Luis Alegre

Luis Alegre
Personal details
Born Louis Allegre
16th century
Flanders, Belgium
Died 16th century
Asuncion, Paraguay
Nationality Flemish
Occupation Explorer
Profession Artilleryman
Religion Catholicism

Luis Alegre (1510s-1570s) was a flemish soldier, expeditionary and conquistador of Buenos Aires and Paraguay.[1]


Luis Alegre was born in Flanders, in 1534 he arrived at the Río de la Plata with the adelantado, Pedro de Mendoza.[2] In 1538 Alegre moved to Asunción, aboard the ship "La Marañona", and attended the election of Domingo Martinez de Irala as Lieutenant Governor.[3]

In Paraguay Alegre was married to Magdalena Testanova, possible daughter of Genoese doctor Blas Testanova.[4] Alegre remarriage with Catalina, daughter of flemish Dionis de Lys. They had a son named Esteban Alegre.[5]


  1. Colección de Documentos Sobre Los Conquistadores y Pobladores Del Río de La Plata, by Jorge F. Lima González Bonorino, Hernán Carlos Lux-Wurm
  2. En los deltas de la memoria: Bélgica y Argentina en los siglos XIX y XX, by Bart de Groof
  3. Los Conquistadores del Río de la Plata, by Ricardo de Lafuente Machaín
  4. Opere complete: XI: Recensioni di libri (1950-1959), by Bruno Leoni
  5. Boletín del Instituto Argentino de Ciencias Genealógicas, Número 174, Instituto Argentino de Ciencias Genealógicas, 1992
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