca da Rimini
- Antonio Tamburini: Francesca da Rimini
- Ambroise Thomas: Francesca da Rimini
- Riccardo Zandonai: Francesca da Rimini
Saint Francis of Assisi, founder of the Franciscans
King Francis I of France
- Ernst Krenek: Karl V (as Franz I)
- Camille Saint-Saëns: Ascanio
Anne Frank, Dutch diarist
Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria
John Allen Fraser, Canadian politician
Fredegund, Merovingian Queen Consort
- César Franck: Ghiselle
- Reinhard Keiser: Fredegunda (1715)
Frederick I "Barbarossa", Holy Roman Emperor
King Frederick II "The Great" of Prussia
- Gavin Bryars, Philip Glass and others: The Civil Wars: A Tree Is Best Measured When It Is Down
- Giacomo Meyerbeer: Ein Feldlager in Schlesien (he does not appear on stage, but is heard playing the flute in the background)
Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg
Frederick William I, Elector of Brandenburg
Jean Froissart, French chronicler
- Aulis Sallinen: Kuningas lähtee Ranskaan (The King Goes Forth to France)
Georg von Frundsberg, South German knight
Tsar Fyodor II of Russia, son of Boris Godunov
Galileo Galilei, Italian scientist
Vasily Vasilyevich Galitzine, Russian statesman
Galla Placidia, Roman regent, daughter of Emperor Theodosius I
- Jaume Pahissa i Jo: Gal·la Placídia (1913)
Vasco da Gama, Portuguese explorer
Count Peter Gamba, associate of Lord Byron
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Indian freedom advocate
Garcilaso de la Vega, Spanish poet and soldier
- Ruperto Chapí: La muerte de Garcilaso
Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italian freedom fighter
Margaret "Peggy" Garner, American slave who killed her own daughter rather than allow the child to be returned to slavery
Antoni Gaudí, Catalan architect
- Joan Guinjoan: Gaudí
Paul Gauguin, French painter
- Einojuhani Rautavaara: Vincent
- Michael Smetanin: Gauguin: A Synthetic Life (2000; libretto by Alison Croggon)
- Christopher Yavelow: The Passion of Vincent van Gogh
King George III of the United Kingdom
Priscilla German Reed, English singer and actress
Thomas German Reed, English composer and theatre manager
Carlo Gesualdo, Italian composer and murderer
- Marc-André Dalbavie: Gesualdo (2010)
- Francesco d'Avalos: Maria di Venosa (1992)
- Scott Glasgow: The Prince of Venosa (1998)
- Bo Holten: Gesualdo (2003)
- Franz Hummek: Gesualdo (1998)
- Alfred Schnittke: Gesualdo
- Salvatore Sciarrino: Luci mie traditrici (1998)
Allen Ginsberg, American poet
Lisa del Giocondo, Italian woman, subject of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa
- Max von Schillings: Mona Lisa (as Mona Fiordalisa)
Salvatore Giuliano, Sicilian peasant
Godfrey of Bouillon, Frankish knight, leader of the First Crusade
- George Frideric Handel: Rinaldo (as Goffredo)
Boris Godunov, Tsar of Russia
Xenia Borisovna Godunova, daughter of Boris Godunov
Sir Eugene Goossens, English conductor and composer
- Drew Crawford: Eugene & Roie
Violet Gordon-Woodhouse, English harpsichordist
St Maria Goretti, 20th century Catholic martyr
- Marcel Delannoy: Maria Goretti, radiophonic opera
- Evan Hause: Man: Biology of a Fall
Francisco Goya, Spanish painter
- Gian Carlo Menotti: Goya
- Michael Nyman: Facing Goya (he appears as a silent apparition)
Princess Grace of Monaco, American-born actress (as Grace Kelly)
Antonio Gramsci, Italian political theorist
Urbain Grandier, French priest
Julia Dent Grant, American First Lady
Ulysses S. Grant, American President
Thomas Gray, English poet
Edvard Grieg, Norwegian composer
Nina Grieg, Norwegian singer, cousin and wife of Edvard Grieg
- Edvard Grieg, arr. Robert Wright and George Forrest: Song of Norway
Gen Leslie Groves, American military officer
Matthias Grünewald, German renaissance painter
Teresa, Contessa Guiccioli, Italian mistress of Lord Byron
Guinevere, wife of King Arthur of Britain
- Ernest Chausson: Le roi Arthus (as Guenièvre)
Francis, Duke of Guise, French nobleman
Günther von Schwarzburg, German king
Saint Guntram, King of Burgundy
King Gustav I of Sweden
- Giuseppe Apolloni: Gustavo Wasa
King Gustav III of Sweden
Nell Gwyn, English actress, mistress of King Charles II
Hadrian, Roman emperor
- Metastasio: Adriano in Siria
- José de Nebra: Más gloria es triunfar de sí, o, Adriano en Siria
Emma, Lady Hamilton, English mistress of Horatio, Lord Nelson
Sir William Hamilton, British diplomat, husband of Emma, Lady Hamilton
Hannibal, Carthaginian ruler
- Johann Adolph Hasse, Domènec Terradellas, Giovanni Battista Lampugnani and Pietro Domenico Paradisi: Annibale in Capua
King Harald Hardrada (Harald III of Norway)
Sir Thomas Hardy, 1st Baronet, British sea captain, commander of HMS Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar
Harold Godwinson (Harold II), Anglo-Saxon King of England
Frank Harris, Irish-American journalist, publisher
- Theodore Morrison: Oscar
Harun al-Rashid, Abbasid Caliph
Hasdrubal Gisco, Carthaginian general
William Hastings, 1st Baron Hastings
- Giorgio Battistelli, Richard III (2004)[1]
Wiebbe Hayes, Dutch soldier
Heloïse, French nun associated with Peter Abelard
- Peter Tahourdin: Héloise and Abelard
- Charles Wilson: Héloise and Abelard
Sally Hemings, American mixed-race slave owned by Thomas Jefferson
Henri, Prince of Condé, French noble
Henrietta Maria of France, queen consort of Charles I of England
King Henry II of England
- Gaetano Donizetti: Rosmonda d'Inghilterra (as Enrico II)
- Otto Nicolai: Rosmonda d'Inghilterra (given at the first performance as Enrico II)
King Henry III of Castile
- Amadeu Vives i Roig: La villana
King Henry III of France also as Henri de Valois, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania
King Henry IV of France
King Henry V of England
- Gustav Holst: At the Boar's Head (as Prince Hal)
King Henry VII of England (as Henry, Duke of Richmond)
- Giorgio Battistelli, Richard III (2004)[1]
- Sir Peter Maxwell Davies: Taverner (not identified as such)
- Gaetano Donizetti: Anna Bolena (as Enrico)
- Camille Saint-Saëns: Henry VIII
Henry the Fowler, Duke of Saxony, King of the Germans
Henry the Lion, German prince (Henry III of Saxony, Henry XII of Bavaria)
Marie-Jean Hérault de Séchelles, French revolutionary politician
Hermann I, Landgrave of Thuringia
E. T. A. Hoffmann, German author
Fanny Holland, English singer and actress
Clasina Maria "Sien" Hoornik (1850–1904), Dutch alcoholic prostitute, sometime lover of Vincent van Gogh
Pharaoh Horemheb of Egypt
Count Claes Fredrik Horn, co-conspirator with Anckarström in the assassination of King Gustav III of Sweden
- Daniel Auber: Gustave III (as Dehorn)
- Giuseppe Verdi: Un ballo in maschera
Harry Houdini, Hungarian-American escapologist
- Peter Schat: Houdini
Ladislaus Hunyadi, Hungarian statesman
Stig Andersen Hvide, Danish marshal, later an outlaw
- Peter Arnold Heise: Drot og marsk (King and Marshal) (as Marshal Stig)
Queen Hypsicratea of Pontus, consort of Mithradates VI
- Francesco Cavalli: Pompeo Magno (as Issicratea)
- Alessandro Scarlatti: Mitridate Eupatore
Muhammad al-Idrisi, Andalusian cartographer, traveller
- Karol Szymanowski: King Roger (as Edrisi)
Gwen Ifill, American television journalist
- Curtis K. Hughes: Say It Ain't So, Joe
Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Spanish knight, founder of the Society of Jesus
Igor Svyatoslavich, Prince of Putivl, Novgorod-Seversk and Chernigov
Jaakko Ilkka, Finnish peasant leader
Ingegerd Olofsdotter of Sweden
John Ireland, Dean of Westminster
Isabeau of Bavaria, Queen Consort of Charles VI of France
Isabel Moctezuma (Teutile), daughter of Moctezuma II
Queen Isabella I of Castile
- Emilio Arrieta: La conquista de Granada
- Giuseppe Apolloni: L'ebreo
- Leonardo Balada: Cristóbal Colón
- Leonardo Balada: Death of Columbus
- Manuel de Falla: Atlàntida
- Alberto Franchetti: Cristoforo Colombo
- Philip Glass: The Voyage
- Vicente Martín y Soler: Una cosa rara
- Darius Milhaud: Christophe Colomb
Isabella of France, Queen Consort of Edward II of England and mother of Edward III
- Gaetano Donizetti: L'assedio di Calais (she is Edward III's wife in the opera; in real life, she was his mother)
Isabella of Portugal, Holy Roman Empress, Queen Consort of Aragon and Castile
Tsar Ivan IV of Russia, "Ivan the Terrible"
- Georges Bizet: Ivan IV
- Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: The Noblewoman Vera Sheloga (unseen role; he is the father of Vera's child)
- Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: The Maid of Pskov
Izumi Shikibu, Japanese poet
Jack the Ripper, unidentified murderer of English prostitutes
King James II of Cyprus "James the Bastard of Lusignan"
- Gaetano Donizetti: Caterina Cornaro (as Lusignano)
- Fromental Halévy: La reine de Chypre (as Lusignan)
King James V of Scotland
- Gioachino Rossini: La donna del lago (in disguise as Uberto)
Lady Jane Grey, disputed Queen of England
- Henri Büsser: Jane Grey
- Nicola Vaccai: Giovanna Gray
Queen Jane (Seymour), third consort of Henry VIII of England
Thomas Jefferson, American President
Jérôme Bonaparte, King of Westphalia
Jesus of Nazareth and his apostles
- Anton Cajetan Adlgasser: Christus am Ölberg
- Harrison Birtwistle: The Last Supper
- Constantine Koukias: Days and Nights with Christ (played by a non-singing dancer)
- Anton Rubinstein: Christus, sacred opera
- Josep Soler i Sardà: Jesús de Natzaret, opera
Jiang Qing Chinese figure, 4th wife of Mao Zedong
- John Adams: Nixon in China (as Chiang Ch'ing)
- Bright Sheng: Madame Mao
St Joan of Arc, French saint
- Norman Dello Joio: The Triumph of St. Joan
- Giselher Klebe: Das Mädchen aus Domrémy
- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: The Maid of Orleans
- Giuseppe Verdi: Giovanna d'Arco
- For details of more operatic and other musical depictions of Joan of Arc, see Cultural depictions of Joan of Arc#Operas, oratorios, and vocal works
Joan I of Naples, Queen of Naples
- Juan Manén: Giovanna di Napoli
Joanna of Castile, Queen of Castile and Aragon
- Ernst Krenek: Karl V (as Juana)
- Enric Palomar: Juana
Patriarch Job of Moscow, Russian Orthodox prelate
John, Prince of Asturias, Spanish prince, son of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile
King John of England
- Sir Arthur Sullivan: Ivanhoe (as Prince John)
Don John of Austria, Bavarian soldier in Spanish service, son of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
- Ruperto Chapí: Don Juan de Austria, zarzuela in 3 acts
- Isaac Nathan: Don John of Austria
John of Leiden, Dutch Anabaptist leader
- Giacomo Meyerbeer: Le prophète (as Jean de Leyde)
Andrew Johnson, American President
Lyndon B. Johnson, American President
- Evan Hause: Nightingale: The Last Days of James Forrestal
Ben Jonson, English poet
- Georg Jarno: Die Försterchristl (or possibly a fictitious "Franz Joseph II of Austria")
Joséphine de Beauharnais, Consort of Napoleon I
Julia Caesaris, daughter of Julius Caesar, 4th wife of Pompey the Great
Julius Caesar, Consul and Dictator of Rome
Frida Kahlo, Mexican painter
Christoph Kaufmann (or Kauffman), associate of Jakob Lenz
Grace Kelly: see Princess Grace of Monaco
John F. Kennedy, American President
Johannes Kepler, German astronomer, mathematician
Ivan Andreyevich Khovansky, "Tararui" (chatterbox), Russian boyar
Edgar Ray Killen, KKK leader, murderer
Larry King, American talk-show host
Henry Kissinger, American Secretary of State
Aleksis Kivi, Finnish writer
Leon Klinghoffer, American ship passenger murdered by terrorists
Vasily Kochubey, Cossack hetman, associate of Ivan Mazepa
Konchak, Polovtsian khan
Konchakovna, his daughter
Kublai Khan, Grand Khan of the Mongol Empire
Mikhail Kutuzov, Russian field marshal
Ladislaus I of Poland: see Władysław I the Elbow-high
Ladislaus the Posthumous, Duke of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia
- Ferenc Erkel: Hunyadi László (as László V)
Lady Caroline Lamb, lover of Lord Byron
Anne Françoise Elisabeth Lange, French actress, known as "Mademoiselle Lange"
Adrienne Lecouvreur, French actress
(Eleanor) Agnes Lee, daughter of Robert E. Lee
Mary Anna Custis Lee, wife of Robert E. Lee
General Robert E. Lee
- Gavin Bryars, Philip Glass and others: The Civil Wars: A Tree Is Best Measured When It Is Down
- Philip Glass: Appomattox
François Joseph Lefebvre, Marshal of France, Duke of Danzig
- His wife, née Cathérine Hubscher, later Duchess of Danzig
- Ivan Caryll: The Duchess of Dantzic (as Catherine Üpscher)
- Umberto Giordano: Madame Sans-Gêne
Guillaume Le Gentil, French astronomer
Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, English courtier, favourite of Elizabeth I
- Gaetano Donizetti: Il castello di Kenilworth
- Gaetano Donizetti: Maria Stuarda (as Roberto)
- Gioachino Rossini: Elisabetta, regina d'Inghilterra
Augusta Leigh, half-sister and incestuous lover of Lord Byron
Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz, German writer
- Giuseppe Verdi: Attila (as Leone)
Brother Leo, friend and confidant of Francis of Assisi
(i) Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, Roman triumvir
(ii) Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, heir to Emperor Caligula of Rome
Leszek I the White, High Duke of Poland 1194-1227
- Józef Elsner: Leszek Biały
Ada Leverson, British novelist
- Theodore Morrison: Oscar
Li Bai or Li Po, Chinese poet
Liliuokalani, Queen of Hawaii
- Paul Abraham: Die Blume von Hawaii, operetta
Abraham Lincoln, American President
Mary Todd Lincoln, American First Lady
- Gavin Bryars, Philip Glass and others: The Civil Wars: A Tree Is Best Measured When It Is Down
- Philip Glass: Appomattox
Charles Lindbergh, American pioneer aviator
- Paul Hindemith and Kurt Weill: Der Lindberghflug (Lindbergh's Flight). This was later changed by removal of Hindemith's contribution, renaming it to Der Ozeanflug (The Flight across the Ocean), and removal of Lindbergh's name. The opening line was changed from "My name is Charles Lindbergh" to "My name is of no account".
Judah Loew ben Bezalel, Bohemian Talmudic scholar
- Nicolae Bretan: Golem (as Rabbi Lőw)
- Eugen d'Albert: Der Golem
King Louis V of France
King Louis VI of France
King Louis XII of France
King Louis XIII of France
King Louis XIV of France
- Léo Delibes: Le roi l'a dit (unseen role; he is referred to by the other characters)
King Louis XV of France
- Michel Richard Delalande and André Cardinal Destouches: Les élémens (represented by a chorus)
- Leo Fall: Madame Pompadour
King Louis XVI of France
Francis Lovell, 1st Viscount Lovell
- Giorgio Battistelli, Richard III (2004)[1]
Lucan, Roman poet
Lucretia, Roman noblewoman raped by Sextus Tarquinius (legendary)
Martin Luther, initiator of the Protestant Reformation
Douglas MacArthur, American general
Jeanette MacDonald, American soprano, actress
- Edwin Penhorwood: Too Many Sopranos (spoofed as "Just Jeannette")
Sir John A. Macdonald, first Prime Minister of Canada
William McDougall, Canadian politician
Ralph McGill, American anti-segregationist journalist
- Michael Braz: A Scholar Under Siege
Wilmer McLean, American Civil War figure
Colin McPhee, Canadian composer and musicologist
- Evan Ziporyn: A House in Bali
King Macbeth of Scotland
- Ernest Bloch: Macbeth
- Iain Hamilton: The Tragedy of Macbeth
- Salvatore Sciarrino: Macbeth
- Giuseppe Verdi: Macbeth
Lucius Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus, Roman general, natural father of Scipio Aemilianus
Gaius Maecenas, political adviser to Octavian (Caesar Augustus)
Saint Magnus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney
Gustav Mahler, Austrian composer
Marion Mahony, American architect and artist, wife of Walter Burley Griffin
Giovanni Malatesta, husband and murderer of Francesca da Rimini
- Sergei Rachmaninoff: Francesca da Rimini (as Lanciotto Malatesta)
- Riccardo Zandonai: Francesca da Rimini (as Giovanni lo Sciancato)
Malatestino Malatesta, Lord of Rimini
- Riccardo Zandonai: Francesca da Rimini (as Malatestino dall'Occhio)
Paolo Malatesta, brother-in-law and lover of Francesca da Rimini
- Sergei Rachmaninoff: Francesca da Rimini
- Riccardo Zandonai: Francesca da Rimini (as Paolo il Bello)
La Malinche, Aztec mistress of Hernán Cortés
Mao Zedong, Chinese leader
- John Adams: Nixon in China (as Mao Tse-tung)
Madame Mao: see Jiang Qing
Jean-Paul Marat, Jacobin leader
Benedetto Marcello, Italian composer
- Joachim Raff: Benedetto Marcello
Alexey Maresyev, Russian fighter pilot
Margaret of Anjou, Queen consort to Henry VI of England
Marguérite de Valois, consort of Henry IV of France/Henry III of Navarre
Sister Maria Celeste, Italian nun, illegitimate daughter of Galileo Galilei
Maria Luisa Fernanda, Duchess of Montpensier, Infanta of Spain
Marie Antoinette, Queen Consort of Louis XVI of France
Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma, wife of Napoleon I
Marie Louise Gonzaga, French Queen consort to 2 Polish kings
Empress Maria Theresa of Austria
Guadalupe Marín, Mexican model and novelist, second wife of Diego Rivera
- Robert Xavier Rodriguez: Frida (as Lupe)
Mark Antony, Roman politician and general
- Samuel Barber: Antony and Cleopatra
- Domenico Cimarosa: La Cleopatra
- Louis Gruenberg: Antony and Cleopatra
- Henry Kimball Hadley: Cleopatra's Night
- Giselher Klebe: Die Ermordung Cäsars
- Jules Massenet: Cléopâtre
Martyrs of Compiègne, a group of French Carmelite nuns
Saint Mary of Egypt, patron saint of penitents
- Ottorino Respighi: Maria egiziaca
- John Tavener: Mary of Egypt
- Gaetano Donizetti: Maria Stuarda
- Thea Musgrave: Mary, Queen of Scots
- Louis Niedermeyer: Marie Stuart
Queen Mary I of England "Bloody Mary"
Mary Tudor, Queen of France, sister of Henry VIII, husband of Louis XII
Masaniello (Tommaso Aniello), Neapolitan fisherman, revolutionary leader
- Daniel Auber: La muette de Portici (aka Masaniello)
- Reinhard Keiser: Masagniello
- Reinhard Keiser: Die neapolitanische Fischer-Empörung oder Masaniello furioso
- Jacopo Napoli: Mas' Aniello
Masinissa, first King of Numidia
Mata Hari, Dutch spy
King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary
- Ferenc Erkel: Hunyadi László (as Mátyás Hunyadi)
Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus Herculius, aka Maximian, Roman ruler
Maximinian, co-Emperor of Rome
Ivan Mazepa, Cossack hetman, military leader
Col. Robert R. McCormick, American newspaper publisher
Cosimo de' Medici, ruler of Florence
Giuliano de' Medici, son of Lorenzo the Magnificent
Lorenzo de' Medici, "Lorenzo the Magnificent", Italian statesman
Lorenzino de' Medici, Italian writer and assassin
- Giovanni Pacini: Lorenzino de' Medici
Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II
- Gioachino Rossini: Maometto II
- Gioachino Rossini: Le siège de Corinthe (as Mahomet II)
Aleksandr Danilovich Menshikov, Russian statesman
Bartolomeo Merelli, Italian impresario and librettist
Valeria Messalina, Roman Empress
Caecilia Metella Dalmatica, fourth wife of Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Cornelia Metella, Pompey's second wife
- George Frideric Handel: Giulio Cesare (in Egitto) (as Cornelia)
Klemens Wenzel, Prince von Metternich
John Milton, English poet
Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 1st Earl of Minto, Scottish diplomat, Governor-General of India
- Francesco Cavalli: Pompeo Magno
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Mitridate, re di Ponto
- Alessandro Scarlatti: Mitridate Eupatore
- Domènec Terradellas: Mitridate
Marina Mniszech, Polish noble and Russian political adventurer
Moctezuma II, Aztec ruler
- Lorenzo Ferrero: La Conquista
- Carl Heinrich Graun: Montezuma
- Henry Kimball Hadley: Azora, the Daughter of Montezuma
- Josef Mysliveček: Motezuma
- Wolfgang Rihm: Die Eroberung von Mexico
- Antonio Sacchini: Montezuma
- Roger Sessions: Montezuma
- Antonio Vivaldi: Motezuma
- Niccolò Antonio Zingarelli: Montesuma
King Mojmír II of Great Moravia
Marilyn Monroe, American actress
- Lorenzo Ferrero: Marilyn
- Igor Wakhévitch: Être Dieu: opéra-poème, audiovisuel et cathare en six parties (a creation of Salvador Dalí; Monroe is doing a striptease with Catherine the Great of Russia)
Guy de Montfort, Count of Nola, Anglo-Italian condottiero
Thomas Moore, Irish poet, songwriter
Mordred, legendary Arthurian character
Thomas Morton, American colonist of New England
Moses, biblical character
Charles Blount, 8th Baron Mountjoy, Elizabethan figure
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Austrian composer
- P. D. Q. Bach (Peter Schickele): A Little Nightmare Music
- Reynaldo Hahn: Mozart (musical comedy)
- Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Mozart and Salieri
Gaius Mucius Scaevola, Roman figure
Muhammad XII of Granada, aka Boabdil, last Nasrid ruler of Granada
- Giuseppe Apolloni: L'ebreo
- Emilio Arrieta: La conquista di Granata
- Moritz Moszkowski: Boabdil der letzte Maurenkönig
- Baltasar Saldoni: Boabdil, ultimo rey de Granada
Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada
Mila Mulroney, Canadian First Lady
Ottoman Sultan Murad II
- Antonio Vivaldi: Scanderbeg (as Amurat II)
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Spanish Baroque painter
- Josep Soler i Sardà: Murillo
John Murray II, British publisher
Eadweard Muybridge, English pioneer photographer
Emperor Napoleon I of France (Napoleon Bonaparte)
- Ivan Caryll: The Duchess of Dantzic
- Eugen d'Albert: Der Stier von Olivera
- Umberto Giordano: Madame Sans-Gêne
- Emmerich Kálmán: Kaiserin Josephine
- Sergei Prokofiev: War and Peace
Emperor Napoleon II of France
- Arthur Honegger and Jacques Ibert: L'Aiglon
- Petar Stojanović: Napoleon II: Herzog von Reichstadt
- Ivan Caryll: The Duchess of Dantzic (as Comte de Narbonne)
Carrie Nation, American temperance advocate and vandal
- Douglas Moore: Carry Nation
Nebuchadnezzar II, ruler of Babylon
Nefertiti, wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten of Egypt
Adam Albert von Neipperg, Austrian general
Frances Nelson, Lady Nelson, wife of Lord Nelson
Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson, British admiral, naval hero
Emperor Nero of Rome
- Arrigo Boito: Nerone
- George Frideric Handel: Agrippina
- Reinhard Keiser: Octavia
- Juan Manén: Acté and Neró i Acté
- Pietro Mascagni: Nerone (as Claudio Cesare Nerone)
- Claudio Monteverdi: L'incoronazione di Poppea
- Anton Rubinstein: Néron
- Deborah Drattell: Nicholas and Alexandra
Nitocris, Queen of Egypt, maybe legendary
- Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini: Nitocri
Pat Nixon, American First Lady
Richard Nixon, American President
Rikard Nordraak, Norwegian composer
- Edvard Grieg, arr. Robert Wright and George Forrest: Song of Norway
Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk, English politician, uncle to two of Henry VIII’s wives
Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk, English nobleman
Rosaleen Norton, so-called "Witch of Kings Cross", Sydney occultist
- Drew Crawford: Eugene & Roie
Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham, English admiral and statesman
J. F. Oberlin, Alsatian pastor, philanthropist
Empress Claudia Octavia of Rome, consort of Nero
Octavia the Younger, fourth wife of Mark Antony
King Olaf I Tryggvason of Norway
- Ragnar Søderlind: Olav Tryggvason
King Olaf II of Norway (St. Olaf)
Frank Olson, American biochemist
- Evan Hause: Man: Biology of a Fall
Aristotle Onassis, Greek shipping magnate
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, American First Lady, wife of John F. Kennedy, then of Aristotle Onassis
J. Robert Oppenheimer, American physicist
Sallustia Orbiana, wife of Emperor Alexander Severus of Rome
Pylyp Orlyk, associate of Ivan Mazepa
Pier Francesco Orsini, Italian condottiero
Emperor Marcus Salvius Otho of Rome
María de Padilla, mistress and secret wife of Peter of Castile
Niccolò Paganini, Italian violinist and composer
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Italian composer
- Hans Pfitzner: Palestrina
- Johann Sachs: Palestrina
Sarah Palin, American politician, Governor of Alaska, vice-presidential candidate
- Curtis K. Hughes: Say It Ain't So, Joe
Papantzin, Aztec princess, sister of Moctezuma II
Johan Papegoja, Governor of New Sweden
Ely S. Parker, American Seneca native, Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Boris Pasternak, Russian novelist
- Nigel Osborne: The Electrification of the Soviet Union (narrator)
Francisco Pelsaert, Dutch merchant, naval commander
Samuel Pepys, English diarist
- Albert Coates: Samuel Pepys
Henry Percy, 6th Earl of Northumberland
Alonso Pérez de Guzmán, Castilian nobleman, known as Guzmán el Bueno
- Tomás Bretón: Guzmán el Bueno
- Baltasar Saldoni: Guzmán el Bueno
Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Italian composer
- Emilio Arrieta: Pergolesi
- Paolo Serrao: Pergolesi
Pericles, Athenian statesman
Saint Peter, Christian apostle
King Peter III of Aragon, "Peter the Great"
- Hector Berlioz: Béatrice et Bénédict (Don Pedro)
- Felip Pedrell: Els Pirineus
- Charles Villiers Stanford: Much ado about nothing
King Peter of Castile, "Peter the Cruel"
- Gaetano Donizetti: Maria Padilla (as Don Pedro, Prince of Castile)
- Hilarión Eslava: Pietro il Crudele
Tsar Peter I "The Great" of Russia
- Gaetano Donizetti: Il falegname di Livonia, o Pietro il grande, czar delle Russie
- Gaetano Donizetti: Il borgomastro di Saardam
- André Grétry: Pierre le Grand
- Louis-Antoine Jullien: Pietro il grande (1852)
- Albert Lortzing: Zar und Zimmermann
- Giacomo Meyerbeer: L'étoile du nord
Peter the Hermit, priest and leader of the First Crusade
Gaius Petronius Arbiter, Roman courtier, writer
Michele Pezza, Neapolitan guerilla leader, known as "Fra Diavolo"
- Francesco Cavalli: Pompeo Magno (as Farnace)
- Francesco Corselli: Farnace
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Mitridate, re di Ponto
- Josef Mysliveček: Farnace
- Alessandro Scarlatti: Mitridate Eupatore
- Leonardo Vinci: Farnace
- Antonio Vivaldi: Farnace
Phidias, Greek sculptor
King Philip II of Spain
- Isaac Nathan: Don John of Austria (disguised as Count de Santa Fiore)
- Giuseppe Verdi: Don Carlos
King Philip V of Spain
Gaspare Pisciotta, Sicilian peasant
Gaius Calpurnius Piso, Roman senator
Edgar Allan Poe, American writer
- Dominic Argento, The Voyage of Edgar Allan Poe
- Damon Ferrante: Jefferson & Poe: A Lyric Opera
Poliziano (Angelo Ambrogini), Italian renaissance poet, scholar
Marco Polo, Italian adventurer
Saint Polyeuctus
Lorenz Truchsess von Pommersfelden
Madame de Pompadour, French courtier, mistress of Louis XV
- Leo Fall: Madame Pompadour
- Edwin Penhorwood: Too Many Sopranos (spoofed as "Madame Popmpous")
Pompey the Great, Roman military and political leader
Empress Poppaea Augusta Sabina, consort of Roman Emperors Nero and Otho
Lars Porsena, King of Etruria
- Filippo Amadei, Giovanni Bononcini and George Frideric Handel: Muzio Scevola
Porus, King of Paurava
Sister Helen Prejean, American nun, death penalty abolitionist
Přemysl, the Ploughman, first ruler of Bohemia
- Tomaso Albinoni: Primislao, primo re di Boemia
John of Procida, Italian medieval physician and diplomat
John Proctor, a tavern keeper in 17th century Massachusetts who was hanged for witchcraft during the Salem witch trials
Chevalier de Prokesch-Osten
Marcel Proust, French novelist
Pharaoh Ptolemy IX Lathyros of Egypt
Pharaoh Ptolemy XI Alexander II of Egypt
Publius Valerius Publicola, Roman consul
Yemelyan Pugachev, Russian pretender to the throne
Qin Shi Huang, first Emperor of unified China
Vasco de Quiroga, member of the second Audiencia in Mexico and first bishop of Michoacán
Nikolay Raevsky, Russian general
Elizabeth Raleigh, wife of Sir Walter Raleigh
- Edward German: Merrie England (as Bessie Throckmorton)
Sir Walter Raleigh, English explorer and courtier
Raphael, Italian painter
- Anton Arensky: Raphael
Grigori Rasputin, Russian mystic, confidant of Tsarina Alexandra
- Einojuhani Rautavaara: Rasputin
Rastislav of Moravia, second ruler of Moravia
- Giorgio Battistelli, Richard III (2004)[1]
John Aaron Rawlins, American general, Secretary of War
Stenka Razin, cossack leader
- Nikolay Afanasyev: Stenka Razin
Nancy Reagan, US First Lady
Ronald Reagan, President of the United States
Wilhelm Reich, Austrian-American psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
Count Adolf Ludvig Ribbing, co-conspirator with Anckarström in the assassination of King Gustav III of Sweden
Penelope Rich, Lady Rich, English noblewoman
King Richard I "Coeur de Lion" of England
- André Grétry: Richard Coeur-de-lion
- George Frideric Handel: Riccardo Primo
- Heinrich Marschner: Der Templer und die Jüdin (as the Black Knight)
- Sir Arthur Sullivan: Ivanhoe
- Giorgio Battistelli, Richard III (2004)[1]
- Flavio Testi: Riccardo III
Prince Richard (Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York)
- Giorgio Battistelli, Richard III (2004)[1]
Rafael del Riego, Spanish general
- José Melchor Gomis: Le diable à Seville
Louis Riel, executed Canadian rebel
Cola di Rienzo, Roman tribune
Rainer Maria Rilke, Austrian poet
Arthur Rimbaud, French poet
- Lorenzo Ferrero: Rimbaud, ou le fils du soleil
Diego Rivera, Mexican painter
King Robert I of Scotland, "Robert the Bruce"
- Gioachino Rossini: Robert Bruce (pastiche)
Maximilien Robespierre, French revolutionary figure
- John Eaton: Danton and Robespierre
- Gottfried von Einem: Dantons Tod
- Henry Litolff: Robespierre
Robin Hood (legendary)
- W. H. Birch: The Merrie Men of Sherwood Forest
- Heinrich Marschner: Der Templer und die Jüdin (as Lokslei)
- Sir Arthur Sullivan: Ivanhoe (as Locksley)
- Michael Tippett: Robin Hood
John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, English writer, libertine
Roderic, Visigothic King of Hispania
King Roger II of Sicily
Rogneda of Polotsk, consort of Vladimir I of Kiev
Salvator Rosa, Italian painter and poet
- Bernhard Paumgartner, Rossini in Naples
Roxana, wife of Alexander the Great
Rudolf II, Count Palatine of the Rhine
Paavo Ruotsalainen, Finnish farmer and lay preacher
Lillian Russell, American actress and singer
Rustichello da Pisa, Italian writer
Hans Sachs, German meistersinger
- Albert Lortzing: Hans Sachs
- Richard Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
Oliver Sacks, British neurologist, writer
- Michael Nyman: The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (as Dr. S.)
Louis Antoine de Saint-Just, French revolutionary figure
Ōtomo no Sakanoe no Iratsume, Japanese poet
Antonio Salieri, Italian-Austrian composer
- P. D. Q. Bach (Peter Schickele): A Little Nightmare Music
- Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Mozart and Salieri
Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, Elizabethan minister
Sappho, ancient Greek poet
Sardanapalus, king of Assyria
- Giulio Alary: Sardanapale
- Franz Liszt: Sardanapale
William Sargant, British psychiatrist
- Evan Hause: Man: Biology of a Fall
David Sarnoff, American television pioneer
- Evan Hause: The Birth and Theft of Television
Girolamo Savonarola, Florentine heretic and book-burner
- Sir Charles Villiers Stanford: Savonarola (1884)
Diane Sawyer, American television journalist
- Curtis K. Hughes: Say It Ain't So, Joe
Sylvester von Schaumberg
Hans and Sophie Scholl, sibling co-founders of non-violent resistance movement The White Rose
Kurt Schwitters, German painter
Scipio Aemilianus, aka Scipio Africanus the Younger, Roman general, nephew and adopted son of Scipio Africanus the Elder
Scipio Africanus, aka Scipio Africanus the Elder, Roman general
- Joachim Albertini: Scipione Africano
- Francesco Cavalli: Scipione affricano
- George Frideric Handel: Scipione
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Il sogno di Scipione, K. 126
- Antonio Sacchini: Scipione in Cartagena
Seleucus I Nicator, King of Syria, founder of the Seleucid Empire
Seneca the Younger, Roman philosopher, dramatist
- Gavin Bryars, Philip Glass and others: The Civil Wars: A Tree Is Best Measured When It Is Down
- Reinhard Keiser: Octavia
- Claudio Monteverdi: L'incoronazione di Poppea
Sesostris, legendary king of Egypt
- Andrea Adolfati: Sesostri, re d'Egitto
- Domènec Terradellas: Sesostri, re d'Egitto
Sextus Pompey, Roman general, son of Pompey the Great
William Shakespeare, English playwright
- Tan Dun: Marco Polo
- Ambroise Thomas: Le songe d'une nuit d'été
Fyodor Shaklovity, Russian diplomat
Andrey Shchelkalov, Russian administrator, official
Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet
John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury, English soldier
- Giuseppe Verdi: Giovanna d'Arco (as Talbot)
George Talbot, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury, English statesman
- Gaetano Donizetti: Maria Stuarda (as Giorgio Talbot)
George Kastrioti Skanderbeg, Albanian national hero
- François Francoeur: Scanderbeg
- Antonio Vivaldi: Scanderbeg
Bengt Skytte, Swedish official
Mark Smeaton, English courtier
Anna Nicole Smith, American actress and model
Socrates, Greek philosopher
- Georg Philipp Telemann: Der geduldige Sokrates
Solon, Greek philosopher
Sophonisba, Carthaginian noblewoman, daughter of Hasdrubal Gisco
- Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini: La Sofonisba
- Francesco Cavalli: Scipione affricano
Agnès Sorel, mistress of King Charles VII of France
Sidney Souers, American admiral and intelligence expert
- Evan Hause: Nightingale: The Last Days of James Forrestal
Edmund Spenser, English poet
Arthur Stace, Australian citizen who over 35 years chalked the word "Eternity" over 500,000 times on the footpaths of Sydney
- Jonathan Mills: The Eternity Man
Stanisław I Leszczyński, King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
- Giuseppe Verdi: Un giorno di regno (being impersonated by the fictional character the Cavaliere di Belfiore)
Stateira, consort of Darius III of Persia
Gertrude Stein, American writer
King Stephen I of Hungary (St. Stephen)
Thaddeus Stevens, American politician
Stigand, Archbishop of Canterbury
Alessandro Stradella, Italian composer
- Friedrich von Flotow: Alessandro Stradella
- Louis Niedermeyer: Stradella
- at least 2 other operas
Stratonice, wife of Seleucus I Nicator, King of Syria
Johann Strauss I, Viennese waltz composer (father)
Johann Strauss II, Viennese waltz composer (son)
- Johann Strauss I and Johann Strauss II, arr. Erich Wolfgang Korngold and Julius Bittner: Valses de Vienne
Giuseppina Strepponi, operatic soprano
Nikola Šubić Zrinski, Croatian general
- Ivan Zajc: Nikola Šubić Zrinjski
Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent
- Ernst Krenek: Karl V (as Sultan Soliman)
Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Roman general and dictator
Louis Sullivan, American architect
Sun Yat-sen, Chinese revolutionary leader
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, English aristocrat, poet
Ivan Susanin, Russian folk hero and martyr
King Svatopluk I of Great Moravia
King Svatopluk II of Great Moravia
Syphax, king of the Libyan tribe of Masaesyli
- Francesco Cavalli: Scipione affricano (as Siface)
Erzsébet Szilágyi, Hungarian noblewoman, wife of János Hunyadi
Augusta Tabor, American philanthropist and first wife of Horace Tabor
Horace Tabor, American businessman, politician
Alexandre-Antonin Taché, Canadian Catholic prelate
Rabindranath Tagore, Indian writer
Eugene Talmadge, Governor of Georgia
- Michael Braz: A Scholar Under Siege
Tamerlane: see Timur
Tancred, Prince of Galilee, Norman Crusade leader
Tannhäuser, Medieval German poet
Lucius Tarquinius, one of 3 kings of Rome
- Filippo Amadei, Giovanni Bononcini and George Frideric Handel: Muzio Scevola
Sextus Tarquinius, son of Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, King of Rome
Torquato Tasso, Italian poet
John Taverner, 16th century English composer
Dame Elizabeth Taylor, British-US actress
William Tell, Swiss national hero (disputed historical authenticity)
- Ramon Carnicer: Guglielmo Tell
- André Grétry: Guillaume Tell
- Gioachino Rossini: Guillaume Tell
Edward Teller, Hungarian-American physicist
Beatrice di Tenda, Italian noblewoman
Saint Teresa of Ávila, Spanish mystic and theologian
Nikola Tesla, Croatian scientist
Themistocles, Athenian general and politician
- Johann Christian Bach: Temistocle
- Josep Duran: Temistocle
James Thomson, Scottish poet
Virgil Thomson, American composer and critic
François Auguste de Thou, French magistrate
Tigranes the Great, Emperor of Armenia
- Tomaso Albinoni: Tigrane, re d'Armenia
Timur, aka Tamerlane, founder of the Timurid dynasty
- Iain Hamilton: Tamberlaine
- George Frideric Handel: Tamerlano
- Antonio Sacchini: Tamerlano
- Antonio Vivaldi: Bajazet
Emperor Titus of Rome
- Antonio Caldara: La clemenza di Tito
- Christoph Willibald Gluck: La clemenza di Tito
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: La clemenza di Tito
- Josef Mysliveček: La clemenza di Tito
- and settings of La clemenza di Tito by about 40 other composers
Tiye, mother of Pharaoh Akhenaten of Egypt
Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist
Tomyris, Queen of the Massagetae
- Alessandro Scarlatti: Tigrane (as Tomiri)
Titus Manlius Torquatus, Roman dictator
François Leclerc du Tremblay, "Père Joseph", the original eminence grise
Olegas Truchanas, Lithuanian-Australian wilderness photographer
Pierre Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
Harry S. Truman, American President
- Evan Hause: Nightingale: The Last Days of James Forrestal
Marina Tsvetaeva, Russian poet
John Turner , Prime Minister of Canada
Wat Tyler, English leader of peasant revolution
- Alan Bush: Wat Tyler
- Philip Glass: Galileo Galilei (appears as both Cardinal Maffeo Barberini and Pope Urban VIII)
Valdemar IV of Denmark, King of Denmark from 1340 to 1375
- Andreas Hallén: Valdemarskatten
Valentinian III, Western Roman Emperor
Martin van Buren, American President
- Anthony Davis, Amistad
Theo van Gogh, Dutch art dealer, brother of Vincent van Gogh
- Einojuhani Rautavaara: Vincent
- James Wilson: Letters to Theo
Vincent van Gogh, Dutch painter
- Einojuhani Rautavaara: Vincent
- James Wilson: Letters to Theo
- Christopher Yavelow: The Passion of Vincent van Gogh
Publius Quinctilius Varus, Roman general
Tsar Vasily IV (Shuisky) of Russia
Giuseppe Verdi, Italian composer
Johannes Vermeer, Dutch painter
Lucius Verus: see Vologases IV of Parthia
Micaela Villegas, "La Perricholi", Peruvian actress and singer
- Jacques Offenbach: La Périchole (she is not identified by name, and the remaining characters are all fictional)
François Villon, French poet and vagabond
- George Antheil and Ezra Pound: Le Testament
- Rudolf Friml: The Vagabond King
Francesc de Vinatea, Valencian nobleman, opposed to Alfonso IV of Aragon
- Matilde Salvador i Segarra: Vinatea
Gaius Iulius Vindex, Roman general
- Anton Rubinstein: Neron
Filippo Maria Visconti, ruler of Milan, husband of Beatrice di Tenda
Vladimir I, Grand Prince of Kiev
Vladimir III Igorevich, Prince of Putivl and Halych
Vladimir Yaroslavich, Prince Galitsky, son of Yaroslav Osmomysl, Prince of Halych
Vologases IV of Parthia, king
- Girolamo Abos: Lucio Vero, ossia, Il Vologeso
Voltaire, French writer
Jacob Wallenberg, Swedish banker
Raoul Wallenberg, Swedish diplomat who rescued many Jews
Konrad von Wallenrode, Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights
- Amilcare Ponchielli: I Lituani (the character Walter is impersonating Wallenrode, referred to in the opera as "Corrado Wallenrod")
Albrecht von Wallenstein, Bohemian military commander
- August Ritter von Adelburg: Wallenstein
- Paul Hindemith: Die Harmonie der Welt
Walther von der Vogelweide, Medieval German poet
Princess Wanda, legendary Polish queen
- Antonín Dvořák: Vanda
- Max Vogrich: Vanda
Andy Warhol, American artist
Daniel Webster, American statesman
- Douglas Moore: The Devil and Daniel Webster
- Virgil Thomson: The Mother of Us All
George Hunter White, American CIA operative
- Evan Hause: Man: Biology of a Fall
- Theodore Morrison: Oscar
Oscar Wilde, Irish writer
- Theodore Morrison: Oscar
Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands
William the Conqueror (King William I of England)
- Frederic Hymen Cowen: Harold or the Norman Conquest (as William, Duke of Normandy)
William the Silent (William I, Prince of Orange)
Sir Alfred Wills, English judge
- Theodore Morrison: Oscar
Robert R. Wilson, American physicist
Władysław I the Elbow-high (aka Ladislaus I), King of Poland 1320-33
- Józef Elsner: Król Łokietek
Wolfram von Eschenbach, Medieval German poet
Thomas Wolsey, English cardinal
- Sir Peter Maxwell Davies: Taverner (not identified as such)
Catherine "Kitty" (Tobin) Wright (1871–1959), American socialite, social worker, first wife of Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright, American architect
Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, aka "Joe the Plumber", American plumber, television celebrity
- Curtis K. Hughes: Say It Ain't So, Joe
Malcolm X, African-American human rights activist
- Anthony Davis: X – The Life and Times of Malcolm X
King Xerxes I "The Great" of Persia
- Johann Christian Bach: Temistocle
- Giovanni Bononcini: Xerse
- Francesco Cavalli: Xerse
- George Frideric Handel: Serse
- Hugo Weisgall: Esther
Xiphares, son of Mithridates VI of Pontus
Yaghi-Siyan, Governor of Antioch
- Giuseppe Verdi: I Lombardi alla prima crociata (as Acciano)
Ōtomo no Yakamochi, Japanese poet, diplomat
Yaroslav I the Wise, Grand Prince of Kiev
Aleksey Petrovich Yermolov, Russian general
Yuri II, Grand Prince of Vladimir
Emiliano Zapata, Mexican leader
- Leonardo Balada: Zapata
Zeno, Byzantine emperor
- Tomaso Albinoni: Zenone, imperator d'Oriente
Zenobia, Queen of the Palmyrene Empire
- Tomaso Albinoni: Zenobia, regina de Palmireni
- Gioachino Rossini: Aureliano in Palmira
Zhou Enlai, Chinese political leader
- John Adams: Nixon in China (as Chou En-lai)
Venerable Zosimas of Palestine
- Ottorino Respighi: Maria egiziaca (as Abbot Zosimus)
Nikola Šubić Zrinski: see Šubić Zrinski
Further reading
- Jellinek, George, History Through the Opera Glass: From the rise of Caesar to the fall of Napoleon, Pro/Am Music Resources, 1994. ISBN 0-912483-90-3
- Morgan, Christopher, Don Carlos and Company: The true stories behind eight well-loved operas, Oxford University Press, 1996. ISBN 0-19-288009-8
- Heller, Wendy, "Tacitus Incognito: Opera as History in L'incoronazione di Poppea", Journal of the American Musicological Society, Vol. 52, No. 1 (Spring, 1999), pp. 39–96