List of legendary creatures (K)
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Depiction of a "Korrigan", small elf of the Celtic forests
- Kabouter (Dutch) - Little people that live underground, in mushrooms, or as house spirits
- Kachina (Hopi and Puebloan) - Nature spirit
- Kahaku (Japanese) - Little people and water spirits
- Kajsa (Scandinavian) - Wind spirit
- Kalakeyas (Hindu) - Descendents of Kala
- Kallikantzaroi (Greek) - Grotesque, malevolent spirit
- Kamaitachi (Japanese) - Wind spirit
- Kamatayan (Philippine) - Philippine counterpart of Death
- Kami (Japanese) - Nature spirit
- Kamikiri (Japanese) - Hair-cutting spirit
- Kanbari-nyūdō (Japanese) - Bathroom spirit
- Kanbo (Japanese) - Drought spirit
- Kanedama (Japanese) - Money spirit
- Kappa (Japanese) - Little people and water spirits
- Kapre (Philippine) - Malevolent tree spirit
- Karakoncolos (Bulgarian and Turkish), also in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia known as Karanđoloz- Troublesome spirit
- Karakura (Turkish) - Male night-demon
- Karasu-tengu (Japanese) - Tengu with a bird's bill
- Karkadann (Persian) - One-horned giant animal
- Karkinos (Greek) - Giant crab
- Karura (Japanese) - Eagle-human hybrid
- Karzełek (Polish) - Little people and mine spirits
- Kasa-obake (Japanese) - Animated parasol
- Kasha (Japanese) - Cat-like demon which descends from the sky and carries away corpses
- Kashanbo (Japanese) - Kappa who climb into the mountains for the winter
- Katawa-guruma (Japanese) - Woman riding on a flaming wheel
- Katsura-otoko (Japanese) - Handsome man from the moon
- Kaukas (Lithuanian) - Nature spirit
- Kawa-uso (Japanese) - Supernatural river otter
- Kawa-zaru (Japanese) - Smelly, cowardly water spirit
- Keelut (Inuit) - Hairless dog
- Kee-wakw (Abenaki) - Anthropophagous giant
- Kekkai (Japanese) - Amorphous afterbirth spirit
- Kelpie (Irish and Scottish) - Malevolent water horse
- Ker (Greek) - Female death spirit
- Kesaran-pasaran (Japanese) - Mysterious, white, fluffy creature
- Keukegen (Japanese) - Disease spirit
- Keythong (Heraldic) - Wingless griffin
- Khalkotauroi (Greek) - Bronze-hoofed bulls
- Khyah (Nepalese) - Fat, hairy ape-like creature
- Kigatilik (Inuit) - Night-demon
- Kijimunaa (Japanese) - Tree sprite from Okinawa
- Kijo (Japanese) - She-devil
- Kikimora (Slavic) - Female house spirit
- Killmoulis (English and Scottish) - Ugly, mischievous mill spirit
- Kinnara (Hindu) - Human-bird hybrid
- Kin-u (Japanese) - Bird
- Kirin (Japanese) - Japanese Unicorn
- Kishi (Angola) - Malevolent, two-faced seducer
- Kitsune (Japanese) - Fox spirit
- Kitsune-Tsuki (Japanese) - Person possessed by a fox spirit
- Kiyohime (Japanese) - Woman who transformed into a serpent-demon out of the rage of unrequited love
- Klabautermann (German) - Ship spirit
- Knocker (folklore) (Cornish and Welsh) - Little people and mine spirits
- Knucker (English) - Water dragon
- Kobalos (Greek) - Shape-shifting thieves and tricksters
- Kobold (German) - Little people and mine or house spirits
- Kodama (Japanese) - Tree spirit
- Kofewalt (Germanic) - House spirit
- Ko-gok (Abenaki) - Hideous monster
- Kokakuchō (Japanese) - Ubume bird
- Komainu (Japanese) - Protective animal
- Konaki-Jijii (Japanese) - Infant that cries until it is picked up, then increases its weight and crushes its victim
- Kongamoto (Congo) - Flying creature
- Konoha-tengu (Japanese) - Anthropomorphic bird
- Koro-pok-guru (Ainu) - Little people
- Korrigan (Breton) - Little people and nature spirits
- Kraken (Scandinavian) - Sea monster
- Krasnoludek (Slavic) - Little people nature spirits
- Krasue (Southeast Asian) - Vampiric, floating head
- Kuarahy Jára (Guaraní) - Forest spirit
- Kubikajiri (Japanese) - Female corpse-chewing graveyard spirit
- Kuchisake-onna (Japanese) - Vengeful ghost of a woman mutilated by her husband
- Kuda-gitsune (Japanese) - Miniature fox spirit
- Kudan (Japanese) - Human-faced calf which predicts a calamity and then dies
- Kui (Chinese) - One-legged monster
- Kulshedra (Albanian) - Drought-causing dragon
- Kumakatok (Philippine) - Death spirits
- Kumiho (Korean) - Fox spirit
- Kun (Chinese) - Giant fish
- Kupua (Hawaiian) - Shapeshifting tricksters
- Kurabokko (Japanese) - Guardian spirit of a warehouse
- Kurage-no-hinotama (Japanese) - Jellyfish which floats through the air as a fireball
- Kurma (Hindu mythology) - Second avatar of Vishnu in the form of a Turtle
- Kurupi (Guaraní) - Wild man and fertility spirit
- Kushtaka (Tlingit) - Shapeshifting otter spirit
- Kwakwakalanooksiwae (Kwakiutl) - Bird
- Kye-ryong (Korean) - Chicken-lizard hybrid
- Kyourinrin (Japanese) - Animated scroll or paper
- Kyūbi-no-kitsune (Japanese) - Nine-tailed fox
- Kyūketsuki (Japanese) - Vampire
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