List of house types
This is a list of house types. Houses can be built in a large variety of configurations. A basic division is between free-standing or Single-family houses and various types of attached or multi-user dwellings. Both may vary greatly in scale and amount of accommodation provided. Although there appear to be many different types, many of the variations listed below are purely matters of style rather than spatial arrangement or scale. Some of the terms listed are only used in some parts of the English-speaking world.
Detached single-unit housing
- A-frame: so-called because of the appearance of the structure, namely steep roofline.
- Addison house: a type of low-cost house with metal floors and cavity walls made of concrete blocks, mostly built in the United Kingdom and in Ireland during 1920 through 1921 to provide housing for soldiers, sailors, and airmen who had returned home from the First World War.
- Airey house: a type of low-cost house that was developed in the United Kingdom during in the 1940s by Sir Edwin Airey, and then widely constructed between 1945 and 1960 to provide housing for soldiers, sailors, and airmen who had returned home from World War II. These are recognizable by their precast concrete columns and by their walls made of precast "ship-lap" concrete panels.[1]
- American Colonial: a traditional style of house that originated in the East Coast of the United States.
- Georgian Colonial
- German Colonial
- Hall and parlor house
- New England Colonial
- Spanish Colonial
- French Colonial
- American Craftsman house
- American Foursquare house
- Assam-type House: a house commonly found in the northeastern states of India.[2]
- Barraca: a traditional style of house originated in Valencia, Spain. Is a historical farm house from the 12th century BC to the 19th century AD around said city.
- Barndominium: a type of house that includes living space attached to either a workshop or a barn, typically for horses, or a large vehicle such as a recreational vehicle or a large recreational boat.
- Bay-and-gable: a type of house typically found in the older areas of Toronto.
- Bungalow: any simple, single-storey house without any basement.
- California Bungalow
- Cape Cod: a popular design that originated in the coastal area of New England, especially in eastern Massachusetts.
- Cape Dutch: popular in the Western Cape, South Africa, region.
- Castle: primarily a defensive structure/dwelling built during the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages, and also during the 18th century and the 19th century.
- Cave dwelling, Chinese: called a Yaodong and of two types, 1) built into rock on the side of a hill or 2) earth sheltered with a courtyard.
- Chalet bungalow: popular in the United Kingdom, a combination of a house and a bungalow.
- Chattel house: a small wooden house occupied by working-class people on Barbados.
- Conch house: a vernacular style in Key West and Miami, derived from the Bahamian clapboard house.
- Converted barn: an old barn converted into a house or other use.
- Cottage: usually a small country dwelling, although weavers' cottages are three-storied townhouses with the top floor reserved for the working quarters.
- Creole cottage: a type of house native to the Gulf Coast of the United States, roughly corresponding to the location of the former colonial settlements of the French in Louisiana, Southern Mississippi, and Lower Alabama.
- Cracker house: a style of wood-framework house built rather widely in the 19th century in Florida and Southern Georgia. Note that the former Atlanta Crackers pro baseball team was named because of the many "crackers" who lived in Georgia decades ago.
- Dogtrot house: two houses connected by an open breezeway.
- Dwór (manor house): the most iconic type of house in pre-communist Poland.
- Earth sheltered: houses using dirt ("earth") piled against it exterior walls for thermal mass, which reduces heat flow into or out of the house, maintaining a more steady indoor temperature.
- Eyebrow house: A style of house found in Key West, Florida in which the roof overhangs the windows reducing the view, but providing more shade.
- Farmhouse: the main residence house on a farm, or a house built with the same type of styling and located anywhere.
- Faux chateau (originating in the 1980s): a notably inflated in size and price American suburban house with non-contextual French Provençal architectural elements.
- Federal
- Frutighaus: a farmhouse type in the Frutigland region of Switzerland.
- Gablefront house (or a Gablefront cottage): a generic house type that has a gable roof that faces its street or avenue.[3] See the novel The House of Seven Gables, by the American author Nathaniel Hawthorne.
- Gambrel: including variants like Dutch Gambrel.
- Geodesic dome: a rugged domed design, using strong metal components, that was pioneered by the architect Buckminster Fuller in the United States in the mid-20th century.
- Georgian house: built with the style of Georgian architecture that became popular during the time of King George I through King George IV and King William IV of the United Kingdom.
- Geestharden house: one of the three basic house types in Schleswig-Holstein region of Germany
- Hall house: a medieval house, usually timber-framed, in which the principal room was a hall as high as the building, with the smoke from a central hearth rising through the hall.
- Hanok: a traditional Korean house.
- Hawksley BL8 bungalow: an aluminum siding-clad timber-framed house built in Great Britain mostly during the 1950s as housing for soldiers, sailors, and airmen who had returned home from World War II.[1]
- I-house: a traditional British folk house, which became popular in the Middle Atlantic and the Southern American Colonies before the beginning of the American Revolutionary War.[4]
- Igloo: an Inuit, Yup'ik, and Aleut seasonal or emergency shelter that was made of knife-sliced blocks of packed snow and/or ice in the Arctic regions of Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and Siberian Russia.
- Indian vernacular
- Izba: a traditional Russian wooden country house.
- Kit house: a type of pre-fabricated house made of pre-cut, numbered pieces of lumber.
- Konak: a type of Turkish house that was widely built during the time of the Ottoman Empire in Turkey, northern Greece, Albania, Kosovo, Romania, Bulgaria, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, northern Iraq, Macedonia etc.
- Kulla: Albanian house in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia etc.
- Laneway house: a type of Canadian house that is constructed behind a normal single-family home that opens onto a back lane.
- Link-detached: adjacent detached properties that do not have a party wall, but which are linked by their garages - and so presenting a single frontage to their street or avenue.
- Linked houses: "row-houses" or "semi-detached houses" that are linked structurally only in their foundations. Above ground, these houses appear to be detached houses. Linking up their foundations cuts the cost of constructing them.
- Log home, Log cabin: a house built by American, Canadian, and Russian frontiersmen and their families which was built of solid, unsquared wooden logs and later as a well crafted style of dwelling.
- Lustron house: a type of prefabricated house.
- Manor house: a large medieval country house, or one built later of a similar design, which used to be the primary dwelling of the nobleman and his family, and also the administrative hub of a Feudal manor, and which was also the lowest unit of land organization and use in the feudal system during the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages in Europe: in other words, before the ride of the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment both of which caused the fall of the feudal system and serfdom, except in Russia, where the serfs and vassals were not set free until the second half of the 19th century (the 1850s through the 1890s).
- Mansion: a quite large and usually luxurious detached house. See also: Manor house, and Georgian House above
- Maisonette: a flat or apartment in England, that occupies two floors of a building, and so typically has internal stairs.
- McMansion: a formulaic, inflated suburban house with references to historical styles of architecture, such as Georgian architecture and the Manor House mentioned above.
- Manufactured house: a prefabricated house that is assembled on the permanent site on which it will sit.
- Mews property: an urban stable-block that has often been converted into residential properties. The houses may have been converted into ground floor garages with a small flat above which used to house the ostler or just a garage with no living quarters.
- Microhouse: a dwelling that fulfills all the requirements of habitation (shelter, sleep, cooking, heating, toilet) in a very compact space. These are quite common in densely populated Asian countries such as Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
- Monolithic dome: a structure cast in one piece, generally made out of shotcrete inside an airform.
- Microapartment: rather common in the same countries where microhouses (above) are popular. These small single-room dwellings contain a kitchen, a bathroom, a sleeping area, etc., in one place, usually in a multistorey building.
- Minka: A general term for traditional houses in Japan.

- Mudhif: a traditional reed house made by the Madan people of Iraq.
- Octagon house: a house of symmetrical octagonal floor plan, popularized briefly during the 19th century by Orson Squire Fowler.
- Patio house
- Pit-house: a prehistoric house type used on many continents and of many styles, partially sunken into the ground.
- Plank house: a general term for houses built using planks in a variety of ways, this article as of 2012 only discusses Native American plank houses.
- Pole house: a timber house in which a set of vertical poles carry the load of all of its suspended floors and roof, allowing all of its walls to be non-load-bearing.
- Prefabricated house: a house whose main structural sections were manufactured in a factory, and then transported to their final building site to be assembled upon a concrete foundation, which had to be poured locally.
- Queenslander: a house most commonly built in the tropical areas of Australia, especially in the State of Queensland and in the Northern Territory. These are constructed on top of high concrete piers or else upon the stumps of felled trees in order to allow cooling breezes to flow beneath them, and often they have a wide veranda, or porch, that runs partially or completely the way around the house. See the Cracker House, above, which was quite similar to this one.
- Ranch: a rambling single-storey house, often containing a garage and sometimes constructed over a basement.
- Roundhouse: a house built with a circular plan. This kind was constructed in Western Europe before the Conquest by the Roman legions. After this conquest, houses were usually built in the Roman style that came from Italy.
- Saltbox: a wooden house that was widespread during Colonial Times in New England.
- Split-level house: a design of house that was commonly built during the 1950s and 1960s. It has two nearly equal sections that are located on two different levels, with a short stairway in the corridor connecting them. This kind of house is quite suitable for building on slanted or hilly land.
- "Sears Catalog Home": an owner-built "kit" houses that were sold by the Sears, Roebuck and Co. corporation via catalog orders from 1906 to 1940.
- Shack: a small, usually rundown, wooden building.
- Shotgun house: a style of house that was initially popular in New Orleans starting around 1830, and spread from there to other urban areas throughout the Southern U.S. Its peak period of popularity ran from the Civil War to the Great Depression. This house typically follows the structure of living room, bedrooms, then the bathroom, and kitchen as the last room of the house. The reason for the name is because it all sits in one straight line from front to back.[5]
- Single-family detached home: any free-standing house that is structurally separated from its neighboring houses, usually separated by open land, making it distinctive from such dwellings as duplexes, townhouses, and condominiums.
- Souterrain: an earthen dwelling typically deriving from Neolithic Age or Bronze Age times.
- Spanish Colonial Revival architecture: Based on the Spanish Colonial architecture from the Spanish colonization of the Americas, the Spanish Colonial Revival style updated these forms and detailing for a new century and culture.
- Stilt houses or Pile dwellings: houses raised on stilts over the surface of the soil or a body of water.
- Snout house: a house with the garage door being the closest part of the dwelling to the street.
- Splits
- Backsplit: multi-level house that appears as a bungalow from the front elevation.
- Frontsplit: multi-level house that appears as a two-storey house in front and a bungalow in the back. It is the opposite of a backsplit and is a rare configuration.
- Sidesplit: multi-level house where the different levels are visible from the front elevation view.
- Storeybook houses: 1920s houses inspired by Hollywood set design.
- Tipi
- Tree house: a house built among the branches or around the trunk of one or more mature trees and does not rest on the ground.
- Trullo: a traditional Apulian stone dwelling with conical roof.
- Tudor Revival architecture: modern variants of Tudor architecture.
- Tuscan
- Umgebinde also known as Upper Lusatian housea unique type of combined log and timber frame construction in Germany-Czech Republic-Poland region.
- Underground home: a dwelling dug and constructed underground.
- Unit: a type of medium-density housing that is usually found in Australia and New Zealand.
- Unity house: a type of low-cost dwelling built in the United Kingdom during the 1940s and 1950s. These contain walls made of stacked concrete panels between concrete pillars. About 19,000 of these houses were constructed in the UK.[1]
- Uthland-Frisian house: a sub type of Geestharden house of northwest Germany and Denmark
- Vernacular house: house constructed in the manner of the aboriginal population, designed close to nature, using locally available materials.

- Victorian house
- Villa: originally an upper-class country house, though since its origins in Roman times the idea and function of a villa has evolved considerably.
- Wealden hall house: a type of vernacular medieval timber-framed yeoman's hall house traditional in the south east of England.
- Wimpey house: a low-cost house built in the UK from the 1940s onwards. The walls are of no-fines concrete. About 300,000 were constructed.[1]
- Yaodong: a dugout used as an abode or shelter in northern China, especially on the Loess Plateau.
- Yurt: a nomadic house of Central Asia
Semi-detached dwellings
- Council house: in United Kingdom and Ireland. Social housing built by the local authority, normally part of a council estate, for rental to low-income families. See also Council flat.
- Duplex house: commonly refers to two separate residences, attached side-by-side, but the term is sometimes used to mean stacked apartments on two different floors (particularly in urban areas such as New York and San Francisco). (See Two decker) The duplex house often looks like either two houses put together, or as a large single home, and both legally and structurally, literally shares a wall between halves. The duplex home can appear as a single townhouse section with two different entrances, though the occasional duplex with a shared common entrance and entry hall have been constructed. The jargon terms "triplex" and "four-plex" are contrived names that refer to similar structures with three or four housing units, or floors if referring to apartments, and again the characteristic sharing of structural walls, as are the townhouse and six pack forms that adapted the savings in materials and costs of a shared load bearing wall.
- Two-family home or two-family house: the generic American real estate business jargon for a small apartment house or a duplex house that contain two dwelling units. In advertisements, "two-family home" is the generally used jargon.
- Two decker (A Double decker building plan): since real-estate advertising generally specifies correctly whether the two-family home is a duplex-house type these are usually more desirable for both rentals or purchases.
- Semi-detached: two houses joined together; compare duplex.
Attached single-unit housing
- Byre-dwelling: A farmhouse with people and livestock under one roof.
- Connected farm: A type of farmhouse complex in New England.
- Housebarn: A combined house and barn, see article for many types.
- Longhouse: A historical house type typically for family groups or as a housebarn.
Attached multi-unit housing
Specific terms under various American federal, state, or local laws dealing with fair housing, truth in advertising, and so forth, have been prescribed and engender specific legal meanings. For example, in American housing codes, all "apartments" must contain a kitchen, bathing facilities, and a sleeping area, or else that term may not be used. This generates various differences within the English-speaking world, and the terms such as "single-family", "two-family", or "three-family" building, residence, house, home, or property can be generic and thus convey little or no building plan (style of building) information. Such terminology is most common in advertising and real-estate markets that offer leasing of such units, or sales of such buildings.
- Apartment: a relatively self-contained housing unit in a building which is often rented out to one person or a family, or two or more people sharing a lease in a partnership, for their exclusive use. Sometimes called a flat or digs (slang). Some locales have legal definitions of what constitutes an apartment. In some locations, "apartment" denotes a building that was built specifically for such units, whereas "flat" denotes a unit in a building that had been originally built as a single-family house, but later on subdivided into some multi-unit house type.[6]
- Apartment building, Block of flats: a multi-unit dwelling made up of several (generally four or more) apartments. Contrast this with the two-family house and the three-family dwelling.
- Aul: a type of fortified village found throughout the Caucasus Mountains, especially in Dagestan.
- Barracks: a type of military housing, which used to connoting a large "open bay" with rows of bunk beds and attached bathroom facilities, but during the most recent several decades for the American Armed Forces most of the new housing units for unmarried servicemen have been constructed with a dormitory-style layout housing two to four servicemembers. This dormitory-styling providing additional privacy has been found to promote the retention of trained personnel in the all-volunteer Armed Forces of the United States.
- Basement apartment
- Brownstone: a New York City term for a rowhouse: see rowhouse.
- Bedsit: A British expression (short for bed-sitting room) for a single-roomed dwelling in a sub-divided larger house. The standard type contains a kitchenette or basic cooking facilities in a combined bedroom/living area, with a separate bathroom and lavatory shared between a number of rooms. Once common in older Victorian properties in British cities, they are less frequently found since the 1980s as a result of tenancy reforms, property prices and renovation grants that favour the refurbishment of such properties into self-contained flats for leasehold sale.
- Choultry: a South-Indian Hindu-Caravanserai
- Close: Term used in Glasgow for high density slum housing built 1800-1870. Tenements usually 3 or 4 stories, terraced, back-to-back, around a short cul-de-sac.[7]
- Cluster house: an older form of the Q-type house (see below)[8]
- Condominium: a form of ownership with individual apartments for everyone, and co-ownership (by percentages) of all of the common areas, such as corridors, hallways, stairways, lobbies, recreation rooms, porches, rooftops, and any outdoor areas of the grounds of the buildings.
- Court: High density slum housing built in the UK, 1800-1870. Two or more stories, terraced, back-to-back, around a short alley at right angles to the main street. Once common in cities like Liverpool[9] and Leeds.
- Deck access: a block of "flats" which are accessed from a walkway that is open to the elements.
- Face-to-face: a low cost housing in Nigeria, with a group of one or two-room apartments having their entrances facing each other, and the bathroom(s), toilet(s) and kitchen spaces usually shared.[10]
- Flat: In Great Britain and Ireland, this means exactly the same as an "apartment". In and around San Francisco, Calif., this term means an apartment that takes up an entire floor of a large house, usually one that has been converted from an older Victorian house.
- 2-Flat, 3-Flat, and 4-Flat houses: Houses or buildings with 2, 3, or 4 flats, respectively, especially when each of the flats takes up one entire floor of the house. There is a common stairway in the front and often in the back providing access to all the flats. 2-Flats and sometimes 3-flats are common in certain older neighborhoods.
- Four Plus One: an apartment building consisting of four stories above a parking lot. The four floors containing the apartment units are of wood-frame and masonry construction. It was particularly popular in Chicago during the 1960s and 1970s, especially on the city's north side.[11]
- Garage-apartment: an apartment over a garage; if the garage is attached, the apartment will have a separate entrance from the main house.
- Garalow: a portmanteau word "garage" + "bungalow"; similar to a garage-apartment, but with the apartment and garage at the same level.
- Garden apartment: a building style usually characterized by two story, semi-detached buildings, each floor being a separate apartment.
- Garden flat: a flat which is at garden (ground) level in a multilevel house or apartment building, especially in the case of Georgian and Victorian terraced housing which has been sub-divided into separate dwellings.
- Housing cooperative (or Co-op): a form of ownership in which a non-profit corporation owns the entire apartment building or development and residents own shares in the corporation that correspond to their apartment and a percentage of common areas. In Australia this corresponds with a "company title" apartment.
- Housing project: a North American term for government-owned housing for low-income tenants (aka Public housing or Social housing).
- Live Work: a townhouse / row house having a retail, office or workshop on the ground floor with living premises of the building proprietor and occupier (the one person) of the ground floor commercial space above e.g. like the traditional high street Victorian grocer. Normally with fire rated separation.
- Ksar: a village consisting of generally attached houses, widespread among the oasis populations of the Maghreb (northern Africa)
- Loft or warehouse conversion can be an apartment building wherein part of the unit, usually consisting of the bedroom(s) and/or a second bedroom level bath is sub-divided vertically within the structurally tall bay between the structural floors of a former factory or warehouse building. The lofts created in such are locally supported by columns and bearing walls and not part of the overall original load bearing structure.
- Maisonette: an apartment / flat on two levels with internal stairs, or which has its own entrance at street level.
- Mess: a building or flat with single bedroom per tenant and shared facilities like toilets and kitchens. These are popular with students, bachelors or low wage earners in the Indian subcontinent. It is similar to the bedsit in the UK. Some variants include multiple tenants per bedroom and inclusion of a centralized maid service or cooked meals with tenancy.
- Mother-in-law apartment: small apartment either at the back, in the basement, or on an upper level subdivision of the main house, usually with a separate entrance (also known as a "Granny flat" in the UK, Australia New Zealand and South Africa). If it is a separate structure from the main house, it is called a 'granny cottage' or a 'doddy house'. Such Secondary suites are often efficiency or two room apartments but always have kitchen facilities (which is usually a legal requirement of any apartment).
- Officetel: small apartment providing a combined work and living area in one place, especially in South Korea.
- Penthouse: the top floor of multi-story building
- Plattenbau (East German) / Panelák (Czech, Slovak): a communist-era tower block that is made of slabs of concrete put together.
- Q-type: townhouse built mainly in housing estates in the UK beginning in the late 20th century. The houses are arranged in blocks of four with each house at a corner of the block. Similar to the earlier cluster house (see above).
- Railroad apartment (or railroad flat): a type of apartment that is in a building built on a very narrow lot (usually about as wide as a railroad car, or Pullman car sections thereof).
- Rooming house: a type of Single Room Occupancy building where most washing, kitchen and laundry facilities are shared between residents, which may also share a common suite of living rooms and dining room, with or without board arrangements. When board is provided (no longer common), a common dining time and schedule is imposed by the landlord who in such cases also serves as an innkeeper of sorts. In Australia and the United States, any housing accommodation with 4 or more bedrooms can be regarded as a rooming house if each bedroom is subject to individual tenancy agreements. In the U.S., rooming house lease agreements typically run for very short periods, usually week to week, or a few days at a time. Transient housing arrangements for longer term tenancies are implemented by a "rider" on a case by case basis, if local laws permit.
- Rowhouse (USA); also called "Terraced home" (USA); also called "Townhouse": 3 or more houses in a row sharing a "party" wall with its adjacent neighbour. In New York City, "Brownstones" are rowhouses. Rowhouses are typically multiple stories. The term townhouse is currently coming into wider use in the UK, but terraced house (not "terraced home") is more common.
- Shophouse: the name given in Southeast Asia to a terraced two to five story urban building featuring a shop or other public activity on the street level, with residential accommodation on upper floors.
- Single Room Occupancy or SRO: a studio apartment, usually occurring with a block of many similar apartments, intended for use as public housing. They may or may not have their own washing, laundry, and kitchen facilities. In the United States, lack of kitchen facilities prevents use of the term "apartment", so such would be classified as a boarding house or hotel.
- Six-pack: In New England (USA), this refers to a stick-built block of 6 apartments comprising (duplexed) two three story Triple deckers built side by side sharing one wall, a common roof, lot, yards (lawns and gardens, if any), parking arrangements, and basement, but possessing separately metered electric, and separate hot water and heating or air conditioning. In Australia, it refers to a style of apartments that were constructed during the 1960s, 70s and early 80s, usually comprising a single, masonry-built block containing 4 to 8 walk-up apartments (though sometimes, many more), of between 2 and 3 stories in height, with car parking at the side or rear.
- Studio apartment or Studio flat (UK), or Bachelor apartment or Efficiency apartment: a suite with a single room that doubles as living/sitting room and bedroom, with a kitchenette and bath squeezed in off to one side. The unit is designed for a single occupant or possibly a couple. Especially in Canada and South Africa, also called bachelor, or bachelorette if very small.
- Tenement: a multi-unit dwelling usually of frame construction, quite often brick veneered, made up of several (generally many more than four to six) apartments (i.e. a large apartment building) that can be up to five stories. Tenements do not generally have elevators. In the United States the connotation sometimes implies a run-down or poorly cared-for building. It often refers to a very large apartment building usually constructed during the late 19th to early 20th century era sited in cities or company towns.

- Terraced house: Since the late 18th century is a style of housing where (generally) identical individual houses are conjoined into rows - a line of houses which abut directly on to each other built with shared party walls between dwellings whose uniform fronts and uniform height created an ensemble that was more stylish than a "rowhouse". However this is also the UK term for a "rowhouse" regardless of whether the houses are identical or not.
- Back-to-back: Terraced houses which also adjoin a second terrace to the rear. They were a common form of housing for workers during the Industrial Revolution in England.
- Tower block or Apartment tower: a high-rise apartment building.
- Townhouse: also called Rowhouse (US). In the UK, a townhouse is a traditional term for an upper class house in London (in contrast with country house), and is now coming into use as a term for new terraced houses, which are often three or more stories tall and may include a garage on the ground floor.
- Stacked townhouse: Units are stacked on each other; units may be multilevel; all units have direct access from the outside.
- Three family home or Three family house — U.S. real estate and advertising term for several configurations of apartment classed dwelling buildings including:
- Triple decker: a three-family apartment house, usually of frame construction, in which all three apartment units are stacked on top of one another. (For additional characteristics, also see Multifamily home features below.)
- Two decker: a two family house consisting of stacked apartments that frequently have similar or identical floor plans. Some two deckers, usually ones starting as single-family homes, have one or both floors sub-divided and are therefore three or four-family dwellings. Some have external stairways giving a totally separate entrance, and some, usually those which have been a single-family house now sub-divided, are similar to the Maisonette plan but sharing a common external 'main entrance' door and lock, and a main internal hall with stairways letting to the separate apartments. (For additional characteristics, also see Multifamily home features below.)
- Tyneside flat: a pair of single-storey flats in a two-storey terrace, distinctively with two separate front doors to the street rather than a shared lobby. Notably found on Tyneside, North Eastern England.
- Multifamily home features
- Tenants usually have some portion of the basement and/or common attic.
- Fire regulations strictly require a separate emergency egress for all apartments under U.S. laws and national fire codes.
- Utilities are either paid as part of the rent, or (now predominant) the units have separately provided heat, air conditioning, electrical distribution panels and meters, and sometimes (uncommonly) water metering, separating all secondary housing costs by rental unit. Common lighting may or may not be off a separate meter and circuitry in subdivided former single-family dwellings.
- Leasehold documents will specify other common factors such as specific parking rights, rights to common spaces such as lawn and gardens on the premises, storage or garage (usually a detached unit, that cannot economically be converted into an additional housing unit) facilities and details such as who has responsibility for upkeep, snow removal, lawn care, and so forth.
- Tong Lau(唐樓 / 騎樓): A type of shophouse found in southern China and old parts of Hong Kong. It has shops on the first floor, no basement, no garage and about 3-4 floors. It had to be short for the Tong Laus in Hong kong is very close to the old Kai Tak airport, but it is now a cruise terminal and newer and higher buildings have sprung up there. The government has also been destroying the old Tong Laus and rebuilding.
- "Toothpick Apartments": A type of apartment about 10-20 stories high and usually has one flat on each story. It is very thin, and surrounded by many other shorter buildings (Tong Lau), therefore nicknamed "Toothpick Apartments". They exist in Hong Kong, and are mostly private apartments. They have about 1-3 levels of car parks.
- Unit: a type of Medium-density housing found in Australia and New Zealand.
- Vatara: a housing complex, mainly found in urban Karnataka, India, similar to an apartment complex, but with mostly two stories and homes in a row on each floor.
Movable dwellings
- Park home, also called Mobile home: a prefabricated house that is manufactured off-site.
- Tent: usually a lightweight, moveable structure.
- Travel trailer or Caravan
- Yurt or Ger: used by nomads in the steppes of Central Asia.
- Houseboat: includes float houses
See also
- Cohousing
- Company town
- City block
- Home
- House
- Gated community
- Intentional Community
- List of house styles
- Planned Unit Development
- Real estate
- List of human habitation forms
- Spite house, which may or may not be attached to other structures
- Sustainable design
- Timeshare, form of vacation property
- 1 2 3 4
- ↑ "HOUSING REPORT : Assam-type House" (PDF). Retrieved 2016-05-20.
- ↑ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on July 4, 2008. Retrieved August 5, 2008.
- ↑ "West Central Neighborhood Association of Fort Wayne". Retrieved 2016-05-20.
- ↑ "Shotgun Houses". Retrieved 2016-05-20.
- ↑ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on October 12, 2007. Retrieved February 7, 2007.
- ↑ "The Old Closes and Streets of Glasgow". 1905-07-19. Retrieved 2016-05-16.
- ↑ "English Heritage Online". Retrieved 2016-05-20.
- ↑ "Local History Articles". Discover Liverpool. Retrieved 2016-05-16.
- ↑ Newswatch. 14. Newswatch Communications Ltd. 1991. p. 10.
- ↑ "Defining the Four Plus One | Forgotten Chicago | History, Architecture, and Infrastructure". Forgotten Chicago. 2009-01-27. Retrieved 2016-05-20.
External links
Media related to Houses by type at Wikimedia Commons
- House Images
- Architecture Types
- Bilingual Glossary of House types - English / Spanish
- A comprehensive summary of common residential architectural styles & themes