Master of the Books

Master of the Books
Author James Moloney
Country Australia
Language English
Genre Fantasy novel
Published 1 June 2007 HarperCollins
Media type Print (Paperback)
Pages 414
ISBN 978-0-207-20083-0
OCLC 174091853
Preceded by The Book of Lies
Followed by The Book from Baden Dark

Master of the Books is the second novel in a fantasy series by James Moloney. It is the sequel to The Book of Lies, which was released on 25 May 2004.


The book mostly deals with Fergus's attempts to kill Damon, who tracks Damon all over the Mortal Kingdoms. When Marcel puts a curse over Elster to prove that Fergus would never kill his father, the curse backfires on Fergus, putting him in mortal danger, and Marcel journeys to Noam to try and undo the curse. However, along the way, he discovers that Fergus isn't the only person that needs Marcel's help.

Main characters

Prince Marcel [Robert] Princess Catherine [Nicola] Prince Edwin [Fergus] King Pelham, Damon & Termagant

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