List of short stories by Anton Chekhov
The following is an incomplete list of short stories and sketches by Anton Chekhov that are available in English. Lists of plays, novellas, and nonfiction by Chekhov can be found at: Anton Chekhov bibliography.
Chronological list
Title [alternative title(s)] | Russian publication | Original title |
A Letter to a Learned Neighbor | 9 March 1880 | Письмо к ученому соседу |
Elements Most Often Found in Novels, Short Stories, etc. | 9 March 1880 | Что чаще всего встречается в романах, повестях и т. п. |
Artists' Wives | 7 December 1880 | Жены артистов |
The Trial | October 1881 | Суд |
On the Train | October? 1881 | В вагоне |
This and That: Four Vignettes | October? 1881 | И то и сё – Поэзия и проза |
Sarah Bernhardt Comes to Town | December 1881 | И то и сё – Письма и телеграммы |
Questions Posed by a Mad Mathematician | February? 1882 | Задачи сумасшедшего математика |
Supplementary Questions for the Statistical Census, Submitted by Antosha Chekhonte | February? 1882 | Дополнительные вопросы к личным картам статистической переписи, предлагаемые Антошей Чехонте |
Confession, or Olya, Zhenya, Zoya | March? 1882 | Исповедь, или Оля, Женя, Зоя |
Village Doctors | 18 June 1882 | Сельские эскулапы |
A Living Chattel | August 1882 | Живой товар |
Late-blooming Flowers | October–November 1882 | Цветы запоздалые |
An Unsuccessful Visit | 22 November 1882 | Неудачный визит |
Life as a Series of Questions and Exclamations | December? 1882 | Жизнь в вопросах и восклицаниях |
Bibliography | 16 January 1883 | Библиография |
A Hypnotic Seance [A Seance] | 24 January 1883 | На магнетическом сеансе |
Rapture Joy | January 1883 | Радость |
A Lawyer's Romance: A Protocol | 5 February 1883 | Роман адвоката |
At the Barber's | 7 February 1883 | В цирульне |
Advice | 12 February 1883 | Совет |
The Cross | 12 February 1883 | Крест |
Questions and Answers | 12 February 1883 | Вопросы и ответы |
The Collection | 18 February 1883 | Коллекция |
An Incident at Law | 17 March 1883 | Случай из судебной практики |
An Enigmatic Nature | 19 March 1883 | Загадочная натура |
America in Rostov on the Don | 21 March 1883 | Америка в Ростове-на-Дону |
Heights | 9 April 1883 | Обер-верхи |
A Classical Student | 7 May 1883 | Случай с классиком |
The Cat | 14 May 1883 | Кот |
How I Came to Be Lawfully Wed | 11 June 1883 | О там, как я в законный брак вступил |
Mr. Gulevich, Writer, and the Drowned Man [one half of Something [Кое-что]] | June 1883 | Г-н Гулевич (автор) и утопленник |
The Potato and the Tenor [one half of Something [Кое-что]] | June 1883 | Картофель и тенор |
The Death of a Civil Servant The Death of a Government Clerk | 2 July 1883 | Смерть чиновника |
Goat or Scoundrel? | 23 July 1883 | Козел или негодяй |
The Daughter of Albion A Daughter of Albion | 13 August 1883 | Дочь Альбиона |
The Trousseau | August? 1883 | Приданое |
An Inquiry | 3 September 1883 | Справка |
The Fool, or The Retired Sea Captain | 17 September 1883 | Дура, или Капитан в отставке |
Mayonnaise | 17 September 1883 | Майонез |
In Autumn | September? 1883 | Осенью |
Fat and Thin [Lean and Fat] | 1 October 1883 | Толстый и тонкий |
The Grateful German | 1 October 1883 | Признательный немец |
A Tragic Actor [A Tragic Role] | 8 October 1883 | Трагик |
A Sign of the Times | 22 October 1883 | Знамение времени |
At Sea | 29 October 1883 | В море |
From the Diary of a Young Girl | 29 October 1883 | Из дневника одной девицы |
The Stationmaster | 5 November 1883 | Начальник станции |
A Slander [The Slanderer] | 12 November 1883 | Клевета |
The Bird Market | November? 1883 | В Москве на Трубной площади |
A New Illness and an Old Cure | 1883? | Новая болезнь и старое средство |
The Decoration | 14 January 1884 | Орден (?) |
A Woman's Revenge | 2 February 1884 | Месть женщины |
O Women, Women! | 15 February 1884 | О женщины, женщины! |
Choristers | 25 February 1884 | Певчие |
The Complaints Book | 10 March 1884 | Жалобная книга |
Two Letters | 10 March 1884 | Два письма |
Perpetuum Mobile | 17 March 1884 | Perpetuum Mobile |
Reading | 24 March 1884 | Чтение |
The Album | 5 May 1884 | Альбом |
Minds in Ferment | 16 June 1884 | Брожение умов |
Surgery [The Dental Surgeon] | 11 August 1884 | Хирургия |
The Chameleon | 8 September 1884 | Хамелеон |
After the Fair | 13 September 1884 | Ярмарочное «итого» |
What Is To Be Done? | 22 September 1884 | Надлежащие меры |
In the Graveyard | 6 October 1884 | На кладбище |
A Dissertation on Drama | 3 November 1884 | О драме |
At the Patient's Bedside [At the Sickbed] | 1 December 1884 | У постели больного |
Oysters | December 1884 | Устрицы |
The Swedish Match [The Safety Match] | 1884 | Шведская спичка |
The Marshal's Widow | 9 February 1885 | У предводительши |
At the Bathhouse | 9 March 1885 | В бане |
Small Fry | 23 March 1885 | Мелюзга |
In an Hotel [In a Hotel] | 18 May 1885 | В номерах |
Boots | 3 June 1885 | Сапоги |
Nerves | 8 June 1885 | Нервы |
A Country Cottage | 15 June 1885 | Дачники |
Trickery: An Extremely Ancient Joke | 22 June 1885 | Надул |
Malingerers | 29 June 1885 | Симулянты |
My Love | June 1885 | Моя «она» |
The Fish | 1 July 1885 | Налим |
At the Pharmacy | 6 July 1885 | В аптеке |
A Horsey Name | 7 July 1885 | Лошадиная фамилия |
Gone Astray | 15 July 1885 | Заблудшие |
The Huntsman | 18 July 1885 | Егерь |
A Prelude to a Marriage | 20 July 1885 | Необходимое предисловие |
The Malefactor A Malefactor / The Culprit] | 24 July 1885 | Злоумышленник |
A Man of Ideas | 10 August 1885 | Мыслитель |
The Head of the Family | 26 August 1885 | Отец семейства |
Advertisement | August 1885 | Реклама |
A Dead Body | 9 September 1885 | Мертвое тело |
Women's Good Fortune | 14 September 1885 | Женское счастье |
The Cook's Wedding | 16 September 1885 | Кухарка женится |
Sergeant Prishibeyev | 5 October 1885 | Унтер Пришибеев |
In a Strange Land | 12 October 1885 | На чужбине |
To Cure a Drinking Bout [A Cure for Drinking] | 26 October 1885 | Средство от запоя |
Doctor's Advice | October? 1885 | Врачебные советы |
The Writer | 11 November 1885 | Писатель |
Overdoing It [Overseasoned] | 16 November 1885 | Пересолил |
Old Age | 23 November 1885 | Старость |
Sorrow [Grief / Misery / Woe] | 25 November 1885 | Горе |
Oh! The Public! | 30 November 1885 | Ну, публика! |
Marriage in 10-15 Years' Time | November? 1885 | Брак через 10-15 лет. |
My Talk with Edison Tchekov and Edison | 7 December 1885 | Моя беседа с Эдисоном |
Murder Will Out | 14 December 1885 | Шила в мешке не утаишь (?) |
Mari d’Elle [Her Husband] | 18 December 1885 | Mari d'Elle |
The Looking Glass | 30 December 1885 | Зеркало |
Art | 6 January 1886 | Художество |
A Blunder [Foiled!] | 11 January 1886 | Неудача |
Children [Kids] | 20 January 1886 | Детвора |
Misery | 27 January 1886 | Тоска |
An Upheaval | 3 February 1886 | Переполох |
An Actor's End [Death of an Actor] | 10 February 1886 | Актерская гибель |
The Requiem | 15 February 1886 | Панихида |
Bliny | 19 February 1886 | Блины |
Anyuta | 22 February 1886 | Анюта |
On Mortality: A Carnival Tale | 22 February 1886 | О бренности |
Ivan Matveyich | 3 March 1886 | Иван Матвеич |
The Witch | 8 March 1886 | Ведьма |
A Story Without an End | 10 March 1886 | Рассказ без конца |
The Little Joke A Joke | 12 March 1886 | Шуточка |
Agafya [Agatha] | 15 March 1886 | Агафья |
A Nightmare | 29 March 1886 | Кошмар |
Grisha | 5 April 1886 | Гриша |
Love | 7 April 1886 | Любовь |
Easter Night Easter Eve / The Night Before Easter / On Easter Eve] | 13 April 1886 | Святою ночью |
Ladies | 19 April 1886 | Дамы |
Strong Impressions | 21 April 1886 | Сильные ощущения |
A Gentleman Friend | 3 May 1886 | Знакомый мужчина |
A Happy Man | 5 May 1886 | Счастливчик |
The Privy Councillor | 6 May 1886 | Тайный советник |
A Day in the Country | 19 May 1886 | День за городом |
At a Summer Villa | 25 May 1886 | На даче |
Romance with Double-Bass | 7 June 1886 | Роман с контрабасом |
Panic Fears | 16 June 1886 | Страхи |
The Chemist's Wife | 21 June 1886 | Аптекарша |
Not Wanted | 23 June 1886 | Лишние люди |
A Serious Step | 28 June 1886 | Серьёзный шаг |
The Chorus Girl | 5 July 1886 | Хористка |
A Glossary of Terms for Young Ladies | 12 July 1886 | Словотолкователь для «барышень» |
The Schoolmaster | 12 July 1886 | Учитель |
A Troublesome Visitor [A Troublesome Guest] | 14 July 1886 | Беспокойный гость |
The Husband | 9 August 1886 | Муж |
"A Misfortune" "[A Calamity]" | 16 August 1886 | Несчастье |
A Pink Stocking | 16 August 1886 | Розовый чулок |
Martyrs | 18 August 1886 | Страдальцы |
The First-class Passenger | 23 August 1886 | Пассажир 1-го класса |
Talent | 6 September 1886 | Талант |
The Dependents | 8 September 1886 | Нахлебники |
The Jeune Premier | 13 September 1886 | Первый любовник |
In the Dark | 15 September 1886 | В потемках |
A Trivial Incident | 20 September 1886 | Пустой случай |
A Tripping Tongue | 27 September 1886 | Длинный язык |
A Trifle from Life | 29 September 1886 | Житейская мелочь |
Difficult People | 7 October 1886 | Тяжелые люди |
In the Court | 11 October 1886 | В суде |
Revenge | 11 October 1886 | Месть |
A Peculiar Man | 25 October 1886 | Необыкновенный |
Mire | 29 October 1886 | Тина |
A Dreadful Night | 3 November 1886 | Недобрая ночь |
Calchas (later adapted into the play Swansong) | 10 November 1886 | Калхас |
Dreams [Daydreams] | 15 November 1886 | Мечты |
Hush! | 15 November 1886 | Тссс! |
Excellent People | 22 November 1886 | Хорошие люди |
An Incident | 24 November 1886 | Событие |
The Orator | 29 November 1886 | Оратор |
The Objet d’Art A Work of Art | 13 December 1886 | Произведение искусства |
Who Was to Blame? | 20 December 1886 | Кто виноват? |
On the Road | 25 December 1886 | На пути |
Vanka | 25 December 1886 | Ванька |
Champagne (A Wayfarer's Story) | 5 January 1887 | Шампанское (рассказ проходимца) |
Frost | 12 January 1887 | Мороз |
The Beggar | 19 January 1887 | Нищий |
Enemies | 20 January 1887 | Враги |
The Good German | 24 January 1887 | Добрый немец |
Darkness | 26 January 1887 | Темнота |
Polinka | 2 February 1887 | Полинька |
Drunk | 9 February 1887 | Пьяные |
An Inadvertence [A Rash Thing to Do] | 21 February 1887 | Неосторожность |
Verochka Verotchka | 21 February 1887 | Верочка |
Shrove Tuesday | 23 February 1887 | Накануне поста |
A Defenceless Creature | 28 February 1887 | Беззащитное существо |
A Bad Business | 2 March 1887 | Недоброе дело |
Home [At Home] | 7 March 1887 | Дома |
The Lottery Ticket | 9 March 1887 | Выигрышный билет |
Too Early! | 16 March 1887 | Рано! |
Typhus | 23 March 1887 | Тиф |
In Passion Week | 30 March 1887 | На страстной неделе |
A Mystery | 11 April 1887 | Тайна |
The Cossack | 13 April 1887 | Казак |
The Letter | 18 April 1887 | Письмо |
An Adventure | 4 May 1887 | Происшествие |
The Examining Magistrate | 11 May 1887 | Следователь |
Aborigines | 18 May 1887 | Обыватели |
Volodya | 1 June 1887 | Володя |
Happiness [Fortune] | 6 June 1887 | Счастье |
Bad Weather | 8 June 1887 | Ненастье |
A Drama A Play | 13 June 1887 | Драма |
First Aid | 22 June 1887 | Скорая помощь |
A Transgression | 4 July 1887 | Беззаконие |
Notes from the Journal of a Quick-Tempered Man From the Diary of a Violent-tempered Man | 5 July 1887 | Из записок вспыльчивого человека |
Uprooted | 14 July 1887 | Перекати-поле |
A Father | 20 July 1887 | Отец |
A Happy Ending | 25 July 1887 | Хороший конец |
In the Coach-house | 3 August 1887 | В сарае |
Zinotchka | 10 August 1887 | Зиночка |
The Doctor | 17 August 1887 | Доктор |
The Reed-Pipe The Pipe | 29 August 1887 | Свирель |
An Avenger | 12 September 1887 | Мститель |
The Post | 14 September 1887 | Почта |
The Runaway | 28 September 1887 | Беглец |
A Problem | 19 October 1887 | Задача |
Intrigues | 24 October 1887 | Интриги |
The Old House | 29 October 1887 | Старый дом |
The Cattle-Dealers | Oct-Nov/1887 | Холодная кровь |
Expensive Lessons | 9 November 1887 | Дорогие уроки |
The Lion and The Sun (Text) | 5 December 1887 | Лев и Солнце |
In Trouble [A Misfortune] | 7 December 1887 | Беда |
The Kiss | 15 December 1887 | Поцелуй |
Boys | 21 December 1887 | Мальчики |
Kashtanka | 25 December 1887 | Каштанка |
A Lady's Story [Natalia Vladimirovna] | 25 December 1887 | Рассказ госпожи NN |
A Story Without a Title | 1 January 1888 | Без заглавия |
Let Me Sleep Sleepy | 25 January 1888 | Спать хочется |
The Steppe (The Story of a Journey) (novella) | February? 1888 | Степь (История одной поездки) |
Lights | May? 1888 | Огни |
An Awkward Business | 3 June 1888 | Неприятность |
The Beauties | 21 September 1888 | Красавицы |
The Party [The Name-day Party] | October? 1888 | Именины |
The Cobbler and the Devil The Shoemaker and the Devil | 25 December 1888 | Сапожник и нечистая сила |
The Bet | 01/01/1889 | Пари |
The Princess | 26 March 1889 | Княгиня |
A Forced Declaration [No Comment] | 22 April 1889 | Вынужденное заявление |
A Dreary Story [A Boring Story / A Dull Story] | November 1889 | Скучная история |
The Teacher of Literature [The Russian Teacher] | 28 November 1889 ?1894? | Учитель словесности |
A Nervous Breakdown [The Seizure / An Attack of Nerves] | 1889 | Припадок |
Thieves The Horse Stealers / Robbers] | 1 April 1890 | Воры |
Gusev Goussiev | 25 December 1890 | Гусев |
Peasant Woman Peasant Wives | 25 June 1891 | Бабы |
The Duel (novella) | October–November/1891 | Дуэль |
The Wife My Wife | January 1892 | Жена |
The Butterfly The Grasshopper / The Fidget] | January 1892 | Попрыгунья |
After the Theatre | 7 April 1892 | После театра |
Fragment | 18 April 1892 | Отрывок |
The Story of a Commercial Venture | 2 May 1892 | История одного торгового предприятия |
In Exile | 9 May 1892 | В ссылке |
From a Retired Teacher's Notebook [From a Retired Teacher's Diary] | 23 May 1892 | Из записной книжки старого педагога |
A Fishy Affair | 13 June 1892 | Рыбья любовь |
Terror [Fear] | 25 December 1892 | Страх |
Neighbours | 1892 | Соседи |
Ward Number Six Ward No. 6 / Ward 6] (novella) | 1892 | Палата № 6 |
The Two Volodyas | 28 December 1893 | Володя большой и Володя маленький |
An Anonymous Story [The Story of a Nobody] | 1893 | Рассказ неивестного человека |
The Black Monk | January 1894 | Чёрный монах |
Rothschild's Violin Rothschild's Fiddle | 6 February 1894 | Скрипка Ротшильда |
The Student | 15 April 1894 | Студент |
At a Country House | 28 August 1894 | В усадьбе |
The Head Gardener's Story | 25 December 1894 | Рассказ старшего садовинка |
A Woman's Kingdom | 1894 | Бабье царство |
Anna on the Neck [The Order of St. Anne] | 22 October 1895 | Анна на шее |
Whitebrow [Patch] | October? 1895 | Белолoбый |
Ariadne | 1895 | Ариадна |
His Wife The Helpmate | 1895 | Супруга |
Murder The Murder | 1895 | Убийство |
Three Years (novella) | 1895 | Три года |
An Artist's Story The House with the Mezzanine | 1896 | Дом с мезонином |
My Life (novella) | October–December 1896 | Моя жизнь |
Peasants | August? 1897 | Мужики |
The Savage [The Petcheneg / The Petchenyeg | 2 November 1897 | Печенег |
At Home [Home] | 16 November 1897 | В родном углу |
In the Cart The Schoolmistress | 21 December 1897 | На подводе |
All Friends Together [A Visit to Friends / With Friends] | February 1898 | У знакомых |
Ionitch [Ionych / Doctor Startsev] | September 1898 | Ионыч |
(The Little Trilogy) A Hard Case The Man in the Case / The Encased Man / The Man in the Shell] | 1898 | Человек в футляре |
(The Little Trilogy) Gooseberries | 1898 | Крыжовник |
(The Little Trilogy) Concerning Love About Love | 1898 | О любви |
A Case History [A Medical Case / A Doctor's Visit | 1898 | Случай из практики |
The Darling | 3 January 1899 | Душечка |
The New Villa | 3 January 1899 | Новая дача |
On Official Duty [On Official Business / On Duty] | 1899 | По делам службы |
The Lady with the Dog [Lady with a Lapdog / The Lady with the Toy Dog | 1899 | Дама с собачкой |
At Christmas Time | 1 January 1900 | На святках |
In the Hollow In the Ravine / In the Gully] | January? 1900 | В овраге |
The Bishop | 1902 | Архиерей |
A Marriageable Girl [The Fiancée / Betrothed / The Bride] | November? 1903 | Невеста |
- ? "A Living Chronology" (1885) "Живая хронология"
- ? "At the Mill" (1886)
- ? "The Siren" (1887) "Сирена"
- Entirely in Russian
- The Undiscovered Chekhov: Fifty-One Newly Translated Stories, translated by Peter Constantine, foreword by Spalding Gray, UK (Duckbacks) edition, 2002: ISBN 0-7156-3155-1. NB: This collection seems to expand with each new edition
- The Unknown Chekhov: Stories and Other Writings Hitherto Unpublished, translated by Avrahm Yarmolinsky, 1954
External links
- The Works of Anton Chekhov at The University of Adelaide Library
- Short stories by Anton Chekhov at Gutenberg
- Five short stories by Chekhov adapted for the stage
- Bringing early Chekhov to an English-speaking readership
- Chekhov, Anton (2009). Sekirin, Peter, ed. A Night in the Cemetery: And Other Stories of Crime and Suspense. New York: Pegasus. p. 320. ISBN 978-1605980591.

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