List of places named Fairway Rock

There are three islands and six other geographical places called Fairway Rock.

Type Name Location Longitude Latitude
Island Fairway Rock Bering Strait,  Alaska, United States
168°   45'
+ 65°   37'.5
Island Fairway Rock Sitka,  Alaska, USA
136°   19'
+ 57°   47'.4
Mountain Fairway Rock South Georgia,  United Kingdom
36°   01'
54°   50'
Rock in the sea Fairway Rock Jersey, Channel Island,  UK
+ 49°   09'.2
Mountain Fairway Rock French Southern Territories
+ 69°   49'
49°   08'
Island Fairway Rock Malaysia
+ 100°   33'
+   07'
Reef Fairway Rock Papua New Guinea
+ 150°   57'
Mountain Fairway Rock Australia
+ 151°   10'
23°   25'
Mountain Fairway Rock Solomon Islands
+ 160°   29'
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