Main Concession Committee

The Main Concession Committee at the Council of Peoples' Commissars of the USSR (Glavkoncesskom) Russian: Главный концессионный комитет при Совете Народных Комиссаров СССР ( ГКК; Главконцесск; Главконцеском; Главконцесском was the Soviet government authority in charge of foreign concessions in the USSR. It existed between 1923 and 1937. [1][2]

Since then the concessions were in control of the Peoples' Commissariate of Foreign Trade, until the last one was closed (1944).[2]



  1. Кунин В. "Концессионная политика в Советской России (1923—1929 гг.) Вестник Московского университета. Сер. 6. Экономика. 1993. no. 5. pp. 25, 27 (Russian)
  2. 1 2 С.С. Хромов «Иностранные концессии в СССР. Исторический очерк. Документы», two volumes. Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006 (Russian)

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